Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
On May 26 2013 17:18 Dusty wrote: Knowing Riot, the new ban system will come with the new client that they're going to unveil at the end of 2013.
(i'm simply taking a guess they will release one by the end of 2013) It would give them the longest time period to clear things up before a season started.
They could always make more supports. Preferably ones without hooks.
Edit: Or they could just say eff it and make 15 supports with hooks so you can't ban them out. I regret saying this, they just might.
I see the reasoning behind what gtrsrs said actually. I think in Dota there are many more champs viable in each position right?
But with that reasoning of league. thats 50 champs for 5x10 roles.
Wheres the other 60?
They basically openly admit to having 50%+ of their champion pools worthless and terrible Technically you should have 15-25 viable champs per role so 10 bans would mean nothin but thats not the case. I think at the very least 8 bans would be good. Dota style or not. Btw dota style is what, 3 bans 2 picks 2 bans 3 picks? Cant remember only played a handful of games. I remember liking it though (the ban order)
I also think that banning 10 champions of the same role would literally NEVER happen.
On May 26 2013 17:33 Capped wrote:I see the reasoning behind what gtrsrs said actually. I think in Dota there are many more champs viable in each position right? But with that reasoning of league. thats 50 champs for 5x10 roles. Wheres the other 60? They basically openly admit to having 50%+ of their champion pools worthless and terrible  Technically you should have 15-25 viable champs per role so 10 bans would mean nothin but thats not the case. Another retort you can make is that you'd need both teams to "collude" with their bans to make those situations happen (while letting all the other OP go through and that'd probably just create a lot of rage so people wouldn't do it—or it'd make people quit the game and kill LoL hue). But, most importantly, with 2-phase bans you'd be able to see it coming if the opposing team focuses its first 2-3-whatever bans at a specific champ pool or role, react to it with your first picks (albeit with limited options) and then be done with it. Riot's argument kinda makes sense in a "worst case scenario" type of thing, but not realistically, and there are means to go around those problems (like, bans in 2 phases).
By the time we get 10 bans we'll have 200 champions so it won't matter.
someone should make a montage of bronze level plays in diamond 1
my last game could probably make a 2 minute long one by itself (we won, but it was bad)
anyone know if there's an online replay repo?
Make it 103 bans and the remaining champs are chosen like blind pick. Fuck it.
bear in mind that i was speaking with rioters that were in non-design, non-balance positions. so they were giving me second-hand explanations that they got from their balance team, and now i'm giving it to you third-hand from them so please don't take my description as an official statement from riot
it's entirely possible that the pick and ban phase will be changed with the onset of more champs, but like i said, i definitely see the logic with their decision for now. i mean hell, i only play like 10 or 11 champs; several junglers, a handful of top laners, and then a single mid/support/adc decently. a lot of pros only play 4 champs competitively. being able to completely ban out a player or role is like the definition of anti-fun haha. "great i either have to play something i've never played before and ruin the game for 9 people or i'm forced to dodge or troll." lose-lose situation
Since when would you know all the champions someone on the other team plays when you can't see their names in solo queue?
Reminds me of Scarra in the promotion series.
I still beloved the whole thing about bans is just an excuse for not balancing the game. If all champions are equally powered we wouldn't need any bans at all.
On May 26 2013 17:51 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Since when would you know all the champions someone on the other team plays when you can't see their names in solo queue? if i'm not mistaken there was some software that checks who is in queue with you
also at higher elos you can also get ghosted
I'm going to be honest, the cinematic was crap.
On May 26 2013 17:47 gtrsrs wrote:bear in mind that i was speaking with rioters that were in non-design, non-balance positions. so they were giving me second-hand explanations that they got from their balance team, and now i'm giving it to you third-hand from them  so please don't take my description as an official statement from riot it's entirely possible that the pick and ban phase will be changed with the onset of more champs, but like i said, i definitely see the logic with their decision for now. i mean hell, i only play like 10 or 11 champs; several junglers, a handful of top laners, and then a single mid/support/adc decently. a lot of pros only play 4 champs competitively. being able to completely ban out a player or role is like the definition of anti-fun haha. "great i either have to play something i've never played before and ruin the game for 9 people or i'm forced to dodge or troll." lose-lose situation
Isnt there the extra option of the pro's actually learning more champions? Naturally it could be said that that would decrease the overall skill people have with the champions as their attentions are spread thinner, but still.... If I go purely from an entertainment perspective it's clear a more varied champion pool that's getting played would be nice, but competetively that's probably not an option. But ideally different champions would perform well in different setups, and there wouldnt just be the 2-3 different sort of champ for a position (say agressive/divey, defensive, all-round or something) and 1 absolutely best at each of those.
I'd personally like to see a tournament go something like bo5 with bans or bo7 without where champs that have been picked/banned cannot be played again in the next match. Would let us see teams with interesting new setups, see some strange champions, and damn, perhaps it'd even let people find out some other champs that are good then the handfull that are being played over and over.
On May 26 2013 17:12 gtrsrs wrote: now obviously, as an advocate for weird innovative shit, i put forward the TL-approved "well they should get better, they should expand their champ pool, they should break the meta" etc etc etc. and that's fine and dandy for a community like ours, full of competitive players who want to improve and innovate. but our community represents a tiny fraction of the league community as a whole and riot's job isn't to cater to hardcore innovators and experimenters. they need to not alienate the bads, the noobs, the real meat and bones of league. we've already seen historically that riot's willing to nerfbat anything that's remotely strong so as to not alienate their largest audience, casual players. in this same manner, they won't open up the possibility of completely banning out an entire position from a casual player
definitely not what i wanted to hear, but i see where they were coming from.
"We don't want to enforce the current meta, but we can't increase the number of bans because support or AD players might get banned out of their role!!"
On May 26 2013 17:47 gtrsrs wrote:bear in mind that i was speaking with rioters that were in non-design, non-balance positions. so they were giving me second-hand explanations that they got from their balance team, and now i'm giving it to you third-hand from them  so please don't take my description as an official statement from riot it's entirely possible that the pick and ban phase will be changed with the onset of more champs, but like i said, i definitely see the logic with their decision for now. i mean hell, i only play like 10 or 11 champs; several junglers, a handful of top laners, and then a single mid/support/adc decently. a lot of pros only play 4 champs competitively. being able to completely ban out a player or role is like the definition of anti-fun haha. "great i either have to play something i've never played before and ruin the game for 9 people or i'm forced to dodge or troll." lose-lose situation
Yeah ofc, im just replying to that as if it's your opinion, not riots. It's valid but there are flaws to it i think.
Say you have 10 bans, but 2 bans / 2 picks / 3 bans / 3 picks. Like someone said earlier you'd be able to see who they were trying to shut down / what role and just pick it at the 2 pick stage. So in a sense, it would work out because your getting 1 pick to shut down their bans and another to pick the OP shizzle of the day.
I guess it wouldnt work with soloQ though, which is the downfall, but having it in 5's and tournaments would work i think, teams could easily theorycraft / practice in scrims + 5's and get their gameplay practice from soloQ
I don't understand why bans should be a crutch. If someone is strong on a champion (Froggen Anivia being #1 example) then I want to see that champion and I believe the onus should be on the enemy team to beat it. Now 3 bans is enough so that it can't be taken to extremes (you can't literally be a 1-champ wonder) and 3 bans is enough to act as a safety net in case someone discovers something totally broken in a tournament. If Madlife has a sick Thresh then the opposing team should be playing a game versus a sick Thresh, not ban it out and move onto his next best champ.
Basically I believe bans should NOT be a part of team strategy to the extent you guys seem to want it. Counterplay should come from your own plan and not from bans. Man up and get good enough at a champion to beat other peoples signature champions.
Its prolly already been discussed but the ghost on the howling abyss does make a broodwar reference when he's like "Battle.. ahh thats the stuff" doesnt he? am i the only one who noticed? ._.
I think they will have to move to an MtG model where only X (100?) champs are available in ranked at a time, and have seasons. I don't see their revenue stream holding up otherwise.
51333 Posts
I dislike the current ban system because at the top level it is always just respect bans and there's no real depth of strategy in the drafting phase. Something like Dota's 2 bans, 3 picks, 3 bans, 2 picks. would be the best, IMO at least.