Devil's Riddle Mafia - Page 5
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On September 25 2014 07:12 Damdred wrote: so Geript where does this leave you on mafia now? I'm still slightly more tempted to lynch you/oats. Secondary is maybe Hapa/Abuse. I really want to see Abuse talk more honestly; I'm considering if we lynch VE and he flips town just flat out lynching abuse if he doesn't step his game up as a precursor to Hapa. But if VE flips Mafia then we likely tell CR to martyr or else he gets autolynched. CR doing fuck all this game doesn't make me feel any better about this game. This game is kinda interesting. Like it's kinda a hydra game, except that you don't know for sure that your other half is town. But if one person flips mafia, then unless the other partner is super town then I think it becomes really quite obvious to flip the other half. | ||
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On September 25 2014 07:27 kushm4sta wrote: kill one of these dudes 1. MysteryMeat1 2.Oatsmaster 3.Chairman Ray 11.Promethelax 14.VayneAuthority Why these people? | ||
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On September 25 2014 08:17 Hapahauli wrote: I can elaborate. But first you need to answer how the fuck you have a town-read on MM1 First off, my townread on MM1 isn't terribly strong. It's mostly based off of him posting things in the QT between when I was asleep and when I woke up that pretty heavily mirrored where I was at in general without me posting those thoughts anywhere. | ||
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On September 25 2014 08:50 Hapahauli wrote: You can understand why this is very unsatisfying to the rest of us, no? Yah, and it's why it's only a soft townread for me. Besides, I want to lynch into the double mafia pair. That combination makes me happy to both 1. not want to lynch MM1 today and 2. be fine looking at him more seriously later on. I highly doubt my read will change, but it's possible. But he brought up some interesting points on VE in QT and I'm fine. I actually want him to post more here because I'm the type of player that doesn't argue well and is rather vulnerable to QT manipulation (see GMarsh's last game where I replaced to be a mason with Vayne/VE/deadguy). As for abuse, I just generally like the tone of his posting. He sounds enthusiastic, is fairly attentive to the thread (I like how he pointed out your "read" of MM). When you jumped on him, he seemed pretty calm and reasonable about the whole thing, which I liked alot coming out of a not-so-experienced player: Certainly not the strongest town-read ever, but at the same time, I'm not lynching him today. No way. No. Like what Abuse said about VE was complete and utter trash and nothing similar to what I actually said about him. I've played with VE enough to be able to read him ok-ishly in the least (except in video where he's always mafia). What Abuse said: On September 25 2014 03:09 abuse wrote: VE seems trolly, but from what I've seen in another game I read up on, he did this then too, and was town aligned. Have him as null for now, though I'd prefer a more serious tone in games, because I think being trolly all the time makes you hard to read which is anti town. What I said: On September 25 2014 03:26 geript wrote: I want to play devil's advocate for a second. Before going to bed I was really gung-ho about VE being mafia. Specifically, my experience with townVE is that when he's trolly and active (which I'm super happy to see again btw) there's an underscore of "I will motherf'ing lynch you bish" to it. Something that I specifically noticed was lacking earlier. More damning though IMO was his accusation. Specifically, when VE is mafia (perhaps I should say when VE used to be mafia) he often tried to turn people's pushes back on themselves. He tried to pull it in Boardwalk and definitely did it These are not similar. Abuse's comment is exceptionally generic. He doesn't even take any stance on VE. It's "VE is trolling a bunch. I've seen it in a game previous when VE was town aligned. He's null because trolling all the time makes you hard to read." Second, you giving out tone reads is a huge warning sign for me. Even if you are trying to work on it, at least three times (abuse, VE and Me) you've created reads at least partially based on tone and in no way based on fact, logic or reason. If this is your town play it's ridiculous. You're better than this if you're town. Quite frankly, right now I'm pretty sure that I ended up on the wrong side of VE/Hapa/DP. ##unvote ##vote Hapahauli | ||
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On September 25 2014 08:52 Hapahauli wrote: Um... I just explained it? Also, how did I pass on Oats/Damdred? I find Damdred null. I find Oats town for reasons that I mentioned. I don't think it gets much clearer. And the reasons you've townread Oats are fucking ridiculous. You can't say he's particularly out there. I don't have a townread on him and I have a rather good track record of reading him correctly. He hasn't been particularly in your face and, while he is to some extent doing his own thing (which is semi-towny for him), he's not particularly cared about any of his pushes (which is far more of his scum play). So yah, giving Oats a free pass is very odd. | ||
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On September 25 2014 08:55 Damdred wrote: And i'm quite tired of Geript just throwing me and Oats out there their are plenty of other pairings that aren't clearly TOWN, so yea. Either explain or die Geript, like i've asked you to for like 50 billion times. I've explained it. Read my fucking filter. Perhaps you should use your brain cells for once. How many games in a row now have you *thought* that I was mafia and I was town? This is a big boy game so take off the pull ups and put on your big boy pants and your thinking cap. | ||
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On September 25 2014 09:06 Hapahauli wrote: Hm interesting. Your read on me seems to ebb and flow with how much I read you as mafia. Yah, because I don't think that town Hapa could possibly be dense enough to even consider me being mafia right now. | ||
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On September 25 2014 09:10 Damdred wrote: You aren't explaining shit though, just damdred and oats are scummy you aren't pulling anything from the game just repeating things over and over again without any direct evidence or any thought in it. There are other pairings that might not be town looking either, but you won't look at them its either damdred/oats or hapa/abuse with mine first. You don't get the problem with this? 1 VE is paired with CR. That pair is likely to be Town/3P or Mafia/3P. Highly unlikely to be Mafia/Mafia 2 Prom/Yam. Both are likely to be town here imo. I think it's pretty obvious but if one were mafia it's likely Yam. 3 DP/Vayn. I'm pretty sure DP is town. I explained it last night. Vayn I would be happy to lynch because I have no fucking clue how to read him and he hasn't posted a whole bunch to read him off of either. Either way, not likley to be Mafia/mafia. 4 Me/MM. I'm town. I'm thinking MM is town. So there's no point in looking into this D1. 5 Abuse/Hapa. Abuse has done nothing and honestly is a decent policy lynch. Hapa's been very towny and very scummy. I really don't in any way understand his thought process behind relying so heavily on tone reads. Learning how to do it, fine. Putting it into practice fine. Doing so while not equally making good pushes against people for logical reasons that actually carry weight... very bad. If there's a mafia/mafia pair in the vets, this is most likely it. 6 Grak/Kush. Prom and DP, who I think are town, both have a townread on Kush. I have a pretty solid townread on grack. I'm pretty sure this is a town/town group. 7 Damdred/Oats. As I see it, the mafia/mafia pair is either you and oats or Hapa and abuse. Neither you nor Oats have done anything that I find to be particularly towny. I'm not good at actually reading your alignment so PoE is a quite beneficial way for me to narrow shit down. Use your head. I already explained this. | ||
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On September 25 2014 09:28 yamato77 wrote: well hapa, geript gave you what you wanted wtf are you talking about? I'm very serious about lynching Hapa right now. | ||
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On September 25 2014 09:35 Hapahauli wrote: Yamato and geript, talk to me about grack. Why is he town? 1. Look at how he's approaching the game. Him independently wanting to look for the mafia/mafia group is slightly towny. Plus he stood up to you when you crowed at him. I don't think mafia would be as sure of themselves there to do that. 2. The "maybe pairs are by sign up thing" You guys aren't going to like it but I think it's a reasonable 3. He's partners with Kush. I personally have no feelings about Kush either way, I think we both tend to prefer not to play games with each other (him because I'm an asshat and me because I hate lurkers). But both DP and Prome and I think Yam too maybe townreading Kush makes me want to look elsewhere. Plus. On September 24 2014 10:40 Grackaroni wrote: I was actually leaning more townie on Hapa. I liked his explanation for voting me. This is a post I didn't terribly like but I can see a less aggressive player going that way and I've seen lots of less good/experienced players do this as town. On September 24 2014 13:26 Grackaroni wrote: I'm a bit confused about this. The first quote seems to imply that CR might be mafia right? I liked this post too. It was something that I had missed and made me think seriously about my partner. Lastly, for some reason I remember someone saying he was really easy to catch as scum. | ||
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On September 25 2014 10:08 Hapahauli wrote: I'm not? I just don't think he's mafia. Do you have any reasons to think he's mafia? I don't have any reason to think he's town. And you've been exceptionally scummy at points and weird and odd and defended him for imo exceptionally bad reasons. All of those lead to me thinking a flip on him is exceptionally valuable information. | ||
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On September 25 2014 10:39 Damdred wrote: I think geript at this point I'm just vastly disagreeing with your method of scum hunting. I really do not like lets flip one person at this stage and get to the other if we can pin down two scummy people that's fine. Just for arguments sake, if we lynch MM and he flips red should we flip you to? If abuse flips green does that make hapa scummy or town? I think Prome covered this quite well. A red flip means that we should treat the partner as if they've been red checked by a cop with the recognition that a framer is in the game. FWIW, I think a green/blue flip should approximately equal a green check with recognition that a framer is in the game. So to answer your question, if MM flips mafia, which I doubt will happen, then it's perfectly fine to more heavily scrutinize my play. I don't think that a red flip automatically means we should flip the other person. Specifically what I'm saying is I have zero reason to think either you or Oats are town and I have a bunch of town reads. Flipping either of you makes perfect sense. Flipping Abuse makes reasonable sense as well as I think it reveals far more about Hapa's alignment than most anything else. | ||
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