Great map, the thing that I have to comment that I really like is that you have three different choices for which third base to take. Each choice has its' own advantages and disadvantages. Also, as people have mentioned in the thread before, it allows you to play defensive but it has kind of an anti-turtle mentality, which I really like. I think this map would rather favor more aggressive and dynamic midgame.
Once concern that I have however, and pardon me because I didn't read through all the comments, is that it would be rather difficult to FFE on this map with the main ramp so far from where the nexus would be as well as with the backdoor rocks at the natural. On the other hand, perhaps this will just be a 3 gate expo map and add more variety to ZvP.
I really like the side high grounds on the map with the Xel'naga Towers. I think they work quite well and give this map it's own unique flare, and are definitely something that I haven't seen on maps.
The other unique thing about this map are the options for thirds. Honestly, I feel that ESV Guardian by Timetwister is better in terms of a tri-option third base concept, though marginally. One thing that I dislike about this map would be how there is no defined expansion layout at all. I do not mean that all of the expansions should be defined, that is not the case at all, but the only defined expansion on this map at all is the natural. You can take any base you want as your third, but after that, you would be expanding in random patterns and become more and more spread thin in defense, which, in my opinion, harms Protoss in the late game because of their immobility. Expanding randomly after the third negates the concept of expansions covering expansions and therefore makes future expansions more difficult to hold onto than on other maps with a more defined expansion layout. I think one thing that makes Guardian more successful in a sense is that not only is the map larger, but the middle is narrower. On Clearwater, you can see two side paths behind the high ground locations that lead to different expansions. On Guardian, if you want to control a lot of expansions, you can set up position in the middle of the map because of the short map width, which adds to map control and the map being dynamic in general. Setting up in the middle here is a bad idea because the outer expansions will be attacked by using the side paths. One final thing I would like to point out between these maps would be the backdoors regarding the naturals. On Guardian, the angle of attack on the natural is much less severe between the two entrances because they are closer to one another and at a much lesser angle, and therefore easier to defend. On Clearwater, the backdoor is further away from the natural and at a larger angle (though it is not much of a larger angle).
With that said, both concepts are neat, but put together break the map. The side paths and the three thirds really make holding expansions awkward for all races, but especially Protoss in my opinion. I would expect a lot of two base play from Clearwater, but seriously, I really like both concepts! I hope that you use something similar to those high grounds where the towers are and the side paths on a future map of yours!