Alright, here is the secret information I want to share with the town. Remaining Players: + Show Spoiler +(1) motbob (2) LucasWoJ (3) Scaramanga (5) Pyrrhuloxia (6) BWdero (10) GoodWill (12) inertinept (13) JeeJee (14) HeavOnEarth (16) ydg (17) Bockit (18) Chezinu (20) Clasic (22) chaoser (23) Foolishness (25) iLoveKT (26) redtooth (28) StorrZerg (29) Falcynn (30) ecomania (32) Malongo (33) Lenwe (35) iNfuNdiBuLuM (36) RebirthOfLeGenD (37) Faronel
7 of those guys are mafia. To help you guys out, I've composed a list of who I consider to be blues. Depending on your role, the list you may see may vary.
FOR TOWNIES' EYES ONLY + Show Spoiler +Blue List: LucasWoJ Faronel Chezinu JeeJee iloveKT Do NOT share the above information with anybody NOT on the list. They might be mafia.
FOR MAFIA'S EYES ONLY + Show Spoiler +Blue List: motbob Lenwe redtooth clasic storzerg
Idiots: + Show Spoiler +
Idiot in a Class of his Own: + Show Spoiler +
Inactives: + Show Spoiler +(3) Scaramanga (14) HeavOnEarth (29) Falcynn (30) ecomania (5) Pyrrhuloxia (16) ydg
Therefore, logic dictates that the remaining players are mafia. + Show Spoiler +(6) BWdero (10) GoodWill (17) Bockit (29) Falcynn (30) ecomania (35) iNfuNdiBuLuM (36) RebirthOfLeGenD
Who's the GodFather? Why, the only person with a "G," "O," and "D," in his name. Rebirthoflegend!!!
Please PM with any complaints if you disagree about how you were placed on this list.
The Mafia Exterminator, LucasWoJ
Goodwill also has "G" "O" "D" o_O
There are mulitple problems with my post. How many can YOU find?
EDIT: Perhaps there are two Godfathers? Plexa, could you answer that? Is it possible for there to be two Godfathers in this game? oO
Aotearoa39261 Posts
wow you sure are annoying today lucas
plexa surely lucas will be banned from all further mafia games if hes not mafia? this is getting quite ridiculous.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
I think I'm going to have to ban him for about 2 weeks after the game concludes
Well, I fucked up royally. It was hard to top giving myself away as a DT through PMs to three separate mafia on Day 1 but I might have done it. Don't think I'm gonna be playing this game anymore after this one.
Anyway, at least this time I know what happened while I can still talk so I'll explain.
Gotta love that post Lucas
Alright, I've already shared all the reasons why I was suspicious of BC. But halfway through Day 3 I backed off for two reasons: - Foolishness asked me to back off. - Qatol explained to me that we had to keep BC alive long enough to get at least two double lynches out of him.
So I backed off of BC. He had said he was going to activate the double lynch but I thought he might not if he worried it could be used against him. At about 7/10 13:48 I saw Bockit putting his second vote on BC. I should have thought about him seeding some bandwagon, but I figured he had read my analysis and it made sense to him, too (and I still think BC was acting really weird until he was on his deathbed). So I figured I'd explain to Bockit why I was backing off and see what he thought, and I sent Bockit this message:
+ Show Spoiler + I've backed off of him for the moment, partly to make sure he activates double lynch, but I still think he's mafia based on how much he tried to get me off of TruthBringer in our conversations even after I pointed out his obvious behavioral misstep and based on his flat-out lying on his day 3 analysis towards me. What do you think?
Later, (7/11 5:33) I see Malongo making a huge post against BC and I start to worry that BC won't activate the lynch on the next day if the criticism keeps up. So I tell Malongo to back off.
+ Show Spoiler + Look, pretty much everything in your post about BC is true, HOWEVER, we've managed to scare him into activating the double lynch for today so I'm trying to direct town towards other suspects and layoff of BC for the first half of the next day and get him to activate another double lynch tomorrow, at which point we can go after him. We really need the double lynches if we want to whittle down mafia KP.
At some point during day 3, I find (with help from BC in msn, if I remember correctly) a link between Falcynn and vampires. I had already found the link from BC to vampires and had been sure that it lined up. So I decided a good strategy would be to lynch Falcynn and see if the clue parts that made me suspicious of BC vanished instead of immediately risking the double lynches. I sent this Malongo about it. I meant to send it to Bockit, too, but I guess I never did. (7/11 05:36) Since then, we've found a vampire link to iLoveKT and someone else as well, so, yet another fuck up.
+ Show Spoiler + The reason why lynching Falcynn is important is that he's the only other player but BC with a link to vampires (though Falcynn has some links to a mafioso that isn't mr julia as well). If Falcynn dies and the Mr Julia stuff continues we can be sure BC is mafia and is worth killing despite the risk of losing the double lynches.
So Bockit finally responds to my PMs at 7/11 12:01.
+ Show Spoiler + Hey, had a very busy day yesterday so I haven't had a chance to follow what's happened since I called him out, looks like I have quite a lot of reading to do I'll get back to you once I have.
Then he goes into all out attack mode on BC before addressing my concerns with it. If I had a mafia sense, it would have been ringing like somebody's ears after a My Bloody Valentine concert but if anything is clear about this game, it's that I don't have such a sense. Nobody really seems to care or understand what I was hinting at or planning with the falcynn accusation and I was still certain BC's behavior was mafia so I figured with malongo and bockit going at him with both barrels and a bandwagon forming against him he wouldn't activate anymore double lynches and would try to cause as much confusion as possible (such as his attack on infundibulum, and adding inertinept to the kill list after that even[which was possibly a good move on his part at this point, we'll have to start looking at clues the way BC explained]) on the way out. So I sent this to Bockit. (not to malongo, though I'm not sure why but it was probably because he never responded to anything so I couldn't hit reply in my inbox and send something).
+ Show Spoiler + Yeah my strategy was to lay off of him until (I told malongo this as well) he activated a double lynch tomorrow but we are spread out as fuck. My reasoning on Falcynn which I tried to hint at was that Falcynn could fit the clues that fit BC or maybe be a lesser mafia, and if it took out the Julia clues then maybe I was wrong about BC but BC just continues to be useless/worse than useless to town so... Qatol told me that we need at least two double lynches out of BC before we kill him so that's how I've been trying to play it but I guess it is too late now that you and Malongo are going all out.
After attacking, Bockit responds to my concerns with a PM at 7/11 13:35.
+ Show Spoiler + Qatol is possibly right, I don't know.
I honestly don't know what the maths is like, but the fact that he's causing so much disruption is enough for me to want to off him.
"fuck the math let's kill him anyway because he's mafia dood!" Is what I should have read that as, but I guess I got caught up in my suspicion of BC, and while I was trying to balance not defending BC since im suspicious of him, trying to not have BC get suspicious of me and town and start witholding double lynches, trying to stop people from killing BC this early, trying to avoid a repeat of Qatol's mayor shenanigans, etc., Bockit sent me another pm.
+ Show Spoiler + You gonna change your votes yet?
So i changed. Also, I only realize now that I put this post together that Malongo never responded to any of my pms. Bockit had been responding and I sort of mentally grouped them together but yeah. Basically I should have realized that people who didn't care about the double lynch concerns were suspicious, but at some point I figured we were gonna knock out 1.5 KP with the double lynch and BC was under too much fire to activate another one.
As for Kuja, I don't fuckin' know. Everything seemed to fit well and he didn't say shit the whole game.
TLDR: I got played like a flute again
Also, we have to vote sunny very soon (Day 4, if not, then 5), I think that's obvious.
The only good thing that came out of Kuja's innocent lynch is that... Plexa doesn't use more than one attribute in the suspects.
Iirc, you said Kuja was the flying bomber, but then that uses Kuja's flying and his brute's bombers. It seemed like a perfect fit, except it wasn't.
This means that Plexa doesn't take different things. I strongly think he's doing something like Qatol in Qatol's game, that is, characters as suspects and their actions are indicative of who they are. Let's look at this bomber now:
Two men were rummaging around in a room nearby, where exactly he could not tell. The sounds came closer and closer and very soon they were in the same room as him. He saw two men; one tall and lanky, the other carrying an explosive device. Their plan became immediate to him, they were going to blow his palace up with him inside. The two began setting the device while Plexa buried himself in his hiding place.
“Wait” said one of them. Plexa heard footsteps, he heard gun load, he felt the cold of the barrel up against the back of his neck. The man pulled the trigger. The Emperor was dead.
Not much there..except the use of a bomb. Now, why is he using a bomb? Either the clue is that he's a bomber, OR it's his weapon of choice, in order to allow us to identify this mafia in future days (sort of like how Qatol used Caller's syringe)
Second day we get more about this bomber:
The team of two got to work right away sabotaging the Cheese factory. As one sprinkled fox glove seeds all over the cheese, the tall lanky one kept vigilant in case security was alerted. Elemenope had been alerted to their activities moments ago upon hearing the prolonged roar which had come from the control tower, which then prompted him to look outside his window which overlooked the entire factory. As a security guard for the factory, he knew it was his responsibility to protect the exports at all cost. He launched himself out of the window towards the two saboteurs in hopes to catch them by surprise. However the lanky one was well aware of what was going on. A simple sidestep was enough to have Elemenope come crashing to the floor, immediately the other Mafioso tied him up and strapped a bomb to his chest. No one was able to help Elemenope before the timer ran out. I first thought this fox glove seed thing was a load of bull, but bc mentioned something about terrorism and ecomania, and now that he's innocent, let's look at that link again. The bomber sprinkles seeds onto food. Fair enough. Most of this is about this tall, lanky, AWARE person (I believe the key is the awareness, who else is, say, a psionically-attuned character?
Now the next day, assuming that bombing is his signature:
Caller and So no fek were returning from their night class on nautical warfare, but knowing there were Mafia about they decided to take the back route to their home. While walking through the last and only park on their journey home they heard a strange but faint laughter. A twig behind them snapped. They panicked- Caller turned and ran as fast as he could, while So no fek was petrified and could not move. The Mafioso stepped forward and ensured that So no fek would no longer be able to move. As he was running, Caller heard the laughter again, but more clearer. He looked up into the trees and a curiously clothed man glided down from the tree, but stumbled on the landing and fell over. To Callers’s surprise he burst out laughing. Not willing to take a chance, Caller backed away but his leg got caught in a trap and was hoisted into the air helpless. The Mafioso stood up walked over to Caller and tied his hands up with a bomb. Standing just outside of the blastzone, the Mafioso and Caller stared into each other’s eyes as Caller’s death was literally counting down. The blast destroyed Caller. The morning rooster crowed, and both Mafioso knew that So no fek still had to be dealt with. Upon checking his wallet they established his ironic death by making So no fek sink in the harbour.
Okay bomber, bingo, same guy. Now we get him in detail. First, "A twig behind them snapped." At first this sounds like some sort of filler, but then, read the paragraph again. Who is doing the snapping, which is behind them and causes Caller to turn back and run? So this snapping must be important. And hmm snapping a twig...sounds like destroy some environmental stuff.. Secondly, strangely clothed guy falls down and laughs. Someone mentioned this before and said it seemed like a maniac, and I agree, he sounds kind of crazy. In fact, he uses a Finally, he uses a trap, I first envisioned it like an animal trap, but that doesn't explain why it hoisted him up (can animal traps do that? if not then nevermind, this guy has some psychic abilities). Anyways using an animal trap is another nod to the theme of environment (as is the setting, a park).
Since this bomber isn't Kuja, I'd have to say that he's ecomania. Ecomania, with no other information in his profile, must have clues linked to his name. Eco-mania. I think Plexa could look that word up and see the weird definition "An obsolete term for a syndrome of domineering behaviour at home and humility toward persons in authority." but that's weird and afaik it's not even a legit definition.
Anyways, aside from these (weak I admit) clues, his behavior is also interesting. He hasn't posted much here (mostly junk) and his votes... (last lynch) last vote on bc, second to last vote on kuja. (2nd to last lynch) voted for me towards the end (mayoral vote) middle to vote for L Now either he's a townie not paying attention and just following bandwagons (not v useful), or he's mafia.
If any clues turn up on the next day that have this theme of environment or something disturbing the environment, or the bomber like causing a forest fire or something, I strongly recommend we lynch ecomania.
I cant believe BC wasnt mafia. I wont try to make myself clear at this point i know that most of the townies may think im mafia but please take a look: all my points were crystal clear all my posts are logic and BC didnt even try to argue with me. GTFO. I think this is angels night, 4 hits 4 protections. Angels: please dont protect anyone on BCs list and the last dt should not check BCs list because its more likely that mafias there arent pledges. Note that there are a lot of double votes there so mafia only needed 1 mafia to make the lynch. If you want to check a list check kujas's list. If not please rolcheck one of this guys:
Scaramanga Infundibulum Pyrrhuloxia
On July 12 2009 07:27 Malongo wrote: I cant believe BC wasnt mafia. I wont try to make myself clear at this point i know that most of the townies may think im mafia but please take a look: all my points were crystal clear all my posts are logic and BC didnt even try to argue with me. GTFO. I think this is angels night, 4 hits 4 protections. Angels: please dont protect anyone on BCs list and the last dt should not check BCs list because its more likely that mafias there arent pledges. Note that there are a lot of double votes there so mafia only needed 1 mafia to make the lynch. If you want to check a list check kujas's list. If not please rolcheck one of this guys:
Scaramanga Infundibulum Pyrrhuloxia wow, I would lean heavily toward thinking scaramanga and infundibulum are innocent, and a list that small virtually guarantees that the GF will cover one of us to look red which will cook up yet another misplaced shitstorm. Very low chance of two mafia being on that list. If one was on that list, they would just get covered and this is useless. Unfortunately for town, I think it's just best to let the mystic do their work and talk to someone they think they can trust when they think they have something because we can't telegraph what they are going to do or it only helps the mafia mislead us with cover. It's similar to why analyzing the priest was a bad idea.
On July 12 2009 06:07 StorrZerg wrote: Freaken NEWBS!
word lol
LOL if pyrr and bockit arnt mafia they have played the WORST games of mafia EVER LOL
United States3044 Posts
Alright since I have a high chance of dying tonight I'm going to help you all on tomorrow's lynch.
motbob is the godfather
Let me detail why he is at the very least mafia, and then the reasoning behind my suspicion of him being the GF.
motbob must be mafia because of the voting pattern. Consider his posts just yesterday about BC.
On July 11 2009 14:09 motbob wrote: fuck, I don't know whether to vote BC or not. I mean the thing that's really tempting me to do it is the fact that mafia COULD be voting for him, but they're clearly not (because of the Truthbringer - BC vote correlation.) If you were mafia, would you pass up the chance to lynch the mayor?
I mean hell, even ecomania isn't voting for BC.
But I really want those double lynches... whatever... I'll decide after eSTRO vs stars.
The fact of the matter is, motbob voted at a very crucial point in the votes. At the time BC was down by two votes to ecomania (Kuja far ahead in the lead). motbob made wishy washy posts as above, then tossing his two votes on BC. This was easily the changing point in the vote because it allowed for potential mafia to put BC over the line. However Pyrry's votes made this unnecessary (unless Pyrry is mafia as well).
As I stated, motbob was wishy washy about the vote, as in this next quote from earlier, he's actually against BC getting lynched because he wants the double lynches.
On July 11 2009 02:02 motbob wrote: but you know what? You're right. It's stupid to vote for him this early. I'll vote for him the day he doesn't use double lynch.
On July 11 2009 13:37 motbob wrote: I want to make a note here. Everybody who is currently voting for BC voted for Truthbringer.
That alone convinces me that he's mafia. Unfortunately... it would be stupid, again, to vote for him tonight. Bockit... you're not convincing me that getting rid of double lynches is worth getting rid of BC tonight. Can't we just tune him out and lynch him the first day he doesn't use double lynch?
As a side note, his argument that everyone who voted for BC also voted for TruthBringer (which was true at the time of his post) does not mean anything. We know mafia need to spread out their votes, especially considering list checks are available now. It's just as likely that the mafia who were on TruthBringer's list (as there had to be a few) also voted for BC. motbob would make this post, as well as putting it in bold, because those people voting for BC are probably mafia as well. He makes this statement to divert attention off his fellow mafia members.
Another big point to make is that motbob is the first person to point out that there was a save during the night. Nobody else had noticed this fact, it's obvious he'd be the first to point it out, at a very late time might I add, because he was mafia and his hits did not go through.
On July 11 2009 07:07 motbob wrote: We had a protect last night.
Back to the voting argument, motbob was also part of the reason TruthBringer almost did not get lynched the night before. I have stated in a previous post, and I will say again, that TruthBringer was ahead by a score of 9 to 4, which is a pretty decent lead, until a bunch of votes piled on in a very short timeframe. One of these came from motbob. Another one came from econmania, who I still suspect of being mafia, especially since the mafia had control over the votes the past night, they were able to save ecomania from getting lynched.
motbob is the GF
If you look through the thread, motbob has made quite a decent amount of posts, considering the number of inactives this game. However none of these have ever been more than a few sentences as he has yet to really "contribute" to the town. Considering the number of posts he's made, there has been very little discussion about him. Anyone who posts as much as him is bound to get attention, except his lack of useful posting prevents this. He restates what's already been said, gives short posts about his opinions, making it appear that he's an active townsperson. The only problem is is that he's not contributing at all.
As I stated before, Mafia is easily hiding among the inactives. It's a shame Kuja900 was innocent, but that narrows down the list even more. Why is motbob posting a lot? Because he's not afraid, which is clearly a GF attitude. As we have seen in past mafia games, mafia do not post a lot because they are afraid of drawing attention to themselves. The only exception is with the GF as he has no fear of being rolechecked. And even if he is suspicious, he can merit being on a DT check list. motbob is playing the game like an unafraid mafia member, which is clearly a GF behavior more than a normal mafia member behavior. This is why I suspect motbob of being the GF.
TOWN LYNCH TOMORROW NEEDS TO BE MOTBOB This will reduce mafia killpower by one. If everybody votes Sunny as well assassins (assuming they survive the night) have good targets as well.
United States12546 Posts
Town doesn't need another townie lynch. I'm not godfather and I'm definitely not mafia. I have a lot of respect for you (especially after last game) but you're way off the mark here.