[21:56] <Oatsmaster> i think thrawn is the vig
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[21:56] <Oatsmaster> i think thrawn is the vig | ||
United States6918 Posts
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United States6918 Posts
I know that he went to Oats last cycle to to have a talk about thrawn (remember this interaction later, when i quote bum's read on Oats) [21:51] <bum> hello oats [21:51] <Oatsmaster> yo [21:51] <bum> i think we need to have a chat with thrawn [21:51] <Oatsmaster> yes [21:51] <bum> er [21:51] <bum> about thrawn then there's this post On February 07 2014 03:36 bumatlarge wrote: Whelp go figure. If I die, don't just lynch slam, lynch who you think is mafia. The explode the world theory doesn't check out like BC hoped it would. If the game ends with everyone dead, mafia wins. I would go with Slam>thrawn>oats, but I've barely looked into your posts, this all just gut feeling. BC said to lynch slam, and hatter is easy to claim, and very difficult to lynch. Slam not saying where is bombs are is pretty town though, bit it's slam so who knows. I already told him he can't win by lynching himself unless his bomb is exactly on mafia . Thrawn has been talking with mocsta the entire game, and I find it hard to believe how trusting he was of mocsta. They did have different reads on me, which seems awkward when mocsta pushed me so hard. That's really the only reason I have thrawn over oats. Oats is pretty null, I've only talked to him a few times. Tomorrow, cases need to be built and clear intuitive reads need to be made. We can win, but it just matters how hard the two townies want to win over the last scum. Good luck! which is similar to all of bum's other posts in that it gives you no clear idea of what he actually thinks about the game. his preferred lynch order was slam>thrawn>oats. he says that if slam is hatter, then BC's plan wont work and mafia will win if everyone dies. so from bum's point of view, with this knowledge about how lynching the hatter will lose the game for town, that means that bum CAN'T have slam as his first lynch preference unless he thinks slam is mafia. But does he think slam is mafia? "BC said to lynch slam, and hatter is easy to claim, and very difficult to lynch. Slam not saying where is bombs are is pretty town though, bit it's slam so who knows." So Slam is bum's top lynch choice... but not his top scumread? That is the impression I get from that post. But bum admits that if slam is hatter it's probably a bad idea to lynch him. But he can't decide if slam is town or mafia. So why is slam his top lynch candidate? So after reading that I have absolutely NO idea if bum thought slam was mafia. It's all nonsense that doesn't add up to an actual read. Then comes his reads on Oats/thrawn where he says thrawn is scummy for hilarious reasoning, and oats is somehow null. Bum we are in lylo and there is no way that you can reach this stage of the game with a null read on somebody. If bum is scum he probably didn't feel like it was so important to assign a definitive read to the player he's about to night kill. How convenient is it that the only 2 players he will commit to reading (and yes, "commit" is a stretch in this case) are the players that end up being the ones remaining in the game? It's even more suspect considering that he has thrawn as scummier than "null" Oats, after he approached Oats during the last cycle and talk to him about thrawn being scum. Here are the logs of that convo: http://tny.cz/156c72a4 Based on how he talks to Oats there, and everything about bum's recent reads that I've just pointed out, does it look like bum is talking to his null read Oats? Or that he is scum and trying to set up his lylo victory mislynch? Everything adds up to bum being mafia. He can't talk about reads and he's done nothing the entire game. He is somehow comfortable with hammering almost every single lynch while admittedly feeling confused and/or that he's not up to speed with the going-on's of the game. | ||
United States6918 Posts
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United States6918 Posts
On February 07 2014 12:44 Oatsmaster wrote: Actually it makes more sense for scum to be thrawn because he knows I think bum is scummier than him so Ill lynch bum. ..... and you think thrawn is scummier than bum, so it also makes sense for scum bum to kill slam. see? also according to bum's last post before deadline, he is null reading you. how can he possibly have a null read on somebody at this stage of the game... | ||
United States6918 Posts
watch me sit here and not vote | ||
United States6918 Posts
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United States6918 Posts
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United States6918 Posts
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United States6918 Posts
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United States6918 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [oats] + [2/6/2014 11:55:28 PM] Bracken Tad Conner: lol i think i'm just gonna flip a coin [2/6/2014 11:55:29 PM] Jared Yap: or soemthing [2/6/2014 11:55:36 PM] Jared Yap: it was a good case? [2/6/2014 11:55:47 PM] Jared Yap: don't be lame thrawn [2/6/2014 11:55:53 PM] Jared Yap: do you trust me [2/6/2014 11:55:57 PM] Jared Yap: do you thrawn [2/6/2014 11:55:58 PM] Jared Yap: do you [2/6/2014 11:56:03 PM] Bracken Tad Conner: he's gonna pst it in thread [2/6/2014 11:56:14 PM] Jared Yap: just hammer him right after he posts it lol [2/6/2014 11:56:15 PM] Bracken Tad Conner: but yeah im tired of this game [2/6/2014 11:56:20 PM] Jared Yap: that would be hilarious [2/6/2014 11:56:21 PM] Bracken Tad Conner: just gonna coinflip vote someone [2/6/2014 11:56:25 PM] Jared Yap: come on man [2/6/2014 11:56:29 PM] Jared Yap: i wanna win with you [2/6/2014 11:56:33 PM] Jared Yap: (heart) forever [2/6/2014 11:56:45 PM] Jared Yap: not like that traitors bastard mocsta [2/6/2014 11:56:48 PM] Bracken Tad Conner: do you want heads or tails [2/6/2014 11:56:55 PM] Jared Yap: i want both [2/6/2014 11:56:56 PM] Jared Yap: tbh [2/6/2014 11:57:00 PM] Jared Yap: wait let me flip [2/6/2014 11:57:25 PM] Jared Yap: heads [2/6/2014 11:57:28 PM] Jared Yap: my coin says heads [2/6/2014 11:57:35 PM] Jared Yap: I'm sure your coin will too + Show Spoiler [bumatlarge] + 01[23:55] <thrawn> lol I think i'm just gonna flip a coin [23:55] <bumatlarge> LOL NO [23:55] <bumatlarge> please [23:55] <bumatlarge> almost one [23:55] <bumatlarge> done [23:55] <bumatlarge> im working ar on this... [23:55] <bumatlarge> at least give us a shot 01[23:56] <thrawn> do you want heads or tails [23:57] <bumatlarge> the losing side [23:57] <bumatlarge> if you seriously do [23:57] <bumatlarge> just lynch me all the hammers were probably what I saw as scummiest about bum. for oats there were many 3-way interactions between him mocsta and I that I don't think they could have possibly faked bum did really well in PMs this cycle except for the coinflip thing. oats acted exactly how mocsta acted in the previous cycle... there was lots of buddying and "how would you feel if I'm scum and tricked you" type of questions. tbh oats probably acted the scummiest during lylo and he made it pretty difficult | ||
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