On December 06 2013 08:07 austinmcc wrote:Hopeless
Very very absent, even once he's got net
Little back and forth with thrawn early
Pushes pandain consistently from like D2
Hopeless had BC town D2, pandain scum D2, pandain pushed BC. Hopeless votes BC/Pandain on D3 early, why? He had a townread, and the dude is being pushed by a scumread. Why vote BC?
Liked SS's oats case, hated oats, then hated SS's case and liked oats, and voted Pandain/SS.
Went back to BC after SS got no traction
Early vote on thrawn. Liked posts on him, but no real posts of his own
Not a factor last few days except to keep pushing Pandain
Very little first two days. Gets into a little spat with
thrawn. He wants thrawn flipped due to "rage and indignation", but not a scumread.
Likes SS's oats bit. SS's oats bit was super speculative and weak.
Hopeless comes away from reading mocsta's filter and BC's stuff by finding BC town.
Hopeless has what I think is a decent case post on Pandain. He makes a lot of legitimate points, they aren't just scummy crap thrown together. He has a couple points I like, the mig "slip" or not-slip, but the mig alignment shifting if no-slip. The way he interacts with mocsta and the storrzerg read. Those two things I like, some of the rest of it is meh/wrong in light of flips.
Hopeless's #1 tip top read is pandain. Hopeless had BC as town. Pandain had a scumread on BC D2. So far, all of this fits, right? Hopeless's town read is being attacked by a scum read, logic is groooovy. But Hopeless's VERY FIRST POST of D3 is to vote pandain/BC. THIS IS NOT RIGHT. He had BC town. His NUMBAH WAN ICHIBAN SCUMREAD, pandain, is attacking BC. Why is he voting BC? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!? ALSO WHY, WHEN I SAID WE SHOULD LOOK FOR PEOPLE WHO VOTE BC FOR WEAK/NO REASONING OR FLIP READS ON HIM, DID I NOT ACTUALLY GO BACK AND DO THIS AND WHY DID NOBODY ELSE DO THIS EITHER!?!?!?!?
After his vote,
Show nested quote +BC has spent his last couple days being angry at town and explaining how there is no way mig is town vet because "balance" and "logic". Stop gaming the setup. His arguments for mig shooting a lurker over shooting BC are trash imo. That's what vig shots are for, to clear out the unknowns that you are unwilling to lynch. BC is absolutely a viable lynch and I want him dead. Whether that is through Vayne or not remains to be seen, but one way or another I want BC's flip today.
Complete 180. BC was town. His scumread is attacking BC. But now he's voted BC and he wants BC D-E-D ded.
I gave hopeless fattie town points for coming in and saying thread was crappy D3, stop speculating, etc. etc. Still some town points, but "HEY THREAD IS BAD STAHP" is easy-ish to make from either alignment.
Previously, Hopeless liked SS's case on Oats. He hated Pandain. He liked BC. Now he hates BC. Still votes Pandain, hates Pandain. He now says SS's cash is trash, and he's sorry for ever thinking Oats was mafia. Lotta floopy floops.
Later unvotes BC, who he wanted to be super ded. Is now on Supersoft/Pandain, due to mason log nonsense (SS doctored logs --> no i didn't -->oright he didn't). He unvotes SS later though and goes back to Pandain. THIS WHOLE BIT DOES NOT MAKE TERRIBLY MUCH SENSE IF HE'S THINKING CRITICALLY. PANDAIN AND BC BOTH MASONED SS D1. IF SS IS SCUM, THEY AREN'T ALL SCUM. THAT SILLY BILLY TOWN.
He makes the argument I like on D4, why are people sheeping SS's list. Not because he wants to lynch thrawn at this point, but because he wants to lynch Pandain still. This is curious, if scum wanted to kill pandain, it's still going hard after that target. scumHopeless thinks he's got a winner and can push it, despite BC's vote. townHopeless thinks pandain is scum and is right that people shouldn't just sheep SS's lynch list.
He's fine sheeping my LM town read (if LM flips town, this is just a flag, not as weird as LM/slam). He thinks LM super lurky, no other reason to call him mafia, and forgetting about him for now. That's alright, not terribly scummy. Agrees thrawn looks scummy, but hasn't talked about thrawn at all since their little spat on N1/D2. Okay lynching thrawn, over Risen, but not over Pandain.
Moves his vote to thrawn. He's #3 total, #2 once holy moves off. At this point, thrawn hasn't picked up steam, but Hopeless has said he's rather lynch thrawn over risen. It's a decently townie move, imo, he's on a scummer early. His reasoning is...lacking, but his vote is there.
Dips for days. Is okay burning a lynch on VA after VA keeps calling me mafia when thrawn flips red. Votes risen, leaves thread. I don't super understand his risen vote? He didn't seem super scummy on Risen before, didn't think he was TOWN TOWN, but ... why the vote?
Votes CC, would rather vote pandain, has oats town. Why oats town? Buncha people scummy on oats, he was scummy then townie on oats but only because SS's case was sloppy/crappy/etc. SS flipped town. So sloppy case or no, it was a real suspicion. Why so townie on oats?
Pushes Pandain again yesterday. Very consistent on Pandain, although, to be fair, Pandain doesn't appear to have done anything that would alleviate Hopeless's suspicions.