On August 16 2012 20:27 Redox wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2012 20:26 Celial wrote: Anyone who wants to build armor and mr instead of health works around the move he uses to bully you - the knockback. So basically everyone with super sustain. Minus Shen and Olaf, b/c both want to build health. So like Rumble, Irelia, Riven, Udyr etc. Also Kennen, Kennen counters everything. Makes me wonder anyway why the pro top players have stopped playing Kennen. FotM stuff maybe? Other top ban/picks include Rumble, Vladimir if you want double AP. Malph, Shen, Irelia, Jax, Yorick in general. Dunno how big the Kennen nerf was since I don't play much Kennen.
Looks like Jayce has been banned anyway, which isnt too surprising as they had no real answer to him last game.
Crs.eu Bans: Kassadin, JAYCE, Rumble Fnatic Bans: Irelia, Yorick, Alistar
Crs.eu Picks: Nunu // Malphite Gragas // Ashe Olaf Fnatic Picks: Shen Nyaaahri // Nocturne Ezrael // Lulu
Nunu toplane shoutout from Phreak lol.
I don't know if Ashe is that strong vs Noc + Shen + Ahri jumping on her.
And laning phase will now be hell with Ez getting two kills in the lvl 1 fight.
2 kills for Ez. FB and second kill.
Wow incredibly aggressive lvl 1 play. Nearly every single summoner used. Fnatic pick up two kills on Ezrael and now have a 1k gold lead from assists.
"We might have a good botlane... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND ITS GONE."
Wow that lvl1 fight.
Lamia starts the game with boots, dorans blade, 8 hp pots and 2 mp pots. Wtf. GG :D
Really unfortunate Gragas ult there, missing two and only hitting a spellshielded Nocturne; Ez escapes on 15 HP.
Meh, Shen shouldve ulted after he baited all burst =/
Despite all these kills for Fnatic, they are surprisingly only ~1.6k gold ahead.
I feel like Ez would have been better off if he went double doran when he got 2 kills. I'd also go IE if I got such a lead early on.
Ugh, nevermind. Peke is throwing in this game. For how bad gragas looks in action, he's so far ahead of ahri...
On August 16 2012 20:58 Doctorbeat wrote: I feel like Ez would have been better off if he went double doran when he got 2 kills. I'd also go IE if I got such a lead early on. Yeh. Couldn't really fight extended trades bot once Ashe got a BF+Nunu Bloodboil.
And now the power of Ashe Arrow ->> Gragas Ult comes into play.
Fnatic with 3k gold advantage but it doesn't "feel" like it
How should EZ have started double Doran (950 gold) if he only got 700 gold from two kills?
On August 16 2012 21:03 nojitosunrise wrote: Fnatic with 3k gold advantage but it doesn't "feel" like it
Not at all :/. Many on Crs have their first big item (including IE for ashe!)
IE+Blood Boil is going to be terror, especially when you look at the kiting capabilities with Nunu, Olaf with FM, Ashe, etc.
Also Crs has a buttload of attack speed reducement. FH on Malph, Malph E, Grag barrel. Should be stronk against Noc, Shen, Ez.
Crs throwing a bit now
Get first doran and boots, get a bit of gold, go back and get (zerker+) another dblade whilst the other guy has enough for just dblade. Or, if you have enough of a lead in early laning, rush BF.
Ugh, perfect initiation on Ahri but Lulu & Shen ults deny the kill and turn the fight around.