![[image loading]](http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/1921/braxisbanner.png)
+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/3874/terrain112.jpg) dunno, looked nice :E
![[image loading]](http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/7536/terrain142.jpg)
dimensions are 132x108 playable
Search iCCup (and or) Braxis Orbital to find the map on EU and US
A two player melee map. Textures are inspired by the bw space platform tileset with more of a "dusty" feel to it. The concept is helped by bits from a few bw maps too I guess.
Some revisions have been made to better define paths (shorter vs. longer ones) and 3/4th bases. Middle also changed a bit and towers moved to accompany the other changes and more.
Additional pics: + Show Spoiler +Changed middle:+ Show Spoiler +Changed third:+ Show Spoiler +Short path straightened a bit+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/8668/terrain143.jpg) Is very uncomfy to traverse however, that is unless your goal is setting up a good conga line. Nabbed koagels stair things for the straight ramps (from the City of the Sun map), non diagonal ramps and textures don't really mix that well
New analyzer pics: + Show Spoiler +
Previous version: + Show Spoiler +Overview:![[image loading]](http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/2792/terrain122.jpg) dimensions are 132x108 playable Search iCCup (and or) Braxis Orbital to find the map on EU and USA two player melee map. Textures are inspired by the bw space platform tileset with more of a "dusty" feel to it. The concept is helped by bits from a few bw maps too I guess. ----- Alternate pics:+ Show Spoiler +Sc2mapanalyzer:+ Show Spoiler +----- Decals are a bit "smeared" in the overviews since I can't get the export map image thing to give me anything better than this: + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/7518/circl.jpg) It leaves out the terrain unless it's illuminated by something
Feedback appreciated 
My other iccup map(s):
[M] iCCup Europa
i like
i would normally post more feedback but i like most of it maybe the gold expo and the 3rd are abit too close together?
Great map! Another good addition to the map pool.
I think the size will need testing, the rushes could be a bit long.
I can really feel BW in this texture set. If you'd like, I'll wrestle the editor into giving you an export file.
On December 31 2010 11:48 MavercK wrote: i like
i would normally post more feedback but i like most of it maybe the gold expo and the 3rd are abit too close together?
mhm, the setup is kind of like the xel naga caverns one but different (no rocks either site and well... other differences).
gold, middle openness and distances are basically the things that come to mind as possible problems, all of them besides perhaps gold should be easy to adjust if needed though. Well the gold to really, can just make the third more harassable or something, plus it's getting awfully open out there once you venture into gold territory.
On December 31 2010 12:04 iGrok wrote: I can really feel BW in this texture set. If you'd like, I'll wrestle the editor into giving you an export file.
Nah I think this will do for now, it's surprisingly adequate if you just double click it and zoom in (firefox at least). Thanks for the offer though X)
just seems like if you can hold your third. your fine to take your 4th(gold) aswell.
On December 31 2010 12:12 MavercK wrote: just seems like if you can hold your third. your fine to take your 4th(gold) aswell.
yes it may be somewhat of a concern, they kind of double as the same base (3/4th) , the gold being closer to your opponent as well as more open riskier choice.
may possibly need some adjustments i guess, need to go try out a few possible scenarios, may end up easing the defence of the normal 3rd a bit (making the close ramp wider and a bit more exclusive) and/or making the gold a tad worse.
Brain a tad too fried at the moment to think too much about it right now :S
Add some rocks for the gold and you're set imo.
Great map. Does anybody else sees this similar to Matchpoint?
Definately could be a great macro type map. And someone said above, when you take your 3rd, youll have an easy 4th gold. Which is macro oriented.
All the expos are easy to take. If you really look at it, the shortest distance is through that small choke to your natural. I feel like this would make your 3rd and Gold expos out of the way, and less likely to be attacked as often. The gold being close to the 3rd seems fine even though it's not normal; it's unique.
Lastly the 5th base seems like it's an easy spot to proxy there and never get scouted. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, but seeing as there are little chokes for cliff-walkers right by it, means you could do a safe reaper proxy. Not only is it good for proxy reapers, sending up collosi up the cliff walking path in the map analyzer pics might be really good because it can't be scouted with the watch towers.
EDIT: I just realized that there was smoke by the 5th expo. I thought it was a cliff. I guess it actually is real easy to scout a proxy there.
I like it, what happened to those iccup showmatch things that were played on the maps? Its a good excuse to play on these maps.
On December 31 2010 17:12 Whiplash wrote: I like it, what happened to those iccup showmatch things that were played on the maps? Its a good excuse to play on these maps. Starting up again in the new year~
The only thing I would change is the Xel' naga placement, currently they really only cover the middle, Place them by the north and south expansions I think would be much more useful.
On December 31 2010 13:35 Zephirdd wrote: Add some rocks for the gold and you're set imo.
Great map. Does anybody else sees this similar to Matchpoint?
Rocks might work. And yes it bears a few similarities (short path, expo layout somewhat, tileset and such)
On December 31 2010 15:40 dark88 wrote: All the expos are easy to take. If you really look at it, the shortest distance is through that small choke to your natural. I feel like this would make your 3rd and Gold expos out of the way, and less likely to be attacked as often. The gold being close to the 3rd seems fine even though it's not normal; it's unique.
Lastly the 5th base seems like it's an easy spot to proxy there and never get scouted. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, but seeing as there are little chokes for cliff-walkers right by it, means you could do a safe reaper proxy. Not only is it good for proxy reapers, sending up collosi up the cliff walking path in the map analyzer pics might be really good because it can't be scouted with the watch towers.
EDIT: I just realized that there was smoke by the 5th expo. I thought it was a cliff. I guess it actually is real easy to scout a proxy there.
Pathing is indeed shortest through the small path, it does however change a fair bit during the game as once you take your nat you might as well use the wider more comfy bridge on your side, for big army movement at least. The small path may be great for rallying stuff if you get that far but moving an army through there feels iffy, that is unless you're trying to set up a good parade, then it's close to optimal.
When the game drags on half of your enemy's stuff will not be closer by the small path nor will it be easy to manuver down it since it's a bit narrow.
It's a perhaps a matter for some concern but during the limited testing to date the small path hasn't seen much use outside it's intended one. Whether it'll turn out to be too narrow or too wide may still come to light but it really feels like moving down a 6x longer normal main ramp and that never feels good if your enemy knows you're coming.
At least that is the intent and how it mostly feels in game. The small path is the shortest path but very narrow and it becomes more of a possible nuisance later on in the game, say a point of vulnerability.
On December 31 2010 18:41 TheGiftedApe wrote: The only thing I would change is the Xel' naga placement, currently they really only cover the middle, Place them by the north and south expansions I think would be much more useful.
I've given it some thought but it was really for another, that they may be too good there in the middle (lost templeish), It's rally just a question of whether they should aid drop defence or middle control, right now they do the latter.
Germany1536 Posts
Really nice map, i like how it feels ingame. The small passage is good for early pressure but also leaves you vulnerable there later on. It really feels somewhat like a SC2 Matchpoint version (smaller like the usual SC2 maps).
2 questions: -what kind of doodad you used for the door thingy at the 3rd (cliff behinde the HY on top left) -what doodad did you use for the radio tower style building at the small passage beneath the left xwt
Really like the look of this map, will definitely try it out later. Can't really think of any good feedback just looking at it, need to play.
Come on Blizzard. Pay attention to this shit.
On December 31 2010 22:34 dezi wrote: Really nice map, i like how it feels ingame. The small passage is good for early pressure but also leaves you vulnerable there later on. It really feels somewhat like a SC2 Matchpoint version (smaller like the usual SC2 maps).
2 questions: -what kind of doodad you used for the door thingy at the 3rd (cliff behinde the HY on top left) -what doodad did you use for the radio tower style building at the small passage beneath the left xwt
door is called 'store front' (korhal store front possibly) and store front windows. the tower thing i think you're talking about is a 'korhal building' doodad (there are a bunch of them).
Germany1536 Posts
Ah, found it - just only did used the simple door - gonna try this one ^^
United States10033 Posts
I agree with everyone, turn the patch near the side bases into DR.