Well, here's spicy on targe. If Calgar comes too we'll get a tie, but a tie isn't enough to lynch because jarjar got the votes first. And I'm really wary about this, because I don't really think targe is scum either. I'm just less confident of his townyness than jarjar.
Yeah, you're right. I'm going to switch my vote to no lynch even though it won't change anything. Voting for targe just doesn't sit right.
Well, I'd just like to say I could tell that jarjar was town this time the same way I knew jampidampi was town last game. Because the first person to really start getting BW on the first day is always town, there's no other way the mafia would let it happen. JarJar might eb right in that either me or calgar is scum, but I'm not sure I would put my money on it. But I'm fairly certain at least one of the people who voted for jarjar is scum, and I still think it's nobodywonder.
It's important to know that although quotes are important, votes and flips are the real alignment indicators in the end.
Vayne, you were talking about how a no lynch would be good, but you never did vote for one. Why?
I feel I have to say I'm sorry. My personal life got unexpectedly busy, and it took a higher priority than mafia. I wish I had had the time like I expected, but I did not. I understand this was a shitty thing to do, as I kinda ruined a game for 11 other people. This was entirely my fault. As role cop I might have been able to turn this around, but I didn't, and I apologize. Not much more I can say.