On July 02 2016 09:36 Tictock wrote: Well idk if Tumble is really unable to post or not.
but I'm like 90% sure he is the last mafia, 8% Damdred playing a great game, 2% Unusual setup.
I'm a Parity Cop.
Checked Damdred N1, Tumble N2 with a Different result.
2% is a weird Framer/Rolecop/Goon which seems unbalanced (too town favored). or Miller situation.
It's probably just as easy as Tumble.
Damn I had you as the medic
Collectively town played amazing. We all had bits where we were wrong and bits where we were right. But effort level and care remained high throughout.
Thanks hosts for a great game.
gg's! TT you should've claimed earlier had a bet with Rels that I lost because you didn't claim in the first 10 hours of the day :/
United Kingdom36156 Posts
mayor setups are difficult for mafia in large setups. In small setups they're probably just downright broken.
one of kita's stats is the percentage of town/mafia mayors and town overwhelmingly wins the mayoral position. essentially means mafia had to play so, so, so much better than town day 1 just to not be in a totally terrible spot.
not that town didn't totally deserve to win this game anyway. just something to consider for future
Man emp I wish you roll town on your next game  Tumble you were unlucky in a sense that you were playing the exact same role as rayn from 1day so i knew what I was up to but yeah my pushes were weak. It's been a busy last few days for me  I hope you change your D1 playstyle Moosy, it really benefits neither alignment.
Well played by all townies. Checks won the game and reads were on point. Enjoyed this game even tho i was so busy outside.
Big up to my coach who i'm sure will reveal himself soon
ggwp. Town was too strong.
Props to Skynx on his reads. One to watch for in the future. Bit sad that his reads in our PMs were more fleshed out than his posts in the game. He knew Emperor was mafia since early D1 but never really pushed him. Same for moosy. Bit less for TW but he got that as only one after N2 (? not sure because I didn't read last 48 hours) .
But it was a bit too easy to townread people. TT made the exact same posts in the game as we did to each other. Jean obv town. QT obvious town. makes it ez.
On July 02 2016 23:12 Koshi wrote: ggwp. Town was too strong.
Props to Skynx on his reads. One to watch for in the future. Bit sad that his reads in our PMs were more fleshed out than his posts in the game. He knew Emperor was mafia since early D1 but never really pushed him. Same for moosy. Bit less for TW but he got that as only one after N2 (? not sure because I didn't read last 48 hours) .
But it was a bit too easy to townread people. TT made the exact same posts in the game as we did to each other. Jean obv town. QT obvious town. makes it ez.
This. Even the ones who were off target with reads, did well enough to get townread.
Blues were on point, I do agree with Marv that mayoral setups do favour town.
My coachees (QuickTwist and Jealous) did a good job in proving themselves town.
QT got N1ed, enough said.
Jealous had the issue of RL and Damdred misreading him or not understanding his points but getting Artanis and at least two others to reconsider helped him get out of trouble. Tonereads also helped.
I can't blame him for the scepticism of metareads, that's exactly how I felt, but it's something that is developed over time. Meta is a legit way of reading people, the problem is that it can often be misused or the criteria for metareads might not be strong enough. By pushing his ideas (almost stubbornly) he was able to get the townreads needed for safety.
GGs overall everyone.
I just realised that I might have 100% accuracy as vigi
On July 03 2016 02:51 Shapelog wrote: Who is Jean btw?
It's Robik
GG all
A+ game skynx
On July 03 2016 03:02 GlowingBear wrote:It's Robik Sell me something I can actually buy....
On July 03 2016 02:51 Shapelog wrote: Who is Jean btw?
If you ever find out, do NOT tell Inspector Javert
JV was obvious town idk why you guys wanted to lynch him at all lol. GG WP town!
It was a fear/policy Lynch.
He also had a couple of questionable things in his filter that could of been mafia interaction. He answered it quite well however.
I think everyone made decent de visions at points.
And after d1 I tr jealous pretty well throughout the game after that.
Anyway the town was just good, probably to good. Best town someone should nominate it
On July 03 2016 03:08 emperorchampion wrote:GG all A+ game skynx  Awww <3 hey i really hope you roll town next time it changes your perspective a lot ^^
On July 02 2016 18:58 marvellosity wrote: mayor setups are difficult for mafia in large setups. In small setups they're probably just downright broken.
one of kita's stats is the percentage of town/mafia mayors and town overwhelmingly wins the mayoral position. essentially means mafia had to play so, so, so much better than town day 1 just to not be in a totally terrible spot.
not that town didn't totally deserve to win this game anyway. just something to consider for future
I thought about joining this game but one of the reasons I decided to not join it was because if I rolled scum there was no way I'd have the time to play well enough to get elected or otherwise tilt the game toward my team's side. I do agree that in small game such a setup is inherently in town's favour.
On July 03 2016 03:41 scott31337 wrote: GG!