On April 05 2015 14:28 sicklucker wrote: Like I like artanis plan. Its no secret ive wanted onegu lynched. and I have no reason to believe hes not the best lynch
because the way it is right now we have a massively bigger chance to lose with two 99% likely townies voting person A, while two 99% likely townies are voting person B. That's giving mafia chance to last second voteswitch. Let's say we have damdred vote Trfel in the end because he' stubborn. We only have 2 votes on FF from me and Trfel. You are voting Onegu. Mafia piles 2 votes on Trfel, he's on 3 and gets lynched without us really having a chance...
Fine, I don't particularly mind it either way, let's get Onegu first if that means we have everyone on the same guy
Get on Onegu Trfel. We need to make sure that no last second shenanigans happen
On April 05 2015 21:36 Damdred wrote: Lol like I would throw the game without thinking all the possibilities over. Nice to know. I'd rather not bank on it though
On April 05 2015 21:50 Damdred wrote: What's the play for scum here? If both are scum they are hard bussing each other and the rest of the game is like meh we lynching them both its unwinnable for scum. Bit here we are with 4 votes about to be on ff...
I know nobody will listen to me and that's fine just doesn't feel right the play for mafia is to bus each other, shoot into me next and hope they get a mislynch on Trfel tomorrow with you and Sicklucker both saying that you consider lynching them because "why is he still alive!"
I'm actually quite scared that you+LS will do exactly that...
Also it's 3 votes on Onegu, 2 votes on FF right now. I'm going to vote whatever has two confirmed on it because that makes 3 townies with me and in the end they're both mafia.
If you don't want Onegu to be lynched over FF try to get Sicklucker to vote FF instead.
okay let's entertain those tinfoil thoughts for a second: Even if you think it's 1 out of FF/Onegu + 1 out of Trfel/Toad because you don't believe the VET claim or whatever, that still makes 1 out of FF / Onegu a true statement so you should try your to get the correct one out of those two.
unless you're saying Onegu + FF are both town... which means you're mafia yourself
Explanation being: the whole tinfoil is based on "I don't know about the VET claim man... looks too good to be true"
If you think Trfel and me are mafia that'd be town on ONLY Jailer+Doc+(nerfed)Vig because the Mason was a lie, the VET would have to be a lie in that case and the vig would be a mafia in that case.
That'd be only Jailer+Cop+(nerfed)Vig in an already mafiafavored setup because 15 v 5 and mafia has RB + Vig themselves.
Okay so if you don't want to push any of Trfel/Toad, I assume you don't want to push Sicklucker either.
That means it's down to FF or Onegu... which is exactly what's happening right now. I'm here and I said I'm making sure to vote whatever has 2 confirmed townies on it to make sure we don't randomly throw the game away even if we have the correct lynch for today (assuming tinfoil is correct). Right now that's Onegu.
I thought you felt pretty strongly about it being FF+Trfel yesterday? Shouldn't it be in your best interest to get FF as the lynch you can get for today and try to get Trfel tomorrow if he survives another night?
On April 05 2015 22:44 Damdred wrote: Probably lynching oneg is the optimum play, if he flips Scum vig trf is vet I think did not expect that conclusion but I guess it somewhat stems from sheeping SL who's the only guy you're not currently scumreading?
The thing about the VET claim is that it actually made a lot more sense than what Onegu did.
The second Trfel was asked about it he was able to dish out multiple posts showing how he intentially played "weird" to draw attention to himself and get shot with various mentions of blue-roles and so on. That's how I'd expect a VET to play.
Onegu on the other hand has fakeclaimed Mason to draw shots away from other people (or that's the story we have to believe if we think he's town) while going completly AFK, dodging responsibilty by sheeping votes without doing anything himself... that's just not how you get shot so what was the point of the Mason fakeclaim to begin with? That makes a lot less sense in how he played what he's telling us he's doing.
The only good thing he has going for himself is that rayn and ritoky went against it but as people mentioned, that could be a move to seperate Onegu + rayn/ritoky from each other. Both were looking really bad at that time and had we lynched one of them while rayn/ritoky agree'd to the mason chances would have been good that we would have lynched the other one as a follow up.
doesn't really matter. It's not happening this game...
On April 06 2015 02:21 Trfel wrote: Toadesstern, trust me. Sicklucker, trust me.
For those of you who doubt my towniness, look at the night kills. You say that they implicate me because I'm not dead. Look further, notice how the people who townread me die, and the people who scumread me stay alive. If I were scum, that is not what I would do at all.
Eden, Artanis, Vivax, they all townread me. Damdred, sicklucker, they stay alive. Ritoky kept being suspicious of me (at least, I think). I'm not scum here. Please, trust me, vote Fecalfeast. Lynching Fecalfeast is the only lynch that makes sense here.
Toadesstern, sicklucker, and I are not getting lynched. Maybe you disagree with that, but at least we are not getting lynched today. That leaves Damdred, Fecalfeast, and Onegu. To my knowledge, no one is suggesting a Damdred/Onegu pair, therefore we should lynch Fecalfeast. Even if you think Onegu is scummier, just lynch Fecalfeast instead.
that's been pretty much my argument for why I wanted FF lynched today because it's between FF+Trfel and FF+Onegu for people. I think Damdred is currently on Onegu+FF or Onegu+Trfel not sure. So from his pov Onegu is actually the lynch to go right now, from your pov it's FF, from my pov I couldn't care less because it's just Onegu+FF...
On April 06 2015 02:21 Damdred wrote: If Scum had a Scum vig we would of had three kills,n1 and the Scum big can use his ability to shoot and carry a kp.
Also if road isn't a big he would get checked and it not big and get instantly lynched. Oneg is vig if they have one unless they double stack on hf which I doubt
I already pointed that out yesterday as a possible scenarior to balance things btw.
I don't think it's all that likely for Damdred to be mafia thus my statement that it's just Onegu+FF
I mean Sicklucker wants Onegu lynched first... you want FF lynched first... no matter what I do one of you will get sad only to be massively happy when you see whatever we lynch flip red anyways
On April 06 2015 03:02 Fecalfeast wrote: toad/trfel and they're just getting us to fight between 2 townies?
Oh shit maybe toad+trfel is the blue balance argument the other way around...
You take away a VET from town, a Vig from town AND you give a vig to mafia because Trfel would have to be a lying mafia and I'd have to be a mafiavig in that situation. That makes even less sense.
On April 06 2015 03:14 Onegu wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2015 02:53 Trfel wrote:Look at this game, Mini Mafia Down Under 2. Onegu didn't do very much at all in this game until he claimed his role. Throughout, he was skeptical of things and his views were constantly at odds with other players. Admittedly, this game was strange for everyone (post limit game and a very toxic town). But it still gives an idea of what Onegu's play is normally like. Did you look at my scum games also. It's not a secret that I enjoy rolling scum much more than town and try to shape my meta to be copied easily when I roll scum. I'm around for like the next half hour then will try to be around for deadline. The reason FF is scum with ritoky is look at who attacked me when I told the thread I used the orb but didn't claim right away. FF didn't even say why it was so scummy for me not to claim right away. God I got so unlucky I always miss coin flips. I blame BH his rng failed me!!! Second I'm now at 60 - 40 that Toad is mafia vigi over trfel. His flip flop today is scummy as hell. Will try to power read damdred real fast but think he is still town. If I was mafia together with FF I'd not be "flipflopping" because the only way to win for me would be to win today.
I'd be pushing for your lynch like crazy while harddefending FF because a bus on FF doesn't give me anything if I'm mafia and will still just lose next cycle because "why is toad still alive at lylo?"
Your vote is slightly wrong in the votethread Damdred. I doubt they'd modkill you for that if you don't change it but might as well get a +1 for the postcount and make sure it counts.