Morrow please, you're a complete moron and you're trying to lie here; I did NOT the host incorrect map, you were just being stupid (this is a trend with you though)
And saying because you're entitled to have a break between games you should do it? So you'd show up 19 minutes late to cw's when the w/o is 20 minutes, it's all mannered because it's in the rules right? Common courtesey, if you want to watch the replays do it after the series, don't waste you opponents time, not like it helped you anyway.
LOL @ avi-love's name. avi-love fighting!
Mr.Love is bringing the fire for this TSL.
your from Denmark
i rest my case.
United States2139 Posts
ridiculous. before anyone knew who avi was i hyped him. and countless others including mostly europeans. just because a nerd fucks up 1 big tourny doesnt make it unfounded sorry.
Gl to Horror and Nyoken! and it's nice to hear an intro for Avi-love <3
Avi-Love fighting
Dominican Republic825 Posts
good interviews, but the part that most ppl say about artosis hype over american players is true i think that a good way to make propaganda!
Nyoken fighting fuck yeah
On January 02 2010 10:53 MorroW[MB] wrote: your from Denmark
i rest my case.
Sweden vs Denmark Nation War!
avi.love fighting!! although i didn't know what it meant, i always thought its a pretty cool ID
On January 02 2010 10:53 MorroW[MB] wrote: your from Denmark
i rest my case.
Extremely immature. Please learn to type like someone who finished elementary school and stop using racist remarks. You're giving Swedish people a bad name.
Nice interviews btw.
I think that the "hype" about players like Terran and Koll is not about them being the best right now but just showing a huge potential. Being good at basics like mechanics doesn't really get you up there with people who are incredibly experienced but it sets you up for a great future. Mechanics is the hardest part of starcraft. Anyone that excells at it can learn strategy and get experience and thus improve alot faster than people who have mediocre mechanics. That's my opinion of the matter anyway.
Haha,I really like avi-love after that Interview.
Avi-love fighting!
Gogo, Avi-Love :D Totally agree on the hyping and the example of MorroW as well as his respond points to rather bad manners, in my opinion. This is despite me being a regular MorroW defender 
Nevertheless, Mathias, you've never looked as beautiful as you do tonight <3 (but that's just cause you're not wearing any underwear)
United States4796 Posts
On January 02 2010 12:03 HazMat wrote:Sweden vs Denmark Nation War!
Not even swedes like Morrow.
Without a player like Avi-love, therre is no fun or tension!!~!
Avi-Love sounds like a cool person.
All TSL hype is good hype.
Thanks for continuing to supply us with these great interviews!