![[image loading]](https://i.imgur.com/Rmpbq3h.png)
9 Players, 12 Voting Slots?
Host: Race Bannon l Flaveur: Coagulation (maybe)
Quasi entertainment (r ? l bs)
Player List
Game Information:
- Signup Stage
- Password-posting Stage
- Role Distribution
- Day 1 [Deadline: ~3 days l 19:00 GMT (+00:00)]
- Twilight [Duration: >= 1 hour]
- Night 1 / Day 1
- Twilight
- Day 2 / Night 1
- Twilight
- ...
This is a 2×, 9 persistent-player, micro, themed game with identical open setup. So there are 2 games in total, sharing the same game thread and voting thread. Day phases last 3 days apiece.
Once the deadline is up, an --additional, in case a hammer (a majority is reached) has been achieved prior -- hour of twilight marks the transition period, i.e. the second game becoming the active one. When that hour runs out the former's silent Night phase and the latter's Day phase kick in.
Votes are posted anonymously (no need to create an account or sign in) in the voting thread located on omgus.net. If the password written into the username field matches one of those privately handed out by me to each player separately then the vote counts.
Each player is requested to provide 30 (10 per post) passwords anonymously after signup stage; and claim them via PM to me before the game can begin. The passwords provided will be slightly modified to distinguish them from the original, and distributed randomly among players. Roles will be chosen based on them, somehow, and will not be randomized.
2 mafia control four voting slots, two of which -- if the passwords provided are correct -- are integrated into votecounts but don't count for the lynch. This means that along with the list of modified passwords for their real slot a Mafiosi receives modified passwords for one pseudo slot as well.
One in two passwords from the list of passwords given out each dayphase to townies can potentially confirm them as innocent to the Cop, who decides each night whose marked passwords to obtain.
Therefore Cops are handed out an extra list consisting of the marked passwords of their target along with the same amount of innocence-marked passwords exclusive to the SK, all in their original form, not their mod-altered form.
The 1-time-bulletproof SK controls two voting slots, too. Both will be added to votecounts, but only one of them counts for the lynch. The other becomes the kill. Furthermore, the SK receives the same list of innocence-marked passwords as the cop, but in its mod-altered form.
Neither the Cop nor the SK know which innocence marked passwords are are SK-exclusive and which are not, therefore the SK one-in-two-chance risks role exposure to the Cop's target if the SK uses any of them, not to mention too many.
If the Cop targets Mafia, the list will look normal, however, Mafia receive different passwords than those on the cop's list,
Mafia also receive every living player's passwords for the dayphase (minus the partner's list for the pseudo voting slot and the special SK and Cop lists) along with who provided them during signups, in their original form.
Based on this information, possibly along with anonymous in-thread posts, mafia can narrow down the search and deduce the identity of their partner in order to safely establish private communication. Priority is given to the NK request of the mafia who was faster in submitting the first batch of passwords.
Upon mafia's request I will bragon-demystify the first and the final votecount of the previous dayphase.
I may anonymously post non-game-breaking hints as to how the scum role distribution may have come about, and provide the Cop and Scum with extra information in order to help weed out decoys, at my discretion.
In the game thread
- Do Not Talk About The Voting Thread
- Do Not Talk About Votes OR Voting In General
- Do Not Talk About Passwords
- Do Not Talk About Activity / Availability Issues
- Do Not Post In The Game In Which You Are Dead
Note: once a game goes into twilight the other game becomes the active one.
In the voting thread
- Do Not Post While Signed In
- Do Not Refer To Posts In The Game Thread
- Ignore Any Non-Anonymous And / Or Game-Thread-Referring Posts
As if the following weren't enough, most Normal Rules And Conventions apply as well. When in doubt use common sense.
+ Show Spoiler [The Basics: ] +
1] You may have other directives that drive you, but aspiring to win should be secondary to none.
2] Upon having been lynched or killed, you are out of that sub-game only. Do not post in it anymore until the game is over, however you may post whatever in the game where you're still alive, including "Bah!" posts. Usually you do not talk about ongoing games but since this is part of a 2 game bundle, you may freely discuss the other ongoing game.
3] Aspire to good sportsmanship. Please don't be a jerk to your fellow players. + Show Spoiler [My subjective take] +Heated discussion is fine, but vehement personal attacks, insults and flaming are not. If I feel that your behavior is preventing other players from enjoying the game, I reserve the right to force-replace, mod-kill or simply issue you a warning.
4] When someone gets hammered (a majority is reached) Twilight is in effect until the deadline of that dayphase (regardless of time of hammer the flips get announced then). Players may continue to talk during Twilight, including the player that has been lynched, only if they are alive in the other game.
5] If you do not send me your Night action before the specified deadline, I will assume that you are not performing an action on that Night.
6] If you know you will be unavailable during a Night phase, you may send me your night action during the preceding Day phase if you so desire.
7] Deadline extension requests can be sent via PM and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
8] You will be expected to post at least thrice every 72 hours. If you go more than 48 hours without posting 3 times, you will be prodded. If you receive a prod, you will have 24 hours to post in the game thread. If you do not respond to your prod within 24 hours, you will be replaced. Additionally, if I have to prod you more than two times, you will be replaced.
2] Upon having been lynched or killed, you are out of that sub-game only. Do not post in it anymore until the game is over, however you may post whatever in the game where you're still alive, including "Bah!" posts. Usually you do not talk about ongoing games but since this is part of a 2 game bundle, you may freely discuss the other ongoing game.
3] Aspire to good sportsmanship. Please don't be a jerk to your fellow players. + Show Spoiler [My subjective take] +
on personal attacks is that on the internet, especially in games about lynching, shooting and stabbing where you have to put in considerable effort just to participate let alone deliver an astute performance, obnoxious and poorly argued discrediting of intellectual investment is way more detrimental to enjoyment than derogatory names, insults and flaming. I wouldn't censor expression to shield impressionable people from taking vulgarity too personal but I refrain from imposing my way of seeing it.
4] When someone gets hammered (a majority is reached) Twilight is in effect until the deadline of that dayphase (regardless of time of hammer the flips get announced then). Players may continue to talk during Twilight, including the player that has been lynched, only if they are alive in the other game.
5] If you do not send me your Night action before the specified deadline, I will assume that you are not performing an action on that Night.
6] If you know you will be unavailable during a Night phase, you may send me your night action during the preceding Day phase if you so desire.
7] Deadline extension requests can be sent via PM and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
8] You will be expected to post at least thrice every 72 hours. If you go more than 48 hours without posting 3 times, you will be prodded. If you receive a prod, you will have 24 hours to post in the game thread. If you do not respond to your prod within 24 hours, you will be replaced. Additionally, if I have to prod you more than two times, you will be replaced.
+ Show Spoiler [Voting: ] +
9] Votes should look like this: ##Vote: Race Bannon, using the bold tag, Nicknames are fine, as long as I can understand them.
10] If you don't want your vote to count for bragon calculation, PM me within 3 minutes of your vote with the subject "void vote". You shouldn't waste passwords on Unvotes, but you.
11] A quicklynch will occur when a majority (more than 50% of all possible real votes) is reached. The number of real votes needed to hammer will be included with every vote count, but the votecount itself may not be accurate, due to inflation by pseudo voting slots.
12] If a majority is not reached by the deadline then the person with the earliest, most votes eats rope.
13] Once a hammer occurs, no votes or unvotes will prevent the lynch from happening.
14] You may ##VOTE: No Lynch to end the Day with no lynch (which will also require a majority). You may VOTE: Draw to end the game in a draw (which will require 100% agreement from all living players) if you wish to insult me.
15] I will keep a record of bragging rights for townies, aka bragons. This and the fact that the cop relies on votes tho check for innocence should be incentive enough for you to vote.
10] If you don't want your vote to count for bragon calculation, PM me within 3 minutes of your vote with the subject "void vote". You shouldn't waste passwords on Unvotes, but you.
11] A quicklynch will occur when a majority (more than 50% of all possible real votes) is reached. The number of real votes needed to hammer will be included with every vote count, but the votecount itself may not be accurate, due to inflation by pseudo voting slots.
12] If a majority is not reached by the deadline then the person with the earliest, most votes eats rope.
13] Once a hammer occurs, no votes or unvotes will prevent the lynch from happening.
14] You may ##VOTE: No Lynch to end the Day with no lynch (which will also require a majority). You may VOTE: Draw to end the game in a draw (which will require 100% agreement from all living players) if you wish to insult me.
15] I will keep a record of bragging rights for townies, aka bragons. This and the fact that the cop relies on votes tho check for innocence should be incentive enough for you to vote.
+ Show Spoiler [Communication with the Moderator: ] +
16] Ideally you should consider me perfect and the "mistakes" I make as my way of empathizing with stupidity. Nevertheless I will correct any errors you might notice regarding deadlines, or anything else related to the game.
17] Once the game commences I will not answer any role-related questions in the game thread, and I don't respond well to criticism there either. Nevertheless should you need to get my attention, include @Mod in your post. Also, bolding will help catch my eye, but I repeat: if you have any questions about your role, the (theoretical implications of the) roles of any other players in the game, or (theoretical) role interactions, send me a PM. Do not try to trick me into confirming a player's role. I will not be amused.
18] If you know that you will have limited access to the game for more than a few days, please let me know via PM, not in the thread!
19] Do not ask me to mod-kill, force-replace, or discipline any other player in the game. That is my decision to make, not yours.
20] As the moderator my word is final. Please respect my instructions and my decisions.
21] If you catch a glimpse of someone breaking the rules, be sure to accumulate evidence before you make accusations.
17] Once the game commences I will not answer any role-related questions in the game thread, and I don't respond well to criticism there either. Nevertheless should you need to get my attention, include @Mod in your post. Also, bolding will help catch my eye, but I repeat: if you have any questions about your role, the (theoretical implications of the) roles of any other players in the game, or (theoretical) role interactions, send me a PM. Do not try to trick me into confirming a player's role. I will not be amused.
18] If you know that you will have limited access to the game for more than a few days, please let me know via PM, not in the thread!
19] Do not ask me to mod-kill, force-replace, or discipline any other player in the game. That is my decision to make, not yours.
20] As the moderator my word is final. Please respect my instructions and my decisions.
21] If you catch a glimpse of someone breaking the rules, be sure to accumulate evidence before you make accusations.
+ Show Spoiler [Miscellaneous: ] +
22] If you have any problems with another player, send me a PM and I will do my best to resolve the issue. If you like me take my personal views in the spoiler of the third rule to heart.
23] If a player is mod-killed during the Day phase, either the game freezes until a replacement is found or the day ends immediately and the game transitions into twilight.
24] Don't post like this!
25] The flavor text is for entertainment purposes only. Analyze it at your own risk. The guest flaveur is not informed, nor does he have access to the obs QT
26] I reserve the right to change these rules during the game if necessary. If this happens, I will inform everybody of the rule change in the thread.
27] In addition to these rules, some site-wide rules also apply.
28] Probably will prove to be the most problematic rule of all, but for me it's common sense: while the games are afoot, and you are eligible to post, you may not influence others' perception of you by invoking anything from your personal life outside the overarching game context, like plans, excuses or even reasons for mood shifts. + Show Spoiler + Off-topic talk is not only ok, I encourage it. + Show Spoiler [details] +.
29] Flavor for roles will be revealed upon death, anywhen post-death, post-game or not at all; never via role PM.
30] Sample Role PM"
23] If a player is mod-killed during the Day phase, either the game freezes until a replacement is found or the day ends immediately and the game transitions into twilight.
24] Don't post like this!
25] The flavor text is for entertainment purposes only. Analyze it at your own risk. The guest flaveur is not informed, nor does he have access to the obs QT
26] I reserve the right to change these rules during the game if necessary. If this happens, I will inform everybody of the rule change in the thread.
27] In addition to these rules, some site-wide rules also apply.
28] Probably will prove to be the most problematic rule of all, but for me it's common sense: while the games are afoot, and you are eligible to post, you may not influence others' perception of you by invoking anything from your personal life outside the overarching game context, like plans, excuses or even reasons for mood shifts. + Show Spoiler +
Some things that compromise your anonymity you should think twice about posting, is all. It's not only about your anonymity but also the reading experience. Mafia could theoretically fabricate lies about RL stuff but I want none of it in anonymous games, ever. There are other threads for you to be all you are; in anonymous game threads you basically died, and your death/physical-plane-transcendence/ascension induced this very selective type of amnesia.. pretty much for the same reason actors don't start yapping about their personal issues, or at least it doesn't wind up in the final take, which makes for a better viewing / reading / hosting experience and ensures the game works as intended.
Interesting facts, opinions, humor, performance in other fields etc... bring it, so don't get me wrong, I want you to manifest your personality as much as you like, and talk about really anything except the thing I just mentioned.
29] Flavor for roles will be revealed upon death, anywhen post-death, post-game or not at all; never via role PM.
30] Sample Role PM"
Game #1: You are a Vanilla Townie. You have a voice and a vote. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Game thread is here. By now you should know where the anonymous voting thread is.
Your Passwords / Usernames for Day 1:[list][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][/list]