I admit JD should drop down due to his mediocore performance this month but people are exaggerating his "slump"
Lets look at his recent performance:
vs. 815 loss vs. Hyuk loss vs. ZerO win vs. ZerO loss vs. Kal win vs. Bisu loss
Losing verse Bisu is totally acceptable, what Zerg doesn't lose to Bisu? Not to mention it is also a showmatch. JD won verse Kal. He lost one game against Zero while winning the 2nd game. Although you still have to emphasize that it wasn't a BO loss, but rather, a micro battle that JD lost fighting Zero in 1st game and it was his own fault that he lost, I seriously see ZvZ as a toss-up MU, anything can happen if you don't micro every single ling perfectly or send the overlord in the wrong scouting direction at beginning. ZvZ is heavily influenced by BOs, and justifies why JD lost against 815 (12 hatch verse 9 pool). Imo, its the most luck-based MU, even with 80% win rate, you gotta drop a couple games here and there.
The only legitimate losses that JD failed fair & square were verse Zero and verse Hyuk. 2 losses does not equal slump
It would definitely be a travesty if Flash doesn't make number 1 on Sunday.
I haven't been around for a few months, is PR coming on the 1st nowadays or what? :D
"I'm telling ya, The Revolutionist was hard to peg this month." I know an easier way to peg him. Keep him in the number one spot. ;P
On October 01 2009 10:48 Hot_Bid wrote: This ranking is completely filled with opinionated, ridiculous bullshit from a dude who clearly just coinflipped randomly to determine placement. Learn to watch games and analyze results without being a giant biased idiot fanboy please.
Jaedong at #1? Calm and Bisu in the Top 3?? Lack of GosI[Flying] from the Top 10!?!?
omg hahahhahha
So what about Fantasy? Is he out? He has a decent 3-1 record in Proleague, but dropped out of a league. It's not hard to list 10 players with better performance this month, so the question is how much old merits count.
Even if Bisu played well this proleague (4-0), he is still out of the OSL. Though Jaedong is seeded in the OSL, so can you really compare their situations by saying: Bisu is out of the OSL and Jaedong is in, even though Jaedong didn't have to play any games to stay in the OSL?
Also, seems to me like Calm should stay high, higher than Bisu atleast. Flash too.
Look, I know I might sound a bit harsh, but think about it. Bisu and Jaedong are supposed to be the best out of their respective races, and they are. They've been for some time now, and I see no reason why it should'nt keep being that way. (Well, maybe Calm has a chance, but that's beside the point) However, even if you are the best player in every single fanboy's heart and has the best stats ever, you need to prove it all the time. For example, look at Bisu. Kim is a really sexy player when he feels like showing it, like his game versus perfectman in PL. However, that game was in a series were SKT1 already lead 2-0 over OZ, and their biggest threat, Jaedong had already played, and Fantasy should play in game #4 for SKT1. He did'nt HAVE to win, even though it was best. The game that really mattered was the one against Shine. Why? Because there, he had no second chance. And, what does he do? Totally underestimate the guy and looses in a Bo3. Don't get me wrong, Shine has proven himself as a pretty good player lately, but come on, it's BISU we're talking about! Okay, so I know I'm sort of basing this of a single game, but that was the one that mattered the most. What of his dreams? Go watch Hwaseung House #7 as a proof of consept... and a few laughs. The guy has gotta learn to give his best against players he has to beat, not the ones he is just recommended to beat.
As far as JD goes, well unlike Bisu, he has'nt been eliminated from any major tournament yet, but that's partially because he has'nt played in them yet due to auto-qualification. Now, I don't have any problem with the rule itself, it makes perfect sense, but think about it. If he had not been auto-qualified, would he really have been guaranteed to advance? No. Jaedong has'nt really been himself lately, even when he has won, again, unlike Bisu, who has played pretty sexy when he felt like it. Now, losing to Hyuk is forgivable due to the kids great ZvZ, but he lost a game to Zero as well, who sucks at ZvZ. And as a final game in the coffin: He LOST to 815... I rest my case... I know that JD will be back in a month or so, but it's hard to put someone who loses to the likes of 815 in the top 5 of the Power Rank. No offence fanboys, this is only temporary, I'm sure.
PS: Just because I joined recently does'nt make oblivious to the world of SC. I've been to TL just about every day since February, so I'm not a complete noob. No offence to the forum veterans of course, I know I'm still young in TL-years, but as a human being I have the right to say what I think. (Okay, that sounded somewhat pathetic)
An offtopic thing I might add. In a week or so, (Whenever the ELO-Rank gets updated) we might see SC-History.
If you sort the list by "peak" then you can see that Bisu currently has the all-time record of 2364 points. However, given that we (almost ) all agree that Flash has done more than enough to reciev PR #1 this month, he should by all means have done enough to climb up a few points in the ELO-Rank as well. He is currently at 2352, meaning that a mere 13 point boost for this month would be enough for a new record to be set. (Which I don't mind given that I'm a Flash-fanboy )
Flash's ELO has already been updated for the latest games this month. He's broken his personal all time high, personal vT all time high (ever), his personal vZ all time high, and the current vZ high. He's a pretty nasty dude when it comes to Elo. He'd probably be higher if GSI, the hardest of the gom tournaments, would've ever counted like the 3 GSLs, but that's an argument for another time really.
On October 30 2009 02:49 TwoToneTerran wrote: Flash's ELO has already been updated for the latest games this month. He's broken his personal all time high, personal vT all time high (ever), his personal vZ all time high, and the current vZ high. He's a pretty nasty dude when it comes to Elo. He'd probably be higher if GSI, the hardest of the gom tournaments, would've ever counted like the 3 GSLs, but that's an argument for another time really.
Oh, sorry about that then 0_o Well in that case, if he continues like this he might take record next month instead.
On October 30 2009 00:26 HaXXspetten wrote: My top 10 for this month would be:
#1 Flash #2 Calm #3 Effort #4 Hyuk #5 Shine #6 Movie #7 Luxury #8 Stork #9 Bisu #10 Jaedong
I think you have the right players, but no fucking way Shine and Movie could be placed above JD and Bisu.
I do in all honesty believe that Fantasy should be taken of PR.
Speaking of ELOs, Bisu is sitting at the same vsP ELO as FLash vs T (and 4 measly points away from breaking SAviors epic vP ELO), and an overall ELO of 2325 almost 50 points ahead of #3 Calm.
I think you have the right players, but no fucking way Shine and Movie could be placed above JD and Bisu.
Shine beat Bisu... and I just like Movie I guess. O_o
And yes, fantasy should definately go down, I'm acctually a bit dissapointed by him.
Trying my clumsy hand at this...
#1 Flash
#2 Calm #3 EffOrt
These two positions could possibly be switched, but in the case of really close performances I'd tend to favor the person who was higher last month slightly. But the other way around is reasonable, too. Both of them are looking ridiculously strong.
#4 Bisu #5 Jaedong
Sorry JD, but I have no doubt you'll kick everyone's ass in November and reclaim a spot in the Top 3 next month.
#6 Stork
Can't forget about Stork! Been doing fantastic, winning against Zerg convincingly and using Fantasy as a mop.
#7 fantasy
Still a huge threat in OSL and Proleague, where he goes from here depends on how he performs against the new godmode Zerg players these days. Will his mech play be enough, or is he going to have to start working on his bio play?
#8 Shine #9 Movie #10 Hyuk
On a normal month, these three would be higher, but there are too many good players, so they'll bring up the tail of the PR...
I want to fit Luxury in too, but it's hard to pick someone on here to kick off for him.
I want to fit Luxury in too, but it's hard to pick someone on here to kick off for him.
Well fantasy got eliminated by stats, so that's one reason to exchange him and lux, but that's just my opinion.
Luxury still has both MSL and OSL games this month, so things might change.
True, I suppose. He should win his MSL group pretty easily, in OSL I'm not 100% sure though. But, he's in pretty good shape lately, and KT's my favorite team, so I'm carefully optimistic.
On October 30 2009 03:39 Oystein wrote: Speaking of ELOs, Bisu is sitting at the same vsP ELO as FLash vs T (and 4 measly points away from breaking SAviors epic vP ELO), and an overall ELO of 2325 almost 50 points ahead of #3 Calm.
Bisu is a monster and is playing really well. But that one loss against Shine in the OSL Ro36 is kind of inexcusable... That's why I would put him 3rd or 4th. Definitely in top 5 anyway. there is also noone there to be simply above Bisu...
1. Flash - obvious... 2. Calm - The defending MSL champ is looking good. No signs of slump as he rapes left and right 3. EffOrt - one loss to Hyuk isnt going to bring him down 4. Bisu - Lost to Shine.. but he's still in the MSL and raping shit in PL 5. Jaedong - still in MSL and OSL. ZvZ is ridic. 2 loses isnt going to bring him down much
6. Hyuk - YEAH Hyuk
7. Luxury - YEAH LUX
8. Stork - YEAH Stork
9. Shine - I DONT LIKE YOU Shine
10. fantasy - WHAT HAPPENED
9070 Posts
Hyuk should be #5 or #6 indeed. There is no excuse for putting him lower in the upcoming PR