Regardless, you'll almost always want to level W last, cause the cd reduction on leveling Q/E is just too strong to pass up.
[Champion] Xin Zhao - Page 18
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United States12679 Posts
Regardless, you'll almost always want to level W last, cause the cd reduction on leveling Q/E is just too strong to pass up. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Level 1-5 e +160 damage -4 s cd now considering E is a gap closer, a slow, is your only magic damage spell and is aoe for farming creep the only possible argument for maxing q is you can spam it more because it costs less mana | ||
England706 Posts
On January 28 2013 01:41 zulu_nation8 wrote: I think everyone agrees that maxing E is the best, the only debate is whether to max w or q after, KT jungler maxes w, everyone else maxes Q second. Apen reds and aspd quints should be the standard. This is for jungle xin. I max W second cause AS is too good on xin. Idk the math on if it gives more burst or not but either way you're still going to want to be getting your knockup as quickly as possible when ganking. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Getting your knock up a bit faster isn't a huge deal since if they have flash you probably won't get it anyway and if you don't the slow is often enough it's very niche cases where you need that extra attack speed. Xins attack speed scaling was when W made every auto attack reduce cd by 1 second, now that it's just flat 3 hits AS is easily his worst damage stat. (ignoring ap becuase lol) | ||
England706 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On January 28 2013 06:27 ArchAngelSC wrote: AS is better for clearing camps/doing drag than maxing Q. More hits == more wriggle procs. I'm pretty much positive that Q gives you more damage output from the reduced CD (which effectively reduces all your CDs) and increased damage on Q. I don't feel like running the math, but I'm roughly 99% sure that even with wriggle's, Q max over W will do more DPS to jungle mobs. | ||
477 Posts
On January 09 2013 01:01 HOOG wrote: The most important part to playing Xin is to play this song on repeat: and make a man out of everyone who crosses your path! edit: wow, just posting the link makes the youtube video embedded? You are fantastic TL :D ... that video is perfect xin zhao! | ||
France45622 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
wriggles kinda sucks, better get madreds, mobility boots and then locket and bruatalizer and shit. Just do a standard xin build from top lane but make it a bit tankier because you're a jungle. the whole "support" and "carry" jungle thing is just a load of non sense that I only see around TL. A tank can force a win in a teamfight just like a dps can, being farmed is being farmed, doesn't matter too much what items you buy. Sunfire doesn't make much sense anyway. The erason aegis doesn't work that well for you is that xin mostly wants hp and cdr and a bit of damage, you're investing way too much for an underfarmed jungle to spend over 3k on an aegis which nearly a spirit visage and a brutalizer. xin is a gank dependent jungle but mobility boots can be so crazy on him, the other day I killed a cass mid twice after she killed our mid because she was in mid lane and i just run up and e her and she cant react in time. | ||
29 Posts
Heck, if the enemy is farming as poorly as your team, their carry will probably also lack damage, and your lack of tankyness will only be a problem in towerdives. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Ghostblade locket black cleaver last whisper is a really good "carry" xin build if you want. But in any case it's not about your time doing damage. If you can kill their ad and ap carry it doesn't matter if you're mostly tank items because they don't have any damage either | ||
United States10467 Posts
On January 28 2013 23:47 Slayer91 wrote: what wriggles kinda sucks, better get madreds, mobility boots and then locket and bruatalizer and shit. Just do a standard xin build from top lane but make it a bit tankier because you're a jungle. I wish Madreds BR still existed. | ||
China26351 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
wriggles sunfire is 3.5k gold or something that you spend and so far has 0 cdr and 0 bonus arm pen and only 1k worth of bonus health which are the 3 of your best stats. locket brualizer is cheaper, more damage, more health, 20% cdr and gives an aura to boot. | ||
Iceland2039 Posts
To me it seems that Xin really wants CDR, due to the way Q reduces the other cooldowns, which is similar to the way Ryze passive works. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On January 29 2013 02:46 h3r1n6 wrote: Now that I see this thread, I want to be a man again. Wouldn't Spirit of the Elder Lizard be pretty good? To me it seems that Xin really wants CDR, due to the way Q reduces the other cooldowns, which is similar to the way Ryze passive works. Wiggles just gives too good, plus it gives him good clearing speed and drag control early on. The difference in Razer vs Spirit Stone is immense on Xin. You can get Kindlegem + Wiggles for the same price as Elder Lizard without sacrificing the early game with worthless stats such as mana/health regen. | ||
Iceland2039 Posts
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