Day 3: Current Vote Count
Onegu (2): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern Alakaslam (1): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern Artanis[Xp] (1): Superbia Eden1892 (1): Alakaslam Fecalfeast (1): Eden1892
Not Voting (7): sicklucker, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Trfel, Artanis[Xp]
Currently, Onegu is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Onegu (2): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern Fecalfeast (2): Eden1892, Vivax Artanis[Xp] (1): Superbia Eden1892 (1): Alakaslam Alakaslam (0): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern
Not Voting (7): sicklucker, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Trfel, Artanis[Xp]
Currently, Onegu is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Fecalfeast (3): Eden1892, Vivax, Alakaslam Onegu (2): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern Artanis[Xp] (1): Superbia Eden1892 (0): Alakaslam Alakaslam (0): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern
Not Voting (7): sicklucker, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Trfel, Artanis[Xp]
Currently, Fecalfeast is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Fecalfeast (3): Eden1892, Vivax, Alakaslam Onegu (2): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern Artanis[Xp] (1): Superbia Eden1892 (0): Alakaslam Alakaslam (0): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern
Not Voting (7): sicklucker, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Trfel, Artanis[Xp]
Currently, Fecalfeast is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Fecalfeast (3): Eden1892, Vivax, Alakaslam Onegu (2): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern Artanis[Xp] (1): Superbia Superbia (1): Artanis[Xp] Eden1892 (0): Alakaslam Alakaslam (0): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern
Not Voting (6): sicklucker, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Trfel
Currently, Fecalfeast is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Fecalfeast (3): Eden1892, Vivax, Alakaslam Onegu (2): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern Alakaslam (1): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp] Superbia (0): Artanis[Xp] Artanis[Xp] (0): Superbia Eden1892 (0): Alakaslam
Not Voting (7): sicklucker, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Trfel, Superbia
Currently, Fecalfeast is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 3: Current Vote Count
Onegu (4): Artanis[Xp], Eden1892, Trfel, Fecalfeast, Toadesstern, Trfel, Alakaslam Alakaslam (2): Vivax, Trfel, Eden1892, sicklucker, Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Vivax Fecalfeast (1): Eden1892, Vivax, Alakaslam Superbia (0): Artanis[Xp] Artanis[Xp] (0): Superbia Eden1892 (0): Alakaslam
Not Voting (6): sicklucker, Onegu, Breshke, ritoky, Damdred, Superbia
Currently, Onegu is set to be executed. Day 3 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Please stand by for the daypost.
Day 4
"Please Nebula. You have known me since Thanos took us both as infants You have stood beside me, in training, in modification and in battle."
"I have stood behind you, when I am every inch the warrior that you are. The screams of my victims fill every field."
"That's because you take too long to kill."
Eden1892, the Nova Corpsman (Town Vanilla), was assassinated.
Day 4 has begun.
Day 4 ends in 48 hours at 23:00 GMT (+00:00) At that time, the player with the most votes gets lynched. The voting thread is located here. Countdown:
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Not Voting (11): sicklucker, Vivax, Toadesstern, Onegu, Breshke, Superbia, Fecalfeast, Trfel, ritoky, Artanis[Xp], Damdred
Currently, no one is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Reminder: For those of us in Europe, as we have lost an hour tonight with DST, please note the "new" deadline time.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (4): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel Breshke (2): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia
Not Voting (3): Breshke, Fecalfeast, ritoky
Currently, no one is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (5): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky Breshke (2): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia
Not Voting (2): Breshke, Fecalfeast
Currently, no one is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (5): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky Breshke (2): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia Fecalfeast (1): Breshke
Not Voting (1): Fecalfeast
Currently, Superbia is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Current lynch target has been corrected. Apologies for the error.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (5): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky Breshke (2): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia Fecalfeast (1): Breshke
Not Voting (1): Fecalfeast
Currently, Superbia is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Fecalfeast (6): Breshke, Toadesstern, Damdred, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel Superbia (1): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky Breshke (1): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia
Not Voting (1): Fecalfeast
Currently, Fecalfeast is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Updated/corrected per page 12 of the voting thread:
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Fecalfeast (5): Breshke, Toadesstern, Damdred, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel Onegu (2): sicklucker, Fecalfeast Superbia (2): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky, Trfel Breshke (1): Vivax, Damdred ritoky (1): Superbia
Currently, Fecalfeast is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (7): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky, Trfel, Artanis[Xp], Toadesstern, Fecalfeast, Onegu, Vivax Fecalfeast (2): Breshke, Toadesstern, Damdred, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel Onegu (1): sicklucker, Fecalfeast ritoky (1): Superbia Breshke (0): Vivax, Damdred
Currently, Superbia is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (6): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky, Trfel, Artanis[Xp], Toadesstern, Fecalfeast, Onegu, Vivax, Artanis[Xp], Onegu Breshke (3): Vivax, Damdred, Vivax, Artanis[Xp], Superbia, Damdred, Onegu Fecalfeast (1): Breshke, Toadesstern, Damdred, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel Onegu (1): sicklucker, Fecalfeast ritoky (0): Superbia
Superbia is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.