[Patch 4.4] CUDDLY INCOMING! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ - Page 37
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United States33802 Posts
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Canada1875 Posts
On March 21 2014 05:22 VayneAuthority wrote: she would be bonkers broken if she had more physical damage skills, even these buffs look pretty scary. not like she is garbage tier atm just has no escape. still does nutso damage. I dont really like mf buffs because it just breeds more caitlyn picks which the game does not need atm. would like if they buffed champs that like actually need it and could bring something to the game. MF doesn't really bring anything interesting or relevant even if she is viable besides being yet another lane bully that you have to pick cait vs. yawn lol @ that panth pic btw, can't say ill miss him Cait, from my experience, isn't even that big a deal. Feels like a skill match up in my games (I main MF). Auto-Q-Auto on Cait will generally outrade if you avoid taking Headshots. Hardest matchups I have as MF are against Tristana and Draven, and I think Lucian... Though I don't see him very often these days. All I know is I'm going to have a ton of fun playing ADC if these buffs go through, I feel stronk as it is on MF when it comes to dealing damage. | ||
France45622 Posts
His level 1 ult also suddenly became pretty shit for laning Panth because 2k range is enough to lane gank but far too little to roam effectively from mid, let alone a sidelane. | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
#freeNautilus #freeMaokai #S4blows | ||
United States23745 Posts
On March 21 2014 05:28 Requizen wrote: Actually, I'd be ok with them nerfing the range that badly if they compensated by removing the channel time or buffing it in some other way (stunning within the landing zone or something). As is it's shit, tho. But but but they lowered the CD! Edit: Nerfing the popular Jungle champs sequentially is getting pretty annoying though. I don't mind the current state of the Jungle, but if they just keep nerfing them one by one it's gonna get stupid. Wukong even more of a priority pick I guess. | ||
United States12679 Posts
It's not even good to use to get back in lane since you can walk that distance almost as fast as the channel time PLUS level 1 ult costs almost half your mana pool at level 6. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On March 21 2014 05:33 onlywonderboy wrote: But but but they lowered the CD! Edit: Nerfing the popular Jungle champs sequentially is getting pretty annoying though. I don't mind the current state of the Jungle, but if they just keep nerfing them one by one it's gonna get stupid. Wukong even more of a priority pick I guess. That's just how Riot approaches their balance. nerf what's popular without thinking how it creates a rotation of what's op'd. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
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United States18466 Posts
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Canada5009 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On March 21 2014 05:40 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: We need RiotKetara to explain how this is a brilliant change. The change for Pantheon W trades some of his early game for a much stronger late game since Pantheon is too strong early and falls off very hard late. | ||
United States1896 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
On March 21 2014 05:28 Requizen wrote: Actually, I'd be ok with them nerfing the range that badly if they compensated by removing the channel time or buffing it in some other way (stunning within the landing zone or something). As is it's shit, tho. They HAVE to remove the channel otherwise it's a completely worthless skill. Maybe that's what they want. So you don't level ulti until 14/15/16. | ||
France45622 Posts
Either helping peeling for his carries (HSS stacks BC fast and provides a lot of damage, W is still a point'n'click stun) or being part of an extremely offensive line-up to cover up his inability to frontline lets him stay relevant. And it's not "some" early game, it reduces his ability to burst people down a lot because 0.5s won't keep them in place (heck, it'll even feel shorter because Panth stuns on contact, not when he reaches the ground). He'll still have his harass, but his all-ins and such would get a lot weaker in lane... and he needs them. Obviously if you try to dive or assassinate late game you're in for a bad surprise. His splitpushing is somewhat decent too depending on the enemy team (he's a good duelists, but he'll get wrecked by most good splitpushers). | ||
South Africa35471 Posts
On March 21 2014 05:51 xes wrote: The change for Pantheon W trades some of his early game for a much stronger late game since Pantheon is too strong early and falls off very hard late. I don't see how it makes his late game that much stronger or how pantheon falls off late. He does huge amounts of damage late game and you just have to change your playstyle from jumping in there constantly to playing more on the outskirts of a fight. Panth late game is actually good. Having a slightly longer stun at max rank doesn't really make him that much stronger late game. | ||
United States60033 Posts
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1594 Posts
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Canada5009 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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