Close But No Cigar
By.Sun For thoroughly all-killing OZ during the STX Masters' Cup final in a month where pretty much no other games were played, Sun gets some recognition.
n.Die_soO On one hand, it seems unfair to lump soO down here instead of in the ranks. He made it to the OSL semifinal and played some amazing games against JangBi, and has improved his overall ability throughout the year, but he's still an SKT zerg.
I still shiver when I think of the fact that the Jin Air OSL final could have been between Fantasy and soO...
JangBi Since I don't really have any actual shoutouts for this Power Rank [if you have any potential ones, please post them!], I'll just write one out to JangBi. I don't think there has been any time in Power Rank [besides when FakeSteve randomly put Sea at #1] that a progamer has just waltzed from off the list into the top slot. Okay, so let's just say that there was no meritable case where the "Prev[ious]" heading for Power Rank has had a "-" for change.
Well, that's it for this Power Rank. For those dedicated readers, Power Rank still exists, and will persist until professional Brood War is declared dead by a highly acclaimed team of professionals. And for those of you who thought that Power Rank had been completely removed [and just randomly found this]... have fun reading.
Since there will be most likely be no games until the start of the next season, I will hopefully see you guys at the end of October.
I would have put Flash and Fantasy above Jangbi... I'd hope you'd take a few days before doing it and that you had realized how not-that-good Jangbi's (and Fanta's) play was (even though it gave epic games, for instance game 4 was a strong case of bad decision making, and yeah high pressure situation blablabla but still...). I was in fact more impressed with the beating Fantasy gave to Hydra, even if it not that well-played either, because he proved better in his worst match-up, and not against lolsoO (another case of epic games not that well played...). What Flash did in the finals was as impressive imho, and I wonder what you would have done if PL finals was yesterday and OSL finals one week ago... I would also have put Bisu higher, and Sun instead of HoeJJa (and I'm a SKT antifan). Also why is Killer's photo Zero's ? Happy to read it of course :D
What a hidden gem.lol. It's nice to see that Flash isn't in first place anymore
I can't agree with this PR completely, for example Zero#5 Bisu and Stats #6,7 and I would give Sun at least the #10, because Zero did not play many matches this month either he played 2 in STX cups and lost one of them. Bisu and Stats played one game in SPL finals and won them and if the STX cup is really important for your writing, why sun who won the STX cup for SKT in a pretty convincing manner is not even in the top10? But besides of the fact I would rotate Zero,Bisu and Stats a bit and Sun is not in the top10, the write up is ok.
(Change the picture for Zero)
Jangbi's comeback in game 1 was amazing but I'd still rank it well behind Flash vs Firebathero on Medusa in terms of epic comebacks. Nice rank.
Great rank! With the TL BW userscripts, Power Rank will never die!
On September 18 2011 19:14 writer22816 wrote: Great rank! With the TL BW userscripts, Power Rank will never die!
I only found it because of the script.
51342 Posts
is it just me or killer's picture is of zero
Love the top 6, not entirely convinced by Stats over Jaedong but fair enough.
Agreed that soo misses the top 10, he floundered when it mattered most.
On September 18 2011 19:59 GTR wrote: is it just me or killer's picture is of zero The wrong TLPD number seems to have been linked.
This ranking was a surprise to me, I didn't know it was even out until I decided to check on the old one. I thought TL was going to feature it in the News section?
haha, can't believe that I had to click THREE times to find power rank... Team Liquid really is letting BW go. Flamewheel, you've been a TL pillar of SC since the first days I started watching, some four years ago. This was an awesome power rank, and I just wanted to thank you for spending ur time to continue...
As for Jangbi, as much as I hated his last win, raging hard over how rediculous pathfinder is for carriers, he truly deserved his win. From his very early comeback signs by storming 100% of zeros drones, I've always had hope that he would recover. GG
I think JangBi makes a good #1. We've just witnessed one of the most amazing stories in BW history, at a time when the game desperately needs a good story... something to get the fans excited, watching, and feeling hopeful. JangBi delivered this, perfectly.
Glad to see Killer here, really felt he had a chance at the OSL. Definitely wouldn't have been the favorite vs JangBi or Fantasy, but I felt he could have had a chance. I just hope someone steps up and sponsors Oz, and keeps the lineup together. Jaedong, Killer, HiyA and the kinda almost maybe better than last year Protoss line would have a much better season than the last two.
So if a power rank falls into the TL abyss where no one can read it, does it still exist?
I'm a little iffy about putting Jangbi at #1, considering how he basically jumped from CBNC to #1 based on an OSL run along where the only player he demolished is SoO, and the other games are really close.
Otherwise, not too much activity. Off season sucks.
JangBi! You are now the king of Broodwar for a month, enjoy it! And win all your SPL games and do it again next OSL!
Sun also won in the SPL Grand Finals, don't forget that. But since SKT1 lost, I guess he sits out. Basically, if Best beat Flash in the ace match then Sun would have #10 and Hoejja would be CBNC. Gotta give props to the winning team.
As for ZerO-Bisu-Stats... it's hard to judge. I am glad that you put Hydra above ZerO. Hydra earned a Ro4 appearance while those 3 all lost in the prelims. But as for the order... I'm not sure that's the wisest choice considering the non-ZerOs each won on the grandest stage of professional Broodwar, Stats with a much, much needed victory for KTF. While it's not ZerO's fault that Woongjin exited the playoffs before the finals, sometimes you gotta give props to the winners. ZerO didn't make any wakes this month, and a #7 would be a severe drop but considering the accomplishments of the 6 above him (while simultaneously considering that ZerO sat on his hands), it would be quite justified. I'd rather have #5 Stats, #6 Bisu, #7 ZerO, but we can't all get what we want.
Very nice PR overall.
Flamewheel, I hope you are fighting for the cause! Messaging admins and moderators to get this in news and get the comments thread moved from Polls & Liquibet to Broodwar General. We will fight for you too.
Nice PR, it's good to have it now, I was expecting it only on October. I was going to pester you about Jangbi above Flash, because I think Flash is overall the better player, but I completely agree with your reasoning for Jangbi on #1: his win had style, and that was really important for Broodar. It's about time a protoss won a final again.
Zero didn't sit on his hands because he chose to or because of bad play. Stats and Bisu were playing when Zero was because Woongjin failed, not because Zero failed. Bisu got off the hook with an easy opponent (so talking up his win is more than a little silly) and while Stats did deliver big, I strongly disagree with weighting 3 meaningful wins since SWL over what Zero has done. If you're looking that short term then there's no consideration being given to the big picture AT ALL. A Bisu over Zero choice could be argued on the grounds that Bisu has been mopping up (against scrubs, mind you) for month after month. In the case of Stats, he's really just been a faithful sidekick, not qualifying to individual league since 2010, having a weak performance for months leading up to the playoffs (10-15 in his last 25 games before the playoffs), and wasn't really stronger than Zero in the playoffs. Also, he's not even qualified for MSL next season... if there is a next season. Moreover, no matter which race you are, Zero is the more scary opponent. Ergo, Zero is more powerful.
PR looks good on the whole. I'd have tossed Bogus and Light into CBNC as both of them are fearsome right now and poised to do good things in MSL... if there ever is an MSL. Also I thought Jaedong's ranking seemed to me more like a giant description of the tennis scene than progaming, with a connection that to me feels weak. All that really needed to be said is the fact that ZvZ has been what's knocked JD out of his last 4 Starleagues.
As a Flash fan I'm pretty okay with this ranking. Jangbi just wouldn't be denied during his run so I can't deny him either. WP Jangbi, I hope to see you keep up the same caliber of play next season.
Here's hoping Flash's wrist surgery goes okay! I would like Flash to win just one more tournament.
TBH Jangbi's win against fantasy was really far from "convincing fashion". Actually, Fantasy should win this series. Thus, Flash at #1 should be fair as well. But yeah, his back from slump has much "power" if you ask me