On September 13 2013 07:21 Papa_Smurf wrote: 4) @Sn0 - If you look at my post that questioned Panduins, and then Panduins second post, you will see that alot of the questions I had were fully answered by Panduins explanation of his thought process. It's logical and it checks out. I read those interactions and thats not the vibe I got. However, I'm willing to lynch blubbers instead.
I fail to see how lynching a super-low-contribution person helps us find scum. All that happens is that scum can angle the lynch towards the low-contribution player of their choice and we lynch a townie without actually gaining much info.
Lynching a present, somewhat controversial player who looks scummy not only is more informative come flip, but also has a higher chance of hitting scum IMO because they have been around to say shit that incriminates them.
See? told you those guys ain't playing townie.
Dibbers was flaming me for wanting to lynch my candidates.
Lynch blubbers dumbasses. Panda is scum too but insufficient wagon to make that work today.
On September 14 2013 03:33 WaveofShadow wrote: I forgot about Sn0. Shit I don't think i have time to do an in-depth read but he is all over the place as I skim through his filter. No in-depth analysis, pushing random-ass targets, trolly....
Thoughts, gentlemen? I recommend reading, its a good habit. I'll give you I'm somewhat inflammatory this game but I have reasons. My targets are distinctly not random tho and I'd appreciate it if u didn't slander me like that for no reason.
What no VA kush is bad lynch jeez look at the scummy retards on his wagon. Its all the people too scared to scumhunt so they say shit like "plynch kush he bad" despite evidence to the contrary (p4)
On September 14 2013 03:47 WaveofShadow wrote: I don't think blubb is scum. Well theres an easy way to find out
In other news, I'll admit that Old Partner is a surprisingly decent option although I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt based on his obviously different "customs".
EBWOP: That surprisingly doesn't belong in mah post
Where was this pandain yesterday? o.O
Vigging zealos all of a sudden a great idea.
Dibbers has been hella townie all game.
I agree that the OP wagon looks like the wagon of injustice, only who the fuck is it saving if its scum driving it? That gives me some pause.
Still think blubbers is the lynch.
On September 14 2013 06:14 Zealos wrote: You just seem mad at him for making a case against you. You have that backwards lol
Rayn got mad at SnB for calling him scum.
OP's claim is bullshit I think. Unless BlazingHand is a character in Golden Sun?
Also I didn't see any particularly out-of-place capital S in that post but it was about 2000 words so I may just not have seen it.
OH blazinghand was a player claim not a flavour claim nm.
lynch with fire.
I've played in games with roles named after players like u BH
What a weird-ass game guys.
@BH your cop claim wasn't a complete failure. It granted me much mirth.
Also sorry for afk. Happens every weekend or something. No deadlines missed!
Its OK vayne I'm actually seeing something along those lines. Problem is I think ur scum too which giveth me a dilemma.
Meanwhile, Old Partner (lol).
On September 17 2013 02:24 Oatsmaster wrote: sn0 man, can you name 3 scum and why please No. I can give you like 2 townreads though (grack/dibbers).
Errybody else is some varying degree of scummy/null. Obvious first lynch is OP despite his play actually making me see survivor there. Past that... Iunno I have to read filters not just the thread I think, but I wanna see how OP flips before doing that. Reading 45 pages of thread today was pretty boring TBH.