On February 20 2010 20:51 Fishball wrote: Ah, thanks for bringing this up. To me, this is as solid as any clue would get. I will be voting for johnnyspazz.
On February 17 2010 17:39 Chezinu wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2010 17:34 johnnyspazz wrote:I think killer 5 is definitely pointing towards either ohN or Phrujbaz. The connection to flying white particles and their profile pictures is pretty strong in my opinion. Abenson is also kind of related because his profile picture has a bunch of white pawns. That's all I could find in the profiles that related to the killer 5. I also think the killer that created a hole behind Zato-1 could be related to citi.zen because his quote means "I shall either find a way or make one." He had to escape after the killer so maybe he made a way by creating a hole? Can Dr. Eggman drill a hole through a wall or kill people with an array of sharp objects? Would he even knock and can travel a zig-zag path easily? I was thinking it could be him too. I confronted him about it but he didn't even respond...
On February 17 2010 15:25 Chezinu wrote: Gambino:
Hitlist: 1. Ace 2. Zato-1 3. Bloodyc0bbler
Ace’s Killer: Gasoline and match Fun thinking about terrorizing town in both darkness and light
Zato-1’s Killer: johnnyspazz? Agile Yet powerful enough to knock Zato down with an array of sharp objects Then escapes by creating a hole in the wall…
Bloodyc0bbler’s killer: Is able to hide a crane…
Hitlist: 1. Fulgrim 2. d3_crescentia 3. ? – Ver claims he got hit (I have a theory that they hit Bloodyc0bbler)
Fulgrim’s Killer: Phrujbaz Natural killer… (I’m thinking of the profile with the white seed plant)
d3_crescentia’s Killer: two men fighting. One man scrawled graffiti all over the other man’s house. The two men had a cold menacing glare.. (were they possessed by someone who used their special eye abilities?
Bloodyc0bbler’s true Killer: Metal pike out of his stomach (remind me of aliens)… he was a sacrifice to the gods…
Let's look at day 2 now that we know some stuff
Based off of this information, I think the person I'm working with if he is mafia would be a part of the Sumiyoshi family..
Scamp the drainage blocker killed 789?
ShoCkeyy the Sumiyoshi reaver killed SugiuraMidori?
Caller The Ultra Bat Killed nemy?
to be continued...
the word shock was used three times in day 3 post therefore ShoCkeyy is innocent just like citi.zen
Hit list for mafia: Caller Scamp Amber - tired of all the blue Abenson - voices makes him strong johnnyspazz ohN - he can hide cranes
Medics should protect: Chezinu
The most confirmed townieDT ever: Chezinu
Why does voices make me strong? o.o
jeez pick up the thread activity people
On February 21 2010 00:56 Ace wrote: jeez pick up the thread activity people
shhh Ace we're dead
I thought it was far too active earlier on but i would much rather it be like it was....
The rain poured down steadily as darkness fell over the town. Inside an old shack in a deserted part of the town, 789 was content relaxing in the quiet of his bedroom. He could hear the light rain on the top of the roof, but was jolted out of his trance when he heard some panting, a few grunts, and then a loud crash upstairs. 789’s mind raced for a moment, but he was interrupted as the whole second floor of the shack came crashing down from the weight of the water and sewage above, ending his life.
Change of rain? Old shack, but it's two story and the whole floor comes down? Panting, grunting, loud crash. This part made me think of Xelin, but not the rest. Mafia can bring down a whole floor using water and sewage? It happens rather quickly.
For obvious Drainage and Sewage. Given how obvious clues have seemed. The cat obviously knocked over something. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=Scamp
SugiuraMidori smiled, thinking about the murders that would happen tonight. But it was cold tonight, and she decided to watch the murders from her apartment instead of watching from the tower in the middle of the town. As she turned around, she noticed the light in the background floating slowly to her location. At first she thought the light to be an omen of success, but she was suddenly shocked as the charming light sped up and pierced her skin. She felt a burning sensation, followed by more attacks from the light. A few moments later, SugiuraMidori died as her heart was overloaded from shock.
It was raining earlier... Background light coming at her. Slowly. Floating, Radiant. The light was percieved as an Omen. It was charming. Also able to pierce skin. Laser? Fine pointed. Burned. The light is powerful. Given the rest of the blatanly obvious clues...Hi Shockey? (I keep championing his death, but I'd be wary of this.)
nemY was sitting on his second story balcony, when he saw a dark shape flying in his direction. At first, he thought it was probably a hawk hunting at night, but as the figure converged on his location, nemY noticed that the creature was much larger than he had anticipated. Panicked, he ran inside his house and closed his eyes. But nemY was not safe, and a large boulder crashed through the roof and landed a few feet away from him. He saw the figure screech as it flew overhead, blocking out the moonlight from entering the large hole now in nemY's roof. nemY breathed a sigh of relief, yet was shocked at the damage done to his house. He frantically tried to clean up the mess, fearful that the rest of the roof would cave in. But the attacker returned, dropping another rock through the roof. nemY’s life ended as he flew like a rag doll from the impact of the boulder into the splintered end of a roof beam on the other side of his house.
The hawklike creature was large, dark, and scary. Nemy closed his eyes. Mafia can drop boulders. Screeches. Nemy thought he was safe, this probably isn't important, I just like the false sense of security. =P Flew accross the house with the impact, so it was very hard. I mean, I don't think a boulder would make you bounce, but he hit the roof beam.
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=ohN For his quote. Mentions the sky, hiding, dropping.
At a fork in the road, one of the men took a left turn which meandered down near the river. The old shack at the end of the road looked deserted, but the man was not disturbed. He snuck closely through the shadows, making sure to blend in with the dark river behind him. The shack seemed abandoned, but the man heard some quiet singing emanating from the shack. As he approached the shack, he noticed an emaciated and pale man inside. The Mafioso didn’t feel especially playful tonight, and decided to simply get the job done. He ripped down the thin wall of the shack closest to the river, and lunged at his victim. Shikyo did not move a muscle as a dull fork flew toward his face and plunged into his left temple. However, the killer was shocked to see two bombs explode in the field nearby, and warily began to sneak away from the crime scene as the debris crunched below his feet. When he was but fifty yards away, he heard a large tree fall overhead, smashing the Shikyo’s shack to pieces and turning Shikyo to pulp.
Leisurely. Comfortable. Sneaky, Hides to blend in with the river. He heard singing? (maybe this one is oHn? Who's the pic in Redtooth's profile? Madnessmen to.) ohn's music is trance. Pale man. Too the point. Wtf, ripping walls open again? Near the river side. Where'd the fork come from? Fork, It's dull? He's heavy. Crunching debris. How'd the tree fall? Was it planned?
I dunno....Gotta be at work in 18 minutes. I'll come back to do the rest later. I get off in 8 hours though, 12 - 8.
Dunno why we're not killing scamp when everyone agrees he's the first clue. He's also pulling a scamp classing "shut the fuck up and win by doing nothing" mafia play.
More importantly: If no one can find something else for the stain killer, we're going to have to kill redtooth.
So Im back to the game after a few days of unavoidable work, its good to see that we have a few dead scum from both families so now we can really start drawing some behavioral conclusions.
1. Gambinos: iNfuNdiBuLuM, SugiuraMidori, Mystlord + Show Spoiler +Okay so looking at the voting patterns I dont really see anything jumping out at me. All of these people voted for different election/lynch candidates or abstained. However given that the abstainee list is some 20-odd deep every vote, I think its reasonable to conclude that a large proportion of those are red, will come back to that in a bit. Im not going to cover Mystlord, since he basically made no accusations and spent the whole game defending himself/agreeing with people. SiguraMidori's first accusations:+ Show Spoiler +On February 15 2010 10:15 SugiuraMidori wrote:VerBloodyC0bblerDoctorHelvetica -M? --Just a lot of useless posts that worship the word of VerMasterDana johnnyspazz -M? --What Malongo said, and I tend to agree.Aceciti.zenVivi57 EmpyreanLucasWoJ XeliNAmber[Light] FishballQuickStriker789dozkoNikonertree.hugger ShoCkeyy Zato-1 - M1 FulgrimmeepleChezinuScampd3_crescentiaLZona Iaaan~OpZ~sidesprangShikyo CallerohN AbensonnemYMystlordredtoothCynanMachaePhrujbaz tredmasta SugiuraMidoriBill MurrayiNfuNdiBuLuM[NyC]HoBbesVersatile FaronelMalongodecafchicken l10fFoolishnessmadnessman______________________________________________ Keep in mind, I refuse to label anyone as blue, so green can be green or blue! If they have no color.. I have yet to figure them out! If they are underlined.. they made at least 3 posts.. or a combined posting of about 100 words. Bold indicates any comments I made. Also refer to quotes below. Italic can be saved for something else... not sure yet, will prolly be those that abstain from a vote. Relevant Quotes: Show nested quote +<Zato-1> This game is different. If 'they' lose, by which I mean mafia members start dying, this will not necessarily be to our advantage. To illustrate my point, imagine there's 7 members of the Gambino family left alive, and 3 members of the Sumiyoshi family. Killing off additional members of the Sumiyoshi family in fact works against us- we're letting the Gambino family win. In fact, we actively do NOT want to publicly reveal the identities of the remaining Sumiyoshi family members in this example- we'd just be handing those names to the Gambino family on a platter so they can kill them at night.
Indicates he's with S and doesn't want to lose. Wants G gone. Show nested quote +<johnnyspazz> Can't get to get started in this game, unfortunately I have family business to attend to and can't do any analysis until I get back later tonight.
Followed by: I got really sick and tired reading a dozen pages ago... this is really too damn much for me to deal with while trying to pass my last semester of college... I'll contribute what I can, but I'm not going to waste my time reading all the useless repetitive and often just word-worshiping that is going on here.... once some people die off and stop being pointless and repetitive I'll keep up. I also refuse to read blatant flaming or other posts with curse words or just stupid biased finger pointing without logical reasoning behind it. [flame flame flame] DrH.. you got the writer symbol.. be original, stop worshiping Ver... jeez. Ver/L/Ace... stop being redundant and pointless by posting and reposting rules and crap.. if they can't read, let the newbies suffer.. or they can ask mods.. not a hard concept. [/flame flame flame] Now mafia in general never accuse any of their own in public unless they have a valid reason. Such a reason for example are irrefutably strong clue links. As a proof of this conjecture, note how in her first accusation post Mystlord is painted green, since the focus was on the electoral race and Emp, but when on the next day it becomes clear Myst isnt gonna survive she quickly posts another list and uses it as an "insurance" that she wont be linked to him, by painting him red. So the main thing we can conclude from the above post is that DoctorHelvetica (confirmed), johnnyspazz and Zato-1 (confirmed) are not Gambino. SiguraMidori's second accusations:+ Show Spoiler +On February 16 2010 09:53 SugiuraMidori wrote: Ver - Always a town suspicion BloodyC0bbler - Early town suspicion DoctorHelvetica - Town suspicion MasterDana johnnyspazz Ace - Swing Voter citi.zen Vivi57
Empyrean LucasWoJ XeliN Amber[Light] Fishball QuickStriker 789 - Admitted to profile-clue matches. dozko Nikoner - Swing Voter tree.hugger ShoCkeyy Zato-1 - I still think he's red Fulgrim meeple - Swing Voter Chezinu - Has claimed DT for what his word is worth Scamp d3_crescentia - Swing Voter L - Pardoner Zona - Odd behavior Iaaan ~OpZ~ sidesprang Shikyo Caller ohN Abenson nemY Mystlord - Profile clue match? redtooth - Mayor (Claimed Medic) CynanMachae Phrujbaz tredmasta - Swing Voter SugiuraMidori Bill Murray - Swing Voter iNfuNdiBuLuM [NyC]HoBbes Versatile Faronel Malongo decafchicken l10f Foolishness - Acted red to me. madnessman _________________________________________________ I'll save Italics for potential lynch candidates. If anyone would like a medic list, I can use underline for that.
Up for suggestions, updates, and fixes. I'd love if we could keep this updated and have it act as a summary. From this we see that Ver, BloodyC0bbler (confirmed), DoctorHelvetica (confirmed), Ace (confirmed), 789 (confirmed), Nikoner, Zato-1 (confirmed), meeple, d3_crescentia (confirmed), Zona, Mystlord, tredmasta, Bill Murray (confirmed) and Foolishness are not Gambino (with the exception of myst who we have accounted for). SiguraMidori's third accusations:+ Show Spoiler +On February 19 2010 07:01 SugiuraMidori wrote:All right, something I've noticed, and don't go trying to hide now.. is based on the votes being made for individuals.. as there are only a few possibilities of each, and thus we can begin to stick people into groups!!! Anyone that votes for someone that isn't a main vote (bandwagon type) or abstain has the following possibilities: 1) They're both green/blue, just trying to peg another target without following the thread much or using their own suspicions and ignoring the rest of town. 2) They're both red, but they have to be on opposite teams if this is the case. 3) At least one is red and the other is anything as who would individually vote for their own team without a damn good reason in the thread or first following many others. This makes the following groups of people.. • Cheznu and Ver.. likely both fit into category 1. • Opz and DrH.. could be either 2 or 3 as there are many that suspect DrH could be red still? • Zona and 789.. L has mentioned 789 before, and others have mentioned Zona. This leads me to think category 2. • Faronel and Malango.. Again, both have been accused (if memory serves me well) thus category 2. • Opz & Lucas and nemY.. This means that there is a high chance that Lucas and OpZ are the opposite of NemY, I guess category 1. • Nikoner and myself and Scamp.. I think Nikoner is red, so Scamp won't be on the same red team, so he's either opposing or green. • Xelin and Nemy.. Could be anything. Now, applying logic... • We can group OpZ, Lucas, and Xelin as either all a red/green team, or a mix of red and greens all on the opposite side as Nemy. • We can group DrH and Nemy, most likely both red, thus making the above three a set of red on the opposite side, or more likely, a mix of the colors. As for the rest, can't correlate much at the time. And of course all the abstainers cause issues and could likely all be in a group themselves! Confused townies or various mixes of both red families not wanting to vote for fellow innocent townies or family members that have been called out in the thread. And lastly.. a post count just prior to the day end: + Show Spoiler + bill murray = 63 redtooth = 27 l = 26 malongo = 25 meeple = 24
citi.zen = 16 sugiuramidori = 14 chezinu = 13 lucaswoj = 12 mystlord = 12 ver = 12 789 = 12 amber[light] = 11 doctorhelvetica = 11 madnessman = 10
scamp = 7 nemy = 6 vivi57 = 6 xelin = 6 faronel = 5 fishball = 4 caller = 4 foolishness = 4 iaaan = 4 infundibulum = 4 [nyc]hobbes = 3 masterdana = 3 shockeyy = 3 johnnyspazz = 3 phrujbaz = 3 abenson = 3 dozko = 3 versatile = 2 nikoner = 2 quickstriker = 1 shikyo = 1
I used blank lines to seperate out groups of Heavy/Moderate/Light posters. Note how this list excludes all of the confirmed Gambinos. Therefore I think that its reasonable to assume that most of these should in fact not be Gambino: Cheznu and Ver, Opz and DrH, Zona and 789, Faronel and Malango, Opz & Lucas and nemY, Nikoner and Scamp, Xelin and Nemy. Now apart from those who are confirmed, I think the only one in the above list who has a high probability of being Gambino is XeliN. This is for several reasons. Number one: his voting pattern last game compared to it now. He never abstained from a vote (except for the election because he was running) when he had so little to go by with all the inactivity of BC's game. Yet this game with pages and pages of stuff to base his decisions on he abstains from all votes. The second reason is that with Mystlord's death the family might've been a bit intimidated by the large paper trail he left (in fact mostly irrelevant posts) and so may have decided to shift attention from the people they usually call out in public to some of their own to mix it up. Given Xelin's posting is also in stark contrast to last game's i.e. very little, they could've considered him a safe bet to "bus off" in the future and therefore started to set the scene for that to possibly happen a bit later on. The last post to consider is this one by iNfuNdiBuLuM:+ Show Spoiler +On February 16 2010 08:52 iNfuNdiBuLuM wrote:Show nested quote +On February 16 2010 08:41 redtooth wrote:On February 16 2010 08:29 iNfuNdiBuLuM wrote:On February 16 2010 08:14 redtooth wrote:On February 16 2010 07:53 iNfuNdiBuLuM wrote:On February 16 2010 07:34 redtooth wrote: nobody else vote for me. list is fine as is. if L is mafia he doesn't get pardoner abilities. i didn't really plan on being mayor, just elected. and don't worry about chezinu. All game, redtooth, you've struck me as innocent. But it sounds like here you're pushing pretty hard for the mafia coveted pardoner seat by drawing attention to L. You are saying "better give me the pardoner seat, because L might be mafia!" - but it works in reverse too. It's hard not to question your motive for posting that maaaan what are you doing... L is the safest of the other candidates (outside of maybe BM) but he's still not overly safe. that's why i want him to be mayor. i've said the reason why i don't want ver to be elected many many many times. especially as pardoner... really what are you doing... you're giving Ver a chance to be pardoner with no reason as to why you should trust him any more than the next guy. sure he's smart and sure he's helped with some useful but really what are you doing? i've logically proven why i can't reasonably be mafia. Ver has played well, something he does whether he is mafia or not. what are you doing? taken from the Myers-Briggs Thread (I'm an INTJ btw): On February 16 2010 07:30 prOxi.swAMi wrote: from wikipedia about INTJs: "Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense." Well, they should! >_< well they don't... I'm trying to point out to you that saying "don't let L be pardoner, he could be mafia. Let ME be pardoner instead!" doesn't mean anything - for all anyone knows you could be red trying to make sure you get the pardoner spot. if anyone doesn't see this, then they are dumb, and you would be dumb if you thought nobody would notice it. Your entire claim of innocence lies on the fact that you stepped into the Ace/L argument as a 3rd party and defended Ace. Clearly, someone who was red would never defend a player like Ace so therefore you must not be red! That is a circular form of reasoning, e.g. wine in front of me as I believe it is called. For a while i thought your alignment was pretty clearly town as well (though for other reasons than you), but your recent zeal for obtaining the pardoner spot has seemed a bit out of character. yes i guess this can be a form of WIFOM. and to me it makes a lot more sense because i actually see what is going on so i tend to skip over some obvious assumptions. but let me ask you this: if i'm mafia then what is ace's alignment with respect to me? and what is L's alignment? what alignment is Ver and why did he vote for me? what are Caller and Chezinu and why did they vote for me? if you were mafia would you allow someone to take that risk? is Ver a safer pick than me despite the reasons i stated earlier? i guess you could say that we are all mafia and working together. that makes things a lot easier. of course it makes sense from your perspective. a bit of a truism lol  Please keep in mind i wasnt trying to attack you, but caution you against the way you had offered yourself as pardoner. If you really are innocent you need to be more careful because the things you have said in the thread can be misconstrued. and i'll play your little game. IF you were mafia... Ace would be green L would be red - opposite team, unless he's trying to just play a heel off you right now Caller - green, his posting this game has been consistently good Chez - green Ver - red on your team. maybe? i can never read him anyway But, I never said I thought you were mafia. Of course it could have been inferred, but really I explained the point of my posts above so don't just assume I called you red Given that he is an experienced player and that no one had accused him directly its safe to assume that any people he mentions in his posts are unlikely to be mafia. Now that we have so much data on who is not Gambino, lets look at the abstainee list - following from my previous reasoning: Election + Show Spoiler +On February 16 2010 09:06 Incognito wrote: Day 1 Vote Count
BloodyC0bbler (0)
citi.zen (3)
Chenzinu Fishball Faronel
Chezinu dozko
l10f (1) Malongo
meeple (0)
Bill Murray
Ver (6)
Bill Murray Amber[LighT] Vivi57 XeliN
tree.hugger 789 iNfuNdiBuLuM
Ace tredmasta
Ace (1)
Caller Abenson
Bill Murray
redtooth (10)
Chezinu Ver
Ace Chezinu Caller
d3_crescentia citi.zen decafchicken meeple d3_crescentia Ace Empyrean Bill Murray
L (9) Iaaan ~OpZ~ Madnessman Zato-1 Scamp DoctorHelvetica redtooth SugiuraMidori sidesprang
DoctorHelvetica (2)
citi.zen Fulgrim tree.hugger
Bill Murray (1)
Chezinu Foolishness
Chezinu (1) L
Bill Murray
Abstain (16)
sidesprang l10f Mystlord
Nikoner ShoCkeyy QuickStriker johnnyspazz Phrujbaz LucasWoJ
SugiuraMidori Shikyo
789 [NyC]HoBbes
d3_crescentia CynanMachae
Bill Murray
L BloodyC0bbler nemY ohN MasterDana
Empyrean tredmasta Zona Nikoner
Non-voters : (1) Versatile
Voting is closed. redtooth will become mayor and L will become Pardoner. Note: Versatile will not be modkilled due to forum access issues. Lynch + Show Spoiler +On February 19 2010 09:19 flamewheel91 wrote:Day 2 Lynch VoteVer Votes: 1Chezinu Bill Murray Votes: 2Iaaan Amber[LighT] XeliNSugiuraMidoriDoctorHelveticaMystlord Votes: 10redtooth (x3) Fishball Bill MurrayLucasWoJ[NyC]HoBbes DoctorHelvetica meeple L Ver citi.zen DoctorHelvetica Votes: 0~OpZ~Zona Votes: 1789 Faronel Votes: 1Malongo Bill MurraynemY Votes: 5~OpZ~ LucasWoJ Foolishness Bill Murray iNfuNdiBuLuM Nikoner Votes: 2SugiuraMidori Scamp XeliN Votes: 1nemY Chezinu Votes: 1madnessmanL Votes: 1madnessman Abstain (19)Mystlord Shikyo QuickStriker Versatile Faronel Nikoner l10f tredmasta tree.hugger ShoCkeyy XeliN decafchicken MasterDana Vivi57 CynanMachae Caller Ohn Zona johnnyspazz LET OFF WITH A STRICT WARNING  Abenson Voting is closed. Mystlord will be lynched. Phrujbaz is to be modkilled. So now we exclude those mentioned in the above posts and add Xelin as per my reasoning above and we have the Gambino Shortlist: + Show Spoiler +Shikyo
QuickStriker - Inconclusive, this guy never votes in any mafia games. Versatile
Nikoner l10f
tredmasta tree.hugger ShoCkeyy XeliN decafchicken MasterDana Vivi57 CynanMachae Caller Ohn
Of those I think the most likely to be Gambino are Xelin and decafchicken. My reasons for decaf are that in the last game he played as mafia, he played in the exact same fashion to the tee; my reasons for Xelin are above.
Now lets look at the Sumiyoshi and we'll cross reference and reduce the above list.
2. Sumiyoshi: DoctorHelvetica, Phrujbaz NB from these I will be excluding the obvious confirmed list of dead people, since this post is getting rather too massive.
+ Show Spoiler +Phrujbaz's accusations:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2010 05:11 Phrujbaz wrote: by the way, Nikoner is Mafia. I can't believe none of you guys have noticed this yet. On February 19 2010 06:00 Phrujbaz wrote: This is a very tough lynch (as also evidenced by the large number of abstains). I think we shouldn't (yet) lynch anyone that has made at least some useful contributions. That means we should not lynch the following people:
Ver Bill Murray Mystlord DoctorHelvetica nemY
Zona did post a lot of text, but not really much useful. He seems to have a lot of time though, so maybe if we give him a chance, he will turn those walls of gibberish into walls of win. I do not think we should lynch him yet either.
From currently voted for people, that leaves Faronel, Nikoner, and Xelin as acceptable lynch candidates, although I don't really feel enthusiastic about lynching any of them.
From here we can deduce Nikoner, Faronel and Xelin are not Sumiyoshi. DoctorHelvetica's accusations:+ Show Spoiler +On February 15 2010 10:21 DoctorHelvetica wrote: I got the writer symbol, be original, stop worshipping ver.
Have you read the last few pages. I explained at length why i initially agreed with ver and why I changed my mind. I guess you haven't read past page 30, so maybe you aren't in the best place to be pointing fingers. A lot of useless posts? Maybe you don't think so, but I think I've been pretty useful insofar as documenting peoples arguments and points.
johnnyspazz's quote isn't really even remotely incriminating. IRL things do come up, that isn't enough to immediatly paint someone red imo On February 15 2010 11:49 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
meeple didn't imply that in the slightest
he's just saying the trap sucks because greens could fall into it easily
and he's right These arent so much accusations, but rather defenses. However given that in the previous millions of posts DrH made in the thread he had not really made any commitments for/against any players I think this could hint that johnnyspazz and meeple could very well be Sumiyoshi. He also accuses BM/Mystlord several times throughout the thread, but given they are revealed green/red I dont think we can draw any information from that + Show Spoiler [Zona] +On February 16 2010 09:40 DoctorHelvetica wrote:The "angelic killer" is not human, but rather a creature. BloodyC0bblers profile has a magician surrounded by blue light with what appears to be some sort of blue fire in his hand. However this magician is obviously human. Zona's profile leads me to believe it might possibly point to him? That's Zona's profile picture. It is a bit confusing but definitely falls under "blue light" and there are no human like characteristics to be found in it. Also consider Zona's very inactive posting behavior compared to the last game.
That's all I could come up with and neither seem as strong as Empyrean did : / Its pretty clear that Zona is not Sumiyoshi given that after so many worthless posts DrH finally decides to do some clue analysis, so its not going to be radically good or point towards anyone in his family. Now going back to the Gambino shortlist, we see that Nikoner is basically 100% green, unless we are very unlucky, since he is shunned by both mafia families. This same line goes for Faronel. Im very certain that both of these are townies. Xelin is hinted at not being Sumiyoshi, but given my strong argument for him being Gambino I think this post by Phrujbaz is an additional argument as to why this is the case. From DoctorHelvetica's posts we can gather that Zona isnt in his family and that also perhaps meeple and johnnyspaz are. Given that meeple is not on the abstainee list this analysis cant really conclude anything about him, but notice how johnnyspazz is not likely to be gambino from my previous section. Therefore why would DrH go out of his usual line of spamming, in order to defend some random townie? This is a pretty strong case of johnnyspazz being Sumiyoshi IMO.
In conclusion: I believe that the people most likely to be mafia are: Xelin (Gambino), decafchicken (Gambino/Sumiyoshi) and johnnyspazz (Sumiyoshi). Given my experiences from the previous game however, I will vote for Xelin for now. However I strongly believe that all of these are red.
The remainder of the people in red in the Gambino Shortlist are people who I have suspicions about, but who remain under the radar because the revealed scum have not made any reference to them. I also suggest that people look at those very closely.
In keeping with my previous attitude in the game of Mafia my only response to this can be
Dozko is mafia, clearly, lynch him now :O
This is sarcasm, I am suprised you suspect me of being Mafia though quite honestly. also I specifically stated before this game had even started that I would be taking a different approach than the game before as I felt I played badly in the first game and have had reasons for a period of inactivity.
I'm also suprised you consider your suspicions of me are far stronger than those of other people that I would consider far more worthy of a vote lynch than me
But guess thats your descision.
Also to slightly absolve me of this most serious of accusations, in a PM to Bill Murray i stated Mystlord as one of 3 people who I considered most likely to be Mafia.
If im Gambino as you say then I would hardly go around telling people I think he is mafia and giving reasons
Hopefully Bill can confirm this.
United States3044 Posts
On February 20 2010 15:50 tree.hugger wrote:My activity is pretty easily explained, I'm currently in a production of Marat/Sade which is now in tech week. I have barely enough time to read this thread, let alone do the wonderful clue and behavioral analysis that this game has shown so far. Doesn't mean I'm not happy to see such a bountiful harvest of red, due to the diligent labor this thread has produced.
The very least you could do is to try to defend yourself here. Ver has posted ample evidence indicating how suspicious you are based on your behavior, and your retaliation is "oh sorry i'm so inactive waa waa". Guess what? NOBODY CARES! You have yet to deny any claim that you are mafia. Considering Ver has the inside scoop on the town it's much more sensible we listen to him at this point.
I was hoping that somewhat else would be observant enough, but since everyone playing seems to have the attention span of a four year old: a bodyguard is dead!. What does this mean? One of the mafia substituted a member in. This could mean a variety of things we must look out for. We don't know which family substituted the member in, and it's very possible that even more of the bodyguards are mafia.
EDIT: Bill is dead and won't be explaining anything
What are the rules on posting PM's i know you can't screenshot but can i copy paste?
If you guys think I'm mafia, I wouldn't waste a lynch on me. Instead you guys should find a bigger target to lynch and just let the other mafia hit me.
Checked over the rules and saw nothing against it so:
+ Show Spoiler + Mystlord on the strength of the clues and also i feel slightly uneasy about ver. Also Shockeyy simply because (i felt) he was so sinfully bad in the last game that even if he is a townie he is likely to be a hindrance.
----------------------------------------- Original Message: who do you think are 3 good candidates?
----------------------------------------- Original Message: I'm abstaining now, your PM's were persuasive and I think there are far better candidates for lynching lurking out there in Liquidia....
----------------------------------------- Original Message: i dont know if you followed my game, but i thought the mafia mayor was green so... yeah, my instincts are off.
I agree with you about L and Lucas_WoJ, Lucas especially has done way too much work to benefit the town to be red, and even if he is red, i would want to keep him around so he can keep compiling those lists he makes.
L is a bit of a conundrum for me. He is a pardoner, but he admitted to me in a PM that he doesn't even want to use his ability. "I'm not pardoning anyone. Pardoning is a gigantic waste of a day. "
he says that if he pardons someone (i asked him if he was going to pardon me if i got lynched), the town will just vote to lynch them again. I don't agree with him, as the mafia's kills will swing the number of players and potentially change the voting, but at least he's honest.
That makes me sort of trust him, the fact that he admits he would throw someone under the bus to win. I'd rather someone tell me that to my face than to have to pull the dagger out of my back u know? ----------------------------------------- Original Message: I know what you mean actually, from the last game when I was also town, when accused i simply felt like saying "I am green" and I think that in itself might be a tell towards someone being green as mafia's initial reaction would probably be a large defensive post about their actions e.t.c.
I don't want to read too much into that though but i certainly understand your point as i felt the exact same instinct to respond like that in the last game and in this one.
In the last game i was in a similar situation to how u feel, i thought it was blatantly obvious to anyone that I was green ^^.
I think the people who have accused me (Lucas and L, although i think theres more, they stand out) are most likely green. In my mind i would think it is the town that are going to be most actively accusing and trying to provoke people to responding far more so than either of the two mafia families.
then again last game i was sinfully wrong in my ideas of who was green and who was red so i've lost abit of faith in my instinct
----------------------------------------- Original Message: i think voting ends tomorrow at midnight your time 7pm EST pretty sure... so that's 12 for you hmm, you kinda made the same argument though... which made me think you're green when i thought you were red before. you said "im gonna save u all some time.. im not mafia" that's how i felt i was posting, maybe i'll just shut up so they don't kill me thinking i'm red... it's just hard for me to believe because i thought i was acting as green as possible without even meaning to do it because i am... like i have trouble lying.
if i was blue i would say i was "town aligned" if i was red i wouldn't say anything at all where i'm green i don't mind saying i'm green, because i am
does that make sense?
----------------------------------------- Original Message: My main suspicion is in the way you seemed to, quite quickly, seem to fit into this "everyone knows im 100% green lol" position and it seemed very strange, none of what you have said or done has warranted being put in that position, a mafia could easily have typed and acted in the exact same way so immediately i was like "Hmmmm *narrows eyes*" .
That really is the main issue, also some of your posts have struck me as being more subtle and manipulative than they might appear at first glance but that could just simply be interpretation.
I am by no means sure or even vaguely sure that you are Mafia, if your gonna respond which hopefully u will PM's are fun ^^ could u also put what times the voting ends? wanna make sure i don't miss an opporunity to change if i want to. ----------------------------------------- Original Message: oh, ok. what in your opinion have my "mafia like tendencies" been? i haven't really been trying to not act like mafia... haven't really been worried about it... but apparently a lot of people think i'm worthy of lynching, and i'm wondering why. i thought for sure everyone knew i was green moreso than almost anyone else but themselves (if they're actually green). like right now, i don't really trust anyone but myself. i know i'm green, and that's why i figured that the mafia won't be able to stick anything on me, but apparently i'm wrong considering the amount of people that want me dead lol
----------------------------------------- Original Message: Not to do with thinking your ruining the thread, It is subject to change but out of everyone so far you seem to exhibit some mafia like tendancies.I just chose as I didn't want to put "abstain" I will likely change as time goes on.
----------------------------------------- Original Message: hey, i see you voted for me as the lynch victim, is it because you think i'm red or because you think im ruining the thread?
Bear in mind this was a couple of days ago so my opinion is different most namely Ver who I think has made it clear he is town
You can post PMs, just not from mods.
lulz @ Fulgrim
XeliN, I dont understand how stating in a PM you were suspicious of Myst absolves anything. The clues against mystlord were pretty strong and so its natural for your team to avoid his defense or push for his lynch when you saw what was coming.
Also bear In mind this was an analysis on rooting reds from the "abstainee" list and as such is abstracted from any clues.