On October 03 2017 19:33 Holyflare wrote: Fefe i have no opinion about other than he said he'd sheep me and his posts felt ok. Mafia needs to make posts that feel ok.
If we combine all our reads I think none of the vets townread Onegu. So let's kill him.
All other people have at least 1 reason to be somewhat town.
On October 03 2017 19:35 Holyflare wrote: I didn't vote anyone day 1 because I was afk for 90% of the day. Why are you under some kind of illusion that I have to play well? I'm not feeling it and that's the end of that. Where's the narrative that I'm just a demotivated town that doesn't give a shit? Game is about finding who is more likely mafia over town. Maybe you are demotivated town. I just find it less likely in this game. Nothing wrong with this game.
Well.. I still want to lynch into the people that we will lynch anyway. Onegu and boxerfred.
@HF So him saying he is Kermit is a mafia claim cuz he isnt saying he is vt? I saw a part of this argumentation somewhere.
Yeah how are the modkills this game? Can somebody clarify this. I am on mobile.
I can kill Onegu or BF. Pretty sure I already said that.
##Unvote ##vote: Onegu
w.e I sheep HF cuz if Onegu is mafia it makes the game so much easier.
I am fine with lynching boxer tomorrow. Or w.e. Grack / fefe doing nothing is bad and we failed hard with the pressure.
Especially fefe has literally nothing going on for him while he was active enough.
On October 04 2017 03:28 Vivax wrote: Literally no idea why there's so much resistance against that lynch cuz it is a fucking crapshoot and has a 1/5 chance of working. Well a bit more but still. Your reasoning for the lynch is far from ironclad. It is possible. It is also not possible.
Townies do nothing all the time as well. Or go 100 hours afk or something. There are people in the game who do nothing while being here. Way worse than what bf does, which is not be here and do nothing.
On October 04 2017 03:24 Vivax wrote: No Koshi FF is town.
He is more self conscious as mafia and at least tries to draw up something resembling a case from my experience with him. Only in a world in which HF is mafia there is a higher chance that bf is mafia. Other than that. Meh. Just rng.
dnu why I quoted that post.
Ok. It was a pressure vote but I am not even mad about that claim.
Thank you Jeebus.
I wonder who the vig is. Because nobody claimed we are forced to lynch boxerfred because it is more likely Chezinu is vig over boxerfred.
##unvote ##vote boxerfred
Not voting boxerfred is a big mistake. But you can all do w.e you want.
On October 04 2017 04:04 Grackaroni wrote: I could see a Koshi with one of FF/Chez world or a Rayn/BF world. Every other partner with Rayn doesn't feel right to me.
Also good claim by Onegu. Watcher is worthless right now and that narrows things down. Yes. I am constantly drawing attention to my teammates. Why would I be mafia with one of those and not those 2 together?
Holy fuck if you can answer that question I would be impressed.
Like if I was mafia with somebody before I just voted it would be boxerfred. I said nothing about him and pushed the lynch away from him.
Grack confirmed really bad or mafia.
Or maybe he has a brilliant reason. I will patiently wait on answers.
Maybe mafia is HF/Grack after all. I really dislike them both and their interactions.