On November 12 2008 02:46 fanatacist wrote:Show nested quote +On November 11 2008 22:43 Geo.Rion wrote:On November 11 2008 08:59 Psyonic_Reaver wrote:On November 11 2008 01:16 Kennigit wrote:
Psyonic_reaver please come save your romanian compadres.
Wait. Who let the fucking Romanians on our site? God DAMN IT. We don't want your shit. Send it to GG.net. Fuck. They need more users then we do.
Edit - Oh yeah. Chill. Your ass is grass. Cholera's got your number. (For real.)
i think i missed something, what ppl from romania did that you woudn't like to see them on your site?
I don't take it serious, i'm not insulted or anything (i'm not even a romaninan, i just live there), just curious about that...
As I'm sure you know, Romania's role in World War 2 was sickening to many people around the world. After bending over and giving away territory to the Commies and the Nazis like business cards, Romania wasn't happy with its situation and overthrew the rule of moderate King Carol II in favor of his 19 year old down syndrome crack addict son, Mihai. Mihai was a total dick, and ran away from the position with his prostitute girlfriend soon after the nomination. Romanians, stuck in a shitpit which they themselves dug and shat in while digging it, did what any other nation does that just fucked up hard and wanted to take out its anger against its neighbors and turned fascist under dickface ruler Antonescu. This led to an immediate butt-buddy status with Germany, which instantly tooled Romania and made it carry the purse, play catcher, bend over and expect penetration, etc.
With Romania being Germany's bitch, Germany told its bitch that it needs more troops on the Eastern front. What did Bitchomania do? Send a force larger than any sent by the other Axis nations, combined. Along with sending every male between the ages of fetus and rigor mortis, Romania sent their best general in order to lay siege upon Stalingrad, the namesake of the Russian "Man of Steel". Not only that Romania, fucked itself even harder when it sent Germany oil, grain, and industrial products as birthday gifts to mein fuhrer. The Allies had no other choice and bombed the fuck out of the women that remained in Romania (since all the men were out dying for a fascist regime)... Essentially the Allies fucked up because they bombed millions of potential prostitutes and lesbians, since they were all so horny from the lack of rapist Eastern European sex. On the other hand, Romanians have ugliness coded into their DNA, as well as stupidity, which is made evident by the above passage. However, this could have been used as a powerful form of biological warfare - if the Allies had instead forced an evacuation and sent all the Romanian women to Germany, in about 20 years the population of Germany would be heavily diluted with half-Romanian (read as: half-retards), and then Germany would have the fighting capability of a paraplegic monkey on a cocaine high. Anyways, I digress.
Throughout all this, the holocaust is going on, and Jews are being herded like cattle, transported like livestock rolling around in their own shit and peeing on the bodies of the dead, and then sent single file into a furnace or "shower" room. Romania is said to have eliminated more yarmulke-wearers and their womankin than any other nation, except for Germany itself. Clearly, Jews hate Romania even more strongly than normal people would.
As the war came to a close and Romania realized that it managed to fuck up for the fourth or fifth time in international and homeland affairs, most people probably left the nation to its undoubted doom. There were still some that hoped, like King Michael, who told Germany to go fuck itself and organized the 3rd and 4th armies into one corps (because that is all that was left after siding with the Germans after fighting the Russian bear), and combined those forces with the 1st and 2nd armies. Mike then pledged allegiance to the Allies and offered his shit-faced and largely amputated army as protection. The Allies probably thought "Romania, are you fucking serious? Ahahahahaa fucking Romanians." Their reaction isn't important however, because being the Romanians that they are, half of the nation still supported Axis powers even though the Axis was threatening to cut the balls off of every treacherous Romanian dog that turned against them in order to put Mike the Dyke on the throne. Not only that, but Russia was still pissed about seeing a Romanian for every German there was in Stalingrad, mowing down the Bear's largely weaponless forces like high grass outside a John Deere store. So the USSR is on the verge of anal raping the remainder of the Romanians so hard that the mutual expansion of assholes creates a vacuum large enough to absorb the entire nation into a never-ending abyss, so Dykeboy issues a ceasefire. This is also a laughable concept; imagine two people meet for a duel, one has an AK47 and the other has a chicken drumstick. Can any ceasefire logically be called in this situation by the drumstick-wielder? No, you already fucked yourself by getting into a fight with a machine-gun wielding Communist motherfucker. Fucking Romanians.
The Russians aren't stupid, however, and saw a good opportunity for a party when it came to them. The Russians dutifully ignored the ceasefire, killed 130,000 Romanians either through direct murder or the trademark capture+Gulag=profit strategy, raped all their prostitute wives, and robbed them of whatever meager possessions they still had, then 3 weeks later decided to sign an armistice. Once a bitch, always a bitch, Romania. Well-played, Russia.
Romania continued to try to escape its role of constant failure by helping in the anti-German offensive, but ended up failing miserably and losing a quarter of their over 500,000 man army (don't ask me where they got them from, probably Frankenstein'd all the wounded and dead from their battles in the previous 5 years).
After the war, the USSR was given 90% of Romania. The Allies probably figured that the only children to be raised in the current generation would be Commies anyways, so the nation was going to be controlled anyways, might as well make it seem like they are making a compromise. The Soviets came in and made it a communist nation, making Romania solid in its bitch status for another 40-some years.
Why do we hate Romanians?
1. Jews hate Romanians, and Jews control money, and the internet exists based on money. Why? Holocaust? Do I need to explain more?
2. Russians hate Romanians, because they tried to take our shit and then said "I'm sorry!" when we came to their door about to beat the shit out of them. They made good workers in our death camps, and good prostitutes for 3 weeks, but now they are generally just half-Russian half-retarded people population in some bitchass former Commie satellite.
3. Germans hate Romanians because they are traitorous dogs. This goes for Italy and Japan as well.
4. Americans hate Romanians because they are traitorous dogs that are also useless, since they wasted most of their forces killing the Allies and only gave a half-dead army at the end of it as a peace offering.
5. Asians hate Romanians because America hates Romanians, and obviously the semi-retarded primitive majority of the USA is a good idol to look up to for Asian youth.
6. Everyone else hates Romanians because America is the world police, world standard, world dicks. If America hates you, chances are everyone hates you. The world is to highschool like Romania is to nerdy DnD kid, America is to varsity quarterback, everyone else is to hateful mob, and losing territory is to brutal beatings and eventual victim of school shooting.
-- THE END --