On March 29 2015 19:58 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Show nested quote +On March 29 2015 18:50 Breshke wrote: So I dont understand how any of superbias analysis is useful then because if he said he was going to track a vigi then scum wouldn't have cared about him.
I also find the logic weird from superbia that my read might be TMI on him because everyone else thinks he is scum. Then he goes on to say that everyones read on him sucks because he is town. He is also scumming me because he thinks i lurk before deadline even if you check my timezone you can see that deadline is early for me. Feels like he is running out of people to push lynches onto so is now going after me. The problem is this could still be town superbia just POEing and getting it wrong.
I also really dislike that ritoky comments that he doesn't like my vote swap even after i explained it yet never went back to it or said anything else about it, Ughhh this post reallly looks like Breshke is trying to bury Superbia but is already backing off a little bit because he knows he's going to flip town.
I don't know how youw ant me to refute this. He did some scummy shit but town can do scummy shit aswell. My mind melds with him specifically EoD1 still prevails to make me townread him even though he is flipping his read on me for dumb reasons.
I also think it is fairly weird that you think i would try go hard against him in one post but also think oh wait i better back off because he will flip town. If i was thinking about that as mafia wouldn't i just choose one path or the other and not the middle ground which just looks dumb.
On March 30 2015 05:38 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Here's where Breshke voted for Onegu: Show nested quote +On March 27 2015 07:09 Breshke wrote: he argument between artanis and superbia made superbia look worse because i understood what artanis was saying whereas I had no idea wtf superbia was trying to say/do. That being said superbia should still not be lynched today.
Im down for lynching onegu or slam maybe FF but not theres a reason id rather not explain why that is bad this phase.
The people who say slam could be mafia but we shouldnt lynch him and just sort him out with the orb arn't really thinking it through because the orb has a 50% chance to do nothing if slam knows he is going to be orbed and you can literally say the same thing about anyone else you push on.
##Vote Onegu The single post he made in between: Show nested quote +On March 27 2015 07:12 Breshke wrote:On March 27 2015 07:09 Onegu wrote:On March 27 2015 07:09 Breshke wrote: he argument between artanis and superbia made superbia look worse because i understood what artanis was saying whereas I had no idea wtf superbia was trying to say/do. That being said superbia should still not be lynched today.
Im down for lynching onegu or slam maybe FF but not theres a reason id rather not explain why that is bad this phase.
The people who say slam could be mafia but we shouldnt lynch him and just sort him out with the orb arn't really thinking it through because the orb has a 50% chance to do nothing if slam knows he is going to be orbed and you can literally say the same thing about anyone else you push on.
##Vote Onegu Sorry you have to change your vote as I cannot self vote urgh i forgot you rng'd me to sheep you asking where i am then voting me makes so much more sense now urgjsdz'gds Post after which he votes for Slam: Show nested quote +On March 27 2015 07:13 Breshke wrote:On March 27 2015 03:05 Onegu wrote:On March 27 2015 02:59 Alakaslam wrote: Toad is real vig and deserves more sheep than anyome God I hope breshke votes you. My formula is real. Eden didn't do the math right as it 5+3 as what needs multiplied not just 5 as you use more chupazi, svengali, and hijole in the start and less as the game goes on. But it's still negative which makes you scum. Onegu i forgot you rng to sheep me. This post was weird as fuck because you say you want me to vote slam which makes me think you thought i was town then you vote me. I forgot about the sheep thing. Im switching to slam It seems Breshke voted for Onegu because Onegu voted for Breshke, which I think he did since he said he'd sheep Breshke and Breshke hadn't voted anyone yet. I still find the whole situation really weird though and I want Breshke to explain wtf was going on and why he switched to Onegu and then to Slam. I also want to know from Onegu if my supposed reason for his Breshke vote is correct.
So i saw this post.
On March 27 2015 03:05 Onegu wrote:Show nested quote +On March 27 2015 02:59 Alakaslam wrote: Toad is real vig and deserves more sheep than anyome God I hope breshke votes you. My formula is real. Eden didn't do the math right as it 5+3 as what needs multiplied not just 5 as you use more chupazi, svengali, and hijole in the start and less as the game goes on. But it's still negative which makes you scum.
forgetting he was going to sheep me i thought he had some weird townread on me and needed my vote to push the slam lynch over it was weird. Then he voted me which I thought contradicted with this post. So i voted him then he posted this.
On March 27 2015 07:09 Onegu wrote:Show nested quote +On March 27 2015 07:09 Breshke wrote: he argument between artanis and superbia made superbia look worse because i understood what artanis was saying whereas I had no idea wtf superbia was trying to say/do. That being said superbia should still not be lynched today.
Im down for lynching onegu or slam maybe FF but not theres a reason id rather not explain why that is bad this phase.
The people who say slam could be mafia but we shouldnt lynch him and just sort him out with the orb arn't really thinking it through because the orb has a 50% chance to do nothing if slam knows he is going to be orbed and you can literally say the same thing about anyone else you push on.
##Vote Onegu Sorry you have to change your vote as I cannot self vote
Which made me remember he rng'd to sheep me hence I switched my vote because the post i didn't like from him made sense now.
Art what do you think is the most likely scumteam imagining I have flipped town?
On March 30 2015 06:37 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Show nested quote +On March 30 2015 06:36 Breshke wrote: Art what do you think is the most likely scumteam imagining I have flipped town? Some team involving Onegu/Superbia/FF/Ritoky and maybe I need to add Damdred to the list too which would pain my heart. Some exceptions due to combos that don't make sense which I explained before.
See I really don't think onegu is scum. I never really considered his play early but I find it so hard to see it coming from a mafia perspective. Especially with the HF kill N1.
I am in a similar position with superbia because at least twice it feels like we have been pushing the same agenda. A lot of people find it scummy that he didn't push his own lynch over Hf's BM wagon but i can understand it because I was in the same position. Deadline is approaching and people are still trying to lynch the vigis and you think the plan where you don't lynch the vigis is the better one so you just get on the wagon of someone you are reading town who is pushing for the lynch of someone that you have no clue about. I felt superbia was in the same mindset i was.
Ritoky and FF I can both see as mafia. FF has jsut been doing a bunch of one liners recently and if it isn't a one liner its a post that ends in no conclusion or with a IDK. With ritoky I don't like that he said my vote switches were scummy never mentioned it again even when i asked about it in more detail yet then brought it up again when you started talking about it. I can't explain this much more but it feels lie he is leaving his options open.
Damdred being the last person in this scumteam is really hard for me to see. I get that he has dropped off today but his big analysis posts have been really good and show an obvious thoughtfulness about the game. The only thing that I think makes damdred look bad is the fact that ritoky seems to be wanting to lynch onegu to clear damdred even though damdred is apparently the one he has a really good read on and not onegu.
So this is where I am at. I cant really pick a team of three at this point but I am probably more sure on FF than I am on ritoky so I think he should be the lynch for today.
On March 30 2015 06:58 Artanis[Xp] wrote: Okay Breshke, what's the townread you're least secure in? You've given two mafia leans in Ritoky and FF. If you had to pick a third right now, who would it be?
This is a really hard question for me to answer. Damdred I guess?
I say damdred but i feel it is more likely that I am wrong about superbia and my read is bad than it is that damdred is scum.
There is still 50 minutes left i can obviously still change my vote
Why not FF today though? He is in the PoE shouldn't it not matter for you guys.
On March 30 2015 07:24 Toadesstern wrote: thoughts?
On March 30 2015 07:25 Artanis[Xp] wrote:I am tired of Superbia avoiding the noose for shitty reasons. I want him dead tonight.
What reasons is FF avoiding a lynch for? You being outside the PoE the lynch order shouldn't matter that much to you. Me being inside i would prefer FF because I think he is more likely scum than super and I'd rather we won before i get lynched.
I bet you taod thinks me and FF are partners and that im going to bitch out or something
Im really confused but happy right now
Toad what are you on about the people that were "throwing away" their vote are still doing it except for me whow as voting ff intially so of course im not throwing away my vote now? I have no idea how you have made that conclusion
FF did nothing when he got wagoned just sat there didn't try to post any thoughts or anything.
On March 30 2015 07:40 Toadesstern wrote:Show nested quote +On March 30 2015 07:38 Breshke wrote: Toad what are you on about the people that were "throwing away" their vote are still doing it except for me whow as voting ff intially so of course im not throwing away my vote now? I have no idea how you have made that conclusion Breshke was on 2 before that, yes. Just wanted to see what people want to vote idk. We had a lot of people that were saying all kinds of "idk" and suddenly everyone is fine with FF out of nowhere without a second of a thought while we had plenty of argumentation for Supersoft. Not really about votes but about attitude here. ##vote superbia
This makes no sense from your PoV you are talking about the attitude of people OUTSIDE your PoE. You are reading them town why does their attitude matter?
On March 30 2015 07:46 Toadesstern wrote: I actually wouldn't mind Breshke lynched at all right now. His first reaction what "Toad is trying to see how >>>I<<< react" and not "how people react"
Maybe he knows he's guilty?
Because everyone you were telling to change their votes you had been reading town. Why would you be trying to get info out of them?
onegu is jsut sheeping random people with his votes he ahs been for the last like 3 phases
On March 30 2015 07:48 Toadesstern wrote:and you literally answered with Show nested quote +On March 30 2015 07:29 Breshke wrote: I bet you taod thinks me and FF are partners and that im going to bitch out or something as first thing
If me and FF were partners i probably wouldn't post this because id be shit scared of how it made me look
Vivax dont do this im nervous bullshit youve been calling me mafia all this phase you either stick to it or you don't. Im going to flip town and it wont give you anymore information about any person. Noone will consider my reads nor should they because ive been MIA most of the game and even if iw asn't they are probably shit tier.
If you lynch me lynch FF tomorrow.
I could probably even vote to save myself but im not going to because it doesn't get us anywhere and if enough people are willing to switch to me i probably need to be resolved tonight
Yeah ive got uni know will be around later.
This is confirmed fucked now because there is one outside of the PoE
On March 30 2015 08:08 Vivax wrote: Bresh pretty much with no opinion at all on super.
are you serious