I have contributed my reads the entire game not just when I have been pressured. My case against DrH came way before I was even a candidate for being lynched.
Infact Billmurray. DrH is the one who has posted analysis under pressure. As seen by his recent case against Jay. As Layabout pointed out his case is very convoluted and desperate. DrH had promised analysis in the past three days and have only chosen now to give it.
The problem with DrH is that he has refuted nearly all the arguments against him with the fact that he's been busy. He has done little to respond to the points that he's been inconsistent and clearly not acting the way he usually does when he is town. It's not the fact that he says he's been busy because everyone has a life. It's the fact that it's really all he has said. As I mentioned before he never really responded to my case. At first he just brushed it off as whatever and just recently just claimed it was a good analisys.