Mar Zera
I thinking about moving natural down to the low groudn in front of the ramp, and moving the entire main platform to the location (and height) of the natural. Thoughts? The geysers around the middle are high yield vespene geysers and you can build CCs on two positions on thosehigh grounds. Also, currently the distance between nat and the possible thirds are 4 creep tumors... too much, or just nice?
Whoa, this is a thrilling map thread! I only saw it when there was discussion for the first version.
Meltage, great work, rework, and experimentation! I like the thirds now, and I don't think the creep spread distance is too far for thirds. By the time I get to a third base I have two or three queens, so its all way less of an issue after you've defended any early one-base pressure where creep is essential.
Unless your map is Jungle Basin, which it deliciously is not.
One more thing: I can't tell from the direct overhead shot: between the thirds and the center pods, are there a lot of double-high cliffs? If so, and since they since to be mostly for decoration, can you try to lower the part of a double-high cliff that would be on the far side from the camera, just to reduce area where units will be hidden?
@dimfish glad you like my work Good to hear that you think the nat to third distance is fine for a zerg. That's been my greatest concern. At first, I had two DSR-backdoors from nat to both thirds but thought that would be some many chokes into the nat.
There's cerntainly been some experimentation, such as the high yield vespenes around the centre, and the varying high grounds and ramps there. Is one HY vespene attractive enough to stear flow towards the centre?
Heres another update, and a more HQ shot of the map:
EDIT: OP updated with images and info