Note: This is not a beta key, it is simply access to Vs. AI and a Unit Tester. I have no idea how cool with this Blizzard is or is not, use at your own risk.
On April 02 2015 08:32 FASSW wrote: I feel like nydus zvp in their base and just rush it is incredibly strong. Done it a few times now and it never failed.
Also ravangers are extremely strong same with disruptors in armé comps or just for harass if ur mechanics is at least decent.
u can also nydus fake in their base and hit their 3rd, its hard for protoss to know how many units they have to send back
does anyone know how much range irradiate (viper) has? cus im wondering how protoss is supposed to counter muta + viper play if vipers are able to shutdown mass phoenixs w/ range. gate unit/storm comps aren't really viable against muta styles.
Hey I just got my beta. For those of you that got it, why do i keep getting "version mismatch. please wait until the game is updated for your region" message?
On April 02 2015 01:29 BisuDagger wrote: Having a fun time so far, but lag is killing me in large battles. I don't have this problem in HoTS.
Latency or FPS?
can you (or someone else in beta) take a benchmark btw? FPS is unimportant, but it should show what they've done with the tick rate of the engine since they changed the time around.
Previously we played with 16hz tick rate on normal speed, but it was accelerated to around 22hz on Fastest - since we're now always playing on "normal" speed and especially more worryingly since people are reporting performance degradation, i've been wondering what they did with it but nobody to take a bench for me
free download
FPS tab, it lets you set a hotkey for benchmarking. Should set it to stop benchmark after 10 seconds, and make sure "Frametimes" is checked
when you press benchmark hotkey, the FPS overlay will turn red(?) and then dissapear until the benchmark is done, you only have to press it once
any random 10 seconds from the midgame of a replay should work fine
On April 02 2015 10:00 PatchToss wrote: Hey I just got my beta. For those of you that got it, why do i keep getting "version mismatch. please wait until the game is updated for your region" message?
You should completely shut down the game and the bnet launcher, restart your PC if it's still not shut down correctly - then open bnet launcher, change sc2 region to LOTV beta, let it patch to 100% complete, launch the game, set region to lotv beta one and it should work AFAIK
Part of that No-beta club I'm beyond hyped and want to play it so bad. I've been stuck with 1v1 AI for hours lol. Streams have been entertaining so far though.
On April 02 2015 00:52 Spiller wrote: Rotterdam just showed off the new Carriers, and they do insane DPS. The terran had quite a few vikings, and he had 6-8 carriers (I'm not sure if it would have been enough vikings to kill the old carriers, I think so but its hard to tell when the vikings clump up) and the carriers absolutely smashed everything the terran had without losing much at all. Obviously the problem is still getting to that point, and this terran wasn't as prepared for them as he could be, but they look very strong and the increased movement speed helps a lot as well.
The build time is only 90. You can get 3 carriers on 2 base just as zerg start building hydras. And if they actually build ravagers they will lose a base because the ability's anti air is too slow even for carriers.
what if they play properly and transition into muta? roach pressure into proxy spire crushes that style
If Z does a roach rush Carrier wont come in time and a straight BO loss that much is true. However even if you rush 2 base super fast muta wih zero roaches built you cannot bring down 3 carriers.
On April 02 2015 09:51 TT1 wrote: does anyone know how much range irradiate (viper) has? cus im wondering how protoss is supposed to counter muta + viper play if vipers are able to shutdown mass phoenixs w/ range. gate unit/storm comps aren't really viable against muta styles.
You should stop a.) theorycrafting so hard and b.) bitching so much. You've been nonstop complaining about all the "troubles of Protoss" for the past few days and no one wants to hear it.
On April 02 2015 12:39 Hier wrote: This pathetic Adept thing is so forced. I don't think anybody would miss it if it were just removed.
It can actually be useful. Protoss lacks a good ground unit vs mutalisks. Adept should fill that role. If not, then make stalkers better.
even if they could attack air their attack speed is way too slow for them to to do any significant damge
Then buff it. We have 9 months of beta left. There's no use complaining of numbers "even if" when there's nothing stopping a 25% ROF buff and ability to shoot up coming with first patch - that's not implausible at all