On August 08 2016 02:34 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: This is like the 20th game in a row I've rolled town.
Brah I haven't rolled scum since April(?), and have rolled doc twice.
So obv we are both scum.
Scum Team: nnn_theKushmountains, Shapelog, ?????
I am too lazy to look in the mafia QT to see who our third mafia member is. Prob damdred knowing his mafia luck.
On August 08 2016 02:38 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Guys honestly I've been getting mislynched a lot lately so that's making me worried about getting mislynched which is making me look scummy. Kind of like when you get soft once then next time you can't stop thinking about all the pressure so you get soft again.
Then your girlfriends like damn u need to see a doctor. But only you understand that it's not that at all.
Panicy Kush is Panicy
Also, on this site, you haven't got ML expect in 72 hours. Brav. ended early, and you were Mason in part 1. And besides, we are scum remember? It is a Lynch!
On August 08 2016 02:38 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Guys honestly I've been getting mislynched a lot lately so that's making me worried about getting mislynched which is making me look scummy. Kind of like when you get soft once then next time you can't stop thinking about all the pressure so you get soft again.
Then your girlfriends like damn u need to see a doctor. But only you understand that it's not that at all.
This is incredibly scummy. This guy spends the last 20 games as town not giving a shit whether he gets mislynched. This game he gets questioned on some simple point and responds with what could only be described as verbal diarrhea. I'm not buying it.
On August 07 2016 13:07 Damdred wrote: Honestly was just busy tonight but I'm here for a bit.
I can live with a disf pressure today see where it goes but we will see.
GB could potentially be my friend.
Trust me, disformation is mafia.
ooh what about GB pushing disfo mislynch meh probably not
How's it a mislynch again?
I think you skipped this tumble GB might want an answer.
As for the RNG Lynch really shouldn't, while d1 lynches are more miss than hit the gathered informTion is more valuable than something people don't have to really take a stand on. Probably not scummy for sl though the other two hrmmm maybe.
oh yeah in case you were wondering GB, it wasn't a mislynch but more so suspicion. pretty bad read though and I do not stand by it.
From what I make out of this post, No longer believes in the read he had on Dis. And he finds his reasoning bad, which was this:
On August 07 2016 10:54 Tumblewood wrote: disfo trying to read into Damdred's joke is a red flag to me. doesn't read as tryhard and I know he is a decent player. I am still on the lookout for an action from him that makes it town though.
And lets assume Tumble's ML comment was indeed meant, I have sus. but not enough to be sure. So this means two things:
First, Tumble doesn't find the tonal thing at the beginning of the game scummy any more. Meaning if he flip flops in the next few pages, or what not, I and you (the reader, including you tumble) should be sus. I would say, he should also be against the tonal reads on Dis now, but it is Day 1 (and that post was early in Day 1 as well), and he never stated he had a Town read on dis.
Second, and this is only if Dis does flip scum, Tumble could be more scummy, due to him backing away from the notation Dis was scum around the time Kush looked sus. A course, Kush needs to be town in this case as well, unless mafia is the three of them, and they are just doing me and busing the shit out of each other.
From what I now make out of his post, I realized that the sus. he is talking about is about GB, and not dis. and that he didn't change the read on dis, but on GB. Would like to know the bad read though.
On August 08 2016 03:01 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:55 Grackaroni wrote: I don't know what to say if you're town Kush. This has been the single worst response to a question I have ever seen in all of mafia.
Wasn't your case that I care therefore I am mafia? So How was my response anything but true?
No I write that a lot and it seems to fail as often as it hits. My case here is that you are acting uncharacteristically squirmy and you already recognized that your behavior had been scummy. You tried to explain away your actions by saying that you are especially concerned about being mislynched this game and that is why you are being scummy. I think you being scum is a lot more likely than this being true.
And I'm saying my "squirminess" was merely me trolling you.
On August 08 2016 03:12 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:11 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:08 Grackaroni wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:01 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:55 Grackaroni wrote: I don't know what to say if you're town Kush. This has been the single worst response to a question I have ever seen in all of mafia.
Wasn't your case that I care therefore I am mafia? So How was my response anything but true?
No I write that a lot and it seems to fail as often as it hits. My case here is that you are acting uncharacteristically squirmy and you already recognized that your behavior had been scummy. You tried to explain away your actions by saying that you are especially concerned about being mislynched this game and that is why you are being scummy. I think you being scum is a lot more likely than this being true.
And I'm saying my "squirminess" was merely me trolling you.
Good one. You got me. Vote stands.
How about if I said I was being too scummy to be scum.
No no no! You suck at being scum! ... Maybe I really do have to check the mafia QT and coach you on BS excuses to why you are not scum. FFS.
On August 08 2016 03:13 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:06 Tumblewood wrote: and I'm here on the sidelines saying "grack and kush are not scum together"
That means you shouldn't vote for me, according to Bayes theorem. I am statistically a bad lynch.
Lol, So much math,
On August 08 2016 03:26 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: <a href="/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=25925102" class="submessage" title="August 07 2016 14:17 EDT"><span class="post_date">1 minute ago</span> <span class="post_time"><!--post time needed here--></span></a> So our number is 17.
So little Usefulness. (also conveniently lands on Dis rofl)
Also, RNG lynchs instead of P-Lynches? Jezz I thought my mafia tell was bad rofl. + Show Spoiler +
But seriously, were are thou P-lynches?
On August 08 2016 04:46 Vivax wrote: Did a quick ctrl-f of my name, no results so far.
Is the theory that only scum would try to deflect attention to me being afk for 1 half of D1 a shit theory or a good theory? With the caveat that they'd have to be under pressure to do so, so is it safe to assume no scum so far was under pressure? Or only scum that doesn't know my meta?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Narcissistic Narcissist!
But really, this was just randomly thrown out there.
On August 07 2016 23:51 GlowingBear wrote: Town Damdred
Mafia Disformation
Step up people.
Hahahaha, Kinda just want to Town lean you SL for making me laugh. "Vivax's and SL posts talking about players at the end of Page 11."
Like them both there. Vivax feels like the same as we was when we played in Brav and part 1, and SL is actually doing something!
Which might be something!
On August 08 2016 05:20 Damdred wrote: I honestly kind of felt like i would love this game with the player list but i'm kind of depressed every time i enter into it, which is kinda meh hf won't even talk to me so far :'(.
In any sense you still can't read me Sl and no idea why not (this case just me not posting much to go on).
Damdred 100% sad because he is in a team with me and kush.
On August 08 2016 03:26 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: <a href="/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=25925102" class="submessage" title="August 07 2016 14:17 EDT"><span class="post_date">1 minute ago</span> <span class="post_time"><!--post time needed here--></span></a> So our number is 17.
On August 08 2016 05:20 Damdred wrote: I honestly kind of felt like i would love this game with the player list but i'm kind of depressed every time i enter into it, which is kinda meh hf won't even talk to me so far :'(.
In any sense you still can't read me Sl and no idea why not (this case just me not posting much to go on).
Isn't sad Damdred town Damdred, according to Art's flowchart?
Well Fuck RNGJesus, He has screwed me over multiple times, and owes me money.
On August 08 2016 05:28 Damdred wrote: I was first poster so always confirmed town dont' forget that disf.
But on a serious note i kind of want to go back on my grac townread somewhat, he is kind of missing the punch that I saw in some of his town games and kind of just along for the ride. Not sure if its a scum read yet but not comfortable town reading him at this point. Also the strange fight with kush just idk strange.
GB I like the thought process I see, but idk can't really tell, i sort of want to go town but want to see more opinons.
At least I still have my tumble townread, an dno wi want to townread vivax.
I was first poster so always confirmed town dont' forget that disf.
But on a serious note i kind of want to go back on my grac townread somewhat, he is kind of missing the punch that I saw in some of his town games and kind of just along for the ride. Not sure if its a scum read yet but not comfortable town reading him at this point. Also the strange fight with kush just idk strange.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with what Grack did in the fight, IE. I can see myself making some of those posts (mostly though because I enjoy screwing with Kush) I might go back later (well I will sense he is one of the 2 wagons) and double check because mostly I was focused on Kush's posts.
I can see Kush also being either alignment there, even though I get scummy feels off of his posts. Mostly because he posts like that often. Minus the RNG lynching and Math stuff. If he is mafia, that is a very weird tell rofl.
GB I like the thought process I see, but idk can't really tell, i sort of want to go town but want to see more opinons
Wow, I am tired. I thought that said Options until I went to B Tag it.
I personally like GB enough to give him some townie points as of reaching this post. His early posts I liked, and we shared the same noticed with the ML post from tumble. Meta wise I suck with GB (aka, I think they play alike) so i cannot gather there.
Overall I think he deserves not to be lynched D1 unless he does something scummy.
At least I still have my tumble townread, an dno wi want to townread vivax.
Personally, again, I have vivax with some townie points due to how he was posting up to this post. Tumble, I have sus. but nothing hard against that can prove anything either way. Why are you town Reading him again ( I would look it up but to lazy + about to go)?
On August 08 2016 05:33 Damdred wrote: could lynch shapelog though, like lynch him with fire fo rnot saying something good by now
I could lynch you, due to being dumb enough to say that people who post first are confirm town. Also, I have a Life, let me tell you.
It started almost 25 years ago. I grew up with my dad and my mom. My dad was a jack of all trades, merchant marine, dumptruck driver, security guard, Cook, Von. firefighter (mom was too), etc. My mom was a adviser to some business.
And to make a long story short, I am 24 (25 in 7 days) years old, have a GF, and the first of my family (out of my brothers and sisters) to go to college full time.
On August 08 2016 02:00 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: @damdred about rng lynches. it's done for the lols not for the wins. Kind of sad that you actually felt the need to point out that rng lynches are suboptimal.
@hf nice catch on that lunaticman post. When I read it, I kinda thought he always opens like that half roleplaying like? Still I agree with you that the post is suspect.
@onegu the filters link to liquiddota... FIX IT...
Why is it sad that I have to point out something is suboptimal when there is are people who actually want to do it. Its sad that it is even brought up in the first place
if an rng day 1 lynch is sub optimal its not by much. acualy statistically its just as good as a day one lynch. the only thing that sucks about it is you have less to go on in day 2.
I really hope nobody was being serious about an rng lynch. rng lynching is always bad even if it statistically has about the same chance of lynching scum.
Don't really like damdred getting so serious about this topic.
*ignores Kush, who was the person who suggested it, made a fucking equation, and picked the top wagon at the time for lynching*
You know what, Fuck this, Just going to read sliently and not post every thought and make a grand post in 15 mins.
On August 08 2016 20:26 Shapelog wrote: Alright, 100% sure that what ever is holy in this universe just loves to screw me over with storms.
Anyways, I got a hour or two rn, and later I will have more later in the day (7 oclock here).
No matter what though, I forgot this is majority. We need to consistence sometime in the next 5 hours or so, so that we don't end up like we did in Onegu part 1's lynch.
Yes, I quite agree. Unfortunately I have no clue who you gonna vote for. Not even your if your scumreads on damdy and kush are jokes or not. What do you think of the points on Grack? What do you think of the points on Luna? Shape's first long post: + Show Spoiler +
On August 08 2016 20:58 Shapelog wrote: Page 10 Thoughts
On August 08 2016 02:38 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Guys honestly I've been getting mislynched a lot lately so that's making me worried about getting mislynched which is making me look scummy. Kind of like when you get soft once then next time you can't stop thinking about all the pressure so you get soft again.
Then your girlfriends like damn u need to see a doctor. But only you understand that it's not that at all.
Panicy Kush is Panicy
Also, on this site, you haven't got ML expect in 72 hours. Brav. ended early, and you were Mason in part 1. And besides, we are scum remember? It is a Lynch!
On August 08 2016 02:38 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Guys honestly I've been getting mislynched a lot lately so that's making me worried about getting mislynched which is making me look scummy. Kind of like when you get soft once then next time you can't stop thinking about all the pressure so you get soft again.
Then your girlfriends like damn u need to see a doctor. But only you understand that it's not that at all.
This is incredibly scummy. This guy spends the last 20 games as town not giving a shit whether he gets mislynched. This game he gets questioned on some simple point and responds with what could only be described as verbal diarrhea. I'm not buying it.
On August 07 2016 13:07 Damdred wrote: Honestly was just busy tonight but I'm here for a bit.
I can live with a disf pressure today see where it goes but we will see.
GB could potentially be my friend.
Trust me, disformation is mafia.
ooh what about GB pushing disfo mislynch meh probably not
How's it a mislynch again?
I think you skipped this tumble GB might want an answer.
As for the RNG Lynch really shouldn't, while d1 lynches are more miss than hit the gathered informTion is more valuable than something people don't have to really take a stand on. Probably not scummy for sl though the other two hrmmm maybe.
oh yeah in case you were wondering GB, it wasn't a mislynch but more so suspicion. pretty bad read though and I do not stand by it.
From what I make out of this post, No longer believes in the read he had on Dis. And he finds his reasoning bad, which was this:
On August 07 2016 10:54 Tumblewood wrote: disfo trying to read into Damdred's joke is a red flag to me. doesn't read as tryhard and I know he is a decent player. I am still on the lookout for an action from him that makes it town though.
And lets assume Tumble's ML comment was indeed meant, I have sus. but not enough to be sure. So this means two things:
First, Tumble doesn't find the tonal thing at the beginning of the game scummy any more. Meaning if he flip flops in the next few pages, or what not, I and you (the reader, including you tumble) should be sus. I would say, he should also be against the tonal reads on Dis now, but it is Day 1 (and that post was early in Day 1 as well), and he never stated he had a Town read on dis.
Second, and this is only if Dis does flip scum, Tumble could be more scummy, due to him backing away from the notation Dis was scum around the time Kush looked sus. A course, Kush needs to be town in this case as well, unless mafia is the three of them, and they are just doing me and busing the shit out of each other.
From what I now make out of his post, I realized that the sus. he is talking about is about GB, and not dis. and that he didn't change the read on dis, but on GB. Would like to know the bad read though.
On August 08 2016 03:11 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:08 Grackaroni wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:01 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:55 Grackaroni wrote: I don't know what to say if you're town Kush. This has been the single worst response to a question I have ever seen in all of mafia.
Wasn't your case that I care therefore I am mafia? So How was my response anything but true?
No I write that a lot and it seems to fail as often as it hits. My case here is that you are acting uncharacteristically squirmy and you already recognized that your behavior had been scummy. You tried to explain away your actions by saying that you are especially concerned about being mislynched this game and that is why you are being scummy. I think you being scum is a lot more likely than this being true.
And I'm saying my "squirminess" was merely me trolling you.
On August 08 2016 03:12 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:11 Grackaroni wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:11 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:08 Grackaroni wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:01 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:55 Grackaroni wrote: I don't know what to say if you're town Kush. This has been the single worst response to a question I have ever seen in all of mafia.
Wasn't your case that I care therefore I am mafia? So How was my response anything but true?
No I write that a lot and it seems to fail as often as it hits. My case here is that you are acting uncharacteristically squirmy and you already recognized that your behavior had been scummy. You tried to explain away your actions by saying that you are especially concerned about being mislynched this game and that is why you are being scummy. I think you being scum is a lot more likely than this being true.
And I'm saying my "squirminess" was merely me trolling you.
Good one. You got me. Vote stands.
How about if I said I was being too scummy to be scum.
No no no! You suck at being scum! ... Maybe I really do have to check the mafia QT and coach you on BS excuses to why you are not scum. FFS.
On August 08 2016 03:26 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: <a href="/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=25925102" class="submessage" title="August 07 2016 14:17 EDT"><span class="post_date">1 minute ago</span> <span class="post_time"><!--post time needed here--></span></a> So our number is 17.
On August 08 2016 04:46 Vivax wrote: Did a quick ctrl-f of my name, no results so far.
Is the theory that only scum would try to deflect attention to me being afk for 1 half of D1 a shit theory or a good theory? With the caveat that they'd have to be under pressure to do so, so is it safe to assume no scum so far was under pressure? Or only scum that doesn't know my meta?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Narcissistic Narcissist!
But really, this was just randomly thrown out there.
On August 08 2016 05:20 Damdred wrote: I honestly kind of felt like i would love this game with the player list but i'm kind of depressed every time i enter into it, which is kinda meh hf won't even talk to me so far :'(.
In any sense you still can't read me Sl and no idea why not (this case just me not posting much to go on).
Damdred 100% sad because he is in a team with me and kush.
Also, I know sadness/Emo Damdred = town, but fuck cell mafia. Then again, I did caught you in cell, but not anywhere else so....
At least he is no friend of RNGesus. Cause friends of RNGesus are apparently no friends of mine. Also agree with/like the point on SL. (Read: SL is a TR) Anyone got meta on Shape?
Also how do you, out of all the people who have scum read me every game you watched, not have meta on me?
Actually no, Damdred posted something I want to respond to first.
On August 09 2016 00:00 Damdred wrote: I don't understand where shapes anger is coming from especially about a long running joke about first post being confirmed town. Idk why he's angry at me.
Anyway I don't want to Lynch disf or grac (today).
I could be up for a Kush Lynch or maybe mderg.
Lol, I am not mad at you rofl. I found it funny that you said that, because of the long running joke (and I broke it once as scum so it makes me giggle more.) And I was pulling your leg with the Life story rofl.
No, If I was angry at you, it be like:
"F*** You Dammy Boy! You useless Crap, overflowing out of your mouth, is just shit." Or "HAUSUIDASUIGDUIASGDUIAGSIUDGAS DAMMDRED!" Or "Insert Gif here"
On August 09 2016 00:52 Lunaticman wrote: I think Kush is actually telling the truth on the matter of not wanting to die. But it feels like a lame excuse. Any VT would fight way more against a lynch like that when they have time to post.
I don't think Kush is the way to go based on his filter. I have a better hunch about Damdred or GlowingBear. Both of their filters are enough content to avoid a day 1 lynch and missdirection, typical mafia behaviour.
I don't particularly like how vague this is on Damdred and GB. Is there anything particular about their posts or is it just about the amount of content which imo is a pretty useless point to make.
I was actually reading thru his filter and thinking the same thing rofl. Minus the bold (since hes talking about their posting style.)
I mean, I can kinda GB (Later I share why.) But Damdred's play is kinda odd. Not only that, but honestly both me and vivax (two people who were somewhat Town read) did, let's be honest, very little. Vivax made a few posts, and so did I. So i am more interested into why Those two didn't pop out to him.
Also, the top part of that post:
I think Kush is actually telling the truth on the matter of not wanting to die. But it feels like a lame excuse. Any VT would fight way more against a lynch like that when they have time to post.
Feels like he conflicted more then he wants to say.
Also, I remember this post when I get to your read on my post. I like it, though:
On August 08 2016 05:35 disformation wrote: I think with Vivax posting something earlier, Shape is now the only one who hasn't posted at all, right?
You didn't play my Ritual Card.
On August 08 2016 05:39 mderg wrote:
On August 08 2016 04:53 sicklucker wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:05 Damdred wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:00 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: @damdred about rng lynches. it's done for the lols not for the wins. Kind of sad that you actually felt the need to point out that rng lynches are suboptimal.
@hf nice catch on that lunaticman post. When I read it, I kinda thought he always opens like that half roleplaying like? Still I agree with you that the post is suspect.
@onegu the filters link to liquiddota... FIX IT...
Why is it sad that I have to point out something is suboptimal when there is are people who actually want to do it. Its sad that it is even brought up in the first place
if an rng day 1 lynch is sub optimal its not by much. acualy statistically its just as good as a day one lynch. the only thing that sucks about it is you have less to go on in day 2.
I really hope nobody was being serious about an rng lynch. rng lynching is always bad even if it statistically has about the same chance of lynching scum.
Don't really like damdred getting so serious about this topic.
*ignores Kush, who was the person who suggested it, made a fucking equation, and picked the top wagon at the time for lynching*
You know what, Fuck this, Just going to read sliently and not post every thought and make a grand post in 15 mins.
I was fairly confident that you wouldn't make an equation like that, if you were being serious about random lynching. Maybe I was just wrong and people took this whole random lynch thing more seriously than I thought.
I was talking about Kush's equation lol. I just posted a Gif.
4 more people to la a filter. 4 more people to bang my heaaaad against. la la la la faaa la! 4 more people to filter, I hoooope their filters are just pure shit. That way I can make them scum, and be doooone with it. Why the fuck did i do filtering day 1, And who the fuck is that ringing. I Bet it is the host oh ost with a warning about my poost a tost. Oh I bet it is the hostooost, citating me about the 4 people. Oh I bet it is the host, Beating me over the 4 peoples.
On August 08 2016 22:23 disformation wrote: SHAPE! I command you to be easier to read!
On August 08 2016 20:26 Shapelog wrote: Alright, 100% sure that what ever is holy in this universe just loves to screw me over with storms.
Anyways, I got a hour or two rn, and later I will have more later in the day (7 oclock here).
No matter what though, I forgot this is majority. We need to consistence sometime in the next 5 hours or so, so that we don't end up like we did in Onegu part 1's lynch.
Yes, I quite agree. Unfortunately I have no clue who you gonna vote for. Not even your if your scumreads on damdy and kush are jokes or not. What do you think of the points on Grack? What do you think of the points on Luna? Shape's first long post: + Show Spoiler +
On August 08 2016 20:58 Shapelog wrote: Page 10 Thoughts
On August 08 2016 02:38 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Guys honestly I've been getting mislynched a lot lately so that's making me worried about getting mislynched which is making me look scummy. Kind of like when you get soft once then next time you can't stop thinking about all the pressure so you get soft again.
Then your girlfriends like damn u need to see a doctor. But only you understand that it's not that at all.
Panicy Kush is Panicy
Also, on this site, you haven't got ML expect in 72 hours. Brav. ended early, and you were Mason in part 1. And besides, we are scum remember? It is a Lynch!
On August 08 2016 02:38 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Guys honestly I've been getting mislynched a lot lately so that's making me worried about getting mislynched which is making me look scummy. Kind of like when you get soft once then next time you can't stop thinking about all the pressure so you get soft again.
Then your girlfriends like damn u need to see a doctor. But only you understand that it's not that at all.
This is incredibly scummy. This guy spends the last 20 games as town not giving a shit whether he gets mislynched. This game he gets questioned on some simple point and responds with what could only be described as verbal diarrhea. I'm not buying it.
On August 07 2016 13:07 Damdred wrote: Honestly was just busy tonight but I'm here for a bit.
I can live with a disf pressure today see where it goes but we will see.
GB could potentially be my friend.
Trust me, disformation is mafia.
ooh what about GB pushing disfo mislynch meh probably not
How's it a mislynch again?
I think you skipped this tumble GB might want an answer.
As for the RNG Lynch really shouldn't, while d1 lynches are more miss than hit the gathered informTion is more valuable than something people don't have to really take a stand on. Probably not scummy for sl though the other two hrmmm maybe.
oh yeah in case you were wondering GB, it wasn't a mislynch but more so suspicion. pretty bad read though and I do not stand by it.
From what I make out of this post, No longer believes in the read he had on Dis. And he finds his reasoning bad, which was this:
On August 07 2016 10:54 Tumblewood wrote: disfo trying to read into Damdred's joke is a red flag to me. doesn't read as tryhard and I know he is a decent player. I am still on the lookout for an action from him that makes it town though.
And lets assume Tumble's ML comment was indeed meant, I have sus. but not enough to be sure. So this means two things:
First, Tumble doesn't find the tonal thing at the beginning of the game scummy any more. Meaning if he flip flops in the next few pages, or what not, I and you (the reader, including you tumble) should be sus. I would say, he should also be against the tonal reads on Dis now, but it is Day 1 (and that post was early in Day 1 as well), and he never stated he had a Town read on dis.
Second, and this is only if Dis does flip scum, Tumble could be more scummy, due to him backing away from the notation Dis was scum around the time Kush looked sus. A course, Kush needs to be town in this case as well, unless mafia is the three of them, and they are just doing me and busing the shit out of each other.
From what I now make out of his post, I realized that the sus. he is talking about is about GB, and not dis. and that he didn't change the read on dis, but on GB. Would like to know the bad read though.
As I understood Tumble meant this read:
On August 07 2016 13:14 Tumblewood wrote:
On August 07 2016 13:07 GlowingBear wrote:
On August 07 2016 13:07 Damdred wrote: Honestly was just busy tonight but I'm here for a bit.
I can live with a disf pressure today see where it goes but we will see.
GB could potentially be my friend.
Trust me, disformation is mafia.
ooh what about GB pushing disfo mislynch meh probably not
Also: Confused Shape dis confounds completely. Shape's second really long post: + Show Spoiler +
On August 08 2016 21:33 Shapelog wrote: Page 1--All screw it I just make a mega post.
On August 08 2016 03:11 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:08 Grackaroni wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:01 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:55 Grackaroni wrote: I don't know what to say if you're town Kush. This has been the single worst response to a question I have ever seen in all of mafia.
Wasn't your case that I care therefore I am mafia? So How was my response anything but true?
No I write that a lot and it seems to fail as often as it hits. My case here is that you are acting uncharacteristically squirmy and you already recognized that your behavior had been scummy. You tried to explain away your actions by saying that you are especially concerned about being mislynched this game and that is why you are being scummy. I think you being scum is a lot more likely than this being true.
And I'm saying my "squirminess" was merely me trolling you.
On August 08 2016 03:12 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:11 Grackaroni wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:11 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:08 Grackaroni wrote:
On August 08 2016 03:01 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:55 Grackaroni wrote: I don't know what to say if you're town Kush. This has been the single worst response to a question I have ever seen in all of mafia.
Wasn't your case that I care therefore I am mafia? So How was my response anything but true?
No I write that a lot and it seems to fail as often as it hits. My case here is that you are acting uncharacteristically squirmy and you already recognized that your behavior had been scummy. You tried to explain away your actions by saying that you are especially concerned about being mislynched this game and that is why you are being scummy. I think you being scum is a lot more likely than this being true.
And I'm saying my "squirminess" was merely me trolling you.
Good one. You got me. Vote stands.
How about if I said I was being too scummy to be scum.
No no no! You suck at being scum! ... Maybe I really do have to check the mafia QT and coach you on BS excuses to why you are not scum. FFS.
On August 08 2016 03:26 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: <a href="/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=25925102" class="submessage" title="August 07 2016 14:17 EDT"><span class="post_date">1 minute ago</span> <span class="post_time"><!--post time needed here--></span></a> So our number is 17.
On August 08 2016 04:46 Vivax wrote: Did a quick ctrl-f of my name, no results so far.
Is the theory that only scum would try to deflect attention to me being afk for 1 half of D1 a shit theory or a good theory? With the caveat that they'd have to be under pressure to do so, so is it safe to assume no scum so far was under pressure? Or only scum that doesn't know my meta?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Narcissistic Narcissist!
But really, this was just randomly thrown out there.
On August 08 2016 05:20 Damdred wrote: I honestly kind of felt like i would love this game with the player list but i'm kind of depressed every time i enter into it, which is kinda meh hf won't even talk to me so far :'(.
In any sense you still can't read me Sl and no idea why not (this case just me not posting much to go on).
Damdred 100% sad because he is in a team with me and kush.
Also, I know sadness/Emo Damdred = town, but fuck cell mafia. Then again, I did caught you in cell, but not anywhere else so....
At least he is no friend of RNGesus. Cause friends of RNGesus are apparently no friends of mine. Also agree with/like the point on SL. (Read: SL is a TR) Anyone got meta on Shape?
Also how do you, out of all the people who have scum read me every game you watched, not have meta on me?
And I am going to do a Read post after this post.
Eh, we haven't played together yet and I don't read most games closely, when I am #obswarrioring. Also remember the part where I basically scumread you 100% of the time, when i was #obswarrioring? =p Well there was one recently, where you were kinda obv town. Maybe I should go back and compare that game to this, but I don't think you are a good lynch today.
Lol, I miss the days I was so bad at this game, that I was actually in jeopardy of getting lynched.
I mean, it won't hurt to go back to do that. I think you called me town once for 5 mins that game, then flip flop back to scum ville for me.
On August 09 2016 03:22 Shapelog wrote: I was talking about Kush's equation lol. I just posted a Gif.
I was also talking about kush. I guess the "you" was a bit misleading. Seeing that kush hasn't done anything since then makes me a bit uncomfortable.
I actually talked about this in the report.
Short story: Kush has a new job which makes his mafia time less. Therefore, I would look at his posts, and not the activity. Plus it is almost 4 PM, and I am pretty sure he gets off at either 5 or 6 PM, IIRC from Brav.
Hello and Welcome back! My name is John Shapelog, and as always, I am posting non-stop, to give you the most up to date info in Shapeville! Tonight, we start with a remembrance, of a time on TL Mafia, where the page count past 20 pages in the first RL Day. It was a, [qoute] on [qoute] time of prosperity, and envy. As Which was once said for Waffle houses. So, like a Greasey, Hair filled Waffle at the House, I going to give you Herps and your morning Joe.
None, Fucking townies need to be better at being town. Like meh.
Town lean: HolyFlareGun Batman! Like him overall. Damdred said he was scary a long time ago in wonderful obs. Hf not scary man.
Overall, I like his pushing, his tone, content, how he looks at things etc. and I can see the town mindset. I might actually put him up higher, if it wasn't for the scary tales I was told. If luntic flips scum, he is def. going up there tho. That and, he is a bit too focused on Lunatic (kinda like Rsoul in devil on me) for my taste buds. Grackaren: I liked his approach to Kush, he keep pushing who he thought was sus. (Kush), and I like some of his reads. He also has done a good chunk more then others, and I wouldn't consider him for a Day 1 lynch rn.
I really like his Day 1 posts.
The only thing I got to add, is that he seems a little bit focus on survival (see posts #363 and #334) Which is something I suspect a mafia to be like. He was, tbf, close to the top lead, but doesn't moot the point entirely. I def. will revist him during the night post, or D2 if I am alive (lol) Disinformation (weakish): If it wasn't for his intro, i might of removed the Weakish part of this. I still have problems with it. However, he has posted the most, a good number of his posts now are decent, and his tone seems to be better. With time, I might just chalk the weakish tag up. Plus the Luna logic.
Surprisingly, He town read me. Which is just... Wow. Damdred (Weak): It is so tempting to just auto place you in the mafia box, due to the last to games. Just....... So...... Tempting......
Eh, you been fine overall, and placing you in null for past game rolls seems dumb to me. So instead I'll put you as a weak town lean.
Ok? Ok sweetie. Null (no order): VIvax: (No D1 lynch) Honestly Like his posting overall, and wished he just did a bit more. I find the posts good in content, and nothing stands out to me. Def. not lynching Day 1. Will wait though to place him higher tho. Glowing Bear: (Not D1 lynch): I liked the posts I read from GB from the earlier part of the game. It felt natural in a way, and I even came to some of the same conclusions he did. My problem is, is that he kinda has fallen flat towards the end of the cycle. And it worries me because mafia tends to slack, when they get Town points.
That said, GB isn't in my pool for a D1 lynch though. If he keeps up with the last point, I will be considering him for a Day 2 lynch, unless he makes a really good content post to balance the activity out. Sutters: Ehhhhh, Here's my thing.
On August 07 2016 12:28 Stutters695 wrote: Lynch all stutters. Discuss.
He posts this, which is kinda a weird thing for a mafia person to post. Mainly because Stutters prob. knew that he wasn't going to be on much after. Meaning, if anything actually came up, he wouldn't be able to defend it as scum, and more importantly, the post itself kinda IMO doesn't show a desire to survive.
Kush vote is Meh. Not because it is bad, hell, if It wasn't for the fact that I find Kush scummy 96% (hehe) of the time, but because it kinda is what I expect mafia to be.
I would like A) more from him, and B) others opinions on the Top part, before I move him up or down. SaltShaker:
Do I have to read him mommy? I do? Producer? I do? FFS,,,,
Ok, SL is being cocky, actually posting, and his some of his reads are beyond my understanding. Maybe the Posting point actually makes him scum since Ik...I very fucking know, he doesn't post D1 as town (unless I misremembered from his rants)
Cocky Sl is normal SL.
Not enough honestly to put him lower IMO. Me'Derg:
His filter is pretty meh, but he is here, and I really liked that one post about lunatic. Other then that, eh nothing that actually makes me think either way. Its very....Generic. D2(if I live)/N1 I prob. will poke him and get emoticons out of him.
Mafia Leans Lunatic: Kinda agree with the points made against him with the intro. Already explain why I didn't like this:
On August 09 2016 00:52 Lunaticman wrote: I think Kush is actually telling the truth on the matter of not wanting to die. But it feels like a lame excuse. Any VT would fight way more against a lynch like that when they have time to post.
I don't think Kush is the way to go based on his filter. I have a better hunch about Damdred or GlowingBear. Both of their filters are enough content to avoid a day 1 lynch and missdirection, typical mafia behaviour.
Activity: Want more, but at the end of the day, could be busy, and content = read. Reads: Grac I can maybe understand. Kush read seems conflicted. Other points:
-On, but, doesn't really try to push town. I feel even with (if it is the case) limited time, he could be making better posts that actually pushed town a bit. Or weren't just either General knowledge or....
-180 on Grack read. Went from he is scum to first lynch is town, so Grack = town.
Summary: I find him scummy for these points. Verdict: Death by Tumble: Maybe should be in the town lean place. Some flip flopping of reads, but they same natural if that makes sense. I had grievances about the ML post, but I was wrong about it (at least about it being about dis.).
On August 08 2016 12:43 Holyflare wrote: I would like you to because it's of grave importance.... for you.
lmao my scum meta is bad enough that I get to be snap when I want as town, which is fortunate, because that's most of the time.
I might honestly be giving Tumble too much credit from scum meta too... No. he actually should be in a weak scum lean over the Dis read.
On August 07 2016 10:54 Tumblewood wrote: disfo trying to read into Damdred's joke is a red flag to me. doesn't read as tryhard and I know he is a decent player. I am still on the lookout for an action from him that makes it town though.
This is the read at the start. Fine. Everyone else said the same thing.
On August 08 2016 09:59 Tumblewood wrote: holyflare is possibly town though. I don't know his town meta really so I will read up on that soon™. one of disfo and grack is scum (just one) and yes I am confident in this and no I will not explain my feels.
Read the bold. Plus, the bold is kinda what i associate scum doing. It allows them to continue pressuring people, without reasoning.
On August 08 2016 13:09 GlowingBear wrote: HF, is disformation Mafia?
why are you asking HF
Why wouldn't I?
is this how it feels to talk to me
HAHAHAHAHA I don't get it but it was funny anyway.
I am just interested in his opinion. That's all. And you? Do you think disformation is mafis?
I don't have a strong reason to think he's not, but at the same time I'm not convinced he is.
Which is a lie. He really does a reason (that we do no know) for 1 of Grack/Dis to be scum. Yet, he tells GB he isn't convinced enough ,which goes against "and yes I am confident" part of the second post. I find it odd that he basically said he was confident in 1 of them being scum, yet, when asked about it, Tumble just basically called dis Nulled. This is made worst since we do not know the reasoning for the second post as well other then feelings. Mafia Kush: * Disclaimer, I find Kush scummy almost all the time at the start of the game, or even when he is obv town in MLYO and he is just so Tasty and...Point being, Take everything with a pinch of salt. I am like a racist Kush person till I either get convinced or he dies. I hate everything he has posted.
I honestly could write a 1 page paper on why I hate his play right now so much. First thing is first:
On August 08 2016 02:38 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Guys honestly I've been getting mislynched a lot lately so that's making me worried about getting mislynched which is making me look scummy. Kind of like when you get soft once then next time you can't stop thinking about all the pressure so you get soft again.
Then your girlfriends like damn u need to see a doctor. But only you understand that it's not that at all.
Yes, we all know why we don't like this post. But I more to hate from it. Now, I know Kush plays on OMGUS (or he did), but on TL, the only game he has recently played and gotten ML in was in 72 hours (D1). Meaning, this isn't really true (unless Kush wants to link the OMGUS/othersite games he is talking about.)
So I find it kinda BS right now, in addition to why everyone else doesn't really like it.
Next, the RNG Vote:
On August 08 2016 03:26 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: <a href="/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=25925102" class="submessage" title="August 07 2016 14:17 EDT"><span class="post_date">1 minute ago</span> <span class="post_time"><!--post time needed here--></span></a> So our number is 17.
Somehow, the "RNG Vote" lands on the person who has the most votes at that time. Yeah...Why am I not buying it? I mean honestly, this just...is lazy hiding.
Also, i have just a big problem of the idea that Kush (even thou I guess this doesn't make him scum) is picking RNG lynches over Plynching.
Third point, Lunatic Frigle XXX:
On August 08 2016 02:00 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: @damdred about rng lynches. it's done for the lols not for the wins. Kind of sad that you actually felt the need to point out that rng lynches are suboptimal.
@hf nice catch on that lunaticman post. When I read it, I kinda thought he always opens like that half roleplaying like? Still I agree with you that the post is suspect.
@onegu the filters link to liquiddota... FIX IT...
On August 08 2016 02:22 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: Also Hf I saw it coming not because of the role play thing butt because of the rest of it. My line of reasoning doesn't totally makes sense. But now that you found that he didn't reply like that beginning of his games that part it's scummy too. Oh God at first I was just trying to bother you now I'm digging the hole deeper and deeper for myself X over Defender.
On August 08 2016 02:20 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 02:00 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: @damdred about rng lynches. it's done for the lols not for the wins. Kind of sad that you actually felt the need to point out that rng lynches are suboptimal.
@hf nice catch on that lunaticman post. When I read it, I kinda thought he always opens like that half roleplaying like? Still I agree with you that the post is suspect.
@onegu the filters link to liquiddota... FIX IT...
Uh, what? He always opens like that but it's suspicious?
I only just checked his last game where he was town and he didn't open like that so it's pretty weird that you've phrased it like this at all.
I was giving the reason why I didn't initially see the post as scummy. And I can't speak to the validity of that reason
On August 08 2016 02:48 nnn_thekushmountains wrote:
On August 08 2016 15:46 Lunaticman wrote: So I dont really have time to post much until the deadline, Why is all the activity goig on while Im sleeping...
Ohh well be back a bit later to vote!
townreading lunatic for this post.
He also has flipped the read on Lunatic from sus. to TR. Its too early honestly for Scum team is X/X/X, but i just find it weird that he is spending a lot of time debating/talking about Lunatic. I mean, really no one else really seems to be his focus (other then Grack?) now then Him.
About activity, I won't hold it against him. Ik he has a new job that takes more hours then before. But the content he has posted is just. #NotmyTownirst
And guess what? Your not going to get Mislynch this game! Why? Cuz ur scum!
Summary: Vote:nnnkushmountains I want Kush/Tumble/Lunatic or any null without the do not lynch tag in the preference of SL/Me'derg with Stutters depending on what you guys think of him with the point i made.
On August 09 2016 03:16 disformation wrote: Oh wow. SL, kush, tumble and luna were all in 72h with scum!grack. Any comments on meta/feels if you haven't already? luna, sl, kush were town and tumble also scum that game btw.
following his meta to a T. excuses complaining not doing anything
On August 09 2016 03:16 disformation wrote: Oh wow. SL, kush, tumble and luna were all in 72h with scum!grack. Any comments on meta/feels if you haven't already? luna, sl, kush were town and tumble also scum that game btw.
following his meta to a T. excuses complaining not doing anything