Anybody see anything remotely townie in there?
Golden Sun: The Broken Seal Mini Mafia - Page 3
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Tebellong44238 Posts
Anybody see anything remotely townie in there? | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
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Tebellong44238 Posts
On September 13 2013 04:36 VayneAuthority wrote: you only need to look back to persona to see yamato, crazo, etc trying to get me lynched for my bad posting early. its VERY common Townies too (me). | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On September 13 2013 04:38 VayneAuthority wrote: if by scummers you mean town then well it should be obvious. Im pushing for a correct lynch here. There are good cases and concerns being drowned out by these panda/kush pushes and I dont like either of them. We agree that kush is a terrible push. Panda seems like scum based on his posts (have you read them yet? its all scum motivated). Whats your "good cases and concerns"? like you want us to lynch Koshi? get real. PS you aren't calling me scum yet what happened? I think you rolled scum and ur balls disappeared. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
"my content which is kick-ass for the most part" o.o I mean, I feel somewhat cruel but... o.o Also Vayne you are doing some really weird flip flopping on blubbers and your case on grack seems terrible. Based on P4 i expect you to be more useless and more OMGUS and less wrong. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
blubbers looks awful but a) everybody who I think is scum wants to lynch him and b) maybe lynchbait? Well, upon reread he looks really really bad. Ugh. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On September 13 2013 05:01 blubbdavid wrote: Sn0, you are ignoring me, both as a person and as a potential wagon (or did the wagon fail), but when you are asked, then no doubt I must be scum. Could you please justify your suspicions. And could you please say WHY Panda's post is scum motivated, instead of saying that it is scummy. All you were doing all game long were accusations without backup. I don't have a read on Panda atm. I literally listed 4 reasons in one post, and you quoted that post. Every last one of those things are moderate scumtells. I'm ignoring you because it was virtually a given you are scum and you aren't saying anything intelligent. I re-read you and you still have no hope of ever being an asset to town but I'm willing to go with "you might not be scum" but only because everybody else who could be scum so far want to lynch you (lol). I already talked about why you are scum or at least anti town. If you wish to scumhunt that might improve your chances. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
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Tebellong44238 Posts
On September 13 2013 05:06 Papa_Smurf wrote: I like Pandain in the membranes responses in the second post. He is cleared for now How can you possibly say that? If nothing else PLEASE expound because everything he has said has screamed scum to me. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On September 13 2013 04:39 blubbdavid wrote: I do not know why you don't like that his reasonings against me is "gut", I mean you think that I am scum through gut feeling, but at the same time call the cattle black. Your reasonings aren't any better. This is where you quoted my 4 simple reasons for pandain being scum. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On September 13 2013 05:26 blubbdavid wrote: Oh, I thought 4 reasons about me. Welp my fault. Still you do not have reasons against me. Yes I do. You have hard-defended pandain for no reason. You have called multiple of teh towniest people in the thread scummy using extremely flawed reasoning without ever backing it up, and are in general screwing with town. Like, you voted Koshi for NO REASON it was awful. However, I'm being forced to work on the assumption that you can't read or reason rather than the assumption that you are scum, mostly because of how other people in the thread are interacting. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On September 13 2013 05:30 raynpelikoneet wrote: Stop the argument already Sno and blubb, look at my post on OP and comment on it plz. You are dumb but you've started to develop your town tunnel after I reminded you its a crucial part of your meta. Thats my comment. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
You need to provide reasons so that people can see your reasoning and tell if you are coming from a scum-pov or a town-pov. That and you need reasons so that you prove your case to town. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
1) Pandain is blue hunting. This is 100% unarguably SCUM MOTIVATED. 2) Pandain wants to lynch kush. His reason? we can't hit scum. YEAH RIGHT. SCUM MOTIVATED. 3) Pandain sees pressuring himself as townie. THATS IMPLIED GUILT. SCUMMY. 4) this one is dumber but pandain literally claims "nobody has reasons for lynching blubbers just gut" after everybody explained why blubbers was looking like scum. This one could be explained as Pandain merely lacking a brain but I was going with scum. This is entirely apart from his awful thread entry and other crap like "I'm the towniest guy in the thread" like what bollocks. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
Okay that devolved into another blubbers is scummy rant. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
In other news, i'm not talking to rayn again. He's literally the dumbest person on earth. Whys "moronic as fuck" a town tell on this guy? | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
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Tebellong44238 Posts
The 4 I mentioned yes. Zealous is essentially a blue claim why lynch him. Hows lynching Onegu tell us anything? Hows lynching Kush tell us anything? People who want to lynch this guy especially are just looking for an easy safe lynch, they don't want to catch scum. Unless somebody wishes to argue that he is scum? because literally not 1 person in the thread has suggested that he is scum, despite a bunch of retards wanting to lynch him. Hows lynching Koshi achieve anything? Actually I'm probably giving this guy too much of a free pass but he's felt townie so far. You and Grack are posting intelligent things. So is SnB. Plus I like the shit he said about rayn although the last person to join me in flaming rayn was marv and he was scum. Still, no desire to lynch snb. I could see lynching OP if he doesn't say anything, but I got the impression he would be a contributor. If nothing else he's got 24hrs. Who am I missing? I probably don't want to lynch them either. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
Hows goodkarma a good lynch today Koshi? I re-read him and he's actually not that bad though afk for a while (you can't lynch based off of that). Sure he's socrates and not doing much else but I didnt' mind his posting. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
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