With those two arguments trashed, there are still a lot of reasons to believe you are Mafia:
Aka no matter what happens I am mafia in your eyes.
Yet your "bigger contribution" was merely another case against Dittert, at a timing where you would slip by unnoticed almost certainly. You did mention the possibility of Dittert playing dumb to distract us, which is a plausible idea, but not enough to make your existence for the whole 48 hours useful. You really think lurking for 40 hours and then posting one, small new idea at an awkward timing is pro-town play?
Merely another case against a player that I thought was mafia, and still think is mafia. Should I have played more like you? Keep accusing different players? Bounce around between 10 different accusations? How is sticking to one guy that everyone is slowly starting to agree is mafia not contributing. Instead of one small (good) idea should I post 20 ideas that all contradict each other and confuse people? How am I lurking for 40 hours? This is not close to a factual statement. What about hiropro? He posted WAY less than me yet you don’t seem to care about him at all.
2) Considering the scenario where you are Mafia and Willz is town, it would just make so much sense for you to leisurely claim Willz's innocence and then go back to lurking while Willz gets lynched. That way you would get a more townie impression for the next day and a powerful weapon to go after the people who pushed for Willz's lynch, without appearing suspicious yourself. Now, of course there are other possibilities: you could be both town, both Mafia, or Willz could be Mafia and you town. I have explained earlier why I don't feel like Willz is a very likely Mafia at the moment, which leaves us at the possible scenarios (in my eyes) of both town or you Mafia & Willz town.
Consider the scenario where I am town and believe but am not sure willz is town. It would just make so much sense to put in a vote of confidence for the guy as I have done before while realizing that I’m not sure that he really is town. It’s just a hunch. Just like your hunches. That way I would decrease the chances that a player I think is town is lynched while not saying things that are not true like that I am 100% sure he is town. This is amazing confirmation bias.
This is just an extremely meek and vague attitude towards the whole event. Look at what I did: Willz didn't strike me as Mafia, so I focused all my energy on getting a better Mafia read lynched instead of him. Then look at what you did yourself: you were much more certain of Willz's innocence than I was, yet you put in zero effort to get someone else (Dittert, for example?) lynched. Why would you be so disinterested in your best town read getting lynched right in front of you? And it looks like you just ignored the case Acrofales made against him and casually said "btw, Willz is town for sure, by all means lynch him and see I was right tomorrow!". If you are town, your attitude is pretty disturbing... There is a small possibility of you just being lazy / confused, but it doesn't make nearly as much sense as the scenario of you Mafia & Willz town.
So here I am both meek and vague but also sure that willz is town and defend him saying I am 100% sure he is town but also as the same time don’t do anything to stop the lynch. Statements like this are why I am no longer responding to you for the near future. What do you want from me? Sorry I am not good at drawing long convoluted arguments from the almost zero information we had on day1 like you are.
You are basically attacking me for being concise and consistent. Whose posting style is more anti-town? Mine or yours?
I was more certain of willz innocence than you were? WHAT? You just said my statement was vague. Which is it. Vaguely alluding that I think he is innocent or declaring that I know for sure he is 100% innocent. Look at my statements in defense of willz. Look at yours:
On April 14 2012 04:33 Xatalos wrote:
At this point, I'm not very confident in Willz being Mafia, since his latest posts have been very insightful and relevant. I would rate his current play as very pro-town. yomi's play I would rate as very anti-town.
At this point, I'm not very confident in Willz being Mafia, since his latest posts have been very insightful and relevant. I would rate his current play as very pro-town. yomi's play I would rate as very anti-town.
On April 14 2012 04:39 Xatalos wrote:
I now have such a strong Mafia read on yomi, that I can't really see myself being mistaken
I now have such a strong Mafia read on yomi, that I can't really see myself being mistaken
On April 14 2012 04:54 Xatalos wrote:
I can't see a possible situation where both Willz and yomi would be Mafia. .
I can't see a possible situation where both Willz and yomi would be Mafia. .
But I am the one that is certain willz is innocent? I am the one setting myself up to claim that I was right all along when/if willz flipped town?
So the only pro town thing I could do if I'm attacked is to go after someone else? I did, I stuck on dittert until there was a way to save myself by going brood who I had already suspected at the time. How fervently do you want me to go after dittert when there was I think maybe one other vote for the guy at the time? I think only I was still on him. The only way to protect myself was to defend myself against your accusations but that is being overly defensive I guess. The only town thing to do is to lash out? That's your argument? Not try to stop a townie (me) from being lynched?
I will try to accuse as many people as possible tomorrow for as many reasons as possible. Maybe then you will stop your crusade against me. Doubtful and I refuse to confuse the town like that.
3) Your response to my accusations was extremely defensive and panicked. Your defence consisted of A) personal insults against me B) WIFOM about Mafia's inner relations C) desperate comments like "can't believe it has come to this but I must protect myself" - and how do you protect yourself, not by explaining yourself calmly or contributing something at last, but instead by voting for Willz and posting ridiculous WIFOM like this:
My defense is defensive. Why yes xatalos, when you attack me for 5 pages+ my defense is defensive. Only a mafia would defend themselves from a fairly influential player tunneling them by being defensive. A town would defend themselves by flinging accusations at other people? Something you keep demanding I do but I won’t. I won’t mimic your off the walls posting style. I have a few reads and am now going to devote my energy to looking into them further instead of being bullied by you.
Maybe you interpret them as personal insults but I don’t know how else to point out how illogical your posts are other than to say you are illogical. My bad.
Ya I am in a position where I am one vote from being lynched and move to protect myself from being lynched. But only mafia protect themselves from being lynched. A couple of people including you have called this move “too early”. I think I had 4 votes at that time and 5 would pretty much lose it. Ties go to the player to get voted first. So I had to vote first to protect myself. A player one or two votes away from a sure lynch acted to protect themselves too early?
You keep demanding I contribute but I don’t know how to other than to 1 – try to get you off my back so I can figure out the other mafia and 2 – post concisely who I am suspicious of. Sorry I am only suspicious of a few players and don’t pretend to have 100 different reasons for it. You are pressuring me into spamming the thread like you do.
How is it WIFOM to point out that players who act aggressively towards each other are probably not mafia teammates? How can this reasoning be WIFOM but yours is the pinnacle of logic?
Again, this is the last time I will respond to you. I think this is an exercise in futility as I am certain that there is no post I could make or any action I could take that would make you less suspicious of me. You’ve zeroed in for god knows what reason and in doing so have only shown how ridiculous you are and allowed me to analyze you more closely, revealing a pattern of very aggressive and distracting posting.
It’s one thing to speculate on almost every single town player being mafia but you actively try to lead and convince others to go down all these different paths with you. Aka distracting the town.
I’m going to go through others' filters now. I can’t believe how long you have distracted me into posting only in this back and forth with just you.