On September 27 2011 22:41 Therealdevil wrote: Huh, we're facing off against an EU east team, is this played on the tournament server or something? As far as I know it is.. but when will you get any info how to DL that client.. I have no idea.. lol :-P
prolly from here: Wukong patched tournament realm
Would be helpfull if that information was made known to us who actually have to play on it >_<
Wups, got an e-mail couple of minutes ago giving me links 'n guidance :3
Yay, we get to play on the tournament server ^_^
Aw.... why did you have to kick me from the team? :-{( Now I didn't get this precious info. :-P
I can give you the joininfo, we've not yet been given the actual logins, just the link to download the tournament client.
Do you guys still play? Wouldn't mind playing with some TL guys sometime.
We're not playing at the moment but we might be starting again next month with different players, if we can find what we want.
Sure, send me a PM with what specific heroes you are best with, what job you prefer to play and your season 1 elo.
When I say specific heroes and job I mean DO SPECIFY THEM. I don't like it when people say "I can do anything, rly"
We're a split push team so keep that in mind when you name your heroes ^^.
United States37500 Posts
On October 06 2011 20:50 Therealdevil wrote: Sure, send me a PM with what specific heroes you are best with, what job you prefer to play and your season 1 elo.
When I say specific heroes and job I mean DO SPECIFY THEM. I don't like it when people say "I can do anything, rly"
We're a split push team so keep that in mind when you name your heroes ^^.
Oooooh does that mean i can play my beloved Shaco with you guys?
I'll March March March those lanes all day long!
We're not actually playing atm Neo, might be starting again at the end of the month but we're still looking for a top player that can play split push heroes.
I doubt Shaco is a good split pusher, but feel free to apply.
Actually shaco is a really good split pusher, isn't he?  Uncatchable, with good ganks and bad teamfighting ability. Can kite and face many champs on 1v1. Takes turrets really fast with his clone. Can even solo baron if farmed enough or with help of 1 other guy.
So can Ezreal.
My point is he can't poke as hard as say, Nidalee or Teemo.
Teemo doesn't poke wtf
The problem is shaco is just pretty useless lol
Sure if he's suicidal x.x
He has no range and no pokes.
He can kite, thats different, that involves hitting shit in range and running before they get in range, cause of his W it works.
Wait, are you playing a poke or a split push lineup?
Shaco is a great split pusher but a terrible poke champion.
You stated split push so i gave you one of the best split pushers in the game
On October 12 2011 02:59 Juicyfruit wrote: Sure if he's suicidal x.x
I'm not suicidal! That's Teutonica!
Maybe they want split push/poke in which case Nidalee can do both? But I don't understand how you would want both...