On April 09 2016 21:30 LightningStrike wrote:
I had used the meme as town in our first game together.
Show nested quote +
On April 09 2016 21:26 Shapelog wrote:
![[image loading]](https://38.media.tumblr.com/69c99f30cb63988682bb0944adf86604/tumblr_nuovsubjdK1ry46hlo1_500.gif)
Being in that game, and comparing it to here, LS was a lot least paranoid there he was here (IMO.) Trying to find fake anger for me is garbage due to me being in able to tell if it is fake or not (Team Melee)
The Quote you picked for the defense wasn't really a defense post on tina (thought I know that those existed). It was him replying back to my post about his thought process on i think why he thought he would get auto lynched if rsoul dies.
I mean the context of the 2 you picked are different, the one from millionaire (Still can't believe i cased the right person in that game :/) The first says "He reads me right, so you should sheep his read" while the one from here reads off as "I am afraid if tina flips scum, because i would be auto lynched."
I am not denining the fact he defended tina, It's just not how he exploited the reads like he did last game.
idk if he has used the meme as town.
One liners: One liners are normal for LS as far as i can tell, but content wise he is lacking. really bad considering he said pre-game he was going to have a much more content rich game to were he would get town read for (Srsy, I am i the only one who followed through on those?)
On April 09 2016 15:01 scott31337 wrote:
What about my meta case on LS, was it shit?
What about my meta case on LS, was it shit?
On April 08 2016 06:59 scott31337 wrote:
I've read LS's last game and I'm pretty confident he's the right lynch tomorrow. He was scum in this game.
I'll bring up some comparisons -
The fake angry rage -
Millionaire -
Here -
Buddying up of mafia teammates -
Millionaire -
Scumdred and LS were scum together and hard defended each other.
Tina and LS defend each other this game -
Used the same bullshit tinfoil meme to throw town off track-
Millionaire -
Both Ritoky and Vivax were town.
The one liner constistency and giving town as little information as needed - There's a lot of these here, so I'll just reference the filter above on this. The mafia QT from this game has some yummy tidbits too.
"So I will try to play my town meta and have at least Damdred get a meta town read on me as he normally got a good way to read me." - Wow this sounds awfully familiar.
TLDR - LS should be the lynch tomorrow.
I've read LS's last game and I'm pretty confident he's the right lynch tomorrow. He was scum in this game.
I'll bring up some comparisons -
The fake angry rage -
Millionaire -
On February 25 2016 07:29 LightningStrike wrote:
Okay I need to cool down but FF IS STIL A FUCKING IDIOT FOR MISREADING FOR BULLSHIT THAT I HAD DONE AS TOWN. See ya guys in 5 hours.
Okay I need to cool down but FF IS STIL A FUCKING IDIOT FOR MISREADING FOR BULLSHIT THAT I HAD DONE AS TOWN. See ya guys in 5 hours.
Here -
On March 30 2016 08:09 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 30 2016 08:04 sandroba wrote:
that's not what omgus is, nor it's stupid as fuck. Fact is that if somehow you are town you've been mafia siding all game hard defending rsoul and soft defending TT.
So I would say it's not that stupid to think you are mafia. I'm baffled as to why you even stuck with your rsoul read and was concerned for being killed for it for so
long. If you were so damn sure she was town, her flipping mafia and how that would make you look like should have been the last thought in head, yet is something
mentioned 5 or more times in your filter.
On March 30 2016 07:58 LightningStrike wrote:
I honestly lost all my motivation to play seeing that flip and your stupid as fuck OMGUS on me.
I honestly lost all my motivation to play seeing that flip and your stupid as fuck OMGUS on me.
that's not what omgus is, nor it's stupid as fuck. Fact is that if somehow you are town you've been mafia siding all game hard defending rsoul and soft defending TT.
So I would say it's not that stupid to think you are mafia. I'm baffled as to why you even stuck with your rsoul read and was concerned for being killed for it for so
long. If you were so damn sure she was town, her flipping mafia and how that would make you look like should have been the last thought in head, yet is something
mentioned 5 or more times in your filter.
Buddying up of mafia teammates -
Millionaire -
On February 27 2016 10:57 LightningStrike wrote:
But seriously though Damdred does read me pretty well. The only time he called me scum when I was town when he was town was Dark Tournament but that was it.
But seriously though Damdred does read me pretty well. The only time he called me scum when I was town when he was town was Dark Tournament but that was it.
Scumdred and LS were scum together and hard defended each other.
Tina and LS defend each other this game -
On March 28 2016 08:28 LightningStrike wrote:
I think what I was trying to say was that with me having a broken meta and me defending Tina, I would get auto'd lynched if she flips scum. About blues it's true 3rd
party could claim blue and scum could make it a big mess by claiming blue hence why idk which claim would be fake.
On March 28 2016 08:11 Shapelog wrote:
alright thanks for the quote.
idk understand needless to say how you breaking meta from last game makes you auto lynch this game. I feel like with a broken meta players would look into the content
in your posts, and since it is a tad bit lacking, they would assume that that + a portentinal scum burnout from playing scum last game, would = you as scum.
I think this is what you meant to get across to me. If so i can understand it since it i just wrote why it would make sense.
About blues
Well it not so much the claiming (since only 3? was claimed today) as it is the infomation that is out there. Why would Kuru reveal the fact that he shot Koshi? obv
you are going to say, "because Koshi didn't Die shape." Well in that action alone, if it is all true, mafia just got information about Kuru and know that their is a
doc/jk. Sands claim gives them the infomation that they have to worry about a vig shot now if they ML (if he can shoot mutiple times, which sounds like so based on his
role descp he gave) + the claims from Rsoul and SL (while they did not give a lot of information, they still told mafia they are blue. If SL is vet, then it was the
right play thou.) And they know that there is a another active protection role if they did not shoot stutter. And they know that Slam
Now, isn't that a lot of info magically out there? Yes, worse case we gave them 3 claimed blue roles and leaked 2 roles ifno.
IT also seems easy for mafia to fake claim during this shit strom to not only get confirmed but also so spread lies. Hell if there is a 3rd party, they could also
all the info feels like mafia is planting seeds everyone to keep town guessing. Not sure, but that is what it feels like.
alright thanks for the quote.
idk understand needless to say how you breaking meta from last game makes you auto lynch this game. I feel like with a broken meta players would look into the content
in your posts, and since it is a tad bit lacking, they would assume that that + a portentinal scum burnout from playing scum last game, would = you as scum.
I think this is what you meant to get across to me. If so i can understand it since it i just wrote why it would make sense.
About blues
Well it not so much the claiming (since only 3? was claimed today) as it is the infomation that is out there. Why would Kuru reveal the fact that he shot Koshi? obv
you are going to say, "because Koshi didn't Die shape." Well in that action alone, if it is all true, mafia just got information about Kuru and know that their is a
doc/jk. Sands claim gives them the infomation that they have to worry about a vig shot now if they ML (if he can shoot mutiple times, which sounds like so based on his
role descp he gave) + the claims from Rsoul and SL (while they did not give a lot of information, they still told mafia they are blue. If SL is vet, then it was the
right play thou.) And they know that there is a another active protection role if they did not shoot stutter. And they know that Slam
Now, isn't that a lot of info magically out there? Yes, worse case we gave them 3 claimed blue roles and leaked 2 roles ifno.
IT also seems easy for mafia to fake claim during this shit strom to not only get confirmed but also so spread lies. Hell if there is a 3rd party, they could also
all the info feels like mafia is planting seeds everyone to keep town guessing. Not sure, but that is what it feels like.
I think what I was trying to say was that with me having a broken meta and me defending Tina, I would get auto'd lynched if she flips scum. About blues it's true 3rd
party could claim blue and scum could make it a big mess by claiming blue hence why idk which claim would be fake.
Used the same bullshit tinfoil meme to throw town off track-
Millionaire -
On February 27 2016 08:40 LightningStrike wrote:
I think this is right now because I had already told you need to get rid of your tinfoil hat because you are wrong on me:
![[image loading]](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/53016c21e4b0484cf754d052/t/55536c41e4b0a7df4f94aa44/1431530562676/)
On February 27 2016 08:37 Vivax wrote:
Im still kinda feeling a scum LS here, for the following reasons:
You really stuck your neck out with your bresh read.
How LS changed his opinion on bresh which I mentioned earlier doesnt sit right with me.
Rels doesn't even seem interested into the possibility of lynching LS as displayed during my research this day which is not ideal for scum.
Im still kinda feeling a scum LS here, for the following reasons:
You really stuck your neck out with your bresh read.
How LS changed his opinion on bresh which I mentioned earlier doesnt sit right with me.
Rels doesn't even seem interested into the possibility of lynching LS as displayed during my research this day which is not ideal for scum.
I think this is right now because I had already told you need to get rid of your tinfoil hat because you are wrong on me:
On March 30 2016 12:44 LightningStrike wrote:
You need some more tinfoil ritoky? I got you some right here:
![[image loading]](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/53016c21e4b0484cf754d052/t/55536c41e4b0a7df4f94aa44/1431530562676/)
You need some more tinfoil ritoky? I got you some right here:
Both Ritoky and Vivax were town.
The one liner constistency and giving town as little information as needed - There's a lot of these here, so I'll just reference the filter above on this. The mafia QT from this game has some yummy tidbits too.
"So I will try to play my town meta and have at least Damdred get a meta town read on me as he normally got a good way to read me." - Wow this sounds awfully familiar.
TLDR - LS should be the lynch tomorrow.
![[image loading]](https://38.media.tumblr.com/69c99f30cb63988682bb0944adf86604/tumblr_nuovsubjdK1ry46hlo1_500.gif)
Being in that game, and comparing it to here, LS was a lot least paranoid there he was here (IMO.) Trying to find fake anger for me is garbage due to me being in able to tell if it is fake or not (Team Melee)
The Quote you picked for the defense wasn't really a defense post on tina (thought I know that those existed). It was him replying back to my post about his thought process on i think why he thought he would get auto lynched if rsoul dies.
I mean the context of the 2 you picked are different, the one from millionaire (Still can't believe i cased the right person in that game :/) The first says "He reads me right, so you should sheep his read" while the one from here reads off as "I am afraid if tina flips scum, because i would be auto lynched."
I am not denining the fact he defended tina, It's just not how he exploited the reads like he did last game.
idk if he has used the meme as town.
One liners: One liners are normal for LS as far as i can tell, but content wise he is lacking. really bad considering he said pre-game he was going to have a much more content rich game to were he would get town read for (Srsy, I am i the only one who followed through on those?)
I had used the meme as town in our first game together.