Mini Mafia Down Under
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Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
3k masterrace. Add me on steam! | ||
Iceland22632 Posts | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
Robik hears me and calls me a faggot. He is obviously jealous of my devotion to prplhz. I call him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to my room. I am crying now, because my face hurts. I go into my bed and it is very cold. I feel a warmth moving towards me. I fell something touch me. It's prplhz, I am so happy. He whispers into my ear, "This is my town". He grabs me with his powerful hands and puts me on my hands and knees. I'm ready. I spread my ass cheeks for prplhz. He penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for prplhz. I can feel my anus tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against his force. I want to please prplhz. He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love. Robik walks in. prplhz looks him deep in the eyes and says, "It's all over now". prplhz leaves through my window. prplhz is love, prplhz is life. ##vote Trfel | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
Darker shade of red. | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
The people of Liquidia against Superbia - The complete case - The following case is written to both demonstrate the results of my investigations, in which I have concluded that superbia is mafia, and in order to convince anyone reading it that the correct action here is to lynch superbia. I am going to explain using three main points why Superbia is mafia this game. I believe in concise cases and I do not think any further explanation beyond this case will be needed. Let us dive into it! Point 1: Superbia pretends to be attempting to use meta in a completely unreasonable way
Here's the first one: On February 28 2015 09:50 Superbia wrote: Though, does anyone have any links to games with trefl in it besides the one he posted? On February 28 2015 10:14 Superbia wrote: 1 between trfel and rso. Trfel's filter this game feels different from his mafia game filter, but only slightly. So meh. I can't even recount RSO's posts. So prob RSO. The most glaring thing that is wrong with this is that apparently he spent 24 minutes reading and understanding a filter from a different game, while still reading (and complaining about reading) posts this game, and reaching a conclusion based on that. Notice that he does not in any way explain WHAT it is that differs between this game and the other he read, just that it is different, which is a very easy and cheap thing to say. I really, really don't believe he actually read the filter in question and managed to reach a proper conclusion in this time. I'm going to touch more on his "result" post in point 3. The second instance: On February 28 2015 10:14 Superbia wrote: Can someone link me to some of rayn's games? Especially ones where Palmar's playing as well. Again, this is a very unreasonable way of looking at things, especially since rayn and I have played tons of games together and interacted very differently from one to another. Also, it seems like he never followed up on this, which is strange, as apparently this kind of filter comparison is something he highly values for analysis. Point 2: Superbia opened this game trying to mimic his town game.
On February 14 2015 18:22 Superbia wrote: I'm just going to go ahead and call someone mafia: raynpelikoneet On February 14 2015 18:24 Superbia wrote: It's fun and there's a decent chance I might be right. :D While eventually incorrect, this was completely natural in the context of that game. rayn, at the time, was involved in a heavy argument with Robik that was, at least to me (but I was mafia), making Robik look good and rayn bad. rayn had posted a ton, and Superbia's semi-carefree read that was still based on something happening in the thread at the time looked very much like something a townie would do. I felt the need to townread him based on that, being mafia. Compare it to this game: On February 27 2015 08:54 Superbia wrote: Palmar This was written much earlier in the thread, it was based on a single post from me wondering what activity levels I should use this game, and he never followed up on it. And the weird thing is that if my post somehow gave him scum-vibes, I have done absolutely nothing to alleviate them through my posting up until this point. But nonetheless, Superbia is happy with that similar action to his town game, and never even revisits it. Point 3: Superbia's read progression on Trfel and Rsoultin On February 28 2015 09:43 Superbia wrote: I'm not sure what is worse, trefl's horrible intro or rso's overly defensive response. On February 28 2015 10:14 Superbia wrote: 1 between trfel and rso. Trfel's filter this game feels different from his mafia game filter, but only slightly. So meh. I can't even recount RSO's posts. So prob RSO. Initially, this is how Superbia felt about them. The post that actually made me look into Superbia in the first place is actually the first one of these, where he claims to be unsure of which action is more scummy. He never actually reaches a conclusion on this, at least not where I can see, because he starts doing the meta thing instead. The second post is really bad, because for no good reason whatsoever, he links their alignment together. This is never, ever a reasonable observation to make, but mafia really like making it because it gives them outs from every possible situation that the flips of said players might be, and if one or both of the players are town, the scum making the observation isn't really calling either of them mafia. Of speciall notice is the fact that in the first post he calls Trfel's opening horrible, in the second he says Trfel's filter is only slightly different from his mafia filter without explaining in what way it differs, or why that particular difference is decisive on Trfel's alignment in his mind. On February 28 2015 10:39 Superbia wrote: Trfel's town and mafia filter feel different. This game feels like his town filter. And then this post pops up. There is a glaring problem here. The filter he previously called "only slightly different" from the mafia filter, now feels like his town filter. If the difference so small I wonder how accurate his read is? ![]() I believe that in these three points I have demonstrated why Superbia must be mafia. I feel like individually each one of them is almost enough to condemn him, but combined it almost definitely makes him mafia. I hope you will read my case throughly and apply your votes accordingly Superbia is mafia ##Vote Superbia | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
Ég er ekki alveg viss hvað það þýðir, en mér þykir merkilegt að maður sem að bæði trúir því að ásakanir mínar séu réttmætar, og er einnig nokkuð viss um að ég sé ekki hluti af mafíunni, ákveði samt að þetta tvennt sé ekki meira virði en svo að rétt sé að hunsa það í lokaniðurstöðum hans um hvern sé rétt að hengja í dag. Kannski hann hafi eitthvað slæmt í pokahorninu kallinn? Hver veit? ![]() | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
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Iceland22632 Posts
I got a bit confused when he dismissed my case and suggested lynching 4 different townies instead. | ||
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