Episode 3 - NonY - March 9, 2008 @ 5 PM EST / 2 PM PST / 2200 GMT / 2300 CET
With the lull in progaming coming up, we've decided not to hold back on Teamliquid Attack episodes. This Sunday we will air Episode 3 of this event.
Recap of Episode 2 Things ran a little smoother this time, and we got some great insight into the Terran race with IdrA being able to respond to our questions. Some people were going for the glory, trying to play straight up, others went for cheese, and a few special people went straight for the mousepad. In the end there was no question of who deserved the MASTER mousepad which was donated by esports hardware manufactuer esportnova.com
The winner was none other than HovZ (._. @ TL) who wins for his innovative +1 before Gateway into 2 Stargate build!
If you missed any of the action, you can download the VOD here: Torrent (recommended) HTTP
IdrA > RichardDawkins (._.) TvP @ Blue Storm IdrA > SuperiorWolf TvZ @ Fantasy II IdrA > MrCuddles (Nicky[Media]) TvP @ Tau Cross IdrA DISC Idra.was.taken TvP @ Python IdrA < intrigue/sMi.Keen (littlechava)/2facshakur(vGl-Rage) TvZ @ Blue Storm IdrA > GregMeadows (gH-Salv) TvP @ Longinus II Idra < exalted-TL TvT @ Troy IdrA < IAmATerranUser (Marine23) PvT @ Ride of Valkyries IdrA > HovZ (._.) ZvP @ Python IdrA > Methos[pG] TvP @ Tau Cross
Episode 3 – NonY! NonY has been a Protoss strategic staple at Teamliquid for years. Despite trying to get banned, he just can't keep away. NonY will be on a mic, ready to deal out both the strategic insight and trashtalk we would expect from a player of his caliber.
We are really excited to have NonY making his second appearance on Teamliquid Attack (after an unscheduled appearance in episode 1). Join us this Sunday to battle with one of the top foreign Protoss players!
Format Changes 1) Challengers – Must give their TL ID to one of our commentators (not the obs) before or after the match. This is so we don’t have to chase you down in the event that you are chosen as our best player of the day. This appeared optional in episode 2, but will be mandatory in episode 3. 2) Bans - It's hectic enough trying to get this running smoothly in a live event. We don't need people joining the games and delay the event. As seen in Episode 2, if you do this you will be banned from the game and banned from Teamliquid Attack. Don't bother! 3) Questions - Got any questions for NonY? Strategic or otherwise, post them here and we'll try to get as many to him as possible during the games' downtime.
How To Watch A news post will be made prior to the stream going live which will include details on how to watch live in VLC or WMM. VODs and Replays will be released after the event is complete. If you know the URL, we would ask that you do not connect to the stream until we give the OK that it is up. Doing so causes technical nightmares for R1CH, and causes delays in the beginning of the episode.
We feel that last week was a real success, and the staff, IdrA and the viewers seemed to all have a great time. Let's make this third episode the best one yet!
See you this weekend.
How To Play Once you tune in live, we will be announcing what channel we will be in. We will be on US West so all you have to do is have the stream running in the background and hop onto West.
Can you please select good tl.net members this time, i watched tl.net attack 2 with Idra and the games were not good at all & boring because the opponents were really bad.
On March 05 2008 05:30 gds wrote: Can you please select good tl.net members this time, i watched tl.net attack 2 with Idra and the games were not good at all & boring because the opponents were really bad.
You suggest a magic system of determining a smurf's skill, and I will use it.
Further, the point of this is to give the community a chance to play a top foreigner, and also to see crazy strategies. If you want to see top level play from both players, you should watch Liquibition.
I love TL Attack, it really is a nice, relaxing change from the usual SC I watch. Superiorwolf rocks, please give him a game against Nony. I mean, he's already shown us that his ZvP is epic, right? Gogogogo superiorwolf!
On March 05 2008 06:00 useLess wrote: How could ._. be both Dawkins and HovZ? The game with Dawkins was pretty good, while the one against HovZ was hilariously one-sided
i don't think you remember the dawkins game correctly...
suicide 6 goons, die to first terran moveout after casting 3 webs
On March 05 2008 06:00 useLess wrote: How could ._. be both Dawkins and HovZ? The game with Dawkins was pretty good, while the one against HovZ was hilariously one-sided
i don't think you remember the dawkins game correctly...
suicide 6 goons, die to first terran moveout after casting 3 webs
There was an AI problem, I clicked the goons to go back to my main but for some reason they went straight to his tanks. I don't understand, did you guys screw around with my player slot or something? Jeez, what kind of sadistic map creator makes a tiny little entrance in front of the expo so every damn big units gets clumped there when you cue them to the center. What the hell.
Sorry I'm kinda new to using "ums" as "melee" there isn't any difference right? Disregard it then.
For NonY: I'd like him to give us a top 5 or 10 of all the best players in the states/europe/korea and what he feels are their strenghts and weaknesses, just to get a sense of how he sees his opponents in general (and other players). Also what players he feels are overrated. I think that it might be fun to hear him tell us who he thinks is good/sucks. P.s. i love NonY
I would like to know from Nony if in PvZ with a FE he recommends trying to go sair DT to not so skilled people. And if he doesn't, what does he recommend?
I really, really enjoyed episode two guys. Very professional and very entertaining. Three hours of just having fun and playing some good games, that's fucking amazing. Looking forward to episode three, and I'm gonna try to get as many viewers from GG.net as I can. Thanks for providing fans of the foreign scene something really unique and enjoyable, yo
edit: Should I mention that NonY is a really cool dude, so Im looking forward to hearing his insight, should be better than last week. NonY fighting :>
Just a heads up, daylight saving time begins in the US on Sunday, so TL.net Attack! will be still be at 5pm Eastern, but 8am (instead of 7am) Korean time. Don't forget to update your clocks and tune in at the right time!
What's Nony's record against Idra? I know they are same team, but I'm just curious because after watching FPVODs of Nony, I feel like he could play on a Korean team, no joke.
idra has a winning record vs me. but in recent months, i have improved my PvT a lot, and also current maps tend to be p>t, so i think we are pretty evenly matched nowadays.
i think there are certain games and situations when i can play as well as a low-level pro team member. but there are many other times when i play a lot worse. then again, how much consistency can they expect before the mass gaming of being a pro starts to kick in? who knows~
Also, for the commentators: you guys should stop saying "okay lets get this over with" or the like. I understand when the game looks over and we want to get another match going, but that comment just seems... i dunno, negative or unsportsmanlike. It feels like "yawn, okay we're done dicking around with the noob, just get it over with."
I wouldnt mind seeing a more aggressive spin on it though, like "now move in for the DEATHBLOW!" - at least that one says "im not entirely bored but you can still wipe this guy out soon"
I hope someone will do a hidden Speedlot build after the first expo...*hint hint* to a decent toss.
Seriously, though. Surprise speedlots almost always win the game in any matchup. Though I must say they almost always lose the game if the opponent finds out about them...
Anyway, how's this hidden speedlot build? (I'm not a fan of exact numbers in build orders, so I'll have to apologize in advance to anyone who wanted numbers).
8p/10gate-> standard 2 gate build
-Fake goon range until scouting probe gets taken out. -While this happens, put down citadel at hidden location (for instance, in Python, my favorite hiding spots are the top of 7 o clock starting position by min-only) -Cancel goon range and research zealot speed instead, adding an additional gateway. -Move out with your small goon/lot force to fake expansion. Make sure to deny further scouts (so 3 goons are needed for 1 shot kill on scouting probes) -Pump zealots ftw.
Rationale: The standard protoss goes robo->reaver/obs. He will also usually expo. If timed right, zealots will be breaking down your opponent before the reaver finishes. -If your opponent dt rushes instead, you're pretty screwed, so you may want a forge/cannon for defense. This may slow you down, but you can use the extra gas to upgrade I guess. This is obviously the weakness of the build.
But like I said, I only promised a near all-in build that works against most opponents no matter what the skill level since 3-gate speed zealot > (2-gate goon +reaver still building+ expo) or (3-gate goon + expo + even slower robo).
In the meantime, you can expo and actually research goon range for real when you have the gas for it (which since you're not pumping goons, is pretty soon. The extra gas will also allow you to get your robo facility and obs
Finally, it's not quite *all in* because as long as you deliver substantial damage before shuttle/reaver kicks in, you can retreat zealots, and the beauty is your opponent won't dare reaver drop for some time since that reaver is all that separates him from dying by speedlot at home By that time, you should have your goon range up, your expo running, and observers in the air.
Before you flame me, please give it a try or explain why this is a bad quasi-all-in (don't nitpick on details). I'm all ears. Like I said, the build is vulnerable to dts, but I'm not sure what else it's vulnerable to (other than good scouting).
But yeah, please critique and hopefully gimme some "constructive" criticism. I just REALLY REALLY love speedlots.
Another reminder, this begins at 6am on Monday Korean time, 5pm Sunday Eastern US time. If you're in the US, daylight saving time begins SUNDAY at 1am (clocks go forward 1hr).
Since I know daylight saving time is going to catch at least one of you unaware!
hmm, about daylight saving time... Europe doesnt change until the last sunday of march, so if I think the times in CET and GMT will be one hour earlier than what's in the OP?
On March 09 2008 20:23 Cascade wrote: hmm, about daylight saving time... Europe doesnt change until the last sunday of march, so if I think the times in CET and GMT will be one hour earlier than what's in the OP?
Yes, you are correct. Gotta love daylight saving time.... damn.
Final times:
March 9, 2008 @ 5 PM EST(EDT) / 2 PM PST(PDT) / 2100 GMT / 2200 CET