Godfather Mafia
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United States6894 Posts
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United States6894 Posts
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United States6894 Posts
Exactly. Town needs nothing other than a bunch of crazy kamikaze players (ilu hesmyrr <3 ) | ||
United States6894 Posts
I'm exciteddd. Just as a note: Friday I won't be around because of travel. I'll make sure to work my voting around that so I don't disrupt the game/get modkilled, but if I disappear on Friday, that's why. | ||
United States6894 Posts
Noooooooooooo ![]() But in all seriousness, it won't interrupt the game. Unless for some reason on Friday everyone decides to ask me a ton of questions. | ||
United States6894 Posts
Nobody talks until day post. It's the easiest way. | ||
United States6894 Posts
I'm excited for this. | ||
United States6894 Posts
On July 01 2010 11:55 Bill Murray wrote: BrownBear - Guy typically makes good posts and ends up in end game scenarios... good chance of him having a blue role if the roles aren't random, as he's a good medic imo. Fairly sure that darth thien an wasn't lying about it being random, though. I'm gonna go ahead and say what's on everyone's mind, and question your logic here ![]() On July 01 2010 12:02 Korynne wrote: I personally put BrownBear down with A5J and Hesmyrr, he's not quite as active as I'd like him to be, whereas me and YInk post a lot more I think. You wound me, kind lady. It's the start of the game, give me some time to post, silly. | ||
United States6894 Posts
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United States6894 Posts
Also, Korynne, everyone seems to place us together cause we're like the 3 main "new players" or something like that, I guess. Anyway, I'm gonna do what BM did and say who I think likely recruits are... Since Ace isn't in the game, that leaves 4 people I'd consider in the upper echelon of mafia players as far as logic/seeing them play goes: Korynne, Bill Murray, YellowInk, L. Of these 4, I'd say Korynne or L are the most likely of the "top tier" to have been recruited: BM is a bit too high profile to be noticed, and YellowInk is too obvious, given his status as the current golden-boy rookie. Korynne is probably the best mafia player currently in the game, for an example, I'm going to point to BM's example: his game, where she completely schooled 7 players, and kicked my ass even though I was in the position of knowing exactly who she was for the last 2 days (dammit XeliN). L, meanwhile, is simply too good of a townie to allow to stay townie for long, although sometimes people don't listen to him because he can be abrasive/trigger-happy with the FoS (look to TMMM for a great example where he nailed a mafia in the thread, posted some great reasons why, but nobody listened to him because he'd made too many enemies). However, I don't think any of these guys/girl were recruited night one, because that is far too obvious. After the top tier, there are the other "good" players: the guys who tend to stay active, post some good analysis, but they aren't top tier cause they're prone to dumb mistakes or bouts of inactivity, or just aren't quite good enough at the game (yet). That would be A5J, Hesmyrr, bumatlarge, DCLXVI, zeks, citi.zen, and Chezinu. These players prove they know how the game works, and I actually think this pool is from where most of the recruits will be drawn, precisely for the reason BM says A5J is likely NOT recruited - they possess a certain under-the-radar quality. We have to assume the Godfather is smart until proven otherwise, and I think a smart Godfather would try to recruit the less obvious players, while gently encouraging suspicion against the obvious players - thus, the obvious targets are lynched, while the mafia grows in number and eventually overwhelms the town. Thus, he's going to go for guys like A5J or Chezinu - A5J can avoid detection precisely because people don't expect the same level of activity from him as they do from, say, L, and Chezinu is such a wildcard anyway people will dismiss everything he does as normal Chez behavior, meaning he's actually a very sneaky recruit. Then, after those guys, we have the rest of the players: either players who are "less optimal" players, or newbies/unknowns. Not a great recruit pool, because there's a higher danger of inactivity. | ||
United States6894 Posts
And now everyone's placing me in the middle pool. Curses. Gotta work harder at being a better player. I'm not striving to be the best player, but I do want to work my skill level to a point where I can at least be considered very good. But now for some funtimes. Korynne: On July 01 2010 12:02 Korynne wrote: I personally put BrownBear down with A5J and Hesmyrr, he's not quite as active as I'd like him to be, whereas me and YInk post a lot more I think. Referring to BM's list, placing me as a player minimally likely to be recruited. Then, next page: On July 01 2010 12:33 Korynne wrote: So probably if I was GF I would go for middle of the road people, like BrownBear/Hesmyrr/AcrossFiveJulys. Enough skill to not like, out the entire mafia somehow, and under the radar enough to not be under heavy scrutiny like citi.zen or L. OBJECTION! That is a contradiction, missy. Explain yourself? | ||
United States6894 Posts
On July 01 2010 13:20 AcrossFiveJulys wrote: I'm still trying to digest this new setup and how we should go about playing, but here are some thoughts for now: --I'll agree at least with the people saying that that 2nd tier skill level players are probably the most likely to be chosen. Of course, the godfather knows that too, so some meta level strategies might be used. I'm not so so worried about that, mostly because it's dangerous to start thinking too meta - you end up outsmarting yourself. I'm mostly asking myself "If I were the GF, how would I play" and rolling with that, which is my normal method of trying to scumhunt. Tomorrow, I'll ask myself "if I were newly-recruited mafia, how would I post today" and go about looking for that, too. On July 01 2010 13:20 AcrossFiveJulys wrote: --Spotting the godfather is going to be extremely difficult unless he/she sucks at playing the role. Spotting recruited mafia will be easier because we should be able to notice at least some shift in posting style, whether it be increased interest, decreased activity, fuzzier logic, etc. This. I personally think that unless there's a major scumslip, we're basically going to have to lynch the GF by accident, at least for the first 3 days. We also can't have a neutral-revolt the way we did Caller's game, because a) there's only 2 factions, us and scum, and b) DTA will forcechoke us if we try to XD On July 01 2010 13:20 AcrossFiveJulys wrote: --This is going to be tough for the town, because the mafia get to keep replenishing if they lose people. I bet the town has an absurd amount of blues to compensate. Possibly. The roleblocker is going to be huge if we have it. If we don't, we have a very tough fight ahead of us. On July 01 2010 13:20 AcrossFiveJulys wrote: --It's going to be very weird that we won't know dead people's roles, even whether or not they were mafia (right?). I'm personally really looking forward to how this works. It's given me a few ideas for a game somewhere down the line. | ||
United States6894 Posts
On July 01 2010 13:25 Korynne wrote: + Show Spoiler + On July 01 2010 13:16 DCLXVI wrote: I don't think this plan would work very well. Even if we did have a roleblocker on our side and we declared a target for him/her, we could not guarantee someone as town for more than a day. The godfather could always recruit the roleblocked person the next night. Also, can the mafia choose not to kill at night? If so then the mafia could choose not to kill when the roleblocked player is townie so that the town lynches the townie the next day and throws off our numbers for a bit. I don't understand why you say that the mafia have to sacrifice a night kill to kill the roleblocked guy, he is only safe for a day unless you plan on having him roleblocked for the whole game. That would hurt if he/she was a blue role and the chances that we have a roleblocker drop each day. This method uses our lynches to find the mafia, but unless we find the godfather we are just fighting a losing battle. Keeping the mafia numbers down is good though, so there is merit to this strategy. I suppose the longer the town can keep ahead of the mafia the more the godfather will have to say and the easier he/she will be found. Man, do I have to explain everything 5 times before people get it? xD It's not to declare that person as town, it's to not waste lynches on townies. At that point, they are not mafia, so at that point, killing them is lowering town power. We want to keep as many people around as possible. If mafia chooses not to kill that night, then they wasted a night kill! So instead of killing someone they choose, they have to not kill someone, so that the person we chose dies. That sounds like a pretty friggin awesome deal to me. We vote to roleblock one person every night, and we vote to lynch that person if no night kill went on at night. So at most 1 person dies per day/night cycle, which prolongs the game which should be good for townies. We're not really using lynches to find mafia as much as like, forcing mafia+town down to 1KP. And we never let a mafia go unlynched unless it's GF. This is a perfectly awesome idea unless we have no roleblocker or roleblocker is mafia'd. But see, that's the issue. We don't know for sure. We could be just hurting ourselves. It might work for like 1 or 2 nights, but the longer we use it the riskier it becomes. I don't like it, personally. Placing too much faith in one particular role being in the game is inviting disaster. I see your logic behind it, and it would be a great plan if we knew 100% there was a roleblocker, but we don't, so... | ||
United States6894 Posts
As we've seen the last couple of games, mafia work best when they are able to be very active, yet not actually help town that much. Read Ace's thread on how to play scum for what we should be looking for in a scum player. Obviously, as everyone else has said, our top priority is the GF. However, we shouldn't forget that keeping scum numbers down isn't such a bad thing as well: If we're torn between lynching a confirmed scum player and a player who might be the Godfather, we should probably go for the sure thing rather than the chance. Maybe it is just me, but I prefer to play more conservatively - take sure things when we have them, but don't take huge risks and expect massive payoffs. What YI said about the GF is very true - his activity level is going to depend a lot on the game. Thus, I'm going to add my voice to his - you should be talking in this game, and you should be talking a lot. We force everyone out of hiding, and then we have a much better chance at catching the GF in a lie somewhere along the line. We should use the "vote for inactives" early game policy not as a method to kill people, but as a way to force inactives to talk. We should lynch anyone actively caught lying to town, as they are immediately made the most suspicious. Above all, we should continue to talk. And by "talk", I don't mean a bunch of oneliners or morse code. I mean contribute, dammit. As Ace has said, the best scum players don't contribute while appearing that they actually do. Given that the two best mafia players on the site aren't in this game (although one is hosting), it's possible that we might be able to catch people saying nothing, or catch them slipping up. Summary: post, post content, vote for inactives to force them to be active, go for sure bets over big gambles, and post content. PS: Korynne, still waiting on that explanation for why you contradicted yourself about me. | ||
United States6894 Posts
And I wasn't that serious ![]() | ||
United States6894 Posts
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United States6894 Posts
Plus, we can roleblock someone twice in a row, so there's no reason not to keep them alive at least once and then roleblock them again. | ||
United States6894 Posts
On July 01 2010 13:47 DarthThienAn wrote: If you mean me, I think you give me too much credit. I go by what I've seen, man ![]() | ||
United States6894 Posts
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United States6894 Posts
This is all still assuming there's a roleblocker in the game, obviously. I've decided your idea is worth trying at least on night 1. If it fails, then it fails, and we don't do it again. | ||
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