[EU] ESL Discussion - Page 7
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United States177 Posts
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Sweden50 Posts
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Spain1146 Posts
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Spain1146 Posts
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United Kingdom4282 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
Also high % of teemo feeding! BTW I can't actualy play lol but I'm on a laptop with internets so I can still ghost. EDIT: First time ive seen intrix lose playing GP and it wasn't his fault. :O | ||
Poland356 Posts
EDIT: Sypher playing with team that won with us. http://www.own3d.tv/live/94633/Sypher_Revolti EDIT2: ok.. they have beaten pculiar, TL and sypher... next is prolly SK | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
Our last game was pathetic :3 | ||
France110 Posts
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United Kingdom149 Posts
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Netherlands1021 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
As for lineups, I think devil and nenyimm need to sort out your combos better. E.g: Taric/caitlyn works because its easy to follow up a stun but taric sucks after lane Alistar/X works only if you coordinate agressively when you see an opening otherwise alistar is pointless in lane. To do his stun he has to comitt so less room for mistakes but higher reward and far better later Soraka/sona and pretty easy to play. but don't usually win a lane so is probably best played with a mid/late game oriented champ like ashe or trist I guess. Janna/caitlyn sounds like a good idea since janna is a really strong support after lane. CAitlyn is good at dealing damage for free and janna is only good at pressing an advantage in lane, it works pretty nicely. From what I see you generally don't coordinate your support/ranged ad combo and don't have a solid plan of how to play out a lane and just play it like solo queue and just take advantage of mistakes/ganks. I'd like to see a bit more janna and soraka for the comps we're playing. As for a new ranged carry I think ashe is retardly good and picking her also snipes the main counter to split push teams being arrow. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
Also, if i remove us from the ladder it says "you will bebanned for 6 days" I'm asuming its from the ladder but I don't trust it. We've got a replacement for thursday who we'll be practicing with Teut. Don't worry about getting to your pc in time. The entire league isn't up yet though. Any info on this Jarpen? :D | ||
Poland356 Posts
I think I've mutated into butters actually... That Jarpen was really stressed while playing with ya :-P Didn't want to make mistake (and yet there was that fb for Brand at the edge of tower :-P ) And by the way.. he was really surprised how passive you are at lvl1. For example no invasion on enemy red for teemo or gp. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
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Poland356 Posts
I'll try to gather some info. | ||
Belgium795 Posts
On September 05 2011 02:23 -Kato- wrote: EunByul Teemo double kill too OP Yes. Quite. I believe we need to focus more on teemo aka splitpush play. Most of the times it catches the other team completely off-guard. If we keep our current ban/pick strats up there's a very high chance of playing GP cause we're always higher seeded. Also, I believe my gragas deserves another chance and I still need to show you my Rumble of which WetdreaM said and I quote: "He's one of the best Rumbles in Europe". =D I also don't like this recent trend of us losing way too early. But to make up for it, here's a pic of me and shushei: ![]() | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
Don't contradict yourself. "more splitpush" "show you my rumble" See what you did there. We need to practice different split push compositions so we don't get anal'd like yesterday. And you need a long term solution for your parental issues. Also When did you meet Shushei? ._. He looks kinda weird, need more pixxels! | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Team comp never even came into it. We should definitely steal their shit at level 1 there's no reason to sit around at level 1 unless they would rape us in a fight. If we are running 2x Ranged AD whichever side we spawn we can fuck a lane over with a fast run and direct all ganks to the opposite side lane or something. Europeans play way too passive at level 1. There are a good 20-30 seconds which the team doesn't have to go to lane but small camps are up, might as well do something. Also ward coverage: You can basically cover the whole map with 4 wards between 5 people its less efficient if everyone just tries to cover their lane. I should just get oracles as a jungler instead of buying pink wards. For example if we're on blue and I pink ward the tribush its just a waste. Better have mid ward our wraiths and bot ward the dragon and that covers us from all sorts of ganks. Also If I don't get oracles pink wards are only 50 gold more than normal. If you both buy pink wards whoever places his first loses so you need to just both put down normal wards and keep the pinks as like safety nets lol. You technically only need to kill 4 wards to make oracles worth it (4x25 + -75x4 for their team, discounting the value they get for having a %duration of the ward gone) The problem is, it delays madreds/wriggles/first gold/10 item somewhat but it probably makes up for it in the lane control you exert, they have to lose some CS if their lane pushes because of gank potentials especially with someone like morgana mid who can roam to lanes easily. The other problem is you can't really invade jungles with oracles because the risk is too high. Or tower dive. | ||
Terrorist avec C4
Belarus5 Posts
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