Newbie Mini Mafia LVII
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
I said I was considering if I should /in, not that I was /in. i actually have a pretty busy week O_O Oh well, i guess I'll try and make time for this. :x | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
Anyways, quick skim through filters: On July 30 2014 04:56 Seeyalater wrote: Is there a rule on the forum against double posting btw? And no Teemu, can't say I do, but that's a normal day 1 play for me. In all other sections, yes. In TL Mafia section, double/triple/multipost away (unless it's really fking obvious you're just post-count inflating or shitposting; condense if possible). Outside of that, I like your posts. Seeya's been more or less serious throughout with his posts, and I agree with most of his points (lurker lynch policy, check, changing reads, check, properly interpreting my first null post as null, check). GlowingBear: Started the srs talk, but hasn't been very active past that. My experience in my second TL mafia game (fuck if I remember the number) is that moving the game out of the joke phase is an easy way for mafia to pick up extra brownie points, so I don't give any major points for that. GB, why do you peg Jenny and Seeya as your initial scum reads? Curious about that. meatpudding: lyncherino if no good posterino, or await the unfortunate modkill/sub in. TehPoofter: Reads as strong town to me. Not sure why we have a bandwagon on him of all people. Pls explain, DCLXVI. JennyHell: Why is Teemu (mayyyybeee) clear in your eyes exactly? Outside of a tea made of walruses being trustworthy, all he's done is asked questions with weak followup. His filter is too wafer-thin for me to make any judgements. #Vote lilwade Right now, all I know is that he agrees with JennyHell, and hasn't taken a stance on anything despite a 1.5 page filter, and I quite frankly find him more scummy than TehPoofter which is a pretty bad D1 lynch, I have to say since he's been pretty active and actually contributing to town. I'll try to post more in-depth analysis later when I have the time to be more thorough, but these are my initial thoughts. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On July 30 2014 09:25 lilwade wrote: Decent write-up but something that concerned me aside from the vote was " I have to say since he's been pretty active and actually contributing to town." Why if someone who is active and actually contributing to town be your first vote? *referring to TehPoofter. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
I could also vote Teemu, but I want to see what he has to say after he wakes up. Also MP, but I want to see if he does anything the second half of D1. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
I usually have much more to say but eh, this game is KIND OF slow. Form moar bandwagons and accuse ppl...ppl. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On July 30 2014 09:29 Tehpoofter wrote: I'd still bang you. So you play mafia elsewhere or just TL? I'll get my lube ready. Just TL, I have 3 other newbie games you can check the filters for to get a feel for my gameplay style and its somewhat haphazard evolution. No time to track them down for you tho. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
i cannae understand that reads list. GIVEN how he played last game. Goddamnit mang, stahp and be srs. 2) Now that Teemu is posted, I'm pretty happy with his posts. He's largely cleared himself as the most solid town I have ATM. 3) I will also second his suggestion about associative reads: they're useless D1, and do nothing but mislead you until D1 lynch and N1 NK (if any). Mafia could do all sorts of shenanigans D1, so trying to form a connection D1 is pretty meaningless. The second TL mafia game I had involved the mafia pair getting into a pointless argument about lynching lurkers, and using the "they can't POSSIBLY be mafia together" relationship from that to cruise through the game into LYLO (I could've won the game for town if I saw through it because they were my second pair of mafia possibilities by then, but nope). Bit rambling, but yes. DONT TRY IT D1, it can be so badly wifomed QQQQ 4) Nothing remarkable about most other people in my skim, except GB's case is stupid and he should feel bad about it. See above. 5) My opinion of lilwade hasn't changed yet. 6) Let's start consolidating on some bandwagons people; need to keep mafia from influencing the vote. Can we get a VOTECOUNT so we know what's formed already. Have to make dinner, but I THINK the bandwagons are currently: lilwade, TehPoofter (?), DCMARVEL (?), Meatpudding, and Teemu (?). Need to consolidate because this is bad: I'll move off lilwade for meatpudding or LXIX guy atm if I have to (though LXIX is at least genuinely trying as opposed to MP, from what I can tell, so I'd prefer a MP lynch in that case). Let's cut the bandwagons down alot more: I'll be back after making dinner/hitting the gym. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On July 31 2014 06:23 Seeyalater wrote: I'm guessing being blue means being what is reffered to as a power role(cop, vigi, etc)? Yes. Rule 1: you do NOT talk about who you think are blues. Rule 2: blues are just town with special powers, don't treat them as anything other than VT if you got that role, because the only thing shit like lurking does is give you away to mafia, and make you seem scummier to town. Rule 3: you do NOT talk about who you think are blues. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
wat, why? That's something anyone can point out. Easy brownie points if you're mafia, just like GB going out and sayin "let's stop joking around here". I'm just doing it so we don't get a repeat of GB's random blue comment last game (although he was completely wrong about that, huehue) | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
#Vote Meatpudding Consistent with what I posted earlier. May change, as I'll review everyone up for lynching after I get back from da gym. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
#unvote Meatpudding #vote lilwade | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
Since it appears lilwade is not being lynched today, I'll do what I was planning on doing anyways. #Vote meatpudding This is very tentative however as I still need to read up whatever's happened since I last posted. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
Anyways: Poofter consolidated the bandwagons from the mishmash we had earlier; approve. He's pretty fucking townie atm. And in any event, I had no idea why we had votes on him in the first place as he was pretty faking active, which basically makes him a non-vote D1. Rule #1: never lynch an active player D1, because talking is good for town anyways. But stop talking about who the medic should save. It's not even N1 yet. Also, As you wish. ![]() On lilwade: Still feels scummy to me, but eh, I think I need to start revising my opinion of him. His last few posts are better. And in any event, it looks like he's not a viable bandwagon, so I'm not leaving a non-vote here. On DC and the case against him: His filter is shorter than mine lol. Warning sign #1. His pushes onto TehPoofter and Teemu were late and hesitant, and only after suspicion was already cast onto them. He hasn't provided any new reads or interesting tidbits besides just trying to solidify behind a bandwagon. His filter...for lack of a better word, confusing and definitely scummy, but it may just be bad town play. Urgh. I desperately want to hear more from him (and meat) so we get this right. On July 31 2014 13:22 meatpudding wrote: Hey guys I'm back. Anyone want to talk? There a reason we shouldnt lynch you? I'm starting to like the case on DCvsMahvel, but I still want to kill you. Youre not playing anything like you did last game, where you took a (correct) read on mafia and stuck by it through thick and thin, so I'm trying to figure out the discrepancy here. And thank you guys for bearing with me here. I probably won't be able to post as much as I would like until ~Sunday, so probably the tail-end/second half of D2 is when I can start flexing my muscle. | ||
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