Newbie Mini Mafia LIX - Page 4
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On October 08 2014 21:55 The_Zen_Man wrote: I said this in my previous posts, but town is supposed to post analysis and do reads on people. This is what town do. This is one of the main issues I have with your post. Town does not care about posting analyses and giving reads. Town cares about catching scum. Posting analyses and giving reads is a result of trying to reach this goal. Your post on loaf seemed constructed to look townie, but it did not feel like you had the goal of catching scum. You were not looking to pressure loaf nor were you looking to lynch him. Mafia wants to hide behind townie posts. Your initial post was made to look townie, not to find scum. Hence you're scum. On October 08 2014 21:55 The_Zen_Man wrote:Mafia does not want this, they want to town to have as little to go on as possible. And regarding why I posted it when I knew abuse had critisized loaf is because I wanted to analyse it from fresh eyes. It's always better to hear others point of view on the matter. Mafia does not care that much about disrupting town play, their main goal is not to get caught. When you were analyzing loaf, you were looking at the interaction between loaf and abuse, right? On October 08 2014 21:55 The_Zen_Man wrote:He then says I lied about knowing about abuses case. I admitted to the fact that i had not read trough the whole post carefully, but super then completely distorts this. He says I lied about that fact because i knew about abuses case, somehow implying that i have to know either all or none of abuses case. This makes no sense whatsoever. Either super is stupid or trying to get a case going, but it is possible for someone to read some and not all of his posts. Why do you feel confident making a post on loaf when you have apparently not analyzed the rest of the interactions? Do you not feel like this is important? On October 08 2014 21:55 The_Zen_Man wrote: I mentioned earlier that I had a argument that abuse had not made and this is the one I was talking about. To my knowledge abuse never mentioned the fact that loaf should now that scum would want to look like they want a town win. This creates a big hole in supers argument, as most of his votepost is based on me saying the same thing as abuse. I honestly did not care much about your argument. I think it was pretty bad. You even believe that he was genuine about the whole "another game" thing, which means your argument doesn't make that much sense. For you to believe that loaf was saying "I first thought there was 5/6 blue roles. I thought it was easy game." is disingenuous you need to believe that the "I had such a setup during another game" was planned and fake, which you didn't. Let me make one thing perfectly clear here: you sheeping abuse's reads PINGED me out. It is not the meat of my argument, though it does act as a foundation. Here are my arguments against you: - You had no intention of achieving anything with your post. Your post was simply made to make you look townie. This is mafia behavior. - You either: 1) did not analyze the game fully before making a post or 2) blatantly lied about not reading abuse's push. I honestly think it's a bit of both. Both is scummy. - You felt a need to rush content out, town cares about catching scum, not getting content out. This is another mafia thing to do. One question Zen: Why did you make the post on loaf? | ||
Netherlands8889 Posts
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Netherlands8889 Posts
On October 09 2014 02:17 The_Zen_Man wrote:Town cares very much about giving analysis and giving reads, as this is the primary way we figure out who is mafia. I pressured loaf with my FoS, but throwing votes that early often leads to dirt trowback. My first post was an analysis on loaf to try to figure out whether he is town or not. That is what town does. You on the other hand decided to simply say that you think he is town without giving any reasons or arguments as to why. This is what scum does. If you were looking to pressure loaf with your push, then why did you give abuse shit for pushing on loaf "too hard" (i.e. pressuring him)? Moreover, what did you get from pressuring loaf? I'm genuinely curious. On October 09 2014 02:17 The_Zen_Man wrote:You can call it bad all you want, it is an argument that is unique to my post, which makes mine different than abuses. Simply calling it bad without telling why is simply bad playing. And how can you critisize me for something you yourself did? You did not react on the 5/6 blue roles thing either. For the record, I did consider him lying but his explanation about it seemed credible, which is why I believed him. The argument is bad because it relies on the fact that loaf planned the entire thing ahead. I believe loaf was being genuine when talking about being mistaken and having a similar game as to the one he thought this was, you believed the same. As such, your argument falls apart. On October 09 2014 02:17 The_Zen_Man wrote:Why wouldn't i want to do analysis on people to try to find out who the mafia is? Are you seriously telling people to not post reads and analysis if they do not meet a certain standard? If you are, then please explain why you haven't said anything about breshke doing what you essentially accuse me of doing? His post is more like abuses than mine and he is much less commited, but for some reason you completely ignore this and go solely after me? Townies do not ignore facts so they better fit with their pictures, scum do. Then who is the mafia zen? What did you find out with your analysis? You reach 0 conclusions and you have effectively put 0 pressure on loaf. There are a few differences between breshke's post and yours: - Breshke acknowledges the current push already going on. - Furthermore, you obviously either lied or rushed your push on loaf. Now, I'm not reading breshke as town, but I am reading you as more scummy. Hence I'm pushing and voting on you. What do you even think of breshke? On October 09 2014 02:17 The_Zen_Man wrote: Also, one question super: Why did you say loaf was town without giving any explanation as to why? I have dropped several indirect hints as to why I think loaf is town. Most were directed at rad, iirc: Mafia will almost never try to make such a play. The risk is way too high and the chance of getting a reward is way too low. Read my filter. Now, zen, you say that you pushed on loaf to pressure him. Which leads me to two questions: 1) Why did you give abuse shit for pushing on loaf "too hard" (i.e. pressuring him)? 2) What did you get out of pressuring loaf? 3) What kind of pressure did your post add? | ||
Netherlands8889 Posts
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Netherlands8889 Posts
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Netherlands8889 Posts
My circles: town: abuse leaning town: loaf fecalfeast Rad null: Elvis! dusts scum: The_Zen_Man breshke | ||
Netherlands8889 Posts
On October 09 2014 03:07 abuse wrote: I think that if dusts does not show up and place a vote down until EoD, we're better off lynching him. Because if Zen flips town, and dusts gets modkilled and also flips town, we will start being in a very crappy position with 3 towns killed at the beginning of D2 I think zen is a good lynch, but if we consider that this is a newbie game, there is a wildcard that he can be a town that messed up very badly, so the chance of him flipping town in the end is there. even if not a big one.. Also more people need to step up and voice their concerns and their thoughts on everyone.. Currently people not laying their cards down about everyone else will hurt us a lot on D2.. I'd much rather go into D2 seeing how people read others before we received at least 2 flips via D1 lynch and N1 kill.. I don't think zen is a wildcard newbie lynch here. Usually the wildcard lynch is on someone who is controversial, which was loaf. The more I interact with zen the more I'm liking this lynch. If you have some time today I would really like it if you could put some pressure on breshke (i.e. second wagon). I'm sticking to zen because I believe in the lynch and I'm also leading the wagon. | ||
Netherlands8889 Posts
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Netherlands8889 Posts
On October 09 2014 04:04 Rad wrote: Can you guys (abuse and superbia) explain exactly what you want from me? A list like superbia gave? You guys both read town to me so I believe the request is with good intentions, but list are fucking terrible, and if we end up with a thread full of lists it'll just turn into WIFOM bullshit. I just don't have the time to give a detailed list like abuse gave. My play time is at night. If you REALLY want a list like superbia gave, fine, I'll do it. Just a quick update on where you stand before zen (or anyone) flips. | ||
Netherlands8889 Posts
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Netherlands8889 Posts
On October 09 2014 05:16 The_Zen_Man wrote:Now you are just outright lying. I never gave abuse any shit pushing loaf too hard, just that i simply do not believe early votes are good. What i basically wanted from loaf was a response, see how he reacted. On October 08 2014 05:06 The_Zen_Man wrote:I do however not share all of abuses opinions and do believe that he is pushing for loaf too hard. If you want to pressure someone, you pressure them. If other people are pressuring them, you should be happy. On October 09 2014 05:16 The_Zen_Man wrote:That was not what my argument was, did you even read it? It seems like you are doing exaclty what you say im doing. My argument was that loaf had as defense that he was town because he mentioned a quick townwin: Here's the thing. I've said this before, but loaf's right. You're not going for such a play as scum. That shit is very rare and will probably only ever be done by an utterly bored veteran. The defense also makes sense if you agree that the whole "did not read OP well enough" and "had a game with 20 million roles before" (not exact quotes) was genuine. Care to give an answer to my 3 questions? | ||
Netherlands8889 Posts
On October 09 2014 05:22 Fecalfeast wrote: Zen man:scum, everyone has said it already, if someone wants a post specifically from me about zen i can do that. My vote stays put as of now. It is starting to worry me that nobody is vehemently against the wagon, though. Most of voters right now are on my townlist, I'm happy. But if he flips town I'm going to have to re-evaluate the whole game. At the moment I'm living in the fairy dream world in which zen's going to flip scum and we win on d2. | ||
Netherlands8889 Posts
On October 09 2014 05:44 abuse wrote: so if he flips scum you won't reevaluate the game? are you so completely sure that breshke is the 2nd scum? No, but I won't have to re-evaluate my town circle if he flips scum. At least not tomorrow. | ||
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