We definitely heard your feedback and we agree that Adepts warping-in during the early game using Warp Prisms against Terran in the current state is probably too much.
We definitely heard your feedback and we agree that Adepts warping-in during the early game using Warp Prisms against Terran in the current state is probably too much.
Probably?!! you think guys?!! The problem with this game that the development team never really admits they make shitty decisions sometimes .. and rather than fixing the problem directly, they have to keep dancing around the real answer for the problem for a few patches until they finally fix the darn thing! for me it's frustrating to keep hoping they actually would listen to the community and level up to the expectations of the fans of this game .. I have endured it throughout WoLs ridiculous phases .. throughout HoTS craziness and I will NOT go through that again .. I have beta access since forever and at the moment I won't open it even if they gave me money for it .. I'm fine with my HoTS at the moment .. I will NOT buy this game or encourage anyone to buy it unless I feel they will be welling to admit they missed up and that they are seriously committed to fixing it right no matter how huge or small the change needed is .. I know for sure I mean nothing to them or compared to the whole fan base .. but still it's my final decision till I feel some improvement there ..