On March 30 2012 02:35 VisceraEyes wrote: No you don't, you think everything I've done has been worthless.
Why are you pretending to care what I think when you've made it clear that my analyisis is a fucking joke and I'm useless as shit?
OH I KNOW!!! I KNOW!!!! IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE SCUM!!!! Why are you getting mad at someone you think is scum? Do your thing and find some more scum man.
Aight lunch time - will hopefully have more time during the day to post.
@ET I didn't forget you man. Your stuff is next on my mind.
On March 30 2012 04:21 MrZentor wrote:Show nested quote +On March 30 2012 02:28 slOosh wrote:I would also like to bring up MrZentor as a lynch candidate. gonzaw has brought up some decent stuff in his case here. But I found him suspicious for different things so I'll address that now. The context is very important here. Please read the posts surrounding his instead of just the filter. On March 27 2012 22:49 MrZentor wrote: C_C looks a little suspicious because of his first post, but I feel that people are reading too far into that.
This is written on page 12, after VE posted his initial case on CC and much after CC posted his first post containing the "accusation" and the flag. Then comes a couple of pages of discussion on gonzaw, bluelightz, ET and such. Nothing but one post from Nemesis, who comments the "lack of stance" as suspicious. Watch MrZentor's next post: On March 28 2012 00:31 MrZentor wrote:On March 27 2012 23:43 VisceraEyes wrote: You two need to post your thoughts on my case against C_C in detail and give your thoughts on my other scum-read gonzaw. I do agree that his initial accusation looks suspicious. The flag is really bizarre, because I couldn't imagine posting it as mafia or towns person. If I were mafia, why would I call attention to myself with a conspicuous flag? If I were a towns person, why would I give the mafia a hint at my nationality? Currently, he does seem like the scummiest player, because of the subtle accusation accompanied with his other posts.
I think it would be better to lynch C_C for now. There is nothing in the thread itself discussing the flag itself. There is no new public content in between his first post in which he says "people are reading too much into his initial post", and "his initial post looks suspicious". He agrees that the flag is really bizarre but did not mention it in his first post - taking a very neutral stance if you will. Then suddenly he agrees with VE that the flag is indeed bizarre, despite the fact that no one has talked about it. He also throws in the bogus last line, indicating that his subtle accusation is also evidence against him, despite the fact that "people are reading too much into his initial post".Verdict: MrZentor initially took a neutral stance, and after observation of how the town reacted to the case decided to help push it along. The lack of public thread discussion and the sharp contrast in his stance against CC suggests that he has talked to other people about it (read. scum buddies). Also his initial post suggesting town lynch lurkers after hitting a few scum is downright weird. I thought one thing and posted another. :/ I meant to say that people were reading too far into the flag on his first post. It was bizarre, but it really didn't tell us anything about C_C, so it was best to ignore it. It is important to note C_C's underhanded accusation of VE. It seemed like a scummy action. His actual read on CC?
On March 28 2012 00:31 MrZentor wrote: I do agree that his initial accusation looks suspicious. The flag is really bizarre, because I couldn't imagine posting it as mafia or towns person. If I were mafia, why would I call attention to myself with a conspicuous flag? If I were a towns person, why would I give the mafia a hint at my nationality? Currently, he does seem like the scummiest player, because of the subtle accusation accompanied with his other posts.
The thing that was just said to be only bizarre but something to be ignored, is actually the crux of his read on CC. Inconsistencies are a huge scum tell and MrZentor have been caught in one. Plus he is downright trolling gonzaw right now, and showing absolutely no effort in scumhunting. Read his two other games (where he is town aligned) - much more content, much more purpose.
##Vote MrZentor
On March 30 2012 14:13 EchelonTee wrote:RE: Sinensis caseFirst of all, A Game of Thrones is still going on; don't use that at evidence, it's against the rules blah blah I disagree that sinensis's play is "quite different" in normal mini mafia I. The only difference I see is that when people are now accusing sinensis, he doesn't fly into a relentless rage; that's the experience that sinensis has gained. If you look at his filter this game, he commented on a lot of different topics throughout the day and put a stance down. did he make big fat posts? nope. sinensis just works off a different diet, and it doesn't sound poisonoues to me.
Ex: there's a difference between there's these two posts: Show nested quote +On March 28 2012 11:51 Sinensis wrote:Back from work. On March 28 2012 11:00 Cyber_Cheese wrote:I've been using a simple system to keep track of people, and I have the game solved. It's just a matter of waiting it out now. + Show Spoiler [gg] + So you just alignment claimed soviet for the second time? You are also grouping people based on Nationality. Only one class benefits from grouping based on Nationality, so indeed, gg Nazi. ##vote: Cyber_Cheese says why he wants to vote and does it decisively. Show nested quote +On March 28 2012 23:18 MrZentor wrote: ##Vote Cyber_Cheese
I'm voting for reasons I explained very early in the thread. references earlier, very intangible reasons. makes it look like he put forth a decent case on C_C when he never rly did. both are short votes, but you have to read into tone. Sinensis has been decently forthright
Thoughts on BH's case? (which isn't focused on the openness but the reasoning behind it) Also, thoughts on MrZentor?
On March 30 2012 12:58 Sinensis wrote: How either Zentor or me is an issue though until we have SOMETHING else from cccalf is bonkers to me. Did you guys even see that he just voted for C_C literally without saying another thing and that's 1/3rd of his posts? We very well can't just wait until he posts to start discussion. If he doesn't post anything substantive we can lynch him, but there is no sense in halting all discussion until then.
What do you think of MrZentor?
On March 30 2012 08:16 Sinensis wrote: Also, Blazinghand was nuked, meaning they knew or at least heavily suspected he was blue. Nukes only work on blues. I don't think mafia would have ever voted Blazinghand under any circumstances since their nuke worked. On the first night they probably tried to nuke VE and failed because he wasn't blue.
On March 30 2012 08:35 Sinensis wrote:Show nested quote +On March 30 2012 08:32 johnnywup wrote:On March 22 2012 10:43 Hesmyrr wrote:2. Mafia have one-shot special kill power, that can only target power role but is guaranteed to kill, called NUKE which can be used at night. NUKE is independent from normal mafia NK so can be used simultaneously. When mafia targets citizen with NUKE it will fail. Subsequent day post will state 'Terrorist attempt on US/SU has been thwarted', revealing nationality of the target (but not the name) and the fact that nuke had been used. Nuke is one-shot, sinensis Oh, well it still means mafia suspected Blazinghand as a very likely blue. Nevermind what I said before about them trying to nuke VE that doesn't make sense.
Also, why do you bring this up? How does this help us find and lynch scum?
On March 30 2012 14:26 EchelonTee wrote:speaking of MrZ's vote: Correct me if I'm wrong: MrZ mentions C_C only 3 times. what does he say? Show nested quote +On March 27 2012 22:49 MrZentor wrote: C_C looks a little suspicious because of his first post, but I feel that people are reading too far into that.
Show nested quote +On March 28 2012 00:31 MrZentor wrote: I think it would be better to lynch C_C for now. Show nested quote +On March 28 2012 01:37 MrZentor wrote: I want to hear what C_C has to say about him posting posting the flag. then he votes yayyyyyyyy!!!!!! ....yeah that's not fishy at all. it's not like MrZ jumped on teh bandwagon with the loosest facest case known to mankind Other stuff that MrZ has done: Call my posting weird but make no comment on it: clickMake gigantic contentless posts that make his filter look big, but they're even more sparse than gonzaw's posts: what theWhat happens if you compare C3 and MrZ? While MrZ has posted more and you might be fooled that the dude has been contributing, let's take a look. 1. voted C_C with little to 0 reason 2. make no concrete stances on anything 3. don't respond to accusations except MrZ uses a few more posts to lurk. This, ma friends, is what we call active lurking. as in lurking to hide, hide from the lynch, the lynch that'll take down scum this cycle!
Ok, then vote him and lets move on. Could you expound your stance on gonzaw and bluelightz?
On March 30 2012 14:34 EchelonTee wrote: posted that too early wops ##Vote MrZentor
bh's case hinges on sinensis's vote for C_C being unsupported, and that his response to bh's questioning was scummy. this is a good case for most ppl, but IMO sinensis is similar to nisani; almost always writes 1 liners, terse posts. u have to read into tone more, and i feel thus far sinensis has been honest.
MrZ's vote was also unsupported, response to questioning was also scummy, but he's been very non-transparent and hasn't been active within town as much as Sinensis. Who is nisani and why does he matter? BH's case hinges on sinensis' vote not being unsupported but being supported with very questionable structures.
Ignore MrZentor. He is outright trolling us and putting absolutely no effort into the game.
Rather just stick your vote on him and lets not let him drag D2 discussion into oblivion. I think good discussion topics are now D3 lynch. C3 if you could post that would be great too.
(I've been busy johnny - I post when I can)
As for MrZentor and how people are responding to him: ... Are you f'ing serious?
He spends the whole day trolling to "elicit" some responses, of which the only one of any "substance" if you can even remotely call it that is on Nemesis, and he doesn't even use it to push him but instead decides to vote cccalf. The large post he has is merely commentary - they aren't even proper reads - see how many are null / neutral:
On April 01 2012 00:57 MrZentor wrote: Overall, I think he is 58% scum. He has done some helpful things, but it's important to keep an eye on him.
Although he seems suspicious early on, he later helps start the case against C_C, which could be scum or town :/, and he seems genuinely angry at me for attacking him with no reasons. 42% scum
All of these things make me think he is a nooby town; however, he could just be mafia, as it is difficult to tell them apart. 63% scum
His reason for voting for C_C is based on other people's cases, and he votes for me because I claim scum. 70% scum, because I have a feeling he's just a lazy town
And to the townies who are mass switching cccalf: ... Are you f'ing serious??
Because of an irrational fear that we may mislynch the other doctor we are allowing this man to absolutely troll us and waste the whole day, and excuse all this on the SOLE basis that he claims doctor.
No one has even shown hints of critical thinking - so let me do some for you:
As for cccalf, yes I would be ok lynching him D3. But a small injection of fear and you guys are acting like idiots. Also consider that his one post is against VE. Against VE, who mafia shot the night right after. I'm not saying that this makes him town. But I am saying you guys aren't thinking critically. There is in my mind a small chance that cccalf may flip town who may be honestly busy. However, there is no chance in my mind that a town doctor would think, "hey a good idea would be to troll the whole town for some information, and then not do anything with it and give my role away so mafia can shoot me next night". Absolute bull.
Plus also consider this: as mafia he fake claims so that doctor is forced to counter claim. We lose doctor next night. This is absolutely stupid. Really, a town doctor trolling the whole day and drawing attention to himself? Outing himself because he acted so stupid?
Honestly guys, think. This "oh I hate MrZentor's play but I don't want to lynch a doctor even though he may be lying" mentality is absolute bull.
I'm so mad and frustrated that I couldn't be here when he posted that stupid wall of troll. I hope enough of you who switched over to cccalf are of sound mind to be here at lynch time to reevaluate this stupid thing.
I don't know who the SU doctor is and I hope he is smart enough that he would not give himself away, and town will use reasoning and logic to deduce that MrZentor is scum, and that his last gambit of outing the doctor will go to waste.
If you can honestly believe yourself as a town doctor doing what he did, outing himself at the end, to obtain no results on anything, with the conclusion being 'lets lynch cccalf', even though we could have argued for that without losing our doctor, than I really don't know what to say.
So you guys agree - the only thing is fear stopping you. Can you guys not consider the possibility of a pinned mafia spouting out total BS ?
We have 3 votes already and three of you here. We can switch over.
Ok. look at it from mafia standpoint. you are losing a mafia member. there is no way to defend him. how can you make the most of it? troll all day to kill discussion, then claim something random to oust the doctor.
look at it from a medic standpoint. someone scummy as scum has claimed your role. if you counter claim we lynch him but at the cost of our last medic. you hope people will use logic to deduce that a counter claim isn't the only way to reason that he is scum.
Do you honestly think that we would let someone who does that go without intense scrutiny, especially that we have talked about it in detail right now?
Don't let fear dictate your actions - use reasoning and logic.
Heh, ... isn't it ironic that this game is called "The Sum of All Fears" ....
Yes. Let's lynch him, and do a reverse all-kill.
If he last minute votes I aint switching. What would it change? MrZentor is still scum for the reasons stated.
I was so sure because it was absolutely ridiculous to believe that someone could honestly think the thought process he thought and play through with it, and that it was far more believable that he is mafia acting to get a counter claim out.
On March 22 2012 10:43 Hesmyrr wrote: Play to win. This means you play your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. I assume this when I play.