[Patch 4.5] Rune Rework General Discussion - Page 61
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Canada5009 Posts
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France45622 Posts
The spell has some kind of weird detection where it goes to a unit near your cursor if you click on empty space... 'cept it also works when you actually click something. I often find myself landing on another minion, or even a ward rather than the enemy I clicked on, and he survives with less HP than Q's damage. That's... pretty infuriating. It makes it impossible to Q a champ to engage him in a minion wave for example, and it removes a bunch of damage from your trades early on. Also makes it unreliable to try and WQ people to burst them. | ||
Canada454 Posts
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1594 Posts
i'm not aware of any sticky targeting in league, and a quick search on the jax leap strike detection issue reveals no similar reports, nor have i seen it occur while playing jax myself | ||
Canada23833 Posts
Suing them brb. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
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1594 Posts
'Let’s be honest, diamond and challenger level players don’t build the same way every game.' dirty dirty lies | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On April 12 2014 06:33 Kyrie wrote: from lolbuilder about page 'Let’s be honest, diamond and challenger level players don’t build the same way every game.' dirty dirty lies Darian DCAP on Shyvana must be a top build, lol. 100% win rate. | ||
United States1945 Posts
anyone have any tips on using xin zhao's ultimate? it doesn't seem the easiest skill to use intuitively because of the passive interaction. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On April 12 2014 07:03 Sufficiency wrote: I do think hybrid pen runes are good on Shyvana. Not 100% sure on guise though. Screw guise, need liandries for maximum burn. And zhonyas for golden flying dragon swag points. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On April 12 2014 07:06 wei2coolman wrote: Screw guise, need liandries for maximum burn. And zhonyas for golden flying dragon swag points. Give this guy a PhD. | ||
France45622 Posts
The fuck Riot. I've also been having some weird delay this evening (try playing Orianna when your spells never cast at max range, and if you input W or R less than ~0.75s after a Q it's ignored), despite 0 ping issues, but I assume that's just EUW getting randomly fucked a friday evening. | ||
United States1945 Posts
On April 12 2014 07:34 Alaric wrote: So as Leona I stun WW. He's in ult range of Fiddle. Then, during my stun, he ults Fiddle, and gets the full channel. While stunned. The fuck Riot. it's payback for all the times people are sure they flashed your leona E only to have you follow them like 1500 units. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
I think guise/sorc boots has merit on shyvana if you get fed tbh. or as a last item. adds so much extra damage to her when shes sitting on top of you eating your face | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On April 12 2014 08:20 arb wrote: I think guise/sorc boots has merit on shyvana if you get fed tbh. or as a last item. adds so much extra damage to her when shes sitting on top of you eating your face This is my issue with item analysis (like what that website I linked gives). Often, when you are ahead, your itemization choices do not matter - for example, I only build Liandry's on Amumu when I am ahead so I almost always win when I build this item. It gives very little indication that Liandry's is good on Amumu. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On April 12 2014 08:26 Sufficiency wrote: This is my issue with item analysis (like what that website I linked gives). Often, when you are ahead, your itemization choices do not matter - for example, I only build Liandry's on Amumu when I am ahead so I almost always win when I build this item. It gives very little indication that Liandry's is good on Amumu. As a last item I dont think its that bad either honestly. But i can see how its hard to chart out tho. | ||
France45622 Posts
It's just soloQ, where most people are dumb, afflicted with tunnel vision, have no coordination whatsoever and even less often the slightest grasp of drafting and how compositions work. People have no idea how to play against Yi to begin with, it's just he kills people faster when they try to 1v1 him or refuse to hold any hard cc against him because of Flare's on-hit. But he's not really killing anyone he wouldn't kill with Wriggle's, save for maybe some duelists—who are still dumb to try and duel him anyway so it doesn't change much. I mean, sure, he's having success. But I'm not seeing what the fuss is about, I've seen him in 5 games so far, and in each one of them it's people being normal stupid for soloQ and not Yi doing especially well. They'd lose the same way against Kha'Zix or Elise. Also that delay definitely makes it impossible to play Orianna. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
I don’t think the item has made him grossly overpowered. But he is certainly more annoying than before. | ||
United States15065 Posts
On April 12 2014 08:26 Sufficiency wrote: This is my issue with item analysis (like what that website I linked gives). Often, when you are ahead, your itemization choices do not matter - for example, I only build Liandry's on Amumu when I am ahead so I almost always win when I build this item. It gives very little indication that Liandry's is good on Amumu. And on the flipside, an item that's only good when you're ahead may be indicative of a "bad" build when champions build it when they're not ahead and lose because of that. It's not that the build is bad, it's that it's being used incorrectly. I also really dislike looking at diamond/challenger players builds because much of the time they build in ways that are not optimal. I'm not saying they have stupid/bad builds, but often times they build ways that are good but could be better. You shouldn't be assuming that what they're doing is the best way to do something purely because of their league. Like for example, the Feast mastery. Anybody who's going offense as top/mid/adc and not taking this mastery should be drawn and quartered. It's overpowered as all fuck. And yet lots of people don't take it. | ||
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