I don't know who the hell is Tree.Hugger But Iet me tell you a simple obvious truth. He is overrated.
(it's quite funny he still thinks "he didn't look so good to start" when IMMvp took out Kiwikaki,Ganzi,Select,Moonan,machine as 10-2 with 5-0 win in pool play although he was really sick and suffers from wrist injury at the start of the MLG)
Day9: "IMMvp is the most solid terran I've have ever seen Tasteless : "The perfect and solid macro management, amazing reaction speed, fantastic multi-tasking ability and spliting controls.... MVP perfectly play, simply amazing. best sc2 player by far." Artosis : "IMMvp is such a solid player. He plays very solid, dramatic mid game to late game scenarios.
-The result-
IMMVP dominated the whole series from the start to the end. It was phenomenon that he crushed DRG without a single early push and pwned him only with a dramatic middle to late macro management only. He won MLG as 16-4
and dear tree-hugger How dare you judge someone as "overrated" like that easily? Do you think 2 time GSL champion and SAGAcity winner is easy to be laughed at? You cannot judge a progamer with just one word like overrated if you know how hard they practice and endure in everyday life.
Please tell me you were kidding about this. The seating was terrible and the MLG staff not only refused to buy more chairs for sat-sun, they did not allow people to sit on the floor or bring their own chairs. It was ridiculous.
do you guys really think that boxer vs MMA was boring? T_T or mvp vs mma ? really i see so much hate towards TvT but the matches are often really good and action packed
On August 02 2011 00:19 WeddingEpisode wrote: That was such an awesome tournament to watch; the most amazing thing to me is the disparity in skill between even the pros.
I loved watching BoxeR play. It's a shame he didn't win but hey that's SC for you. Wish Huk had done a bit better as well. He's really the only foreigner that really is a major threat to Koreans. He's won more tournaments against Koreans than any other foreigner COMBINED! But I hope the rest of the foreign crowd gets better and soon. It's slightly sad when the top 6 players are all Korean... then again 4 Slayers came over to slay everyone. =) gg
On August 02 2011 04:52 Teddimijia wrote: I loved watching BoxeR play. It's a shame he didn't win but hey that's SC for you. Wish Huk had done a bit better as well. He's really the only foreigner that really is a major threat to Koreans. He's won more tournaments against Koreans than any other foreigner COMBINED! But I hope the rest of the foreign crowd gets better and soon. It's slightly sad when the top 6 players are all Korean... then again 4 Slayers came over to slay everyone. =) gg
Why can't people just look at players for their playstyle and personalities rather than their nationality or ethnic background...It's slightly sad when we have quite an awesome series of games from this MLG and we wind up with posts complaining about the fact that the better players won :/
On August 01 2011 19:35 darlhet wrote: do you guys really think that boxer vs MMA was boring? T_T or mvp vs mma ? really i see so much hate towards TvT but the matches are often really good and action packed
Indeed, if MMA vs Boxer was boring to some people, then I think they will find few things in life exciting. I guess those people are somewhat bitter over the fact that koreans continue dominating the foreigners. :S On that note, foreigners as everyone is saying need to step up their game and hopefully adopt a korean training regime. Hopefully EG can start this trend with their new training house.
On August 01 2011 16:30 EiBmoZ wrote: they need to change the name of this game to terrancraft 2 and this mlg proves it
considered all the koreans are terrans, all this mlg proves is that they are op.
US and europe needs to step up their games so we can have some competition and not one sided slaughter
Exactly what I was about to say! It doesn't even have to be justified with justified with their nationality though - with EiBmoZ argumentation, one could also use last GSL results (2xzerg) and last MLG (Toss if im correct or what did naniwa win again?). Better players won in all of those Tourney, thats all there is to it...
On August 01 2011 12:52 TerdToss wrote: MLG was a bit disappointing this time around, soo many boring TvT`s, Blizzard really needs to do something about this, Terran should NOT dominate every tournament they enter (GSL doesn`t count cuz Nestea is a boss).
the top 6 players happens to be korean, and 5 happens to be terran. Terrans haven't been dominating other tournaments, to "discount GSL" altogether is just your pitiful bias. What about code A where 2 protoss made it into the finals in a field of many high level korean terrans. It's the 'Korean' that's OP, not the race. Outside the top 6, terrans don't dominate either... i wonder why... hmmm? no koreans perhaps?
On August 01 2011 05:53 MarieJohanna wrote: great job.. showing one game at both streams while idra is playing against nani or huk against sjow..
I was at the event, and this double streaming may have been due to casters signing autographs, or simply because some of the games in question weren't being casted. There were some great matches between Liquid members that weren't casted because there were simply not enough casters to cast the often 3+ matches going on at a time.