On March 20 2014 05:06 Slayer91 wrote: No, you just have to not get greedy and don't get harassed much, so that diving is pretty hard. Diving only has a chance if the opponent is low hp, pantheon can block a couple shots but even still running around tower with W on one guy makes things really hard, if your jungler comes at that point its a guaranteed double kill.
Nasus also needs armour quints and cloth armour start obviously and most people are probably doing terrible things like lifesteal quints and doran shield start
You can safely assume unless someone mains top he doesn't own armor quints let alone a page with them.
On March 20 2014 09:38 Dan HH wrote: I know it's insignificant but I have a pet peeve regarding Riot's naming practices, why not just call it Galaxy Rumble, why does everything need to be SUPER MEGA INFERNO DEATH GIGA [noun]
Because this specific skin is literally meant to be completely over the top. He even shouts out the names of his attacks as he uses them.
I know people mentioned the new Frost Queen's Claim was pretty good, but hoooly crap the gold generation. Made me 1700 gold by the end of the game. Also the catches with the active are fun. I can play Sona again! Yay.
On March 20 2014 05:06 Slayer91 wrote: No, you just have to not get greedy and don't get harassed much, so that diving is pretty hard. Diving only has a chance if the opponent is low hp, pantheon can block a couple shots but even still running around tower with W on one guy makes things really hard, if your jungler comes at that point its a guaranteed double kill.
Nasus also needs armour quints and cloth armour start obviously and most people are probably doing terrible things like lifesteal quints and doran shield start
You can safely assume unless someone mains top he doesn't own armor quints let alone a page with them.
My preseason mantaric all armour runepage disagrees.
Has anyone had a chance to properly try out the new kassadin? The only place I managed to get to play him was blind pick normals, I could carry/snowball pretty easily and still burst people down, but my normal mmr is a ton lower then my ranked so it probably doesn't count for much.
lvl 2 and 3 riftwalk just have stupidly low cooldowns, especially if you itemise some cdr somewhere into your build. And his "burst combo" is still pretty good, with a 2.1-2.4 ap ratio depending on how many autos you get off. Rift walking in, e aa w q and rift walking and you can do it in like 1.5s lategame, and he can then do it again 4s after that (it even gives mana back.). At least in the few games I tried it felt like a small enough window to get in, burst, and escape if their team isn't tightly stacked, or doesn't have any instant/targetted stuns. And he's literally impossible to catch in longer chases.
Just getting like rod, archangels, and ap/cdr after that and you still do decent damage, are fairly tanky, and can basically run rings around anyone in a teamfight. It's also great fun to be fighting in jungle/near walls, as they basically can't keep you off their adc/squishies, as you'll just keep bouncing all over the place :D
His early game is total shit though, has anyone actually managed to try him in a proper/semi-competitive environment yet?
Really, they just need to get rid of the garish astronautilus orange theme and use red or blue (if they want to avoid being a total ripoff and dropping both).
The ult needs to have more obvious drills on the ground and I'd be fine with it, but I'd like to make a request for a recall animation that consists of him putting the mech drill arm in the air and having the drill get bigger and bigger and bigger till its the only thing you can see.
On March 20 2014 10:58 cLutZ wrote: The Doran shield nerf just made Mundo almost unplayable and made banning Renekton paramount to have an interesting toplane.