Liquidmania Qualifier #2
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 03:31 Hapahauli wrote: Bingo. I don't think that's tense though. It's a well-established part of my game to get people talking, even if I have to force the shit out of things. I don't like this explanation. This comes from scum more often that town in my experience | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 04:22 Damdred wrote: It is interesting as a side note that hapa was interested enough to ask me a question about ls reading but just disnt care enough to respond to me answering (feelings hurt). Why ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 05:16 Damdred wrote: Here is the thing hapa I already have a pretty solid read on me currently. And that he is probably town at this point moving forward. How did I get here? Why thank you for asking! You see it starts with me having bad reasons that are correct. LS makes a meta point about my play and how I react to him, ( ie of I legit push him as scum and he flips town im scum as I read him like 100%). Town point. States things that are clear as day at points even jokes. Town point (really lacks much of this as scum). And seems to be able to give ok if not lower thought process on current events. So he's just town. And that went on longer than I wanted That seems really premature. LS can make that meta comment as scum. LS can make those jokes and those surface comments as scum. Especially early game when not being pressured. I witnessed it first hand when we were partner last game. And actually I don't find the part about jokes true. Several time in the millionaire game, and several time in the last game we played together where we were scum, he made joke posts when he was being pressured or voted. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 07:43 Holyflare wrote: And hapa you can't just drive by drop a comment and peace out after I've stepped up. Gotta do that hardcore commitment you so badly wanted at the start now. On January 16 2017 07:49 Hapahauli wrote: HF, why is that inconsistency mafia motivated? I understand the why Damdreds thought process doesn't make sense. I dont understand why it is suspicious. Great timing | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 21:20 Vivax wrote: Not a fan of your argumentation here cause it should go "IF LS is town then Damdred is scum cause he spewed LS town". So first you would have to make a point for LS to be town. Nope, that's quite the contrary. LS didn't do anything that points at him being townie atm, so Damdred using his god meta read on LS to read him town out of bad reasons is suspicious | ||
France13467 Posts
But I like this post. It shows that Damdred is not relying on his previous "LS is town" read to not talk about him. Makes me doubt the TMI thing | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 09:44 Holyflare wrote: Ok nvm I drop everything about damdred. Carry on folks, nothing to see here. I like this shift too | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 10:29 Hapahauli wrote: I've read your interaction with Damdred probably 5 times over the last two hours. I still don't see what you're getting at. The entire interaction makes perfect sense if Damdred makes a typo and doesn't understand that he made a mistake while answering your question. I've been in his position as town. Since you dropped Damdred, this is no longer an issue however. ??? That's not true at all If HF is scum, you just caught him pushing something pretty weak, and you made him change his mind when confronted with the facts. Just because he acknoledged that he was wrong shouldn't make you doubt your feeling about his push before that happened. | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 21:34 Vivax wrote: Rels hold on a moment. You go on to disagree with Damdred about these points making LS town. Why immediately jump to the conclusion that it's TMI afterwards if you aren't sure that LS is town? I think LS could be scum. I find Damdred's reasons to townread LS bad. Damdred is supposed to have a god meta read on LS. So if Damdred is scum, he's using his god meta read as an excuse to just give a townread to someone he knows is town, even though it doesn't show in the thread. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
Vivax HF Onegu Slam Damdred BM LS Hapa | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 08:46 LightningStrike wrote: I think Hf is being a bit nitpicky? That fight feels weird idk why honestly. On January 16 2017 09:23 LightningStrike wrote: Idk it just feels weird. Maybe HF's side? Idk man. I don't like these posts at all. The comments are bland. It's pretty different from a very similar situation where LS was town and had to post about a fight going on in the thread: On November 29 2016 23:07 LightningStrike wrote: Something tells me there is a scum between NU and EC the tone between them don't seem exactly town on town. Call it a gut feeling nothing concrete about it. Don't think both would be mafia it doesn't feel like mafia on mafia talk especially since it not Shapelog bussing a teammate this early like he normally does (hint I think Shapelog is town this game). On November 30 2016 01:42 LightningStrike wrote: Tone of TvT feels more natural while TvM feels unnatural ie like something feels forced by one side. EC vs NU seems like TvM on tone. I will look into more later when I get on a computer because quoting posts is a pain in the assignment on mobile. On November 30 2016 01:47 LightningStrike wrote: This post and the one after in EC's filter and the response from NU tone wise makes it seem there is a mafia between them. Like something doesn't feel natural in their conversation. On November 30 2016 05:11 LightningStrike wrote: I here now. Not much has happened. I do think if one of EC or NU was scum it would be NU because he seems a bit opportunistic at times for his push on people (on me and EC) yet at the same he trying to solve the game more than EC. Plus the hidden LS rule that tends to happen: If someone is playing their game with me ever they would try to push me at someway. | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 21:44 Vivax wrote: I still don't follow you. For one, god meta read is something I don't believe in. And next, I don't know why mafia! Damdred shouldn't have an interest in lynching town LS, or why it has to be an excuse. You could also have simply concluded that town! Damdred applied his god meta read here. Your reasoning doesn't convince me at all. I don't believe it's likely at all that mafia!Damdred will ever use his "god meta read" to try to mislynch LS. The fact that Damdred can read LS very well is a well known fact. I explained why I found Damdred's townread of LS bad. But I liked that he pressured LS on spitting out posts, instead of buddying him | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:00 Vivax wrote: I'll let Damdred get back to that as I can't really remember if or when he mislynched town LS as mafia. If you believe that Damdred can read LS very well and treat is as a fact, then why say he spewed him town as mafia? That's the point that I still didn't see sufficiently answered, you would have to believe that you can read LS better than Damdred, and you would have to believe that LS IS town which you didn't seem to think when you posted that. My problem was that (1) I find LS scummy and (2) I find Damdred's reasonning pretty bad 'cause LS has proved he can do all of those things as scum. Usually Damdred's reasons to townread LS are more nebuleous feelings, especially D1. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 05:41 Hapahauli wrote: Yes. #1 #2 #2 is not a satisfying explanation of #1. It does not make much sense how HF can consider something "weird", yet "remarkably high level". This post in particular. Just play on words, this don't anyone scum. Especially anyone that has a good scumgame | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:08 Vivax wrote: How can the bolded fit together? You would never jump to the conclusion that Damdred is mafia for spewing LS as town when you believe that LS is scummy. If I found LS townie I wouldn't have found Damdred's townread on him to be TMI. | ||
France13467 Posts
(1) I don't find LS townie at all. (2) Damdred states he has a very good read on LS. (3) Damdred states 3 reasons for LS to be town, all of which I find bad Conclusion: I don't understand why Damdred finds LS townie. If Damdred is scum, LS is spewed town by that post where Damdred takes the time to write 3 reasons as to why LS is town | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:13 Vivax wrote: That doesn't make sense Rels. You said posthum that you found LS at the time scummy, that means the thought that Damdred should be suspected for spewing him as town should never have crossed your mind. Your reasoning would appear more credible if you believed them both to be mafia and that Damdred was covering LS with his god read. Nope I don't think it's likely for scum!Damdred to make a list of reasons for scum!LS to be town. Too much spotlight if LS flips, when Damdred is known for his LS read. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:21 Vivax wrote: The one game I have in mind actually, they both hard defended each other. It's the one where they got all emotional, can't remember the name. Millionaire. I was in that game and got fooled by both. That's why I don't think they'll hard defend each other ever again. On January 16 2017 22:21 Vivax wrote: Walk me around why you said this cause it's the one post that I don't see a townie making in the context where he believes that LS is scummy. When you made it you must have believed that Damdreds reasons are bad. If Damdreds reasons are bad, then Damdred can be scum, but LS can't be scum. But LS can be scum, so why mention TMI? Cause that is what I thought. You' re beginning to annoy me. I already said everythiong I had to say: If Damdred is scum I don't think he hard defends LS his partner. If Damdred is scum I don't think he makes a list of bad reasons as to why his parnters is town. If Damdred is scum I see why he makes a list of bad reasons as to why town!LS is town even though it doesn't really show in the thread yet; | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:28 LightningStrike wrote: Something feels off like it doesn't seem Town vs Town especially how they were interacting with each other it feels forced somewhere and or how the arguments were presented. But you started this thought at the time saying HF was being nitpicky. What makes you think Hapa could be the scum there ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:31 Vivax wrote: Basically Rels claims to believe really really strongly that Damdred would never defend LS when they're both scum, and that's his only reason for ever making that post about TMI. Now I'm not 100 % sure if I should believe that cuz it seems fishy. Yep basically. Not that early, and not with a kinda big post stating a bunch of reasons | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:34 Vivax wrote: And then this: The order seems odd cause you say that at the time LS was null, but you put him among the scummier elements. THEN you post reasons for why you would think that he's scummy. The order is not odd, I made that read post after having read his passive posts about the Hapa / HF fight. Then I dug the other game to explain my feeling | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:34 LightningStrike wrote: He has pushed me for my mislynch when he's scum with me being town. One of those games where he done it before he left was Onegu is the Best Host which you did play in. Here was his filter from that game but if you remembered I got modkilled there and Snickers ruined the game too: That's interesting. TY for the link | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:39 LightningStrike wrote: The way he did shut down HF's push seems odd. He claimed he can see if Damdred changed the name from Vivax to himself(Hapa) it would make sense without adding to much content in that post. This was the post: Isn't this the very same thing you found HF push nitpicky ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:44 Vivax wrote: But when you found him scummy after noticing his passive behaviour, why do you post this afterwards? At the time I posted the Damdred TMI thing* | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:48 Holyflare wrote: So if I'm being nitpicky about damdred and you don't like it why does hapa stopping it seem weird? this | ||
France13467 Posts
What plot ? Damdred was AFK 99% of the time in that game. He came back at the very end with a fake check and got lynched | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:52 Rels wrote: I think you also had the most hilarious post I've ever read in that agme Found it: On September 22 2015 06:11 Vivax wrote: This is the first time I read some dude on TL presenting the excuse for not playing "Nope sorry I said I would play but then I decided to fuck for like 17 hours" =D | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 22:55 LightningStrike wrote: Another gem filter that I had linked there about me vs Damdred(I wasn't scum). this is actually great info. Did Damdred ever hard townread you when he was scum and you were town ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 09:47 Damdred wrote: Eh if like to talk some actually hf. I don't like hapa post for a couple reasons. One I don't want to talk about as you kinda covered it. But he soft defended me and I hate soft defends. Like I think its a great mafia thing to do asbit leaves his options open which he does. | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 16 2017 23:10 Vivax wrote: Rels do you still think that Damdred could be mafia for his bad reasons on LS? If so, why? not really. I want him to talk about it. | ||
France13467 Posts
Cause he pressured LS into giving an explanation. When I was prepared to see him talking to LS like a conf town. + now that apaprently he never townread LS that early as scum, my meta stuff about scum!Damdred hard townreading LS to ride his meta read and pocket him is out. | ||
France13467 Posts
All of this "I'm doing stuff to force reaction" smells like bullshit. Your few reads are boring. Do something. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 00:58 Alakaslam wrote: Ya! HF is looking like a badass by running around discrediting people till he lynches them, and if they was town it's their fault for being bad, if scum it is because he is badass Hapa running around being high tier, and generally sheepable and conftown IMSO. Damdred and LS saying stuff that I think people putting too much stock in, u coming in here and being generally wise but also making too much of HF and Hapa, with regard to H8 HF just because he sez stuff that is aggro OK. Hapa being sheepable and conftown is not true. He spent the majority of his time talking about stuff that didn't advance the game further. His stuff where he calls people town or scum are obvious surface things that do'nt make people town or scum | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:07 Alakaslam wrote: Because for once, you are someone who has used reason over emotion here. What do you mean by "for once" ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:07 Damdred wrote: I actually see differently after I looked at his filter and read the thread. Yeah hes not super in tune yet with his reads being present but hes going out of his way to find examples of previous games where certain situations have occured. Mainly dealing with me, but I think its a good sign that he is doing things like that. I think it shows the opposite of being lazy, not many people would bother to comb throughg ames to find examples of what hes talking about. Wouldn't lynch today at all, but i think hes pretty towny currently. I'm not convinced by that. LS was specifically asked for games where you pushed his mislynched as scum, so him listing them is not "not being lazy". Actually the fact that he took the time to dig up 3 games might be a good point. meh IDK | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:11 Alakaslam wrote: I mean for the first time I have observed on this site since my returning. I'm calling bullshit on that. I used very logical arguments last game and you still correctly call me scum 'cause I was boring. | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:17 Hapahauli wrote: We'll have to wait for Slam to get back I guess. Entrance doesn't look great. New line of questioning. Rels - when you were reading the thread this morning, at what point in your readthrough did you start reading LS as mafia? the end | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:19 Hapahauli wrote: ? is this for me ? If you want me to be more specific, just before finishing catching up. I didn't like his answer to Damdred | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:23 Hapahauli wrote: It was for you Rels - what do you mean by "the end"? "at waht point in your catchup ?" "the end" | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
##vote Alakaslam | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:28 Vivax wrote: Give me a break dude. If you post stuff as you catch on while having a conversation then one never has an idea if you're changing opinion cause you're being confronted with accusations or cause you're absorbing new content. But then it's your fault for posting too early not mine for finding it scummy. I also reserve the right to lynch you without being called fucking dumb. I don't have any beef with you I just think you're not being townie. Well now that you know the fucking facts you can stop being a pain in the ass | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:33 Vivax wrote: By facts you mean the wrong meta information you have spewed with complete confidence to excuse your reads not making sense? Sure. If that makes me scum in your head so go ahead | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:34 Alakaslam wrote: Was this chezinu? I don't remember doing this. If it was before the island, well, 3/4 year can do a lot to change someone. On December 20 2016 19:03 Alakaslam wrote: Rels is too unsure in the wrong places. Just a vibe; vibes fail me a lot. Just tossing it out there because fish, mc chicken, I'm voting the vibe. So this vote isn't technically a ninja vote. (I did this at 2AM but whatever.) On December 20 2016 19:15 Alakaslam wrote: some of your stances on disformation, some of your ideas regarding who would be scum why, that kind of thing. I find it odd though, what could I have meant? I find that I am really unclear, even in IRL with people. That probably explains lots of people's confusion with me on here. I am just a really bad communicator. Like I would assume people would get what I meant from what I said, that they'd see the subtleties I intended rather than others. So I wouldn't think the subtleties through like what could I even mean | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:38 Alakaslam wrote: I stand corrected, and return that it was mid/late game, with a different roster, not d1 with Hapa. HF was in that game though this makes some kind of weird sense. Do you have an history with Hapa ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:38 Hapahauli wrote: You make all three of these posts last night basically back to back to back. - In post 1, you say you are "partial" to people defending you, which implies that you liked my defense of you. You ultimately conclude that my posting was at the very least non-alignment indicative. - In post 2, merely 4 minutes later, this you call me mafia for the same reasons as in post 1. - In post 3, 20 minutes later, you talk about me a ton, but waffle between calling my actions scummy and calling them excusable. I don't understand this train of thought at all. Don't see how that's scummy. Townie being unsure, especially early game, is not weird | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:59 Holyflare wrote: Uh who was saying ls doesn't post links to filters as mafia? Cos he does in one of his games Damdred. But I reread LS last game and he only linked filters when he was asked, and stricly the things that were asked. In this game what's different is that he went looking for 2 more games after he had already answered the question. | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 02:08 Damdred wrote: Thsi is kind of the point I was making when I said town LS is helpful where scum LS isn't really helpful and doesn't go the extra mile but meh. yep exactly. You were the one that made me check | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 02:10 Holyflare wrote: You checked rels? I looked at his filter in the last liquidmania qualifier | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 02:11 Hapahauli wrote: Honestly, I have reasons to think every active poster is town, and I'm trying to look for any lead I can. I guess it is "shade throwing" to an outside eye. I'm just usually at a point where I have more concrete reads at this point in the game, and I just don't have them. The closest thing I have to a scumread is Slam, but I'm very wary of the lynchbait factor there. That is a townie post | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 03:13 Onegu wrote: Ok even if I am not onegu. How does someone scumread a person 100% on a entrance like that. Even you said so. So why would you think that if no one else does it why would onegu do it? wtf | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 02:46 Alakaslam wrote: See what you just pointed out is the correctness. But I digress. So me one has asked me who I think is scum via the question, "who do you want to lynch today". Thus far? I say wait for the inactives! It is still day one. But forced to pick now, I would lynch rels from pure moguls. But he has made sense, so even there I can't honestly lynch him. He makes sense. But if I HAD TI DECIDE RIGHT NOW then there you are. Ñot exactly helpful but there I did it ñoñ Slam I don't understand why you would pick me | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 06:15 Damdred wrote: The only thing that is even remotely interesting to me is Onegu read on slam honestly. I thought slam said a couple of things that I could see come from town. Which makes his read of null but voting nad not commenting on anything in the thread else bad to me. Especially for Onegu. Besides that I am wafly on what I think, nothing else has piqued me right now. Couple of times you've said that now. Which things ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 06:51 Hapahauli wrote: Rels, you give town reads out like hotcakes. careful, they cool down quickly | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 06:52 Hapahauli wrote: Let me phrase that differently. Who are you not town-reading? Don't know. My mind is changing rapidly. Will read filters before deciding. Slam for sure I'm not townreading. Onegu, you, Damdred neither. Even though I remarked one thing or another that could be townie. But scum fake town things. BM ofc | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:10 Alakaslam wrote: And can think outside this "must have scumreads to be readable" shit false cancer meta. Or am I wrong? Are you not above that? On January 17 2017 01:11 Alakaslam wrote: I mean for the first time I have observed on this site since my returning. On January 17 2017 01:37 Alakaslam wrote: If people said this shit about you and ignored you when you finally form a solid read on chezinu, you'd never change ever sure. You'd never get pissed sure, even if they shit on you post game. Sure. On January 17 2017 02:18 Alakaslam wrote: See so many people here would call this scummy. Because it "lacks commitment and scum have trouble scumreading people because they know you are town" But sometimes you just dont have anything but townreads for a time. And jumping on people leads to ML which should be avoided if possible. But no because D1 is always a coin flip you have to scumread anyone or why the hell couod you be town? Lol But d1 is in fact a coin flip usually, so... I didn't like that. Didn't like the OMGUS on me for no reason. Didn't like why Hapa is conf town. There were no reasons for those stuff. There weren't reasons that I couldn't get but could see that they were here. It was just random Makes me want to lynch him | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 06:58 Hapahauli wrote: If the town things you point out don't matter, why mention them at all? Cause they do matter. Only 2 people can be scum | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 01:03 Hapahauli wrote: How am I sheepable when the only public read I've stuck with is a town read on Vivax? And this is weird. What were you "private" reads ? | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 07:13 Hapahauli wrote: Nothing. I was just stating how the only read that I had on record in the thread was the Vivax one. weird way of putting it then | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On August 23 2014 16:40 raynpelikoneet wrote: Like, i know my posts appear as bad or scummy sometimes because i do not explain myself. That is NOT scummy. All the good players do know that because they look behind the actual words - they look at the meaning of the words. Why people say the stuff they do. I ALWAYS have an agenda for the stuff i say whether or not i explain it. Hapa is one of the few players who is REALLY good in reading into this. He just cannot do that as mafia because idk why, he just can't. Probably because he hates being mafia. In this game he is clearly showing he is not thinking about the game and those things - even though i have, in THIS GAME, said this is EXACTLY how i play. Even if it was not clear to him before this game THIS GAME SHOULD PROVE i am telling the truth. He is not figuring out stuff how he would as town. I do not know how to explain it better as i am bad at explaining shit. I however promised to play my best game this game and as my alignment is town you should kill Hapa with fire because he is mafia. I will tell who the rest of the mafia team is on N1. Now we lynch Hapahauli. A bit from this post from rayn in a game where Hapa was 3P makes me think of this current game. Hapa had many posts that looked like they were "for show". That just pinned something illogical but didn't advance the game further. Like, wxhen he asked about Damdred changing slightly his mind between two psots. Or when he pressured Vivax because Vivax said "this is weird" instead of "this is scummy" or something likle that. Or when he asked slam about something terrible. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
##Vote Hapahauli | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 10:47 Hapahauli wrote: I can already tell you what's going to happen today: town will lynch down the path of least resistance. Unless the mafia team is something completely fucking useless like some combination BM/Onegu/Damdred, it's very clear that nothing is being pushed aggressively to derail town, and that town is just hanging itself. ##Unvote while I re-read again for the whateverth time. What happened to Slam, your second scumread read ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 11:15 Hapahauli wrote: Comments. Thoughts. Questions. 15 hours is enough time to finish Day 1 strong. @ Rels Your wrong about my alignment, but your suspicions are right in a sense. I'm playing badly as town, and I'm going about this game the very, very wrong way. I was lost, so I was trying to ask silly stupid questions to get a lead. That's not how you get leads. Game will be pushed forward, starting now. I have a good track record, albeit in more active towns. It's been a while since I've had my vote in the wrong place as town on Day 1. I'm not always there early on Day 1, but I'm there by the end of it. We'll see about it. I saw on the database that you're night killed quite often so I expect more from you if you're town. Your HF case is not a good start. I can see HF being town and acting like he did, having a lot of stuff he doesn't like but not having a strong scumread. | ||
France13467 Posts
On January 17 2017 11:54 Onegu wrote: Oh I did see something back in those early pages I forgot to mention. It was rels Damdred/LS points. Rels goes I have no reason to town read LS but Damdred who claims he can read him is spewing him town. But why doesnt rels ever go to the possibility that maybe Damdred can actually read LS. Just because Rels has no reason to townread LS doesnt mean Damdred doesnt. Seems like a really flimsy reason to scum read Damdred. Because Damdred didn't "just" townread LS. He made a list of reasons, all of which I found bad: On January 16 2017 05:16 Damdred wrote: Here is the thing hapa I already have a pretty solid read on me currently. And that he is probably town at this point moving forward. How did I get here? Why thank you for asking! You see it starts with me having bad reasons that are correct. LS makes a meta point about my play and how I react to him, ( ie of I legit push him as scum and he flips town im scum as I read him like 100%). Town point. States things that are clear as day at points even jokes. Town point (really lacks much of this as scum). And seems to be able to give ok if not lower thought process on current events. So he's just town. And that went on longer than I wanted And he actually agreed that his post about LS was not good: On January 17 2017 01:07 Damdred wrote: I actually see differently after I looked at his filter and read the thread. Yeah hes not super in tune yet with his reads being present but hes going out of his way to find examples of previous games where certain situations have occured. Mainly dealing with me, but I think its a good sign that he is doing things like that. I think it shows the opposite of being lazy, not many people would bother to comb throughg ames to find examples of what hes talking about. Wouldn't lynch today at all, but i think hes pretty towny currently. So. What's weird about it now ? | ||
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On January 17 2017 12:32 Onegu wrote: Rels is my biggest read right now. The call out on damdred seems really forced and fake. His read on me seemed fake. Then when called out on it he went from giving me a town read down into scummy would lynch pile. I don't have a "read" on you. I mentioned that you had 0 content, which is osmething that miiiiiiight be a slight towntell. I still would lynch you with 0 problem if I don't find another lynch that satisfy me. On January 17 2017 12:32 Onegu wrote: Honestly I wouldnt lynch you or HF today. I normally stray away from trying to get a read on him early. Because when I do I am usually wrong but when we get to lylo and he is still around I can usually get a read on him either by does he have a reason to be alive and if he does have a reason does his shit make sense. I would lynch you over him at this point and it hurts me to say this. Not really sure how between slams first posts and my vote on him did he do anything useful and yet you think he looks ok and my vote on him is scummy. But again I would prefer not to lynch you or holyflare day 1. I really believe trying to get reads on you day 1 are pointless. I would never lynch Vivax. He is by far my top town at this point. He saw the same thing I saw about rels. LS/Damdred I am fairly meh on. Really think rels is a much better lynch over them. Also for rels calling out slam do something seemed like a way for him to try to gain town cred for calling out a player who wasnt doing much even though it is slam and he plays wilder than I do game from game. Rels knows this. You're saying I pushed a player who wasn't doing much. But I'm pushing and voting Hapa, who is the player who did the most in the game. Basically every reason you have to scumread me are not only things that don't make scum, they are wrong. | ||
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On January 17 2017 12:44 Alakaslam wrote: Well I didn't vote you. I am caught up now and agree; he is also trying to lynch Hapa. No ty ##Vote: Rels Slam, you are not playing the game in the weird smart way you palyed last game | ||
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On January 17 2017 21:44 Holyflare wrote: I'm pretty sure he re-read and said he liked some posts. I don't see it. On January 17 2017 02:11 Hapahauli wrote: Honestly, I have reasons to think every active poster is town, and I'm trying to look for any lead I can. I guess it is "shade throwing" to an outside eye. I'm just usually at a point where I have more concrete reads at this point in the game, and I just don't have them. The closest thing I have to a scumread is Slam, but I'm very wary of the lynchbait factor there. On January 17 2017 05:04 Hapahauli wrote: Based on the last few pages, I'm between Onegu and Damdred for mafia. Slam's opening was bad, but I liked the subsequent posts. He makes observations that are matter-of-fact and very self-aware. There's also a huge lynchbait factor here. In his own words, Slam is not a good communicator regardless of alignment. Onegu's vote on Slam is strange and scummy. I can't tell if it's policy, legitimate suspicion, or something in between. Slam has also been talking and interacting with the thread, and I don't like Onegu coming in and just shitting on his first 4 posts without even attempting to engage him. Damdred for the posts above. On January 17 2017 10:47 Hapahauli wrote: I can already tell you what's going to happen today: town will lynch down the path of least resistance. Unless the mafia team is something completely fucking useless like some combination BM/Onegu/Damdred, it's very clear that nothing is being pushed aggressively to derail town, and that town is just hanging itself. ##Unvote while I re-read again for the whateverth time. | ||
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Slam is the second. He played with me last game, I'm nothing like it. He's voting me for no reason but OMGUS. Hehas a lot of lecturey posts, but he's making sure he doesn't have reads. It doesn't make sense. It's forced. Onegu might be scum too. Maybe. His 3 reasons to scumread me are all false. So he's not reading carefully. BUt I know he can be terrib le as town, especially early. Giving him the doubt since they are two scummiest people. | ||
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Oh. TY. Didn't realize it was supposed to be a townread. | ||
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On January 17 2017 21:53 Holyflare wrote: I don't even think it's a town read?? It's a town read + lynch bait comment?? Lynchbait implies he's scummy but could be town which doesn't seem to fit here. well apparently it's enough for Slam to not be in the "maybe they're scum and useless" list | ||
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On January 17 2017 21:54 Holyflare wrote: Also I've signed myself off work cos I have rsi sooo yay free day. Should I see passengers or la la land? what's rsi ? | ||
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On January 17 2017 21:56 Holyflare wrote: Repetitive strain Reading the definition it looks like you fapped too much | ||
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On January 17 2017 09:48 LightningStrike wrote: Also I don't think we should lynch BM because his lynch would give absolutely no information on anything at all regardless of his alignment. Rather lynch into the active slots more or less. I like this bit from LS | ||
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Hapa Slam Onegu BM LS Damdred HF Vivax | ||
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On January 17 2017 22:36 Vivax wrote: Since when is considered having no scumreads or not trying to find scum in general considered townie? Cause that's what Damdred looks like to me and Hapa said something similar at the very least and you know, he is right too. I challenge you to find me anything resembling a scumread in Damdreds filter if you decide not to vote him off. And HF telling me what your perspective in general was doesn't excuse that what you said about Damdreds read on LS not only misses the point of what Hapa accused him off, but also tries to argue that Damdred is town cause as mafia he doesn't townread LS. What kind of reasoning is that??? If having scumreads is considered scummy, then that's how Hapa was the majority of the game. Having no scumreads means nothing. Not looking for scum is scummy. Damdred is doing it in his own way - by crossing people off a lynch list before POEing the lynch. And that's how he ususally plays D1. | ||
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On January 17 2017 05:22 Vivax wrote: I feel better about Hapa, he posts very accurately and diligently which on its own wouldn't be AI but I get the feeling that it walks us through a legitimate thought process, so that's useful. nope | ||
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On January 17 2017 22:47 Vivax wrote: Did he tell you that? Cause he didn't say any of the sort iirc, are you his spokesperson now? It just doesn't make sense to me how you can't be even suspicious of him in the slightest. At the very least as town he puts out a few possibilities for people to be scum, maybe adding that he won't lynch them D1 like he does with me almost all the time. But HE DOES have reads, and doesn't just kind of exist alongside us. I read his filter and saw that. The uneasiness, the townreads, the doubts about Hapa. It could be fake, I'm not hardtownreading him. But it is there. | ||
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On January 17 2017 22:48 Hapahauli wrote: On Slam I don't think this makes him mafia. I spent a lot of time meta-ing him last night in drawing the conclusion that I did to vote Holyflare. His two most recent scum-games are Outlaw Mini and Mini Down Under 3. The former is quite useful, the latter he never really has any activity (and therefore not much to draw from it). Mafia Slam in "Outlaw" is very Bipolar. He has two moods: "TROLLY CHUZPAZI" (or however you pronounce that) and one-lined jabs at people calling them suspicious or mafia. There's actually very little emotionally in the middle of those two "modes". You'll notice he's perfectly capable of calling people suspicious and having reads as mafia. His town games are noticeably different. He has a lot of moments of introspection, self-awareness, good humor, and even "coaching" other players. I see a lot more of town-Slam so far than mafia-Slam. First, as he said himself, this is an old game. If you wanna compare meta, do it with the game that just finished in which he was town. Second, I saw some posts that are similar in this filter and in this game. But that doesn't mean anything. OFC he's capable of "calling people suspicious and having reads as mafia". It's not that hard. That's not why I think he's scum. It's because nothing can be read under his posts. No thought process, no reads, no state of the game. He thinks that Hapa and HF are great players that shoudlnt be lynched D1 and that is it. | ||
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On January 17 2017 22:51 Vivax wrote: And Rels is in the room too of course. For its own reasons that 1gu also agreed with, not cause he's looking like he's pulling with HF on the same string, as tempting as that argumentation would be. What's your read on each other anyways? Town. Your reasons are bad. Onegu reasons are bad. Stop being bad. | ||
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On January 17 2017 22:55 Hapahauli wrote: Rels you're tunneled. Stop being bad. a) You took a quote from Rayn describing my play from a game where I was a 3rd party on day 1 when I was actively looking for mafia and for all purposes town. I got lynched in that game on Day 2 when my objectives changed and therefore I stopped giving a shit about the game. b) I don't think you realize just how bad my game is as mafia. I don't care about your attitude in that particular game. rayn quote described your general scum game, and described what I'm feeling about you in this particular game. On January 17 2017 22:55 Hapahauli wrote: c) "All of Hapa's stuff is forced" is just some neublous general observation that I can't even address because there isn't any clarity to it. What is forced? This is a game in which I'm trying whatever I can to get people to talk, and no shit something like that will sound forced and manufactured, because it is. Want examples ? OK. On January 16 2017 03:31 Hapahauli wrote: Bingo. I don't think that's tense though. It's a well-established part of my game to get people talking, even if I have to force the shit out of things. Explanation that don't come out of townie often. On January 16 2017 04:01 Hapahauli wrote: Sure. A town thought process is straightforward. I think "x" is mafia because "reasons." I think "post" is scummy because "reasons." This was not the thought process here. This isn't straightforward. You find what I was doing "sort of scummy", but immediately discredit your own observation by stating that "you're still ruminating." This very round-about thought process is scummy. This sounds logical but doesn't make anyone mafia. Typically the sort of things scum attakc people for. On January 16 2017 05:41 Hapahauli wrote: Yes. #1 #2 #2 is not a satisfying explanation of #1. It does not make much sense how HF can consider something "weird", yet "remarkably high level". Logical inconsistency that look good but don't make anyone scum. Again. On January 16 2017 08:40 Hapahauli wrote: Where did LightningStrike and Vivax go? What do you guys think about all of this? Shitty question. On January 17 2017 01:38 Hapahauli wrote: I need an explanation for some of your posts last night Damdred. 1) 2) 3) You make all three of these posts last night basically back to back to back. - In post 1, you say you are "partial" to people defending you, which implies that you liked my defense of you. You ultimately conclude that my posting was at the very least non-alignment indicative. - In post 2, merely 4 minutes later, this you call me mafia for the same reasons as in post 1. - In post 3, 20 minutes later, you talk about me a ton, but waffle between calling my actions scummy and calling them excusable. I don't understand this train of thought at all. Again. Inconsistency that look good 'cause it's logical but don't make people scum. On January 17 2017 01:41 Hapahauli wrote: @ Slam This is just a generalization. What posts in particular involve "reason"? Holyflare and Vivax posted a ton too - is there not "reason over emotion" in their filters? Pointless question. Nothing can come out of it that advances the game further. etc etc. All of your filter is filled with this. | ||
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On January 17 2017 23:01 Vivax wrote: Bad reasons are still better than no reason how the hell can you townread HF so confidently it's not like your first game on the site. And I just displayed twice or thrice how he made a nonsense argument on Hapa and you just overlook it. I don't townread HF confidelty. I think I'll never townread HF confidently 'cause he's a super good scum. He seems town for now though. The way he pressured Damdred at the beginning then stopped. The way he expressed having lots of people he wants to lynch. And he's seeing the same things I do on Hapa's filter. | ||
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On January 17 2017 23:10 Hapahauli wrote: Rels, I too can make a list of "shitty town reads" you have provided the thread and call you mafia. Your filter is "full of them." But that would make me a bad and superficial player. Nope. Wrong reads don't make people scum. Not really looking or scum make people scum. Not trying to solve the game for real make people scum. On January 17 2017 23:10 Hapahauli wrote: What you call "forced posting" is me being lost, and trying anything to get someone to talk in an inactive game. No shit that will sound forced. No shit the questions will not be pretty. That's what I feel about Damdred's filter. Not yours. On January 17 2017 23:10 Hapahauli wrote: Why don't you talk to me about my non-forced case on HolyFlare instead? I get the impression you're not actually paying attention to anything that me and Holyflare have actually been saying over the past 2 pages. I read your case. I talked about it. I feel the opposite. HF having "too many scumreads" and being lazy about them don't make him scum. I don't feel like he's faking it. | ||
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On January 17 2017 23:14 Hapahauli wrote: You realize that you're speaking about one of the better town players on this site, right? so ? I saw him act that way. He is usually lazy. In fact I think I never saw him tryhard D1 | ||
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On January 17 2017 05:14 Holyflare wrote: then there's Hapa who is seemingly calling out Onegu/damdred and even voting Damdred for EXACTLY what he was criticised of doing (having no reads, not pushing much) but Hapa doesn't acknowledge that LS has said that Damdred has never hard town read LS as mafia damdred: which I think I hate by far the most This is such a convulated read to have. | ||
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On January 17 2017 05:26 Holyflare wrote: I'm just gonna sit on damdred and see where it goes, it's majority shit lynch anyway. Why that vote ? Did you think LS was scum at that point ? | ||
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On January 17 2017 05:14 Holyflare wrote: then there's Hapa who is seemingly calling out Onegu/damdred and even voting Damdred for EXACTLY what he was criticised of doing (having no reads, not pushing much) but Hapa doesn't acknowledge that LS has said that Damdred has never hard town read LS as mafia damdred: which I think I hate by far the most This never comes back. It's a kinda weird thing to think, but I could accept town!HF taking that into account for solving the game. BUT IT NEVER COMES BACK. He votes Damdred after that. He talks about Damdred without talking about LS: On January 17 2017 20:08 Holyflare wrote: I voted damdred for all the reasons I outlined early in the game and never moved it off him. He hadn't done much since then and so leaving my vote on him wasn't a bad thing. Nothing has changed with Damdred to be honest but in my eyes I see equal (maybe leaning scummier) points for him being both mafia or town. It is the thing "he hates the most by far" and he's forgetting it afterwards. | ||
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On January 17 2017 23:33 Hapahauli wrote: This is HolyFlare's story: a) HF is suspicious of the entire thread. b) HF sees myself (hapa) and Vivax vote Damdred. c) HF is lazy, votes Damdred, and "sees where it goes." d) HF sees a case against him in the morning, attacks the player who made the case because he hated that player's vote on Damdred, despite HF having made the exact same vote?!?!? From HF himself: No that is not why HF is scum. HF having tons of scumreads and being lazy about them mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. But the thing Vivax posted is super damning on the other hand | ||
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##Unvote ##Vote Holyflare | ||
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HF / Onegu THey make sense. One of Slam only read says that HF is the best player and shoudlnt not be lynched for now Onegu had a big post about being unable to read HF | ||
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7-2 5-2 3-2 2 mislynches possible With a no lynch: 7-2 6-2 4-2 2-2 1 mislynch possible We HAVE to lynch or we lose one mislynch | ||
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if one people (LS, Damdred, BM, Onegu ...) comes back + HF we have to lynch Slam if two people comes back we can lynch HF | ||
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On January 17 2017 23:28 Hapahauli wrote: STOP. GIVING. OUT. SHITTY. TOWN-TELLS. THAT. ARE. MEANINGLESS. MEANINGLESS! On January 17 2017 23:29 Hapahauli wrote: DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING WINARRRRRRRR | ||
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On January 18 2017 00:16 Hapahauli wrote: I think you are town Rels, but your posts are tilting me really hard. I'm going to take a break, drive to the doctors, and be back in 45 minutes ish. Nothing I'm saying is against you personnaly. But I know the feeling. I'm feeling the same. This is my towniest game in a long time and I'm not top town in anyone reads. Granted, D1 has always been my worst day, but still. | ||
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On January 18 2017 00:29 Bill Murray wrote: [/u]wut WUT? vote: LightningStrike First, what's weird with these ? Second, this is majority vote. You will need to vote for the main wagon before deadline | ||
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On January 18 2017 00:31 Onegu wrote: Yeah Im not doing either of these things... Getting my son ready My mom will be here to pick him up in 45min to a hour and take him out to the store. Then. ILL BE BACK! Just in time for the last hour. Great | ||
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nope. We could lose a mislynch if you don't vote for the main wagon and that causes a no-lynch | ||
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On January 18 2017 00:48 Bill Murray wrote: can u all wait to lynch until i catch up at least... This is only majority, not instant majority | ||
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On January 18 2017 00:53 Holyflare wrote: This comes back in my first post of the day bro? Why should Hapa take it into account when you're not taking it into account ? | ||
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On January 18 2017 00:59 Bill Murray wrote: this is a stretch you're claiming someone is going to break their entire integrity/pride/analytical ability on a whim in a small game? damdred may have been reaching early, but this is [oops]reach level reaching Damdred wouldn't break anything if he's scum. Anyway catch up then we can talk On January 18 2017 00:59 Bill Murray wrote: love how you can read people who have yet to post id like to learn how to do that You are in the null row. | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:00 Holyflare wrote: How have I not taken it into account? In the post I accuse hapa I outline (not clearly at all) about 4 reasons damdred is mafia and 2-3 damdred is town (one of them being his ls read). I left my vote afk on damdred because: A) coinflippy B) pressure is great C) don't actually know damdred's alignment The meta thing is absolutely not a reason to solely town read damdred but it's something to ANALYTICALLY weigh up. Hapa's reasons for voting unvoting damdred are.....? Lazy/sheeping posts and thread presence? Ok rels. Yeah. This doesn't make sense. I don't see how that makes sense. So it's a reason so important that Hapa not using it to townread Damdred is scummy; but not so important that you're not really sure about Damdred. I think you're scum. I think that's exactly the kind of thing we need to get you caught as scum. You're not thinking about the game as a whole. Just applying logical stuff to Hapa, then logical stuff to Damdred. But they don't match. | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:06 Bill Murray wrote: yeah but why am i towards scum in the null row ? :/ You are not. | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:12 Holyflare wrote: that's not the point at all wtf? it's that there's MANY MANY MANY REASONS that aren't "the thread ain't saying shit" that have would a change on your stance on a person, the LS read being ONE OF THESE hapa mentions NONE NOT ONE NADA ZILCH he states multiple times that he has an issue scum reading people in this game WHILE HIGHLIGHTING REASONS TO SCUM READ PEOPLE THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE unless Hapa used this "Damdred != LS" argument somewhere then forgets about it when he talks about Damdred. Otherwise WHY CANT HE THINK THAT ITS A BS ARGUMENT | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:13 Vivax wrote: I believe we can agree that lynching Slam is off the table. Looks to me like he does care about the game. ++ agree | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:14 Holyflare wrote: rels just outline like five bullet points why you're voting me and don't say you've already posted why Dont need five. The thing you "hate the most" in this game doesn't make sense. Hapa can totally scumread Damdred without taking the LS thing into account. You take the LS thing into account like it's the Graal. I can totally see Hapa thinking it doesn't mean shit and not taking it into account. But you used it as the thing you hated most about him. THEN JUST AFTER THAT YOU VOTED DAMDRED. Even though scum!Damdred would never hard townread LS like that right. It doesn't make sense. It was an easy cop out vote. | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:19 Holyflare wrote: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? He never mentions this argument once. Never discusses anything about damdred. Never talks about anything to do with damdred other than to damdred himself. His reason to vote damdred is solely that damdred is sheeping ME (another argument being that if damdred is solely sheeping me, why am I the mafia?). That's his only argumentation on voting damdred. There are many points in the thread that can make you lean one way or the other in damdred and each of them has some sort of effect on what you think of damdred. At all points in the game a good player, such as hapa, looks at these points and objectively weighs them up, makes an informed decision and a vote. What do we get from hapa? That he's struggling to find reasons that someone is mafia? That he can't see one bit of information in this thread that could make him lean one way or the other one someone? I think that's an utter crock of shit. I have so many "scum reads" because there's so much already information in this thread that people could go on that's already been made and can be used. Hapa doesn't even look at these points either he just accuses me of doing nothing with it while not even exploring to think it's right and then his return is just that I'm "omgusing" him when it's not like that at all because these are actual legit reasons to scum read hapa THAT YOU SHARED. I think Hapa is town now. I changed my mind. That's what people do on D1 when they're looking for scum. | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:22 Holyflare wrote: good for you because I wholeheartedly disagree what has he done in his return? comment on a thing say dingdinding and leave again after you switched? that's called getting the mafia objective done and leaving again He had a few posts that felt really townie. When he was tilted. Then the joy when I finally got your weird read. He didn't attack me when I was the easy target. In fact, he didn't attack the easy targets. He attacked you. Probably the hardest target of all if you're town. His post where he went "IDK what to do I kinda think everyone is town" was townie. He looked into Slam meta even though Slam was never the main lynch. | ||
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Wanted to exprim the idea that scum are more likely to hide behind logical fallacies to push their scumread, so their read make sense. Even if they don't make people scum. On January 18 2017 01:37 Bill Murray wrote: wow ... calm down... nobody likes this or needs this in this thread No worries I'm calm now. | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:26 Rels wrote: He had a few posts that felt really townie. When he was tilted. Then the joy when I finally got your weird read. He didn't attack me when I was the easy target. In fact, he didn't attack the easy targets. He attacked you. Probably the hardest target of all if you're town. His post where he went "IDK what to do I kinda think everyone is town" was townie. He looked into Slam meta even though Slam was never the main lynch. On January 18 2017 01:23 Holyflare wrote: ok i'm going to try something new outline a few key points on why hapa is town for me i'll outline a few on why he's mafia we'll meet in the middle Why is hapa scum ? | ||
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On January 18 2017 01:52 Vivax wrote: Addendum: It was one of the reasons he unvoted Damdred for. And it's a pretty bad reason in my opinion given that the wagon had at most three people, one of them with a meaningless vote. So speaking of thread direction is a stretch. Disagree about that. Damdred had 3 votes but it looked like it was gonna the default lynch. Especially after the post swhere Damdred goes "I'm gonna be AFK after XXX, if you wanna lynch me then go for it". From Hapa PoV I don't think that's weird to think Damdred was gonna be a default lynch that was gonna result in a ML, since he was voting him but was not super convinced about him | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:00 Vivax wrote: Make it one vote as one of the two besides me was Hapa himself. That makes the argument absolutely ridiculous actually. Its not about the number of votes. I also thought Damdred was at risk of being lynched at some point. And I reread his filter to make up my mind about him | ||
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+ Show Spoiler + On January 18 2017 02:02 Holyflare wrote: Hapa spent the first half of the cycle with 0 scum reads. Doesn't make him scum. On January 18 2017 02:02 Holyflare wrote: He wanted people to discuss as much as they could but instead of letting people discuss and possibly get more information he was more concerned about getting called out for inactivity and shutting down the damdred push only to say it's not alignment indicative. Hapa asks pointless questions that lead nowhere and don't seem to formulate into a thought process that leads from one place to another. For instance, his questions on damdred's posts in regards to hapa (that soft defences make damdred happy and then not) don't make sense because it's quite obviously not scummy to contradict yourself within four minutes. Hapa presses this point when the answers are obvious and lead absolutely nowhere (one of his two only "pushes????" in the game). Only things I agree with. On January 18 2017 02:02 Holyflare wrote: Hapa doesn't use any thread point of views from any person in this thread to formulate a read on anyone. He bypasses actual thread content to then push surface level things (damdred is mafia for not doing much) and ignores when something contradicts that (for instance many people saying I'm lazy and me telling him damdred's meta can be what he called him mafia for). All hapa's points are surface level: his push on damdred/onegu(this is like wtf because onege pushed slam for obvious no reasons)/me all. ALL. for inactivity/not pushing things. Before, but not anymore. He had good points in his push against you. He had good points on Damdred being maybe town. On January 18 2017 02:02 Holyflare wrote: Hapa's posts are interspersed with questions that are made to think like he's following up on stuff and leading somewhere but then never concluding anything from it despite the things being scummy or towny for example his ls question of "oh ls is playing to his scum meta now, what's up?" but ls never appearing ever again in his filter. So ? On January 18 2017 02:02 Holyflare wrote: Hapa's inability to find scum despite being one of the best people on the site not being able to find mafia when there's many reasons to mafia read people is ridiculous. Well, if he's town, you're using these many reasons to mafia read people to push him. On January 18 2017 02:02 Holyflare wrote: Hapa's vote on damdred COMPLETELY disappearing after damdred has done absolutely nothing to change that. Hapa's scum team was damdred/slam and damdred afkd. Hapa's reason to get off damdred is that mafia aren't trying to change it. If mafia are slam and damdred like he thought then how is slam the afker going to change anything and how is damdred going to change that within the minimal amount of hours that hapa had already unvoted. No chance was given for damdred to do anything that warranted the unvote. People changing their mind when nothing is happening is probably more town indicative than scum indicative. On January 18 2017 02:02 Holyflare wrote: Hapa just cares about pushing things to look good but not about the answers or how he gets there, see case.jpg for further info If that was true he wuld still be sitting on Damdred. | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:07 Holyflare wrote: Also I absolutely hate how nobody is talking about LS. (I guess my fault) BUT he's spent the entirety of the first 24 hours of the game doing nothing but waiting for damdred and then when damdred finally answered it's "oh, okay" and then just leaves again until the wagon on me starts and he has to vote somewhere at which point he states he has no idea how to read me. Out of the fight of hapa/hf he even said it was hapa most likely mafia and hasn't commented on anything since but now it's the other way around. I think he always said he didn't like you over Hapa. | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:16 Holyflare wrote: I literally linked a post where that's a lie. Please read. Yeah I read it after. | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:20 Vivax wrote: You're doing it for the third time I can count. You're ignoring new evidence. what new evidence on Hapa ? Only new thing is that LS weird change of opinion | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:20 Bill Murray wrote: agreed but then again look at this game? it's for "who is the best on teamliquid" in a sense So of any game to tryhard in, it's this That's coupled with other reasons. His emotional posts were genuine. Or very well faked maybe. Especially compared to what HF produced right now. His dig on Slam meta was unneeded. And why would he attack Hf out of nowhere ? This is what is bothering me the most if he's scum. So I don't think he's scum | ||
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##Vote LightningStrike | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:24 LightningStrike wrote: Well I willing to get lynched if you guys need more time hapa vs hf. THATS TOWNIE THOUGH | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:26 LightningStrike wrote: Lw: Lynch hapa or hf day 2 then lynch Damdred. WAIT I THOUGHT DAMDRED WAS CONF SCUM IF HE DIDNT CALL YOU TOWN | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:35 Damdred wrote: I'm probably foolish, but ls swing on hf to just steeping hapa and not really doing much else made me think scrum thatvrricked me earlier. It sucks but yeah. I should have more time to catch up in a few. yeah 'cause LS sheeping and not doing much is so scum indicative right. Especially to you, who's supposed to know him super well. I hate this post of yours. I hate the fact that you came back just in time to vote. And I'm seeing in your filter that you left just afterwards. On January 18 2017 02:48 Vivax wrote: But yes I actually believed there were three mafia <_< Same dumbtell as last game ... I think this comes more often from town than scum. Last game was more clear and cut 'cause the dude was a newbie. But even then fake dumbtells don't come from scum very often. On January 18 2017 04:01 Holyflare wrote: I don't know if vivax is mafia either but it seems the most likely the thing is in this exact same hosted game (championship qualifier 1) someone made the same mistake and dumb telled himself town but he was a COMPLETE noob, I don't know if vivax took a dose of stupid fucking moron pills to think 1/3 of the game was mafia or not but yeah it's unlikely Disagree that it's unlikely. It's possible that it's fake but not very likely IMO On January 18 2017 04:01 Holyflare wrote: I kind of like the cut of bm's jib at the moment and he seemed super up for hashing things out at deadline which I really liked. Agree On January 18 2017 04:01 Holyflare wrote: I feel that if onegu was mafia he just joins the wagon on me and gets me out of the way because that's the easiest thing in the world to do but need to talk to him Disagree. I can see Onegu as scum doing exactly as he did - kinda nothing, but posts to say "I don't wanna lynch HF" when HF is the main lynch. On January 18 2017 20:25 Vivax wrote: I'm stuck between deciding on Rels being sloppy townie or mafia. The "stayed at work to see flip" reads townie to me, but so far I could count three times where he didn't notice new information in the thread. Also huge lack of paranoia on HF. And this post for example is hard to make sense of cause LS is saying to lynch Damdred in it. But it's one of the reasons for him to support LS lynch. The thought was that Damdred should have been the first to be lynched in LS mind there. | ||
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Slam not so much, he was townie during EOD. Don't remember why exactly but that was my feeling about it. BM covninced me he was town when he was catching up. Very clear and easy to follow logic everywhere. HF is townie now. I like how he's thinking about the game now. It seems global, and not focused on Hapa like EOD1. Still doubtful about him 'cause he's HF. If he got away for nothing EOD1 I'll be mad. Vivax is near lock town. He was already super townie D1. Then now with the dumbtell + the paranoia read on Hapa + HF it cemented that read. + him being active during the night. No need for him to do that, he's lazy scum usually. Hapa is almost there too. I'm glad he's playing the game well now. I like everything he's posted. Except the things on Vivax, htey made sense but I disagree. But he changed that read now. | ||
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On January 18 2017 23:20 Vivax wrote: Can you tell me if my vote on Hapa was odd or scummy enough to disregard my entire D1 play? What's it like from your perspective, I really need that input from anyone not Hapa/HF I think you're town | ||
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Onegu Damdred Slam HF BM Hapa Vivax | ||
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+ Show Spoiler + On January 18 2017 01:14 Onegu wrote: I am here. I dont want to lynch HF. I really dont want to. Dont lynch HF. On January 18 2017 01:48 Onegu wrote: Sigh who are we lynching? I dont want to lynch HF. But I will hammer if I have to but really really dont want to. On January 18 2017 02:11 Onegu wrote: Would let you lynch me over HF. I think he is a coin flip at best and the chance that he is town and wins it for me would give him mvp and me the second most points for saving him. Im willing to risk it. On January 18 2017 02:25 Onegu wrote: Ok I can do this ##Unvote ##Vote: LightningStrike On January 18 2017 02:25 Onegu wrote: Yeah hammer plz On January 18 2017 02:27 Onegu wrote: Yeah not lynching vivax... Onegu was there. Non contributing. Posting stuff that doesn't make sense on HF since he doesn't townread him, based on "IF HF IS TOWN ITS A BAD LYNCH". Not having a read on anyone else save me. The "Lynch me over HF" is bad too. It comes at a timing where it's very unlikely he's lynched. Seems forced. His explanation is BS too: On January 18 2017 06:01 Onegu wrote: The martyr post. You are wrong. It was just posted right before that Rels would lynch me if not HF. It was in response to that post that I would rather be lynched than HF. So his main scumread (me) posts that he wants to switch to him, and he's OK with him ? + the martyr post comes after that: On January 18 2017 02:06 Bill Murray wrote: i dont want to lynch onegu i think hes town And this: On January 18 2017 02:09 Bill Murray wrote: agreed and agreed personally, guys, i dont want to lynch HF right now he is playing better and more townie than some (damdred, ls, alakaslam) to name 3 + HF pushing Hapa. So it makes it even mor eunlikely that Onegu is the lynch. | ||
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On January 18 2017 00:58 Alakaslam wrote: I have caught up and. Prices something earlier, that coupled with recent events makes Rels town. I will invite- However, if HF flips green we have to lynch Hapa. I think this is just a terrible idea day1. But ultimately, I'd rather lose HF than Hapa. HF is not the best player here, he is the other of the greats. I will not lynch him today. If you all do that fine, I will find who I think is scum. What were these ? | ||
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On January 18 2017 23:37 Vivax wrote: That doesn't answer the question :/ What I'm getting at, do you think they had an argument there. Do you think someone would change his read on me so strongly based on my EoD? Yes the reason makes sense and both HF and Hapa could be town thinking it. | ||
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On January 18 2017 23:44 Vivax wrote: I disagree. It didn't seem to catch their attention until after LS was lynched. What do you mean ? You switched your Hapa read minutes before the deadline. You would have expected to say that you're scum this very moment, and not a little bit later ? | ||
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On January 18 2017 23:54 Vivax wrote: Hapa seemed way more apathetic about my vote at the time he saw it compared to what he acted like after the lynch He way more angry at your LS vote than your vote on him. Can be explained by the fact that he felt that he didn' tplay D1 super well. He also reacted to my scumread on him without OMGUSing it. He was way more mad when you didn't switch back to HF and instead went LS | ||
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On January 18 2017 02:30 Hapahauli wrote: FUCK YOU YOU CAUSED THIS YOU )#$(%*(#$*&%(*!@&$(*@&#($*&#$(*%&@# He even kinda risk modkills with that post. Not super liekly to be modkilled but it is after deadline | ||
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On January 19 2017 00:14 Vivax wrote: And how does that make sense when I was posing resistance to that lynch? It makes 100% sense. If your vote was kept on HF it was super likely the lynch | ||
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On January 19 2017 00:19 Vivax wrote: Wouldn't that mean you only lynched LS cause HF wasn't the lynch and not cause you believed what Damdred said? We're talking about Hapa's POV here. And yeah, I was way more open to switching after you voted Hapa. | ||
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On January 19 2017 00:25 Vivax wrote: So anyone could have come in and say "methinks X is scum" and you would switch to him along with everyone just cause there was one less vote on HF? well obviously since I didn't switch to Hapa when you did, that's not as clear cut as what you're saying | ||
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On January 19 2017 00:32 Vivax wrote: Thanks. That leads me to the point. Why did LS get lynched? Cause there was one less vote on HF, or cause people actually believed LS is scum based on some random lazy posts by Damdred and HF? From Hapa POV, it makes total sense. And it's kinda true too. I think if you stay on HF HF gets lynched yesterday. On the grand scheme of things, OK your switch shouldn't have been the reason a player is not lynched. But in this game I don't think HF escapes lynch if you don't switch. On that post Hapa says he's staying on HF even if you're voting him: On January 18 2017 02:20 Hapahauli wrote: No bargains. I'm on Holyflare until the bitter end. Then he's forced tro switch to LS. That's where his madness comes from. It's understandable. After talking to you he again changed his mind. It's not hard to understand. His mindset makes sense. | ||
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On January 19 2017 00:34 Holyflare wrote: rels can I get you expert opinion? can you translate what vivax is saying for me since you seemed to agree with him d1? Why do you not understand ? Vivax is clear on why he's suspecting you. On one argument (Vivax voted LS) you claim he read a sentence wrong. On the other (the Damdred TMI stuff) you claim it doesn't make sense. | ||
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On January 19 2017 00:45 Holyflare wrote: I get the sentence thing because I badly worded it. I don't get the damdred thing at all. That's what I want you to explain to me. It's been explained a lot. That's still why I'm not confident calling you town TBF. LS says scum!Damdred never hard townread him. Hapa ignores that fact 'cause it is not a good thing to take into account for him. You attacked him saying he should have take it into account. That's weird. But what's even weirder is that you don't take it into account yourself. Or if you do like you later said you did, it's not strong at all. So it's weird that it makes Hapa scum in your mind. | ||
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On January 19 2017 00:58 Vivax wrote: So Rels what do you say about HF calling Slam scum? To me Onegu scum looks like the road of least resistance for a mafia but then again, it could be cuz I'm scumreading HF. Nothing. Depends on why he thinks Slam is scum. | ||
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On January 19 2017 01:05 Holyflare wrote: because damdred voted ls with me and I liked that he did (pretty sure he saw the contradiction at the same time as me) whereas slam promised to do some scum hunting and has followed the same sentiment as onegu about "leaving the good people alive" but not actually taking stances on their alignment. Slam also said not to lynch any of us but immediately was fine jumping onto me when I'm pretty sure I already had majority and he was complaining about it whilst doing nothing. It heavily hints to him knowing I'm town and complaining pre-flip about something that he doesn't want to change to get a mislynch. And it doesn't bother you that Damdred had 3 posts before deadline, voting LS who he supposedly read very well, then goes "I was wrong" and GTFO ? | ||
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See you tomorrow if I'm alive | ||
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On January 24 2017 08:44 iamperfection wrote: Onegu- mvp Holyflare- 80 Bill Murray- 25 Vivax - 10 Rels- 10 LightningStrike - 10 Hapahauli- 0 Damdred - 0 Alakaslam- 0 i gave the points that i took away from the mod kills and self voters to holyflare. Im pretty sure holyflare wins this game easily if his partner was anyone but alakaslam or damdred. updated standings 1.Holyflare- 105 2.sicklucker- 50 3. Bill Murray- 25 4.LightningStrike- 20 4.Rels- 20 5.Alakaslam-10 5.ExO_-10 5.Kmatt-10 5.disformation-10 5.Vivax - 10 I have so many problems with that. IMO Hapa or Vivax should get MVP. They caught HF D1 with really nice logic. Hapa in particular. And HF didn't get lynched D1 because BM Slam Damdred and Onegu resisted the lynch, then followed by Vivax. In another town HF gets lynched D1 there. Then Hapa gets mad D2. And he was kidna right to be mad. He was obvious town, he was pusing both scum. And he got counter pushed by HF and Onegu for very, very bad reasons. So bad I thought Onegu & HF were the team for sure. And Hapa did too. During LYLO though Onegu and BM were super good. But in a normal game it would have been too late. Especially if Damdred didn't get modkilled, no way he isn't lynched during LYLO. The stars aligned (scum + super scummy lurker modkilled) to create that LYLO where BM and Onegu could shine. To conclude I think Onegu getting the MVP for only his last day play is not fair. He played well the last day, but it shouldn't have mattered. He was part of the reason HF didn't get lynch D1, then "obvious town" Hapa got mad and lynched D2. | ||
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On January 25 2017 01:21 Damdred wrote: I like to think if i was able to be active unlike what rels thinks I wouldn't of been lynch bait in lylo. I am kinda good at the game when I am able to focus which didn't happen. Damdred who indeed ![]() Oh I don't disagree on that. But since Onegu was hard scumreading you during D2, I think it would have been a really hard battle to not get lynched D3 if you didn't get modkilled. And even if you managed that the lynch still needed to fall on HF instead of Onegu or BM. Seems unlikely. | ||
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