hahaha seriously this game cracks me up, I think you should know what makes it funny by now knowing all the info I gave you
lol the hosts must be laughing their asses out. I know were are very likely to lose so I don't really have much hopes, so I'm laughing too.
So, we are on the verge of losing, so I think we may need some drastic actions. And this is all what I can think of:
I think you should use your Broadcaster ability todayWhy? Because once sloosh flips scum, I don't really want people to believe his PMs were real, which heavily incriminates some of us when it actually doesn't (since he's not the real mole, you should know that by now....or he is and is very stupid and everything here is a giant coincidence, whatever).
I'm saying you should use your ability since I doubt there is something we can do in the thread to change the tide of things. Mostly because:
-Most people think I'm scum and nobody listens to anything I say, so I can't do shit
-Nobody listens to anything you say either, and you trying to do something "unexpected" will turn all eyes on to you and maybe even out you and get you lynched sooner or something.
So, I want you to use your ability to
prove to people that there is a scum minion with another ability other than "Commuter" or whatever sloosh said, or at least that there is a hidden ability nobody has seen before.
It may likely not work, and we may likely still all die horribly in consecutive lynches or something, but it's worth a shot.
If it also confuses people it'd be great as well.
Hmm, a message that's proven to come from scum but confuses people, that should be hard to make.
Anyways, I'll try to come up with something, but if you don't find it acceptable (remember I suck at this kind of stuff), come up with your own message such that it follows these rules:
- It shows the message was sent by scum, meaning scum have a remaining power left
- It confuses people and creates more chaos
- It shows sloosh's PMs are not reliable, but doesn't make it obvious that it's the purpose of the message sent
The 2nd one should be a priority. If it can confuse people, make them doubt things, make them waste time discussing it, etc it would be better than just proving it came from scum.
Hell, maybe you can prove it came from someone else with its content but still creating confusion, that would be better
So....hmm, let me think.
Maybe something like this:
Show nested quote +
As the Chairman of the Board's life was fleeting away, he muttered his last words:
"Et ita est ....
.. nunc vobis sunt in crimen
Praeses vulgaret
In emendator communicationis
... ire quaerere eum"
Now the conquerors should rise, as it was destined they would.
The power of the bureaucracy was meant for them, not for the common proletariat.
Rise from the ashes, rise from the fields.
Deliver to this world the justice it deserves
Yeah I dunno I suck at this kind of thing

I also don't know if making it obvious the message is from scum would have many benefits, opposed to the benefits it could give us if people think the message is from the hosts as a clue or something, or maybe as a last will from sloosh or something to confuse them even more.
Like I said I'm not good at this, so I'll leave you to think of something that may change the tide of the game

(as you can see that message doesn't change the tide of the game >_>
You could include it in a bigger message though, I dunno)
I also added a bit of latin that if you put on google translate incriminates Chezinu.
Don't do that yourself (post the translated message), let other paranoid people (like VE) do it and accuse Chezinu later or stuff like that.
If you can come up with better ways then great, but don't make it too obvious or something.
Info you can use on the message:As you know, if both sloosh/MZ claimed mole, and MZ's claim is true, then sloosh has to be mafia.
MZ is not my minion, and I hope this doesn't get censored....but if it does: come on guys! Could you let this little tiny detail pass your censors? We are in a tough spot here :3
So, MZ is not my minion, I'm not sloosh (yeah this is obvious whatever CENSORED or not I don't care). MZ is a mole, therefore he has to be the Chairman of the Board's minion, therefore sloosh is Chairman of the Board.
I guess MZ could be real BAD cop or something and sloosh is stupid mole, meh maybe you could leave out the "Chairman of the Board" thing in the message in case we fuck up and sloosh is the real mole >_>
(that would be embarrasing <_< )
You can use that to your advantage in the message as well to spread doubt.
I won't tell you the name of the remaining minion but it should be pretty apparent using the info I told you before and by the request I'm doing right now.
Also, I knew none of you were the real mole

No lovely minion of mine would back-stab us, I know that :3
inb4 one of you really are and I'm getting this whole thing backwards....just in case <_<