I tried replacing the Xel'Nagas, but ended up removing them. I think it's better that way. They were just too easy to abuse, no matter where the ramp was. Enlarged the mains for obvious reasons. No further comment needed on that matter. The golds are harder to take now because of the rocks, and I also added LOS-blockers.
Btw, are there sharks in the water? Of course. 
You should not be able to seige the middle expos from your main. I still feel like the player that spawns at the 8 should take the 9 as his 4th. When the 3 would be the logical 4th, pretty much all the expos would be way too easy to defend. With this placement he is forced to spread out a bit, taking the base that is close to the opponents gold, creating a lot of tension there. I don't know if it's good, but it feels that way.
I love this map, excellent placement of the golds to make them harder to maintain, long rush distances (always good), and yeah what everyone else is saying, it looks really nice.
Germany1536 Posts
I thought you just want to replace the tower instead of throwing them out Oo
I wanted to, but I prefer it that way. If I would have left the ramp on the defenders side, the golds were more secure than I wanted them to be, and would reduce the feeling of tension the LOS-blockers may give. With the ramps to the middle, tanks would be really powerful for the attacker, making the center a bit too easy to hold. Maybe having the ramps lead to the sides would work, but somehow I haven't thought about that before, lol.
it's very pretty, i love how it looks. one of the better looking maps i've ever seen :D
what i don't like, though, is the megaparsec rush distance and the fact that there is essentially only one path a ground army can take. i would like to see the ramps turned inwards and the attack path reworked so the distance isn't too long or short and there are more than one way to get to the opponent's base. just my opinion 
the map looks amazing though, it's beautiful.
Aesthetically it's brilliant, although I personally don't like high-yield expos on high ground, too much reward for too little risk imo.
Germany1536 Posts
Why don't you place the towers on low ground? I don't know why you want them to be elevated.
On November 12 2010 05:49 unbal3 wrote:it's very pretty, i love how it looks. one of the better looking maps i've ever seen :D what i don't like, though, is the megaparsec rush distance and the fact that there is essentially only one path a ground army can take. i would like to see the ramps turned inwards and the attack path reworked so the distance isn't too long or short and there are more than one way to get to the opponent's base. just my opinion  the map looks amazing though, it's beautiful.
I agree with this, the biggest problem of the map imo is that there is only one path you can take which makes it very easy for big mech armies against Zerg since flanking is so hard and it prevents counter attacking, so that you have to engage directly. Towers in the middle make it even worse, so I think removing them is a step in the right direction.
But like everyone said, the map is really beautiful
This map looks really great, I want to give it a whirl in game!