Personality Mafia!
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United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
Btw, clean up the spam. | ||
United States3786 Posts
On August 15 2011 14:06 redFF wrote: well the daypost says that he has regained his sanity. it could very well be a mechaninc between 2 townies. scum would not act like this. It could very well be one scum one green like in Merc Mini 2 iirc? | ||
United States3786 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [To redFF] + On August 15 2011 14:38 redFF wrote: if thats all you have to say after reading the thread then i fear for town this game. Vote for me and I will unban baal! Do you have a grudge or something? Look at the times. 14:00-14:16. Look at my statements. Did I say, "I finished the thread, and here's what I'm thinking?" Now, stop being so antagonistic. It's annoying, and I don't want to deal with it. Leave our little quarrels behind in XVIII or else I'm not even going to bother addressing you. Now, on to scum. Day 1 was a catastrophe. Town did not maintain a good atmosphere whatsoever. Kurumi is HUGELY to blame. He has like 6 pages of posts ALONE. >_> Vigi him. I don't care if he's banned; I don't want his spam clogging up out thread. I don't want him to be doing that shit when he comes back. I don't think Kavdragon is Mafia. Mafia wouldn't suggest 1:1 lynch, and mafia definitely wouldn't push someone as hard as Kav did. I also don't think Kenpachi is any form of DT because it'd be retarded to out yourself day 1 like that. Also, if he were DT, he'd actually mount a case instead of just spam vote jackal and crap. Well, who is mafia then? tnkted. Many of you have suggested LSB, and I agree with that sentiment too, but I think the two are linked indirectly and tnkted seems more likely to be scum. Here's why. On August 14 2011 00:59 tnkted wrote: WRONG Know what personality people have is very useful for town. Outing roles is lame, but knowing personality can help us understand clues that somebody might be hinting at without revealing anything. BTW guys pay attention to everyone's first couple posts. That's when we'll see the personality coming out the most, as people have fun with the roleplaying. (PS Syllogism is meapak_zipph) I completely disagree with the sentiment expressed here, and it leads town away from scum hunting. We're here to kill scum, like always. We're not here to find out people's personalities. It's not really useful at all. On August 14 2011 02:37 tnkted wrote: I don't think we should lynch kurumi. I don't think trolls are likely to be scum, and if they are they are the sort of scum that I feel we can safely ignore for the time being. Since they aren't creating a hostile town atmosphere and anyone they push to lynch probably won't end up dying, we can ignore them for now. This post is extremely scummy. Soft-defending Kurumi, and basically softly encouraging him to continue spamming. If there's no repercussions for spamming, why stop right? Furthermore, he says it doesn't create a hostile town atmosphere. That's just wrong. The reason why town's atmosphere went to shit day 1 is because of trolls. This guy is just supporting that. He's saying, don't lynch the trolls, don't push the trolls, and hey, they're not hurting you guys either. Why would any townie want to do that? No reason. Why would mafia want to do that? So they can hide in the spam, make shitty posts and get away with it, and ruin Town's discussion for lynches. Mafia play right here. On August 14 2011 12:11 tnkted wrote: Jackal: L Kurumi: BM Pandain: Qatol Kavdragon: Chezinu Sandaroba: Ver Syllogism: Meapak_Zipph? kenpachi: Ace? Meapak_Zipph could also be Ace. Foolishness: Bumatlarge Did I miss anyone? btw Great work with erasing the inventor there Pandain. Another post I want to outline for two reasons. One, completely avoids LSB who is, pretty obviously, Ace. Why would town avoid addressing town? I don't know. Why would mafia do that? So the link isn't there. Derp. Also, the list is pointless and seems more like one of those "contributing while not actually contributing" shenanigans for town cred. Who does that? Right, mafia. On August 15 2011 02:05 tnkted wrote: Since nobody is saying anything.......... ok! #vote aidnai Oh, okay, so he had an analysis on Deconduo (albeit poor), then just suddenly switches to aidnai! Great idea! Bandwagon onto the townie whom you haven't talked about until randomly deciding to vote him! On August 15 2011 03:14 tnkted wrote: RoL has enough time to blog.. perhaps he forgot about the game? Or he has a posting restriction. http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=254766 Throwing out a soft FoS. Seems like he wants to get a random lynch started... Never mentions it again. That's scum play right there. Hints town towards a lynch, nudges town along, then back off and seem like he wasn't even a part of it. On August 15 2011 13:54 tnkted wrote: Kav, you need to claim your entire role or you're going to get vigi'd mighty quick. Also... don't we get to see what his role was? He says we should vigi Kav right? Like, the guy who actually ardently pushed for a lynch. The guy who he thinks isn't actually scum. BUT WAIT! On August 16 2011 00:00 tnkted wrote: No, vigs, don't hit kurumi. Unless palmar meant youngminii? I have no opinions one way or the other on that, I have no read on YM. In unrelated news, should we be talking about sandroba right now? Yes, you all know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about that. Let's NOT hit Kurumi, the guy who's been spamming the thread to hell and destroying the town atmosphere. Wtf. Honestly, tnkted is just promoting a bad atmosphere. Mafia is the party with that agenda. Tnkted is mafia | ||
United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
Btw, I vigied Kurumi so we wouldn't have a spamfest anymore. | ||
United States3786 Posts
I'm a 1shot vigi that can only shoot people who claim roles/powers. Fishball wanted to note your roleclaim so that he can shoot you if need be. | ||
United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
On August 16 2011 13:10 Curu wrote: Why would you say "yeah it's something regarding my role" and then "lol not my fault." That doesn't mean "whatever." Explained the "it's something regarding my role." "lol not my fault" = whatever. | ||
United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
On August 16 2011 16:14 syllogism wrote: The role and that statement makes no sense at all. If such a role exists, why would he be against people role claiming and how does "noting" the claimhave anything to do with him potentially shooting someone. Further, how would such a role know when someone is fake claiming? If it's a oneshot ability, why did you waste it on kurumi? Did you find him scummy? Also, he was banned, as in received a real 2 day ban, so it's not like spamming was going to be an issue. You are lying. LOL! Are you serious? So I've been breadcrumbing my shot since I came into the game, claimed the extra KP, and this is all elaborately planned by mafia? No, I think you're just trying to instill doubt here when I'm obviously the vig who shot Kurumi. What other possible explanation do you have? How else could I have breadcrumbed the Kurumi shot beforehand? Eh? It's not wasted at all. This is to show I won't tolerate spam. And if he's banned, he's a lurker now too! So let's see, shoot someone hurting town atmosphere. Check. Shoot lurker. Check. Clean up thread. Check. MY GOD, THAT'S SO ANTI-TOWN. Noting the claim makes it indisputable that the person indeed claimed. Fake claim doesn't matter. If you claim in any way, I was allowed to shoot you. The exact word is roleclaimer, therefore anyone who claims a name/power. Authenticity doesn't matter. Did any medics protect Kitaman? | ||
United States3786 Posts
[QUOTE]On August 16 2011 20:58 deconduo wrote: Theres something important that people seem to be missing: [quote]Kurumi the Bill Murray was eaten by a shark. The inventor has invented a digital scale.[/quote] Btw... [QUOTE]On August 16 2011 12:18 ghrur wrote: LSB's not Ace right? Clearly Ace doesn't have a monopoly on that picture either. >_> Keep on tnkted, keep on.[/QUOTE] Oh don't be a child. Fine, LSB is ace. You've convinced me. Speaking of which, Ghrur, I take it since you never responded to my big defense post, it was fairly convincing to you. What do you think about the people who hopped on that wagon who didn't even read my refutations, but were happy to use your initial suspicion?[/QUOTE] Lol, no, I'm not convinced at all. In fact, I've been wondering how you even read my post while skipping the rest of my posts, considering you had to ask whom I subbed out for. You're still pushing for the same agenda, even defending spam in an already crap-infested thread. You're still scum. | ||
United States3786 Posts
On August 16 2011 22:23 tnkted wrote: Seriously? I didn't write down who you subbed for, you're using THAT as an excuse that I'm scum? What, pray tell, is the agenda that I'm pushing for? I'm not pushing for anything right now except for a LSB (possible kita) lynch. What I'm amazed by is the fact that you are showing zero remorse for shooting a townie. Even if he was spamming (which, by the way, I still don't think he's doing) Great work with that, by the way. Regardless, I'm not arguing with you anymore, this is killing town vibe. If you think I'm scum vote me and see how that works out. @ everyone else: Is it possible that Kurumi created his invention and gave it to somebody before he died? Do you... read the thread at all? I've already voted for you... >_> How are you pushing LSB's lynch without even reading the threads? | ||
United States3786 Posts
On August 17 2011 08:48 VisceraEyes wrote: I'm curious as to how Node could confirm that I'm Coagulation. Is anyone else curious? I did PM Jackal and Palmar, who said as much when THEY confirmed that I'm Coagulation...but Node just said 'I can confirm it' and voted for me. I never PM'd Node, and I never role-claimed to Node. ##Vote: Node ...until an explanation is received. How did you PM Jackal and Palmar when no PMs are allowed? | ||
United States3786 Posts
Mind giving out more information? | ||
United States3786 Posts
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United States3786 Posts
On August 18 2011 02:26 Curu wrote: So you somehow know the results of every lynch (today and yesterday), while contributing nothing to suggest a better target or anything? Can we lynch RoL instead? Yeah RoL, where did you're On August 16 2011 13:10 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: I fucking love you. I can now start actually contributing. I am heading to sleep, but I will catch up tomorrow and apply rape where necessary. "actually contributing" go? On another note, I'd like to bring up the topic of VisceraEyes. + Show Spoiler + On August 14 2011 13:11 VisceraEyes wrote: You guys are so cute, all trying to measure your penises by role-claiming. I'd do the same, but...nah. Luckily you guys are all doing it all for me, so I can rest easy knowing how my role compares with yours. Hopefully you'll forgive my NOT being forthcoming with information that if made public will ultimately benefit Mafia more than it will benefit town (if it benefits town at all.) After reading through the thread, the following generalizations can be made regarding this game so far: 1) It's hard to find anyone scumhunting at all. It's happening, but you have to really look close. 2) The spam is ridiculous, and I'm not just talking about the pictures and bullshit. The fact that we're still all wondering if Kurumi is Bill Murray IN THREAD is....well, it's fucking retarded. He either is or isn't, and no one is listening to him, so if you think he's a VI don't vote for him and if you think he's scum then do. He's not harming town aside from the spam he's causing. Jackal is spamming about killing him too. It's all nonsense and it's not helping us find scum. 3) There are still a lot of people not participating. This is troubling. I don't care how you slice it. 4) Role-playing is fun. So is Mafia. Now, I'm going to task myself with rereading the thread IN ITS ENTIRETY. This is a colossal task, mainly because all the spam is hard to swallow. When I post again, I'm going to give my thoughts on the people I find most likely to be scum. I'd encourage EVERYONE to do the same. Please keep in mind that I'm not asking you to go through the posts of the ONE person you're trying to get lynched. I'm asking you to reread the WHOLE thread, and post about EVERYONE you think is likely to be scum. D1 is half over. If the town keeps doing this, we're fucking doomed. I wish I could say tonight was going to be a wake-up call...but peoples' powers are not revealed on death...only their personality and alignment. Tonight is only going to make tomorrow more difficult. I hope everyone realizes this. Scum are going to be able to claim whatever the fuck they want. They already have. On August 15 2011 02:32 VisceraEyes wrote: Okay guys, I'm going to go ahead and vote for Kavdragon. After rereading the thread (/wrist) I've determined that he's one of the most obviously anti-town players in the game. This nonsense about 'brown' and his ridiculous fake letters are clearly attempts to confuse town. If I had to guess, I'd say he's probably an alternate faction of some kind - the cult leader hypothesis has merit, but I'm leaning more toward an alternate scum faction. I'm not sure. But he's almost certainly not town, because not only is he ignoring the scum-hunting of others in town, he's also ACTIVELY trying to divert town's attention to his shenanigans. Kavdragon, I'd like to see you hang today. ##Vote: Kavdragon On August 15 2011 05:02 VisceraEyes wrote: It looks like a very obvious (and very successful) attempt to keep town from ACTUALLY hunting scum. Yes, I believe his nonsense is related to his role...but it's still nonsense guys. Waldon? Mysterious communications with anonymous players? Intrigue? NONE of it is scumhunting. ALL of it is ridiculous. I think he's trying to divert us from real scumhunting by claiming that he's doing so with...whoever. Node, you're smarter than this and I think the fact that you're entertaining this farce is extremely suspicious. On August 15 2011 05:44 VisceraEyes wrote: Okay, fair points guys...I hadn't really thought of it that way. The spammy feeling of his posts had me prejudging him. Aidnai looked more like a distraction than an actual suspect, and his behavior HAS been suspicious, I'll freely admit. I'm convinced. I'll also vote aidnai. He promised to read the whole thread and come up with a good lynch to push... but instead he seemed to have just stuck with the same old, already argued by that point, lynch of Kavdragon. This was supposedly the "people" he found most likely to be scum, yes, one person in Kavdragon. You think with that sort of effort, he'd be convinced in Kavdragon right? He even argues ardently for Kav's lynch the next post... but no, two posts later he changes to aidnai. So we have: 1. Faking contribution 2. Wishy-washiness. He also has some, to take the words of Curu, inherent guilt. + Show Spoiler + On August 15 2011 10:14 VisceraEyes wrote: Guys, do what you want. I'm not going to come on here and say 'Nuh uh' about all these people saying my posts are scummy.... On August 17 2011 02:20 VisceraEyes wrote: Of course I'm not playing pro-town, are you reading the thread? I'm lurking like a bastard and have until now been VERY hesitant to share my suspicions with the rest of town. I mean, I've made a couple of pro-town observations, but even those have been mostly empty and contentless. I don't blame ANYONE who thinks I'm scum at this point...but I'm not. Oh, and he seems to have a clear reluctance at giving out information. + Show Spoiler + Only redeeming feature seems to be his "pressure," but even then he backs off quite quickly without causing any commotion. | ||
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