[19:12] <Jimbo> I'm back.
[19:54] <Meapak_away> hi
[19:56] <Jimbo> Hi.
[19:56] <Meapak> I sent in for rockstar
[19:56] <Jimbo> Just wanted to check and see if you had any questions before the deadline.
[19:56] <Meapak> nope I'm setup
[19:56] <Jimbo> kk
[19:56] <Jimbo> For the record,
[19:56] <Jimbo> The chances of us both being town arn't great.
[19:56] <Jimbo> And since I know I'm town,
[19:57] <Jimbo> I'm wary of you.
[19:57] <Jimbo> But only from a statisitcal point of view.
[19:57] <Jimbo> Which is to say,
[19:57] <Jimbo> I will beat myself up after the game if I get screwed over because of this.
[19:58] <Jimbo> Since it's null at this point anyways,
[19:58] <Jimbo> I'll say that I was going to go for Rockstar.
[19:58] <Jimbo> I was gonig to try to get five bodyguards, because then I would know five vanilla townies, and that's pretty huge info.
[19:59] <Meapak> how?
[19:59] <Meapak> would you get bgs
[19:59] <Meapak> and yeah I'm wary of you
[19:59] <Jimbo> Three from mayor,
[19:59] <Jimbo> Two from Rockstar.
[19:59] <Jimbo> They will all be vanilla,
[19:59] <Meapak> but the way our plans works, it's hard for you to fuck the town over
[19:59] <Jimbo> So I ask them what they tried to get,
[19:59] <Meapak> I'm rock star though
[19:59] <Jimbo> (That's the mark of a good plan)
[20:00] <Jimbo> I ask them what they asked for,
[20:00] <Meapak> did you send for inventor?
[20:00] <Jimbo> Yes
[20:00] <Meapak> ok
[20:00] <Jimbo> I'll double check b4
[20:00] <Jimbo> Check.
[20:00] <Jimbo> Lol,
[20:00] <Jimbo> Watch,
[20:00] <Jimbo> Kenpachi will take it.
[20:00] <Meapak> well we know if he does lol
[20:01] <Jimbo> yeah.
[20:01] <Jimbo> But it'll still suck for me.
[20:01] <Jimbo> =D
[20:01] <Meapak> this game is pretty insane lol
[20:02] <Jimbo> Oh hey.
[20:02] <Meapak> what
[20:02] <Jimbo> If I don't get inventor...
[20:02] <Jimbo> Hmm.
[20:02] <Jimbo> Nah,
[20:02] <Jimbo> I don't think there's any reason not to tell you.
[20:02] <Meapak> if you don't get inventor then we have a problem
[20:02] <Meapak> because people may PM me as the inventor
[20:02] <Meapak> and then I have to PM you to see what your powers are
[20:03] <Jimbo> Lol, yeah.
[20:03] <Jimbo> about that.
[20:03] <Meapak> If I don't know who the inventor is me picking rock star is moot
[20:03] <Jimbo> Do we want to keep in communique about what I'm making?
[20:03] <Jimbo> It really shouldn't mattter,
[20:03] <Jimbo> As any pro-town device will be evident.
[20:03] <Meapak> well I will want to be able to tell people what "I'm" making
[20:03] <Meapak> yeah
[20:04] <Meapak> I'm trying to spread it around that I'm the inventor without posting in the thread
[20:04] <Jimbo> Why?
[20:04] <Jimbo> I mean,
[20:04] <Meapak> well
[20:04] <Jimbo> Why would you spread that out, if you were the inventor?
[20:04] <Meapak> I want people to hit me
[20:05] <Jimbo> Ye.
[20:05] <Jimbo> *yes
[20:05] <Jimbo> Hell yeah.
[20:05] <Jimbo> Got it.
[20:05] <Meapak> what?
[20:05] <Jimbo> Obviously you will get yours.
[20:05] <Jimbo> Role.
[20:05] <Meapak> oh lol
[20:05] <Jimbo> Don't ask me why,
[20:05] <Jimbo> but I was worried.
[20:06] <Meapak> I really want to know what kenpachi took
[20:06] <Jimbo> (The really funny thing was that iwasn't worried about you)
[20:06] <Meapak> I wonder if he actually took vt
[20:06] <Jimbo> Rockstar, LAWL.
[20:06] <Jimbo> haha,
[20:06] <Jimbo> that would be funny.
[20:07] <Jimbo> Dayvig can't shoot first day, right?
[20:07] <Meapak> idk actually
[20:07] <Meapak> hm
[20:07] <Jimbo> (I.e, he can't kill the mayor right before he get's elected)
[20:07] <Meapak> apparently my bgs can be any alignment
[20:07] <Meapak> and I doubt it
[20:07] <Jimbo> yes.
[20:07] <Meapak> that would be imba
[20:07] <Jimbo> Yeah
[20:07] <Jimbo> that's what I'm thinking.
[20:07] <Meapak> they also know me
[20:07] <Jimbo> Yeah,
[20:08] <Meapak> which means I can't try and claim inventor without some people knowing I'm lying
[20:08] <Meapak> but the only reason the bg's would out me is if they were scum
[20:08] <Jimbo> Two people, yes.
[20:08] <Jimbo> yes.
[20:08] <Jimbo> So you go with it,
[20:08] <Jimbo> If scum don't hit you...
[20:08] <Jimbo> (within a day or two)
[20:09] <Meapak> I'm trying to come up wiht a good way to claim without making it seem impluasible
[20:09] <Meapak> the easiest would be to run for mayor but you need that
[20:10] <Jimbo> Mmm.
[20:10] <Jimbo> yes,
[20:10] <Jimbo> But I don't know taht you would be the reason I lose.
[20:10] <Jimbo> Rather, i don't think you running would have a big effect on me winning or loseing.
[20:10] <Jimbo> DUDE.
[20:11] <Jimbo> Me and you.
[20:11] <Jimbo> Mayor pardoner.
[20:11] <Meapak> let's do it
[20:11] <Jimbo> it's probably a terrible idea,
[20:11] <Meapak> wait
[20:11] <Meapak> analysis
[20:11] <Meapak> you are scum
[20:11] <Jimbo> But it made me smile, so let's do it.
[20:11] <Jimbo> Crap.
[20:11] <Meapak> you are mayor
[20:11] <Jimbo> make me pardoner!
[20:11] <Meapak> you have one lynch
[20:11] <Jimbo> Yes.
[20:11] <Meapak> you pretty much have to do what the town wants
[20:11] <Jimbo> Can't do much with it though,
[20:11] <Jimbo> right
[20:11] <Meapak> otherwise you get lynched
[20:11] <Meapak> beyond that you are unkillable at night
[20:11] <Meapak> but if we get a dt check on you
[20:11] <Meapak> we can lynch you
[20:12] <Meapak> you're scum
[20:12] <Meapak> you're pardoner
[20:12] <Jimbo> Wait.
[20:12] <Jimbo> No,
[20:12] <Meapak> you can pardon a scum buddy right before a lynch
[20:12] <Jimbo> Can't check the mayor.
[20:12] <Jimbo> Can't target him.
[20:12] <Meapak> oh you cant?
[20:12] <Meapak> ok
[20:12] <Jimbo> Dude, mayor is frikken invinciable.
[20:12] <Jimbo> Only think that can touch him is lynch.
[20:12] <Meapak> lemme finish running through this simulation
[20:12] <Jimbo> kk
[20:12] <Meapak> you are mafia
[20:12] <Meapak> you are scum
[20:12] <Meapak> lol
[20:12] <Jimbo> haha.
[20:13] <Meapak> you are pardnoer
[20:13] <Jimbo> Pardoner.
[20:13] <Jimbo> I pardon a buddy,
[20:13] <Meapak> you pardon your buddy at the last minute
[20:13] <Jimbo> i get lynched,
[20:13] <Meapak> reveals two scum for one
[20:13] <Meapak> confirms who's getting lynched
[20:13] <Meapak> and you
[20:13] <Meapak> as scum
[20:13] <Meapak> ok
[20:13] <Jimbo> half the team is gone.
[20:13] <Meapak> I'm scum
[20:13] <Meapak> I run for mayor
[20:13] <Jimbo> Uh,
[20:13] <Jimbo> btw,
[20:13] <Meapak> same restrictions as you
[20:13] <Jimbo> that scenario only one scum dies,
[20:13] <Jimbo> Cause i don't pardon my own team....wait.
[20:13] <Jimbo> nm.
[20:14] <Meapak> wait was that a scumslip?
[20:14] <Jimbo> That wouldn't screw me over less.
[20:14] <Meapak> wait what?
[20:14] <Meapak> I'm confused
[20:14] <Jimbo> I'm saying, that if I was pardoner scum,
[20:14] <Meapak> oh ok
[20:14] <Jimbo> I wouldn't pardon my own teammate.
[20:14] <Meapak> yeah
[20:14] <Jimbo> Cause that would out two of us.
[20:14] <Jimbo> I would pardon to deny info.
[20:14] <Jimbo> And cause confusion.
[20:14] <Meapak> but still, that mean's your worthless to your team in the pardoning situation
[20:14] <Jimbo> But eya,
[20:14] <Jimbo> I still lose inventor, and that's huge.
[20:15] <Meapak> yeah
[20:15] <Meapak> well ok here's the thing
[20:15] <Meapak> we're deep enough in this now
[20:15] <Meapak> and your inventions will tell your aligment fairly fast
[20:15] <Meapak> I say we do it
[20:15] <Jimbo> We can try,
[20:15] <Jimbo> but Honestly,
[20:15] <Jimbo> If I ever saw two people "running together"
[20:16] <Meapak> nonono
[20:16] <Meapak> we don't run together
[20:16] <Jimbo> RIght,
[20:16] <Jimbo> But we both try.
[20:16] <Meapak> we avoid attacking each other
[20:16] <Meapak> we take down everyone else
[20:16] <Jimbo> If it looks like we don't both make it,
[20:16] <Meapak> till we're the only choices
[20:16] <Jimbo> Uh...
[20:16] <Jimbo> That sounds bad.
[20:16] <Jimbo> hold on a sec.
[20:17] <Meapak> what
[20:18] <Meapak> LOOOOOOOOOOOL someone actually took puppateer
[20:18] <Jimbo> Sorry, Foolishness was bugging me.
[20:18] <Meapak> oh np
[20:20] <Jimbo> Ok,
[20:20] <Jimbo> So,
[20:20] <Jimbo> here's the thing.
[20:20] <Jimbo> I'm not convinced of your innocnece, right?
[20:21] <Meapak> yeah
[20:21] <Jimbo> I've talked with you a lot,
[20:21] <Jimbo> But I'm still not convinced.
[20:21] <Meapak> Similarly for me
[20:21] <Jimbo> Really, there's only one person who I'm kinda cloes to,
[20:21] <Jimbo> But at this point,
[20:21] <Meapak> at this point in the game I have no one who I fully trust
[20:21] <Jimbo> I don't think anyoen shold be sure of anyone.
[20:21] <Jimbo> lol,
[20:21] <Jimbo> sfp
[20:21] <Meapak> what?
[20:22] <Jimbo> sfp: Same freaking person
[20:22] <Meapak> oh haha
[20:22] <Meapak> hadn't heard that one before
[20:22] <Jimbo> It's a phrase I use when two people come to the same conclusion at the same time.
[20:22] <Jimbo> I think I invented it.
[20:22] <Meapak> put it on urban dictionary
[20:22] <Jimbo> Me and two other friends do it all the time.
[20:22] <Jimbo> Lol, yeah.
[20:22] <Meapak> you'd have started someting
[20:23] <Jimbo> Anyways,
[20:23] <Meapak> neither of us fully trust each other
[20:23] <Jimbo> I don't think that we know they other's alignment well enough to support eachother's campaings more than we would normally.
[20:23] <Jimbo> So I say we play it out,
[20:23] <Jimbo> Campaign, sure,
[20:23] <Meapak> sounds fair
[20:24] <Meapak> here's the bottom line
[20:24] <Jimbo> But I'm not going to tear down someone who I think is a legitimatly better candidate than you.
[20:24] <Meapak> I don't know if you took inventor
[20:24] <Meapak> you don't know I took rock star
[20:24] <Meapak> the only thing you can know is if I took inventor if you took it
[20:24] <Meapak> I think that's where we stand
[20:25] <Jimbo> The only thing that i know is that you and ken didn't take Inventor, the only thing you know is that nobody else got rockstar.
[20:25] <Jimbo> ea.
[20:25] <Jimbo> *yea
[20:26] <Jimbo> Tbh,
[20:26] <Jimbo> I'll bet that at LEAST one other person in the top 5-6 picks inventor.
[20:26] <Jimbo> In Personality, three people in the top 7 picked list checker.
[20:26] <Meapak> yeah
[20:26] <Jimbo> Cause it was that important.
[20:27] <Meapak> just so we're straight though, out of everyone in this game so far you're the one I trust most. Doesn't mean I think you're town but I'm just letting you know where I stand
[20:27] <Meapak> that's why I felt comfortable doing our deal
[20:27] <Jimbo> Gotcha.
[20:29] <Jimbo> What do you think of Sandroba?
[20:29] <Meapak> hmmm
[20:29] <Meapak> I like some of the stuff he's written in the thread
[20:30] <Meapak> several people have said good things about him to me
[20:30] <Meapak> I have never talked with him personally though
[20:30] <Meapak> why?
[20:30] <Jimbo> Who said good things about him, if I may ask?
[20:31] <Jimbo> I'm trying to build a web, centered on him.
[20:31] <Meapak> lol
[20:31] <Meapak> lemme check
[20:31] <Meapak> loooooooool
[20:31] <Meapak> it's radfield
[20:31] <Meapak> who I told I was inventor
[20:32] <Meapak> and then I told him I needed to tell someone else incase I died, insurance against him being sum
[20:32] <Meapak> scum
[20:32] <Meapak> he sent me a list of names
[20:32] <Meapak> no offense but I wont give you the whole list
[20:33] <Jimbo> Interesting.
[20:33] <Meapak> however I'll let you know that you are on the "do not tell you are inventor" list
[20:33] <Jimbo> Rad and Sandro were apparently going to run together.
[20:33] <Meapak> sandroba is on the "tell about inventor" list
[20:33] <Jimbo> Right.
[20:33] <Meapak> I thought that was syllo and sandro
[20:33] <Jimbo> Hmm.
[20:33] <Meapak> I'd rather you not confront radfield about this
[20:33] <Jimbo> Sandro trust Syllo.
[20:33] <Jimbo> No problem.
[20:33] <Meapak> syllo trusts sandro
[20:34] <Meapak> wait
[20:34] <Jimbo> Right.
[20:34] <Meapak> back to the irc logs
[20:34] <Meapak> wait no
[20:34] <Jimbo> I'm not going to bring this up for a little while.
[20:34] <Meapak> syllo and mig were going to run together
[20:34] <Meapak> Make sure you catch that
[20:34] <Jimbo> Because I want the web to spread as far as I can get it.
[20:34] <Jimbo> Yeah,
[20:34] <Jimbo> I got that
[20:34] <Meapak> ok
[20:34] <Jimbo> Sandro was endorsign that.
[20:34] <Meapak> you probably have a lot more info than i do tbh
[20:35] <Jimbo> Right, But again,
[20:35] <Meapak> I haven't been as active as I'd like
[20:35] <Jimbo> It's the info that I don't have that i need, obviously.
[20:35] <Meapak> ugh
[20:35] <Meapak> I want to trust you
[20:35] <Meapak> we could trade info
[20:36] <Jimbo> Don't.
[20:36] <Jimbo> Not yet.
[20:36] <Jimbo> It's tempting, and I've fallen for it before,
[20:36] <Meapak> let's let a day or so go by
[20:36] <Jimbo> But any infor you give me can at LEAST wait till night.
[20:36] <Jimbo> Because I don't think I'll get lynched.
[20:36] <Meapak> in the meantime I'll pump radfield some more
[20:36] <Jimbo> And I doubt you will either.
[20:36] <Jimbo> Awesome.
[20:36] <Meapak> well I'll announce my candidacy and meantion I'm inventor
[20:37] <Meapak> that'll stop me from getting lynched
[20:37] <Jimbo> Lol,
[20:37] <Jimbo> Just make sure it's believable.
[20:37] <Meapak> yeah
[20:37] <Meapak> I'll do it very "reluctantly"
[20:37] <Jimbo> mafia have laready shown themselves capable of calling bluffs.
[20:38] <Meapak> yeah
[20:38] <Jimbo> make a machine that will dt check you, and only you.
[20:38] <Jimbo> Then claim Bill Murry.
[20:38] <Jimbo> =D
[20:38] <Meapak> looool
[20:39] <Meapak> I'd be down
[20:39] <Meapak> I still think I need an award as the person who modkilled bm the second time
[20:39] <Meapak> in my first game as cohost
[20:40] <Jimbo> hahahaha
[20:40] <Jimbo> Epic modkill.