Czech Republic11293 Posts
alright, added the HoG+Doran's section, hope it's not awkward, checklist+requests: level4 jungle path (maybe) abyssal - tell me when to get it guys sorc shoes when not doing azingy build? maybe? runes? yall fine with them? and grammar check thx Simberto and Sandster, big help so far :3 how to deal with counterjungle I'll be back in about an hour, gotta do stuff
Spoilered because it's kinda off topic. + Show Spoiler [Grammar nitpicking] + Target's is the possessive. Correct usage.
Armor Seals are mandatory for jungling, absolutely necessary to reduce the damage from jungle creeps. This sentence reads a little weird.
A very good skill for ganks, fights and to spiderman in jungle Be consistent - ganks, fights are in one form, but then you throw in the infinitive 'to spiderman'
for ganking, fighting, and hopping over walls in the jungle or to gank, to fight, and to spiderman in the jungle.
Is W really better than E level 1? I thought we did some math saying that E was more DPS and DPM? It's DEFINITELY better if you're getting shoved away from your own blue buff and need to clear some small camps instead.
Should there be mentions that a mid-laner with strong early game strongly complements Amumu, whose 1-5 is really sad?
On November 06 2012 01:45 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2012 01:37 Slayer91 wrote:The difference between a level 2 red gank and a level 2 blue gank aside from the points about amumu specifically having more trouble jungling red buff without his W is that if you level 2 red gank the only risk to your top lane is the red-->blue-->top route which is only common in some junglers and probably a big reason why level 2 red ganks are a lot less popular than smiteless blue-->level 3 red gank nowadays, that way you don't have to worry about being level 2 and running into a level 3 jungle. I regularly deny myself from last hitting when I'm blue side top because of the fact that if the lane pushes I'm kinda screwed. Unless you are actually stronger than the other laner in which case you can hard shove the lane and go base early but if he's stronger he won't let you do that. On November 06 2012 01:22 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I think you guys miss the point here, a lot of the time the idea behind ganking isn't to get a kill, it's to put pressure on your opponent so they can't farm and have to play scared, to damage them so your laner can zone them with all-in threats, to blow flashes so they can't play aggressively, and to let your laner get a slight advantage which they can snowball themselves. Ganking isn't about killing people, that's just best-case scenario. Again this is valid but completely ignoring the impending threat of the follow up gank from the double buff 3 minutes purple side gank which is stronger and has less downsides making all the benefits of the level 2 gank turned around. The argument isn't that the gank is bad, rather the results of the gank end up negatively for very specific circumstances. (unless your support warded top early but even then if you level 2 gank as amumu it cripples your ability to come top to counter camp because of how long it'll take to get level 4 and come top, whereas if you're getting camped top you can come and countergank when they overextend in the gank. You're only pointing out the worst possible case scenario when not pointing out the best possible case scenario: you get a kill/opponent's top lane has to b and you have a level 3 top lane vs a level 1 top lane. Also if you kill them/force them to b/damage them heavily enough then a countergank won't be as strong. And if you time it right, YOU WON'T PUSH THE WAVE ENOUGH FOR IT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, all you'll do is force your opponent to get zoned off of xp as creeps die after next wave has squared off. Your risk/reward analysis is really bad because you're severely overestimating the risk and completely not calculating the reward part of it.
Okay so you have level 2 amumu with no red buff and we're ganking as soon as we kill blue so the lane's pretty even in the middle we have bandage toss and e combo doing about 150ish damage to a target without magic resist runes, add an auto and even if he has 0 armour thats 200 damage we have a level 1 laner with 500-600 hp and level 1 ignite does about 70 damage, so your top laner is going to need to do A LOT of damage to him to kill him if he flashes away.
And forcing him to b? He has 3, probably 4 potions, he just burns 2 pots and a flash which sounds pretty good but that seems to me best case scenario unless the laners were fighting from the second they got into lane and this scenario definitely pushes the lane because autos draw aggro and you're forcing the guy away from last hits.
It just doesnt seem to be a good situation. I'm level 3 or 4 with red and blue buff I have a laner that's level 2 or 3 and presumably it's pushed by now and my laner and I can chase him down without needing to use Q until he flashes thanks to red buff slow and extra spells, this guy will be taking a lot more than 300 damage if he even survives and the lane may well be freezeable too depending on how hard it was pushing.
If you have replays of your level 2 ganks working out really well for you I'd be glad to see them.
Also at the early stages of the game it's next to impossible to "not make a difference" in the lane direction if you do anything at all. (Unless you just Q E don't auto and your laner does nothing and you did nothing but made him waste 1 pot)
On November 06 2012 02:27 sylverfyre wrote:Spoilered because it's kinda off topic. + Show Spoiler [Grammar nitpicking] + Target's is the possessive. Correct usage.
Armor Seals are mandatory for jungling, absolutely necessary to reduce the damage from jungle creeps. This sentence reads a little weird.
A very good skill for ganks, fights and to spiderman in jungle Be consistent - ganks, fights are in one form, but then you throw in the infinitive 'to spiderman'
for ganking, fighting, and hopping over walls in the jungle or to gank, to fight, and to spiderman in the jungle.
Is W really better than E level 1? I thought we did some math saying that E was more DPS and DPM? It's DEFINITELY better if you're getting shoved away from your own blue buff and need to clear some small camps instead.
I was under the impression that in a perfect leash scenario E is superior because of the damage reduction, but perfect leashes are a lot to ask for so I get W first anyway.
Also, something not brought up in the guide that I'm very curious about is how you guys (as in, much better amumu players) differ your build based on whether or not you have a midlaner who needs blue. If you have a katarina or vlad in mid, blue is all yours whenever you want it, making mana regen (and perhaps even CDR) less vital... so how would you change it up?
Czech Republic11293 Posts
without leash W is about 2-3 seconds faster on red buff, so it should be same for blue buff. With any leash at all W is better because E loses damage when you aren't attacked. So W is better. You don't really change your build depending on if midlaner gets blue or not, you go philostone into aegis/shurelyas anyway, you do play a bit different simply because you can clear jungle a tiny bit faster because you can spiderman into camps so you have more time to do funky stuff like ganking but that's kinda it. it's not deal breaking or a game changer in a big way no.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
quote instead of edit too stronk. nyan.
W is slightly faster on big camp, but I take E first mainly for flexiblity. Many teams invade against Amumu, knowing he's very weak level 1 and one of the most blue-reliant junglers for first clear. I get E to clear wolves faster and take less damage, and be able to still clear rest of jungle if invades do happen past the 1:40 mark. I generally get a good enough leash that the 1-2 sec difference between W vs E on blue doesn't matter much to me, compared to how screwed I am if I get invaded leveling W first.
or you can just not level anything until you have to
On November 06 2012 02:35 Sufficiency wrote: Scip:
Should there be mentions that a mid-laner with strong early game strongly complements Amumu, whose 1-5 is really sad?
his pre 6 is better than a lot of junglers
On November 06 2012 03:32 zulu_nation8 wrote: or you can just not level anything until you have to
Like I already said...post 1:40 invade. It's pretty common for teams to invade after wolves already spawn and catch you transitioning to blue.
On November 06 2012 03:33 zulu_nation8 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2012 02:35 Sufficiency wrote: Scip:
Should there be mentions that a mid-laner with strong early game strongly complements Amumu, whose 1-5 is really sad? his pre 6 is better than a lot of junglers
Yeah - just is level 1 is weak. Once he gets to 3 he does decently with all the burst from Q+auto(passive)+E, and sustained damage from W/E.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
well, post 1:40 invade so you kill wolves, go to your blue, boom they kill your teammates and you barely escape so you naturally go to your red buff, which you can do better with W than with E. After that you get lvl2 so it doesn't matter past that point.
We're not really having a discussion here. Both sides are just posting their opinions and assuming the other side is dumb and wrong. I'm going to withdraw from the discussion because nobody's going to change any opinions regardless of who's right, and to be honest I'm not sure who is on the w/e discussion but if your only metric is the speed you can clear the jungle fastest with then I think we care about different things. I'm an aggressive jungler and laner and I like to put pressure on my opponents as much as possible without overextending too much. I camp top lane hard as jungle on any jungler and play gank-heavy styles. My idea of good jungling is snowballing top lane really hard because I used to main top lane and I know how easy it is to lose a game if you don't set yourself back super hard when you're getting camped. I play eweq or eqew depending on if i'm ganking at level 2 or 4, while you guys play weqe or weeq depending if you're ganking at 3 or 4. My path if i'm not ganking is wolf blue wraith wolf red wraith evaluate because it's the most efficient way to get to 4 without ganking or getting a smiteless blue. Sometimes I gank at level 2 with eq after blue if I think it'll help top win lane with relatively little consequence. My runes are Flat AP/mpen/armor/scaling AP and I run 0/21/9. My win rate in solo queue is 65%. I max q after 2 points in e and I auto-attack when I gank because I'm confident in my bandage tosses. I get sunfire/abyssal if I'm ahead because I enjoy snowballing games.
I'll leave it at that, because I'm not writing the guide. Just for the record, I think you're all quite intelligent and I admire the effort you're putting in. I think we just clash on personality issues because this is the internet and ego gets in the way.
On November 06 2012 02:52 Scip wrote: without leash W is about 2-3 seconds faster on red buff, so it should be same for blue buff. With any leash at all W is better because E loses damage when you aren't attacked. So W is better. You don't really change your build depending on if midlaner gets blue or not, you go philostone into aegis/shurelyas anyway, you do play a bit different simply because you can clear jungle a tiny bit faster because you can spiderman into camps so you have more time to do funky stuff like ganking but that's kinda it. it's not deal breaking or a game changer in a big way no.
That doesn't really make sense to me. Once your first blue wears off, my biggest concern is mana regen (so i can actually farm jungles/lanes without backing all the time, let alone have enough juice left to fight) and my biggest offensive concern is CDR. hogging the blue buff all to yourself means that you have 20% CDR and effectively infinite mana whenever it's up, which is maximum 3 minute out of every 5 minutes. This doesn't effect how you play/item build at all?
If you get blues you can get ninja tabi dolans shield aegis into frozen heart and tower dive shit all day
pretty glorious
also 5hitcombo lol about egos and personalities clashing I'm pretty sure the points i made as to why I don't like level 2 ganking are all valid and who cares about anything else
I tested more haunting guise, don't like it really, amumu isn't really as bursty assasinny as malphite is with his ult I find being tanky seems to be better. Abyssal is still probably worth it a lot of the time it's a team aura as well but I'm probably going to go back to shurelya aegis frozen heart sorcs or mercs or tabi with a negatron in there somewhere.
Malphite with sorcs chalice haunting guise into abyssal is actually a good build against certain laners (vlad and shit) and when you hit level 16 you have retarded burst that why I was trying it on amumu.
Also the current jungle is a fucking joke xp/gold wise. Like an hour ago I was 8/0 on amumu at around 20 mins or something and I was just about to hit level 10 and both mid laners were level 12 and both died more than once. What the fuck? At least if your laners die you can farm their lane and get hella xp but right now if your laners are doing good you just get shit for xp (especially if your mid laner wants wraiths and blue, and bot lane takes golems and red, good luck farming wolves from level 9 onwards)
On November 06 2012 09:53 Slayer91 wrote: If you get blues you can get ninja tabi dolans shield aegis into frozen heart and tower dive shit all day
pretty glorious
also 5hitcombo lol about egos and personalities clashing I'm pretty sure the points i made as to why I don't like level 2 ganking are all valid and who cares about anything else
I tested more haunting guise, don't like it really, amumu isn't really as bursty assasinny as malphite is with his ult I find being tanky seems to be better. Abyssal is still probably worth it a lot of the time it's a team aura as well but I'm probably going to go back to shurelya aegis frozen heart sorcs or mercs or tabi with a negatron in there somewhere.
Malphite with sorcs chalice haunting guise into abyssal is actually a good build against certain laners (vlad and shit) and when you hit level 16 you have retarded burst that why I was trying it on amumu.
Also the current jungle is a fucking joke xp/gold wise. Like an hour ago I was 8/0 on amumu at around 20 mins or something and I was just about to hit level 10 and both mid laners were level 12 and both died more than once. What the fuck? At least if your laners die you can farm their lane and get hella xp but right now if your laners are doing good you just get shit for xp (especially if your mid laner wants wraiths and blue, and bot lane takes golems and red, good luck farming wolves from level 9 onwards) 5hatcombo* also dolans shield is the greatest thing ive ever seen
I started calling them all dolans now and my enjoyment of LoL has gone up by like 40% and when people complain about my double dolans shield builds top lane for example im just like gooby pls
also in season 2 5hit played 26 amumu games scipaeus121212 played 100 just sayin~
He was my top played behind cho in S1 as well with about 150 games i think
(totally lied, my recall is off, i only had 73 ranked games with him s1)
Also I've been playing this game since beta as primarily a jungle main and I considered amumu as my second or third main jungler throughout
The point where I was top 200 on NA ladder I mained amumu and chogath
Anyway for purposes of a guide W first or E first isn't a big deal. W is generally more standard and easier for new Amumu players (which, after all, is the purpose of a guide). A few more comments about the guide:
-One of the most common mistakes I see with new junglers is that they initiate with their gap closer when it's not necessary. I'm sure we've all seen the Lee that camps a lane for 30 secs, finally goes in, and misses his Q and leaves. Probably worth commenting that you want to just walk up from behind and just beat up the guy whenever possible, and bandage when they blow their flash/escape.
-I know it's obvious, but the reason Amumu is feared is because of his ult. I would just make that more clear in the guide. It's one of the most game changing abilities in the game, and also has one of the longest cds.
+ Show Spoiler + Small grammar nitpick - "CCing the enemy isn't very useful when only you *and the* support are still alive."