[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 62
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United States2405 Posts
On December 19 2013 02:45 NotYango wrote: Silence always blocks items in LoL though. Otherwise people would have been buying Mikael's on mid laners like I was saying ages ago because being able to self-remove Silences against certain heroes would be fucking huge. I assume you mean actives, because afaik silence has never blocked an item's passive, which is what GA's revive is. | ||
United States2548 Posts
On December 19 2013 04:18 BlasiuS wrote: I assume you mean actives, because afaik silence has never blocked an item's passive, which is what GA's revive is. But it's a passive that 'triggers' which is a much smaller subset. Anyway it's clearly a bug, even if an incredibly satisfying excuse for playing the Unicorn more. | ||
United States3721 Posts
Silences block item actives and, interestingly, the summoner spell Flash (but not other summoners). | ||
United States19143 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/12/1218-pbe-update.html Annie: Passive- Obfuscating term on passive stun duration. "for a short duration." R- CD lowerd from 120 to 120/100/80 Eve: E- Damage increased to live values. Nasus: W- Range increased to 600(50% revert from yesterday's nerf) Rengar(RoG only) W - heal scales .8AP of his missing health? Dafug? Riven: Base AD decreased to 51 from 54 AD/level increased to 3 from 2.75 Note: 1.5AD buff at level 18 Minor non-SR item changes. Diana skin did her makeup this morning. TP, potions, and summoner spells got new icons. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
lol. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:21 iCanada wrote: They buffing annie? lol. Unless "a short duration" ends up being less than 1.75 seconds. | ||
United States35091 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [Entropy Changes] + New Icon 3475g => 2700g Build: Phage + BF => Phage + Pickaxe AD 70 => 55 Wouldn't surprise me if they made Annie's stun duration scale with levels. Keeps her endgame the same while cutting some power out of her laning. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:25 onlywonderboy wrote: Unless "a short duration" ends up being less than 1.75 seconds. It probably will but I don't see why tibbers has to be buffed to compensate. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:27 Gahlo wrote: Something that's been odd to me. Riot's been giving Entropy a few changes in the last couple PBE patches. Could we be seeing a ramp up to an SR migration? Wouldn't surprise me if they made Annie's stun duration scale with levels. Keeps her endgame the same while cutting some power out of her laning. They need a 2nd item for Phage now so maybe. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:31 Alaric wrote: Tibbers' downtime going to be pretty damn close to 0 late game. Yeah, it is already pretty close to zero realistically. You have a teamfight, take objectives, then buy... thats pretty well the 120s CD right there. 80s is ridiculously low... Bear always available in teamfights anyway. Even if they nerf the laning, i think the Tibbers CD buff is huge. That means Annie can 1 shot someone before a fight, then have it again during a fight. Especially when you take into account CDR. Speaking of which, it blows my mind that DFG, the burst item, has CDR on it. What a weird design decision. People want it so people can 1shot burst kids, but CDR by its very nature allows people to use more than one combo in a fight. | ||
United States35091 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:43 iCanada wrote: Yeah, it is already pretty close to zero realistically. You have a teamfight, take objectives, then buy... thats pretty well the 120s CD right there. 80s is ridiculously low... Bear always available in teamfights anyway. Even if they nerf the laning, i think the Tibbers CD buff is huge. That means Annie can 1 shot someone before a fight, then have it again during a fight. Especially when you take into account CDR. Speaking of which, it blows my mind that DFG, the burst item, has CDR on it. What a weird design decision. People want it so people can 1shot burst kids, but CDR by its very nature allows people to use more than one combo in a fight. At least they reduced it from 20% -.- | ||
Canada5009 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:38 cLutZ wrote: They need a 2nd item for Phage now so maybe. Why don't they make it build into Frozen Mallet again, as it should. There's basically no reason for them changing the recipe in the first place. | ||
England6749 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:31 Alaric wrote: Tibbers' downtime going to be pretty damn close to 0 late game. all ult cooldowns are already too short. when ultimates are up for every fight, what is the difference between an ultimate and a normal spell? already on live with the 120 sec cd and no early cdr items you only have about 30 seconds of downtime between ults if you back after a tibbers 'all in'. its so boring that ults are just always up. using your ult should be a big investment, almost as important as a summoner. but in most match ups it feels like if they ult, even if you are running away you normally have to ult as well to either stop them diving you or possibly turn the fight around. there is no gameplay or choices in using your ult when its always the correct/required move to use it every fight. it really rustles my jimmies. they could easily add a whole minute to the CD of most ults, and i would be completely happy. | ||
United States35091 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:47 turdburgler wrote: all ult cooldowns are already too short. when ultimates are up for every fight, what is the difference between an ultimate and a normal spell? already on live with the 120 sec cd and no early cdr items you only have about 30 seconds of downtime between ults if you back after a tibbers 'all in'. its so boring that ults are just always up. using your ult should be a big investment, almost as important as a summoner. but in most match ups it feels like if they ult, even if you are running away you normally have to ult as well to either stop them diving you or possibly turn the fight around. there is no gameplay or choices in using your ult when its always the correct/required move to use it every fight. it really rustles my jimmies. they could easily add a whole minute to the CD of most ults, and i would be completely happy. I think Tibbers is viewed differently because it's the ultimate that drops a 3k hp minion that cheats multiple Sunfire auras on himself. | ||
France45622 Posts
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England6749 Posts
On December 19 2013 05:50 Gahlo wrote: I think Tibbers is viewed differently because it's the ultimate that drops a 3k hp minion that cheats multiple Sunfire auras on himself. it doesnt matter to me whether its tibbers or any other ult, or if tibbers is OP or UP. in 6 months time every ult in the game is going to cost 100 mana at all ranks, and be on a 120/100/80 cd or there abouts. its just so dull and the laziest way to balance the game. bot lane is already completely 'toxic' after the first back as it is, you cant poke anyone after 5-6 minutes and adc's are no longer mechanically tested in any form to last hit while under pressure. the only thing that breaks up the lane is when junglers come, and only having interesting gameplay when someone else shows up is so boring. ults being always available combined with life steal being dull as fuck makes bot lane such a repetitive experience imo. thats what i actually enjoy most about top laning. as much as people complain about top lane being snowbally, or an island or whatever, at least your skill feels relevent for more than 5 minutes. you can build a steady advantage because its hard to life steal as melee, you can pressure under tower because meleeing ranged creeps is risky, you can win through all ins, or slow play or whatever. its actually interesting. | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
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