PS I literally just found the filter option LOL. Prior to this I was actually clicking on profiles and specific links to posts. >_<
Newbie Mini Mafia LVII - Page 4
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
United States217 Posts
PS I literally just found the filter option LOL. Prior to this I was actually clicking on profiles and specific links to posts. >_< | ||
United States217 Posts
On August 01 2014 00:44 Teemursu wrote: Seeyalater, you said earlier that people kind of pressured us to vote on each other, or something. 666 pressured me for not voting on you and I just wanted to know, who was the one that pressured you to vote on me? Whoever did that to you could be mafia with 666 trying to make us think there's a mafia between one of us, maybe. I'm still trying to play catch up here, woke up like 30 minutes ago and at work currently but let me look. Also did not know we got to see a lynch's alignment, that's pretty cool. Go town! I'm going to spend some time evaluating everything up until now, so although I'll be around, I probably won't post long meaningful posts for a while. | ||
United States217 Posts
On July 31 2014 09:13 lilwade wrote: It gets better, you have basically thrown your whole day 1 away by not sticking to your gun about teemu? What is going on here you said he was heavily leaning mafia in you list and do not want to pursue it? Alright Teemu this is the post I was reffering to when I talked about someone pushing on me for not voting for you. However, when going thru Lilwade's filter(yay for finding the button), I see that he was one of the first people to put Clockwork at the top of their scum list, and if I'm not mistaken, the first to vote for him. Unless he commited to a really early bussing on Clockwork, I'm feeling really good about wade right now, and the above post was most likely just him trying to pressure me to come up with more info. | ||
United States217 Posts
Now I've already said lilwade was the first to vote on him/early pushers, which mades me heavily town read wade for now. Next point, Clockwork had some very early townie reads on GB and Jenny. Clock pushed heavily on Poofter the few times he was active, even going as far as voting on him early on, though he rescinded quickly. He then hopped on the teemu being scum bandwagon, going as far as to post some of his longest posts on said subject. Then votes hor him, and pushes on him for not voting for someone who he was pushing on, aka moi. Then in a weird fashion after I ask Poofter to elaborate on his reads, he accuses me of not elaborating "like teemu." Which consists of most of his interaction with me. And then , when asked about MP, whom he had never really(if at all) mentioned before, he called him either a lazy town or lurking mafia. When asked why he wouldn't change his vote from Teemu to MP, he says because he "personally" sees teemu as top scum, even though he sees why lots of others see him as top scum. And finally, he never even mentions Tolkien after time began. | ||
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On August 01 2014 07:32 Tehpoofter wrote: Tehpoofter's plan coming atcha. Way to ignore my inquiry. | ||
United States217 Posts
On August 01 2014 08:23 GlowingBear wrote: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Do you all read me as mafia??? Really??? Wtf I give up Are you the last mafia conceding? | ||
United States217 Posts
Bang- Lilwade- After going through his filter earlier today to see his interactions with others, specially our confirmed mafia, Lilwade is currently sitting at the top of my top town his. I was unsure about him yesterday and I think I put him on town leaning mafia early on, and while he did say some really odd things, such as the whole "role/roll" thing with Poofter, his early push on Clockwork makes me put him highly on my town list. Jenny- Jenny has actually dropped a peg for me, still at the top of the hill, but I always mistrust when a lot of people think someone is top town, unless there's a cop who greens them. It just makes me wary. Also the posting style has changed from the beggining of the game, where a lot of her posts were her defensively stating where she was, to almost too confident posts about now, but that could just be, for the lack of better term, "ego" of being called top town by everyone. Again still town sided for me, but I'm very wary that she could just be pocketing tons of others too. Lord Tolkien- While out of the remaining people he might be one of the 2 people who have talked the least, I still get the heavy town vibe I got from him when he first spoke up. He seems to mainly be here to chew gum and kick mafia butt, and he's fresh out of lemonade. Hoping we hear more from him as well! Marry- Poofter- As I've stated before, him being a very veteran player always puts me on edge when it comes to him. I really don't like how he has basically elected himself town mayor for lack of better term. While he does have substanciated reads, he speaks in absolutes, that would make it easy to pocket others. Like Jenny, until a green check comes to him from a trustworthy source, Im going to be on edge with him. Also, while we joked about this in the RC me him and Jenny frequent, the fact that he brought up Texas, which was an old scum read Jenny had on him, was a joke to Jenny, that also made me uncomfortable. Still have him leaning town, of course, but we'll see. Teemu- Boy how the tables have turned. I basically have teemu in a neutral scale now. His posting style changed vastly from day 1 which made me read him as mafia, and how he was pushed on by Meat, have made me regard him in a completely different light. While I'm still not sold he's town, I've returned my mafia purchase on him for now as well. There's something about how people have pushed on teemu, that have made me realize I was basically the one who started the teemu meatwagon that started early in day 1, and makes me suspicious that it was pushed by all mafia team members, since they had found what they thought off as their easiest target. GB- I have absolutely no clue at all how to view this guy. One second he sounds town, one second he sounds mafia. Makes a lot posts that seem to make him seem like he's role hunting, but could it be that its others(including me) reading too much into his posts? Plus I did not like his reaction to Banks' vigi shoot "plan" one bit, almost seemed desperate. He doesn't seem to leave anyone behind in his posts though, usually bringing up everyone, so that's a plus right now I guess. Again still town leading, though to a lesser degree than Teemu. Kill(boy is it lonely) Meatpudding- I'm going to stick to my guns on MP, mainly because I still don't like his push on Teemu last night. I feel like, he would almost have to be donkey mafia to continue to try to save his mafia partner even though Clockwork had basically dug his own grave and thrown himself in it, but at the same time, how could he not see the logic between the clockwork push? He was also one like Clockwork, who seemed to dissapear out of nowhere in the last few hours, unlike everyone else who always let everyone know when they will be heading off. So that's where I am right now. Let me just tell you right now, if you think I'm mafia, that's fine, I'm unconfirmed so of course in anyone else's shoes I'd be looking at myself too, but knowing that I'm town, lets try to look at everyone else as well, and know for a fact that I'm hoping that, even though I'm not great with words, I will not be an easy lynch because I will fight tooth and nail not to let a mislynch on myself happen. | ||
United States217 Posts
On August 01 2014 12:16 GlowingBear wrote: Ok, I'm comfortable to tell my thoughts on the game, not yet on everybody. The key of pushing next day is to add vote count analysis to your reads. If you check solely vote count, we have a situation of two wagons, 666 and meatpudding. Supposing meatpudding is town, I don't believe mafia would stick to 666 wagon. They would probably try to bus meatpudding's lynch and save their partner. If that is so, we've got two possible mafias remaining on meatpudding wagon: Teemu and Cya If meatpudding is mafia, then we probably have a mafia on him also. You see, if I were mafia and if I had two partners as the main bus with no probability of shifting focus, I'd vote for the most probable to die. It would confirm me as town, somehow. Have in mind I switched around 3 hours before the lynch, not giving enough time for mafia to react. So probably mafia chose to lynch meatpudding and, if this is right, Teemu or cya still could be mafia. But that's only if you believe that mafia had short time to react. You may consider that the remaining mafia was on 666, clearing Teemu and cya, narrowing the people you should push. BASED solely on that, we have two good starts at day2: (1)start pushing meatpudding and, if nothing happens,lynch him to at least get his alignment. It would help a lot to solve the game. Or (2), pushing meatpudding remaining voters to see what they can give to us to confirm this theory or not. My preferred method would be (1). My take on this is, as a townie, it was honestly a pretty easy vote on either of these two compared to everyone else. Basically a major thing that led me to the decision to vote on him, was my disappointment in him. He was gone a good part of day 1, then he comes in and makes a couple posts that I personally got a townie vibe off of, and he said he would shortly be posting more on his insights, and then just dropped off. That was a huge blow to my townie cred for him, because I was waiting to hear from him to formulate my thoughts around his thoughts and see where I stood next to him, but that opportunity never came. It was not until it was a few hours close to lynch time that he came back, and then went hard on someone who had 1. almost no chance of being lynched so it was a weird target 2. Almost completely ignored our arguments for Roman it seemed(yes he did mention him a couple times, but it was more of a, whatever y'all can lynch him if you want, I'm not changing my vote), and 3. although clock had way less posts than he did by night's end, clock still seemed to be more around that meat pudding was, who was basically only in the game for a couple small instances. | ||
United States217 Posts
On August 01 2014 14:25 Teemursu wrote: At this point I kind of wish we could speed up the game and go on a rampage killing meat and maybe Seeyalater. Hey buddy, BACK OFF. | ||
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Like, yes he is my top mafia, but I can't say I'm 100% sure of that... | ||
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I'm getting ready for work and Fridays are usually busy so I might not have time to make a concise post for a bit, my first impression is that now I'm heavily doubting MP is the last mafia, since some of Jenny's last posts were about her concerns about how hard the bandwagon was for him. | ||
United States217 Posts
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United States217 Posts
On August 02 2014 05:26 Lord Tolkien wrote: As I noted, your last minute vote swap was significantly weaker for town-alignment than staying on meatpudding given the circumstances* Mine? I coulda swore I voted for MP... | ||
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